Bismillah Hir Rahmaan Nir Raheem
Asssalaamu alaykum wa rahmatuallahi wa barakatuhu
Salutations to al-Shabab of Somalia
Posted (Anwar alAwlaki) in Imam Anwar's Blog on December-21-2008

We are following your recent news and it fills our hearts with immense joy. We 
would like to congratulate you for your victories and achievements.
Al-Shabab not only have succeeded in expanding the areas that fall under their 
rule but they have succeeded in implementing the sharia and giving us a living 
example of how we as Muslims should proceed to change our situation. The ballot 
has failed us but the bullet has not.

al-Shabab who are with limited resources in an impoverished country are a 
manifestation of what tawakul on Allah means. We see in them the meaning of 
“And whoever has taqwa, Allah will make a way out for him. And will provide for 
him from where he does not expect.” [al-Talaaq 2-3]

The university of the battlefield that al-Shabab have chosen to study at, which 
is teaching them lessons in honor and steadfastness will prove to be a better 
tarbiyyah method than the Islamic universities run by Green Zone Scholars under 
governments headed by pimps that teach them the fiqh of weakness and 

The university of Somalia will graduate an alumni of judges, administrators, 
enjoiners of good and forbiders of evil, capable and tested leaders, teachers, 
imams, and fighters who are hardened by the field and ready to carry on with no 
fear and hesitation. It will provide its graduates with the hands-on experience 
that the ummah greatly needs for its next stage.

But their success depends on your support. It is the responsibility of the 
ummah to help them with men and money.

Al-Shabab have already started a program of enforcement of law that would bring 
peace and security to the people. They are also applying hudud and fighting 
against innovations that have been around for centuries. We ask Allah to grant 
them success.

I would like to take this opportunity to advise my brothers to be kind and soft 
with the masses; to excuse them for centuries of ignorance and false beliefs; 
to teach first and hold responsible last. I would advise you to go by certainty 
and to leave doubts; to prefer forgiveness over revenge. The masses of the 
people are suffering from the illnesses of tribalism, ignorance, and a campaign 
of defamation of sharia. Therefore you need to win the hearts and minds of the 
people and take them back to their fitrah.

Dear brothers may Allah guide you and grant you victory. Only Allah knows that 
if my circumstances would have allowed I would not have hesitated in joining 
you and being a soldier in your ranks.
Assalamu alaykum
Your Brother
Anwar al-Awlaki

Surah Isra 17 verse 80 Say: "O my Lord! let my entry be by the Gate of Truth 
and Honor and likewise my exit by the Gate of Truth and Honor; and grant me 
from Thy Presence an authority to aid (me)." 

Transliteration :Wa qur rabbi adkhilni mudkhala sidqiw wa akhrijni mukhraja 
sidqiw wa-j'al li mil ladunka sulta_nan nasira_(n).

Al-Tirmidhi HadithHadith 2482 Narrated by AbuHurayrah  (May Allah be pleased 
with him)
Allah's Messenger (peace be upon him) used to say, " O Allah, grant me benefit 
in what Thou hast taught me, teach me what will benefit me, and increase my 
knowledge. Praise be to Allah in all circumstances. I seek refuge in Allah from 
the state of those who go to Hell."
Tirmidhi and Ibn Majah transmitted it, Tirmidhi saying this is a tradition 
whose isnad is gharib.


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