Muslims and Christian Festivals


One of the most widely celebrated festivals in the world, Christmas - the 
annual festival commemorating the 'assumed' birth of Îsa Alayhis Salâm - is the 
most awaited and triumphant day of the Christian calendar. Christmas has become 
more synonymous to great economic activity than to it's religious aspects and 
rituals. This is quite evident from our pre-Christmas economic boom and 
commercial flurry. In Western Countries, the bane of Muslim association and 
companionship with Christians and other Mushrikîn has subsequently resulted in 
a great degree of social and religious integration. The impact of this 
integration is quite evident in our South-African Muslim communities where 
Muslims have fused their Islamic culture with that of the kuffâr. Not only have 
they absorbed the influence of the kuffâr, but they have become overwhelmingly 
pre-disposed to it, resulting in the virtual abandonment of their very own 
pristine and pure culture. Now, unable to
 differentiate between what belongs to them and what belongs to the others, 
they are left baffled at a crossroads - unable to differentiate between right 
and wrong. As a result, they are totally drawn into a downright alien and 
un-Islamic culture grossly unaware of it. Christmas as the word implies is a 
purely Christian festival in total contrast to Islamic culture and norm. 
Nonetheless, many unwary or rather ignorant Muslims support this festival in 
some form or the other - either actively or passively. Supporting the cause of 
kufr in whatever way is a heinous crime and a direct onslaught upon Islam and 
everything it stands for. Similarly, participation in any form of 
Christmas-related activities is a stepping stone to kufr - hence, vehemently 
prohibited. Let us now examine the various anti-Islamic customs with regards to 

Christmas Cards

No doubt Islam teaches us courtesy unto Muslims and non-Muslims alike, but this 
does not mean that our courtesy should stretch beyond the legal boundaries of 
Shariah. Many assert that since the non-Muslims send cards to us on occasions 
of Eid, we, on grounds of courtesy are compelled to acknowledge this by sending 
cards to them on their festive days. However, this assertion is misfounded and 
totally against the spirit of Islam. We are not compelled to be subservient to 
the "courteous " gesture of others. Islam as a code of life has undoubtedly 
shown us the correct etiquette and manners for every occasion. It teaches us 
every facet of moral behaviour in regard to Muslims and non-Muslims alike. How 
then can we "borrow" the anti-Islamic c haracteristic of our enemies? 
Repeatedly the Qur'ân and Ahadith exhort us to refrain form emulating the 
habits and customs of the Kuffâr - the Jews and Christians in particular. How 
dare we tread the footsteps of our
 arch-rivals in something that is totally abhorred by Islam? A hadith sternly 
cautions us against emulating non-Islamic groups. Rasulullah Sallallahu alaihi 
wasallam warns: "Whomsoever emulates a nation is of them." From this we deduce 
that emulating (tashabbuh) the kuffâr is harâm (totally prohibited) in regards 
to religious and social habits which are confined to them only.

Another evil which is quite common nowadays is the custom of decorating shops, 
offices, etc., with flashing lights, Christmas posters, trees and many other 
forms of decorations. Drawn into this tide of evil, many Muslim shopkeepers 
tend to decorate their shops in the same way as their kuffâr counterparts do, 
little realizing the adverse impact this has on their Iman and Deen. All forms 
of such decorations, whether this is done to enhance the pre-Christmas sales or 
merely as a formality - are not permissible. Besides it being tantamount to 
tashabbuh (emulation of the kuffâr), it is a sheer waste of hard-earned money. 
The squandering of wealth is judged by Islam as a detestable sin indeed. The 
Qur'ân sums up the extravagant in the following stringent statement: "Verily, 
the extravagant are the brothers of the Shaytân." Another verse commands: "Do 
not waste. Verily Allah does not like those who waste." Hence, all forms of 
Christmas decorations are
 totally harâm regardless of the intention. The same rules apply to the actual 
sale of such decoration because the prohibition of anything renders it's sale 
prohibited as well.

Little realizing the unfavourable religious consequences, many parents purchase 
lucky-dips, fireworks, Christmas crackers etc. simply to delight their 
children. We are all aware of the un-Islamic customs the purchase of lucky-dips 
entail. Everything about it is un-Islamic. Besides the factor of emulation of 
the kuffâr which in itself is prohibited, the sale of the lucky-dip is also 
incorrect. The fact that the contents of the box are mysterious, nullifies the 
sale transaction. Subsequently, the sale of the item and the item itself both 
fall against the in junctions and spirit of Islam. Similarly, the sale of 
lucky-dips, fireworks etc. is not permitted and the income derived therefrom 
will be classified as a harâm earning. Another factor which further exacerbates 
this evil is the sheer wastage of hard-earned money which could have been put 
to better use.

With a few months to go before Christmas, preparations to adorn the main 
streets of the city centres will soon be underway. Probably, because many 
Muslims are unaware of the sin involved, they tend to converge on these streets 
at night simply to view the dazzling display of lights. There are many evils 
attached to this. The fact that such displays stem from purely Christian 
customs, it's prohibition is further enhanced. Many Muslims are probably under 
the false notion that since they are not actively involved in it, mere viewing 
will do no harm. The following Hadith will serve as an eye-opener to them. 
Rasulullah Sallallahu alaihi wasallam is reported to have declared: "Whomsoever 
increases the crowd of a nation is of them." Instead of taking your child to 
view the Christmas decorations, take him to places of better interest and to 
places which would benefit him in the future. The article in no way means that 
the Muslim tradesmen should close their doors
 during this period and not take advantage of such a boom. If would be foolish 
on the writer to even imply this. One is at liberty to utilise this period to 
his pecuniary advantage but within the bounds of shariah. However, other 
activities which stem from purely Christian customs are totally prohibited. 

(Excerpt from the An Nasihah - The Advice No. 47)

Published by Madrasah Arabia Islamia - Azaadville - South Africa




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