"As I waited for my luggage I was reminded of Gandhi and his predicament 116 
years ago. The Muslims are the new 'coolies' to be harassed and abused with 
impunity by one and all."
Muslims are the new 'coolies'

Submitted by admin on 16 January 2009 - 10:09pm.

By Mohammed Ayub Khan
It was 1893 and a young Indian lawyer, dressed in an impeccable European dress, 
was travelling first class in a train from Durban to Pretoria in South Africa. 
All was well until the train reached Pietermaritzburg in the province of Natal. 
A European passenger had summoned the railway officials who ordered that the 
young lawyer vacate the compartment since 'coolies' and non-whites were 
supposedly not allowed in first class compartments. When the lawyer protested 
he was pushed out of the train along with his luggage.
The lawyer, who went on to attain fame as the apostle of nonviolence Mahatma 
Gandhi, was forced to stay in a cold waiting room. "It was winter," he later 
wrote in his autobiography, and "the cold was extremely bitter. My over-coat 
was in my luggage, but I did not dare to ask for it lest I should be insulted 
again, so I sat and shivered."
It was exactly how I felt when I was told by Air Canada officials in London's 
Heathrow Airport that I won't be allowed to board my flight to Toronto. I had 
flown in from Mumbai and was to connect to an Air Canada flight. Despite the 
fact that I arrived two hours ahead of departure the airline officials rudely 
told me that the flight has closed and that I might be able to fly in the next 
flight in another three hours. The reason being that because of my first and 
last names they will do a security check. All other passengers who came along 
with me on the flight were given their boarding passes in Mumbai itself and 
zipped through to the aircraft.
I waited in an immensely crowded waiting area with stiff chairs, rude staff, 
and dirty washrooms. As the departure time neared for the next flight I was 
told to board it at the last moment.
When I finally, reached Toronto I was shocked to find that my luggage is 
missing. I was told that it will be delivered to me in the next few days. I 
prayed that it reaches me as it contained several research documents, rare 
photographs, several books, and most of my clothes. The Air Canada call centre 
representatives in India said repeatedly that they are working on locating it 
and still haven't found it. I do not understand why they can't find when all 
checked bags have a computerised number tag on them.
As I waited for my luggage I was reminded of Gandhi and his predicament 116 
years ago. The Muslims are the new 'coolies' to be harassed and abused with 
impunity by one and all. There was only one difference. At least Gandhi had his 
luggage intact with him. I got my bag back after sixteen days of waiting.

With Regards

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