Our great Palestinian negotiators

>From Khalid Amayreh in Ramallah

2 December, 2007

Defending the farcical Annapolis conference,  Palestinian negotiator  Sa'eb 
Ureikat has been indulging in a lot of  verbal theatrics lately.

 In a succession of interviews with  the indisputably pliant Palestinian media, 
the "devil of Jericho," as the late Yasser Arafat used to refer to him,  has 
argued that the Palestinian negotiators are actually  fighting a real battle 
with Israel for the purpose of restoring Palestinian rights.

Other Palestinian negotiators, mostly veterans of  the ill-reputed Oslo era, 
have been making similar  statements, aimed at duping  the Palestinian masses 
into giving  the Annapolis malarkey the benefit of the doubt.

Well, if battle it is,  then  it is amply clear that Palestinian negotiators 
are marching to it almost totally unprepared despite the existence of a 
Negotiations Affairs  Department  (NAD), which is answerable to the PLO, as 
well as   a well-oiled Negotiations Support Unit (NSU)  at which corruption, 
nepotism and cronyism  reign supreme.

 The NSU is  funded and effectively controlled   by the  Adam Smith Institute 
(ASI),  a pro-Israeli right-wing Think-Tank based in London.  ASI runs the NSU 
through a man named Andrew Kuhn, who has the official title of "Senior Policy 

ASI  defines itself as the  UK's leading innovator of practical market-economic 
policies. For over 25 years it has been a pioneer in the worldwide movement 
towards free markets, public-sector reform, and free trade.

The Institute's main focus is on reforming governments and state enterprises in 
order to promote choice, competition, enterprise, and user-focus. It works 
through research, reports, conferences, advice, and media debate.

 As to how this institute can be  entrusted with formulating recommendations  
on how  Palestinian negotiators ought to deal with final status issues remains 
a mystery, at least to this writer.

Since 1999, the NSU has received tens of millions of dollars  from European 
donors, including UK, which pays the lion's share, Norway, The Netherlands and 

However, there is a shroud of secrecy surrounding NSU activities and especially 
with regard to its financial transparency and undeclared international 
connections. Inside sources have intimated that some of the NSU executives 
receive hefty salaries reaching $15,000 per month, in addition to other 
unspecified perks.

According to the sources, the NSU, which is closely monitored by ASI,  is 
instructed to have no contacts with Palestinians who reject the Oslo Accords or 
 are affiliated with organizations such as Hamas. NSU is also advised by the 
donors to shun Palestinians and others who "hold  maximalist attitudes toward 
Israel and  on core issues such as 'the right of return' and Jerusalem.

The NSU  is also instructed to refrain from giving  legal advice to the NAD and 
Palestinian negotiators if such an advice  is incompatible with the letter and 
spirit of the Oslo Accords and subsequent  bilateral agreements between Israel 
and the Palestinian Authority.

For example, the NSU  recommended that the opening negotiating position adopted 
by the PA start with the demand that Israel should withdraw to the fourth of 
June, 1967, with the possibility of a land swap not exceeding 5% of the total 
area of the West Bank.

I really don't understand why the PA allows a foreign-funded body to have an 
influence on a matter so paramount as the negotiations with Israel. Aren't 
there competent Palestinian experts to do the job? Can't the PA itself have an 
independent Palestinian "negotiations support unit"?

I recently spoke with Prof. Ali Jerbawi, Political Science Professor at Beir 
Zeit University and asked him why Palestinian negotiators had decided to make 
the Israeli withdrawal to the 1967 borders and the resolution of  the refugee 
plight pursuant UN resolution 194,  the maximum ceiling of their demands?

Jerbawi laughed and then said the following: "Because they are stupid, because 
they are ignorant, because they don't understand the basics of negotiations. 
Even my grandmother understood that in order to have a reasonable price for 
one's  commodity, one had to demand first the highest possible price in order 
to finally get the wanted  price."

"They should have made the 1947- partition resolution, not UN resolutions 242 
and 338.  their opening negotiating position. After all, if negotiations are to 
be conducted pursuant international law, then Palestinian  negotiators should 
remind Israel and the world that the 1967 borders  were actually and still are  
 military armistice lines, not de jure borders."

Jerbawi is right and to the point.  The Armistice agreements of 1949  allowed 
Israel to gain 77% of the total land of mandatory  Palestine.  These agreements 
gave Israel the right to occupy  22% of Palestine more than the area allotted  
to the Jewish state by the Partition Resolution no. 181 of 1947.

More to the point,  it was clear that the armistice agreements were dictated 
exclusively by military, not political,  considerations. This means that Israel 
had no legal right to possess the territories occupied during the 1948 
hostilities beyond the lines specified in the Partition Resolution.

In other words, the only de-jure and legal  boundaries  Israel has ever had are 
those which were specified in the  Partition Resolution, and that Israel's   
pre-1967 borders  are no more than de facto boundaries.

Hence, the  armistice line of 1949  in no way created a new de jure borders  to 
which one could attribute prerogatives of sovereignty.

Interestingly, this view was unambiguously stipulated  in the Armistice 
Agreement itself in Article II, par. 2, which states: It is also recognized 
that no provision of this agreement shall in any way prejudice the rights, 
claims and positions of either party hereto.

Similarly, Article VI, par. 9 states: The Armistice Demarcation Lines defined 
in Articles V and VI of this agreement are agreed upon by the Parties without 
prejudice to future territorial settlements or boundary lines or to claims of 
either party relating thereto."

In light of the above-mentioned, it wouldn't be unacceptable for Palestinian 
negotiators to demand or indeed insist  that Israel withdraw to the partition 
lines of 1947. Indeed, the opposite is true,  as such an insistence, or at 
least an opening negotiating position, is perfectly compatible with the letter 
and spirit of  pertinent UN resolutions.

There is no doubt that the current Palestinian negotiating strategy is a 
gigantic disaster in every conceivable aspect.

The reason for that is clear.  The   PA, if it continues the present course,  
will eventually come under intense pressure to be flexible, by  retreating from 
the starting negotiating stand, e.g. accepting less than a total Israeli 
withdrawal from the West Bank, Gaza Strip and especially East Jerusalem.

In so doing, the PA wouldn't only compromise the Palestinian national constants 
it routinely but mendaciously claims to uphold, but would  effectively succumb 
to  the Israeli view that the territories occupied in 1967 are actually 
disputed rather than occupied territories.

This is a real disaster that should have been rectified a long time ago. 
However, because of the rampant  corruption permeating  throughout  the PA, the 
same scandalous flaws characterizing the failed Oslo process have basically 
remained unchanged, and in some cases even exacerbated.

I know that military commanders shouldn't be dismissed  in the midst of 
'battle.' However, in the Palestinian case,  it is absolutely certain  that 
entrusting strategic negotiations with a covetous Israel  to the same old 
failed faces  will lead to even  a greater disaster.

The barren Oslo years should have taught us many lessons in  how to handle 
Israeli prevarications and deceitfulness. However,  the dismal performance of 
PA negotiators shows that they have learned next to nothing.


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