
Please bring our troops home from the 122 degree heat in Iraq.

Please consider sending their Commander in Chief someplace even hotter to
even things out.

Thank you!

>   Prayer request
>     Thanks for joining in and passing it on.
> 7-Day Forecast for Baghdad,Iraq
> Fri
> Sat
> Sun
> Mon
> Tue
> Wed
> Thu
> 115ºF
>  89ºF
> 117ºF
>  89ºF
> 120ºF
>  90ºF
> 122ºF
>  91ºF
> 122ºF
>  92ºF
> 121ºF
>  95ºF
> 120ºF
>  95ºF
> Prayer request .
> According to the weather reports, it is our understanding that it is 122
> degrees in Iraq right now -- and the low will be 111! Our troops need our
> prayers for strength, endurance, and safety.. If it be God's will, give
> these men and women the strength they need to prevail.
>  I am not breaking this one.....Let us pray.
> Prayer chain for our Military..please don't break it...
> Please send this on after a short prayer.
> *
> Prayer*
> *
> 'Lord, please hold our troops in your loving hands. Protect them as they
> protect us. Bless them and their families for the selfless acts they perform
> for us in our time of need. Amen.'*
> Prayer Request: When you receive this, please stop for a moment and say a
> prayer for our troops around the world.
> There is nothing attached... . Just send this to all the people in your
> address book. Do not let it stop with you, please....Of all the gifts you
> could give a US Soldier, Sailor, Airman, Marine & others deployed in harm's
> way, Prayer is the very best one!

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