Bismillah, As Salaam Alaikum - FYI 

I pray of Allah to Bless our Houston Masjid of Al-Islam with the Best Recovery 

Peace,Curtis Sharif

Houston, Texas

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--- On Tue, 9/23/08, [EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


Subject: Request for Help - Houston Masjid of Al-Islam damaged by Ike


Date: Tuesday, September 23, 2008, 11:52 AM


P.O. BOX 14819 

HOUSTON, TEXAS 77221-4819 





Dear Believer, 


During the early morning hours on Saturday, September 13, 2008, Hurricane Ike 
roared through the Houston area damaging and destroying property from Galveston 
to the Houston Metropolitan area. The storm’s destructive force did
not discriminate and impacted all in its path including the Houston
Muslim community. 


The Houston Masjid of Al-Islam, the oldest Masjid in the Houston
area was rendered unusable as a result of Hurricane Ike. The storm
fractured the back left side of the Masjid’s roof, causing structural
damage that is beyond repair. A building engineer surveyed the Masjid
structures and determined it would be best to demolish the Masjid and
Administrative buildings rather than attempt to repair them. In short,
tear the current Masjid down and build a new Masjid on the same site. 


with every difficulty, there is relief. Verily with every difficulty
there is relief. Therefore, when you are free from your immediate task,
still labor hard, and to your Lord turn (all) your attention. (Holy
Quran, Surah 94: 5-8) 


The Masjid did not have insurance and needs your help in building a new Masjid. 


are asking that you make a financial contribution to help in the
rebuilding of the Masjid. You can do this by sending a donation or
attending a fund-raiser to be held on October 4, 2008 to help raise funds. The 
fund-raiser will be held at the following location: 


                                    Turquoise Center 

                                    (Turkish American Center) 

                                    9301 W. Bellfort Avenue 

                                    Houston, Texas 77031 


The event will begin on Saturday, October 4, 2008 at 7:30 PM. Admission will be 
a $100 donation and all donations will be used to build the new Masjid 


If you or unable to attend the fund raiser feel free to mail your donation to: 


                                    Houston Masjid of Al-Islam 

                                    P.O. Box 14819 

                                    Houston, Texas 77221-4819 



For more information on how you can help and contribute call: 






The following link will take you to pictures of the Masjid with damages 


Password: ramadan08

Thank you in advance, 



Houston Masjid of Al-Islam 





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