*Seeing the Holy Prophet in Dream*

*Adil Salahi, Arab News*


We all see dreams during sleep. Some of us see many, and their dreams are
vivid and colorful. When they wake up they are able to recount their dreams
in full. Other people dream little and they are likely to forget their
dreams the moment they wake up. There is no particular significance in
either situation. It is all due to the make up of each person. *However,
when we see a dream concerning someone who is important to us, or when the
dream is related to something we hold dearly, we are likely to retain that
dream in our memory, even if we belong to the second type of people who
normally forget their dreams on waking up.*

*Since we have been talking in this series of articles about the Prophet
(peace be upon him) and his personality, it is pertinent to ask whether it
is possible to see the Prophet in our dreams. The answer is that this is
quite possible. In fact some of us see him several times in their lives.
They are delighted with the fact, and some of them are ready to report their
seeing the Prophet whenever an occasion arises.*

*A dream involving seeing the Prophet is likely to have a profound effect on
us. Even a person of the type who forgets their dreams on waking up will
remember this dream because of the special position of the Prophet. A friend
of mine once told me that he never remembers his dreams, even though he only
occasionally sees a dream. Nevertheless, he saw the Prophet in a dream once,
many years ago. Yet whenever he wants, he recalls this dream in all its

*This is not surprising, because the Prophet is held so dearly by all
Muslims. They love him and cherish him. Their ultimate wish is to be close
to him on the Day of Judgment. So, when he appears to them in a dream, they
feel such closeness to him to be real. The Prophet has made it clear that
such dreams in which he appears are true. Anas quotes the Prophet as saying:
"Whoever sees me in a dream has actually seen me. Satan cannot appear in my
guise." He also said: "Dreams by a believer count as one part of 46 parts of
prophethood." (Related by Al-Bukhari, Muslim, Abu Dawood, Al-Tirmidhi, Ibn

*In this Hadith, the Prophet makes two points, and he repeats them in other
ways. An authentic Hadith reported by Abu Qatadah quotes the Prophet as
saying: "Whoever sees me in a dream actually sees me in truth." (Related by
Al-Bukhari and Muslim.) A different Hadith reported by Abu Hurayrah quotes
the Prophet as saying: "Whoever sees me in a dream will see me when awake.
Satan cannot put on my appearance." (Related by Al-Bukhari, Muslim,
Al-Tirmidhi and Ibn Majah).*

The first point the Prophet makes in all these Hadiths is that a dream in
which he is seen by anyone is a true dream. This applies whether he is seen
in his real form, which has been described by a number of his companions, or
in a different form. There will always be a clear indication in the dream to
inform the dreaming person that he is seeing the Prophet. Therefore, it is
not necessary that the Prophet would appear to that person in his own figure
and form. Anyway, most people do not know how exactly the Prophet looked.

The Prophet's statement, 'whoever sees me in a dream will see me when
awake," may be interpreted in two ways. It either relates to his
contemporaries telling them that if they see the Prophet in their dreams,
then they would be sure to see him in reality. If any such person lived far
away from Madinah, he would be sure to visit it or see the Prophet in some
other place. Alternatively, it may mean that such a person will inevitably
see the Prophet on the Day of Judgment. This signifies that he or she will
have nothing to fear on that day. Both interpretations may be correct, with
the first one applying during the Prophet's lifetime and the second after he
has passed away. Both add to the meaning that a dream in which the Prophet
figures is a true dream and when any of us sees such a dream, he has truly
seen the Prophet, even though the Prophet appears in that dream in a form
and shape different from what he looked like in reality.

*The second point is that Satan cannot put on a guise that makes him look
like the Prophet, so that he could deceive people and divert them from the
right path. In fact it is God who has willed that Satan cannot look like the
Prophet, even in dreams. Otherwise, people would listen to Satan, thinking
that they were taking orders from the Prophet. This God will not allow.
Therefore, He has willed to deprive Satan of this ability so that he would
never look like the Prophet, not even in people's dreams. Again this is a
special blessing, because if we talk to the Prophet in a dream and he tells
us something, whatever he tells us is correct. It does not constitute any
new teachings, because the divine message he delivered is complete and
nothing can be added to it. Yet the Prophet may give us some guidance, which
will prove to be of real benefit to us. *

Perhaps we should also explain that if one leads a life of piety and
diligence following the Prophet's guidance but does not see the Prophet
throughout his life, this is no indication that he lacks anything. It is no
reflection on his status as a good Muslim. Seeing the Prophet in dream is an
act of God's kindness, which He gives to whomever He wills, but does not add
to the status of that person. Our status is determined by our actions and
the intentions behind them.

*The Prophet's Inheritance*

*Edited by Adil Salahi***



*Recently I read an article in which the writer refers to the plot of land
owned by the Prophet (peace be upon him) in Fadak. According to this
article, this plot was not divided among the Prophet's heirs as per the
Islamic law of inheritance. Since Islamic law applied to the Prophet in his
personal capacity, should not this have taken place and the Prophet's heirs
should have shared the land?*


Generally speaking, what you said about the applicability of Islamic law to
the Prophet is correct. Throughout his lifetime, the Prophet attended to all
duties required of all Muslims and refrained from all prohibitions.

*However, there are certain rules that applied to him only and in which no
other Muslim shared.*

*For example, he was not restricted as to the maximum number of wives he
might marry. God gave him this concession because he needed to use such
marriages for different purposes. Such exceptions are either stated clearly
in the Qur'an, or confirmed in authentic Hadiths. Other rules that applied
to him only included the fact that no Muslim could marry a widow of the
Prophet after his death. This is clearly stated in Verse 53 of Surah 33.*

*While these exceptions applied to the Prophet certain rules applied to him
and to other prophets before him. One of these rules was that when a prophet
died, he was to be buried at the spot where his death occurred. Hence, the
Prophet was buried in Aishah's home.*

With regard to his inheritance, a rule he had explained was brought into
force. When his daughter, Fatimah, requested his inheritance, Abu Bakr told
her that he heard the Prophet say:* "We prophets are not to be inherited.
Whatever property we may leave is left as sadaqah, (i.e. charity)." *Fatimah
accepted that and acted on it. May God be pleased with her. There was no
disagreement between them.

*Recognizing Relatives in the Hereafter*


*I love my parents so much that I cannot imagine life without them. I
learned that people in heaven would be in the shape they had when they were
in the prime of their youth. How could one like me recognize his parents, if
by God's grace we are all in heaven, when children do not see their parents
at that age?*


*May God bless you for being dutiful to your parents. You do not need to
worry about knowing them in the hereafter. If all of you, God willing, are
in heaven, you will be together, because the Prophet says: "A person will be
on the Day of Judgment with the ones he loves." *

The Prophet's companions were especially delighted when they heard this,
because they loved the Prophet better than they loved themselves. This
Hadith meant that they would be with him. Let us all pray that our love for
the Prophet is true and genuine, and that our love for our parents and
families is strong and solid so that we will be together in heaven. *As for
facial recognition, this will not be difficult because God will enable us to
recognize them. As you know, nothing presents any difficulty for God. *

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