The War on Iran: Bush, the emissary of Israel to "moderate Arab leaders" and 
  Dr. Adel Elsaie
  Jan. 16 2007
  Source :
  Does anyone expect peace from George Bush visit to the the Middle East. This 
man is a war maniac, the word "peace" does not exist in his vocabulary. So what 
are the real reasons for his visit:
     Total support of Israel as usual, and ignore all the Palestinian 
legitimate issues: the daily massacres  of Palestinians, illegal settlements, 
Jerusalem,  and Palestinian refugees and prisoners freedom fighters. His main 
concern is  security of Israel from the "home-made" Palestinian rockets 
launched from Gaza. He is confused if George Washington and his troop are 
terrorist or freedom fighters. After Bush  left Israel, there are massacres 
every day of tens of Palestinians. It certainly looks like he have given Israel 
the green light to finish the Palestinians in Gaza, and hurt them very badly in 
the west bank. And what is worst, the 1.5 million Palestinians in Gaza are 
under siege without electricity, food, gas, .... between Israel and Egypt both. 
This is really human tragedy, and Bush, and his puppet leaders in the Middle 
east are responsible. At least Egypt is honest, they have ministry of "war", no 
one knows against what. But Israel has IDF, which is Israeli Defense
 Forces, which should be called Israeli "Destruction" Forces.
     Instigate more fear in the region about Iran and Syria, which are the 
closest unfriendly countries to Israel. Then sell weapons to "moderate" Arab 
countries for $20 billion . Furthermore, Robert Gates, the secretary of 
"Defense" offered the Gulf states to sell them the National Missile defense. 
The US Administration needs billions of dollars to offset a minute fraction of 
the money spent on their adventures in Iraq and Afghanistan.
     Emphasize the danger of Syria and Iran, the biggest supporters of 
Hezbollah, which is the biggest nightmare of Israel. Hezbollah defeated Israel 
in 2006 after a glorious battle that lasted 34 days.
     Bush, Pharaoh of earth, and his "moderate" kings and presidents replace 
the daily terror of Israel with a very far fetched terror that Iran will build  
Atomic bombs, and destroy its neighbors in the Middles east. The average 
citizen does not believe anything coming from the Pharaoh of earth. Bush is 
selling his "vision" of the war on terror as follows: first, secular Arabs 
fight Muslims; second, Sunnis fight Shias. So Israel can enjoy its security on 
the expense of destroying its neighbors. And the best scenario is that these 
neighbors destroy each other.
     Bush, Pharaoh of earth, push for more divisions between Arabic countries. 
During Othman Caliphate, all Arabic countries were 4 states:  Arab Peninsula, 
ElSham (north of Arab Peninsula), Egypt and Sudan, and North Africa. Now they 
are 22 Arabic Countries. If Bush and Israel play their cards right, Iraq will 
be divided into 3 pieces, Palestine will be divided into 2 pieces, Sudan will 
be divided into 4 pieces, and the game is not over yet.
     Support the Arab "moderate leaders" , so they look more International 
leaders. Perhaps, the headlines of the "moderate government" Media , in the 
next weeks and months, will emphasize that Bush listened to the "wisdom and 
vision of the president" to solve all problems on Earth.

  Bush is never sincere with the Muslim world. He will always find puppets who 
are overwhelmed with fading American culture and technology, and who just want 
to keep their seats as long as they live, then give their seats as inheritance.
  Bush can't declare war on Iran, because of Congress and massive global 
opinion. But he can lie about Iran attack on the USA Navy. In this case he does 
not need the congress to approve war, because USA is under attack. Please 
remember all his lies before invading Iraq, and the CIA report that said 
clearly that Iran didn't have nuclear bomb program since 2003.
  Therefore it is no wonder how the Iranian boats "provocation" of the US Navy 
was blown out of proportion by the US Administration and the conservative US 
  The Iranian "provocation" in the straits of Hormuz has set the stage for a 
new "crisis" manufactured wholly by the War Party in USA, the rationale for 
which is uncritically accepted by our passive "mainstream" media. We are 
expected to believe that five minuscule speedboats "threatened" the USS Hopper, 
a destroyer armed with missiles; the cruiser USS Port Royal; and the USS 
Ingraham, a frigate. That's rather like five rats "threaten" a trio of 
elephants.  But that's not all. In addition to intercepting the American 
flotilla, CNN reports the Iranians supposedly issued explicit threats:
  "In one radio transmission, the Iranians told the U.S. Navy: 'I am coming at 
you. You will explode in a couple of minutes,' the U.S. military officials told 
  The Iranians, for their part, say nothing untoward occurred that doesn't 
happen all the time in the Gulf: they simply asked the ships to identify 
themselves, and it was all very routine.
  And what is the story of the white boxes that the speedboats allegedly 
dropped. Can't the USA with its technology find out what are in those boxes?
    This war if it happened, the whole Middle east will be on fire, and Israel 
will be humiliated  badly by Hezbollah.

  The War on Iran: Bush, the emissary of Israel to "moderate Arab leaders" and 
  Dr. Adel Elsaie
  Jan. 16 2007
  Source :

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