Unseen Gaza

Channel 4 Video Report - Broadcast - January 22, 2009

Is what has been presented on our screens and in our papers a true reflection 
of events on the ground in Gaza? And how do these reports differ to those aired 
in other countries?

With reporters unable to enter Gaza, attempted media manipulation from both 
sides and strict regulations governing what images that can be shown on British 
TV, Jon Snow asks a range of journalists from at home and abroad about the 
challenges of getting the full story.

Featuring images that haven't before been aired on mainstream television, Jon 
also examines the difference between the coverage at home and that in the US, 
Europe and the Middle East. He compares the coverage available on terrestrial 
channels with satellite TV and the internet and investigates the extent to 
which some British Muslims are by-passing the mainstream British media and 
looking elsewhere for their information.

To what extent does the choice of news outlet affect opinion of the conflict?
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6

Embedded With Gaza Medics

With Regards

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