Death, Resurrection, Hell
  Say: 'Death, from which you are fleeing, will certainly catch up with you. 
Then you will be returned to the Knower of the Unseen and the 
Visible and He will inform you about what you did.' 
(Surat al-Jumu'ah: 8) 
  Forward By :

  ...He (the denier) reflected and he schemed. Curse him, how he schemed! Again 
curse him, how he schemed! Then he looked. Then he frowned and glowered. Then 
he drew back and was proud. He said, 'This is nothing but magic from the past. 
This is nothing but the words of a mere mortal!' I will roast him in the Fire. 
What will convey to you what the Fire is? It does not spare anyone and it does 
not ease up, ceaselessly scorching the flesh. (Surat al-Muddaththir: 18-29) 
  Deceptions and Facts 
  The place, where disbelievers will remain for all eternity, is specially 
created to give pain to the human body and soul. 
  That is solely because the disbelievers are guilty of great wrong and God's 
justice entails their punishment. Being ungrateful and rebellious to the 
Creator, the One who gives man a soul, is the greatest wrong that can be 
committed in the whole universe. Therefore, in the hereafter there is grievous 
punishment for such a deadly sin. That is the purpose that hell serves. Man is 
created to be a servant of God. If he denies the main purpose of his creation, 
then he surely receives what he deserves. God states the following in one of 
the verses:
  ...those who are too arrogant to serve Me will surely find themselves in Hell 
- in humiliation! (Surat al-Mu'min: 60)
  Since the majority of people will be sent to hell at the end, and punishment 
in it is timeless and eternal, the main aim, the basic goal of people, should 
be to avoid hell. The biggest threat to man is hell and nothing can be more 
important than saving one's soul from it.
  Despite this, almost all people on earth live in a state of unawareness. They 
occupy themselves with other troubles in their daily lives. They work for 
months, years, even decades for insignificant issues, yet never think of the 
biggest threat, the gravest danger to their eternal existence. Hell is right 
next to them; yet, they are too blind to see it:
  Closer and closer to mankind comes their Reckoning: yet they pay no heed and 
turn away. To each renewed Message from their Lord they listen as in jest: 
their hearts are set on pleasure. (Surat al-Anbiya': 1-3)
  Such people engage in vain effort. They spend all their lives chasing after 
chimerical goals. Most of the time, their goals are being promoted in the 
company, marrying, having a "happy family life", earning a lot of money or 
being an advocate of a useless ideology. While doing these things, these people 
are unaware of the big threat ahead of them. One catches the insensitive 
attitude they have towards hell even from their manner of referring to the 
subject. The "ignorant society" composed of such people frequently utter the 
word "hell" without having a thorough grasp of its meaning. Now and then, this 
word becomes the subject of jokes. However, nobody gives as much thought to the 
subject as it deserves. For these people, hell is an imaginary fiction. 
  In fact, hell is more real than this world. The world will cease to exist 
after some time, but hell will remain for all eternity. God, the Creator of the 
universe and the world and all the delicate balances in nature, has likewise 
created the hereafter, paradise and hell. A grievous punishment is promised to 
all disbelievers and hypocrites. 
  Hell, the worst place that can ever be imagined, is a source of the sheerest 
torture. This torture and pain is not similar to any kind of pain in this 
world. It is much more intense than any pain or misery one can ever face in 
this world. It is surely the work of God, the Exalted in Wisdom. 
  A second reality about hell is that, for everyone, this torture is timeless 
and eternal. The majority of people in this ignorant society have a common 
misconception about hell: they assume that they will "serve their sentence" in 
hell for a certain period and then they will be forgiven. This is only wishful 
thinking. This belief is also particularly widespread among those who assume 
themselves believers yet neglect to perform their duties towards God. They 
assume that there is no limit to the extent that they may indulge in worldly 
pleasures. According to the same belief, they will attain paradise after 
receiving temporary punishment in hell. However, the end awaiting them is more 
painful than they expect. Hell is definitely a place of everlasting torment. In 
the Qur'an, it is often stressed that punishment for disbelievers is constant 
and everlasting. The following verse makes this fact explicit: "They will dwell 
therein for ages." (Surat an-Naba': 23)
  The rationale stating: " I will serve my sentence for a while and then I will 
be forgiven" is bigoted thinking indulged in by some to comfort themselves. 
Indeed, God draws attention to this in the Qur'an, the same rationale having 
also been given utterance to by the Jews: 
  They say, 'The Fire will only touch us for a number of days.' Say, 'Have you 
made a contract with God - then God will not break His contract - or are you 
rather saying about God what you do not know?' No indeed! Those who accumulate 
bad actions and are surrounded by their mistakes, are the Companions of the 
Fire, remaining in it timelessly, for ever. (Surat al-Baqarah: 80-81) 
  Being ungrateful and rebellious to the Creator who "gave hearing and sight 
and intelligence and affections" (Surat an-Nahl: 78) certainly deserves 
unceasing suffering. The excuses one puts forward will not save one from hell. 
The verdict given for those who display indifference - or worse, animosity - 
towards the religion of his Creator is certain and invariable:
  When Our Signs are recited to them - Clear Signs - you can detect denial in 
the faces of those who are disbelievers. They all but assault those who recite 
Our Signs to them! Say: 'Shall I inform you of something worse than that? The 
Fire which God has promised those who are disbelievers. What an evil 
destination!' (Surat al-Hajj: 72) 
  Those who remained arrogant to God and harboured enmity towards believers 
will hear the following words on the Day of Judgement: 
  So enter the gates of Hell, to dwell therein. Thus evil indeed is the abode 
of the arrogant. (Surat an-Nahl: 29)
  The most fearsome characteristic of hell is its eternal nature. Once in hell, 
there will be no return. The only reality is hell together with many other 
kinds of torture. Encountering such an eternal torture, a person falls into 
total despair. He has no further expectations. This state is described in the 
Qur'an as follows:
  As for those who are rebellious and wicked, their abode will be the Fire. 
Every time they wish to get away from it, they will be forced into it, and they 
will be told: 'Taste the Penalty of the Fire, which you were wont to reject as 
false.' (Surat as-Sajdah: 20)
  They will want to get out of the Fire but they will not be able to. They will 
have an everlasting punishment. (Surat al-Ma'idah: 37) 
  { Views expressed by writer are their own property }
  Muhammed Shariq Khan
  Lucknow, India
  Catch me on ORKUT


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