As Salamu Alaykum. Just a point to ponder:

Hijab is an Arabic word meaning screen, cover or partition. Otherwise it's 
known as the traditional clothing Muslim women wear including the head scarf. 

And what about nuns? They dress almost exactly like Muslim women, but no one 
would ever dare call them oppressed. 

So,why only Muslim women should be compelled to stay apologetic for their 

Natasha Cull
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Debunking myths about Muslim Women
Shirien Elmasraya
Last week I conducted a survey about the basics of Islam. Some of the questions 
were "Who do Muslims worship?" and "What do Muslims think of Jesus?" The 
results of the survey were depressing to say the least, especially the 
questions regarding women in Islam. 

I asked 200 people how they thought the religion of Islam viewed women. Of 200 
people 97 percent said that Islam viewed women as inferior or subservient to 
men. And when asked if they thought that Muslim women were oppressed, 98 
percent - a rather shocking percentage of people - said yes.

The statistics speak for themselves and further encourage the importance of 
talking about this subject. You may be thinking, "Well if the vast majority of 
the people said this, then it must be true." That is the problem; it really 
couldn't be farther from the truth. And most of these people who think this way 
are unaware they hold a double standard. 

First, Christianity, like Islam, reveres the Virgin Mary with high respect. 
Both religions believe she was one of the best women to walk the earth. So let 
us analyze the description of the physical appearance of Mary according to 
Christians. Well usually you see statues of her standing looking down, fully 
covered from head to toe wearing her hijab. 

Hijab is an Arabic word meaning screen, cover or partition. Otherwise it's 
known as the traditional clothing Muslim women wear including the head scarf. 

And what about nuns? They dress almost exactly like Muslim women, but no one 
would ever dare call them oppressed. 

Perhaps you think what makes Muslim women oppressed rather than nuns is that 
Muslim women are forced to wear it. Well, that's wrong. Our male relatives 
don't force us to wear it. Rather, we wear it because it was a commandment in 
the Qur'an, the book that Muslims try to follow to the letter. Muslim women 
choose to wear the hijab because they choose to obey the creator. 

The Qur'an tells the believing women to draw their veils over their bodies. It 
is a form of protection for women. A woman who wears hijab is like an oyster 
with a pearl inside; she only reveals her beauty to a select few who are 
specified in the holy Qur'an, such as her father, brothers, uncles, husband and 
so on.

Second, many think women are looked upon as lower class than men in Islam. Why 
would a huge percentage of those people converting to Islam every year be women 
if that were true? Allah says in the Qur'an, "And whoever does righteous good 
deeds, male or female, and is a true believer in the Oneness of God, such will 
enter Paradise and not the least injustice, even to the size of a Naqeera 
(speck on the back of a datestone), will be done to them."

Allah in the Qur'an always addresses both believing men and believing women. 
Spiritually, everyone is the same. People only earn higher ranks in the sight 
of God by their good deeds and piety. 

Everyone knows men and women differ physically. Women can do different things 
like bearing children, and men usually have more physical strength.

The Prophet Muhammad said, "O People, it is true that you have certain rights 
with regard to your women, but they also have right over you. If they abide by 
your right then to them belongs the right to be fed and clothed in kindness. Do 
treat your women well and be kind to them, for they are your partners and 
committed helpers."

In fact, during the lifetime of the Prophet Muhammad, a war was waged for the 
honor of one woman who had been violated by a tribe.

Also, a couple of generations later, a woman only had to call the name of the 
caliph Motassim for help, and he sent an army to go rescue her.

Women are treated very well in Islam. These commandments are there to protect 
us. Islam was the religion that blotted out all the injustices done to them. 
Women could vote 1,400 years ago, while women in the United States could only 
vote in the last century.

While it is true atrocities and injustices are done to women both in the Muslim 
world and outside, one needs to recognize these are in no way linked to Islam. 
They are just sick people who like to abuse others. 
I don't need people to look at me with sympathy. I don't want people to think 
that I'm oppressed and I have some rights taken away from me. I have all my 
rights, and I am in no way oppressed. I couldn't be happier with my choice to 
obey the commandments set in the Qur'an and to be an example by showing people 
that I go to school, have a job, have many friends, am treated very well by my 
family and above all try to be very religious. These are rights given to me by 
my society but above all by my religion.
Contact Shirien Elmasraya at 

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