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*Good Morning America* turns blind eye to Beck's smears, hires him as
regular commentator

On January 9, the Associated Press
News' announcement that conservative talk show host Glenn
Beck <> will soon join *Good
Morning America* as a "regular commentator." "Glenn is a leading cultural
commentator with a distinct voice," *GMA* senior executive producer Jim
Murphy told the AP. "At times, he is the perfect guest for many of the talk
topics we cover on morning news programs." But as *Media Matters for America
* has extensively documented, what often distinguishes Beck's "voice" are
his inflammatory and controversial comments regarding Muslims, Arabs,
Mexicans, and other minorities. For instance, during a November 14, 2006,
interview with Rep. Keith Ellison (D-MN), who recently became the first
Muslim ever 
Congress, Beck
said <>: "I have been nervous
about this interview with you, because what I feel like saying is, 'Sir,
prove to me that you are not working with our enemies.' "

Beck first appeared on the November 28, 2006, broadcast of *Good Morning
America* to discuss Pope Benedict XVI's visit to Turkey that month. As *Media
Matters* noted <>, during the
interview with co-host Diane Sawyer, Beck repeated several comments he has
made before, such as: "I believe that it is important for all of us to look
evil in the eye and crush it"; and "I believe there is a cancer that is
radicalized Islam, and it must be cut out or it's going to kill all of us."

A few weeks later, on December 15, Beck
again<>appeared on
*Good Morning America* to discuss the so-called War on Christmas and how to
greet people during the holiday season. During a roundtable discussion with
Sawyer and co-host Robin Roberts, Beck declared that "it's time for
everybody just to relax and take a chill pill" because "Christmas is really
about ... the death of" Jesus, "redemption ... and having a second bite at
the apple." Beck then asked, "[W]ho's offended by that?"

Beyond the question he posed to Ellison in November, Beck has a long history
of making inflammatory statements regarding Arabs and Muslims on both his
syndicated radio show and CNN Headline News' *Glenn Beck* -- a matter that
the *Good Morning America* hosts have failed to address during his two
previous appearances. Following are several examples:

  - He has declared <> that
  "Muslims who have sat on your frickin' hands the whole time" rather than
  "lining up to shoot the bad Muslims in the head" will face dire
  - Beck warned <> that if
  "Muslims and Arabs" don't "act now" by "step[ping] to the plate" to condemn
  terrorism, they "will be looking through a razor wire fence at the West."
  - He described <> as
  "surprising" a letter criticizing Al Qaeda in Iraq because "the man who
  wrote it" -- Islamic Society of Nevada director Aslam Abdullah - "is a
  - Beck mocked <> Islam by
  "mark[ing] the death" of Al Qaeda leader Abu Musab al-Zarqawi with a
  "Zarqawi bacon cake."
  - He said <> that "[t]he
  Middle East is being overrun by 10th-century barbarians" and "[i]f they take
  over ... we're going to have to nuke the whole place."
  - Beck aired <> a segment
  mocking the names of several missing Egyptian students in which the
  announcer said that one "may or may not be accompanied by his camel." The
  segment showed pictures of crowds and pointed to random, unidentifiable
  people as the missing Egyptians. It ended with a reading of the students'
  names in quick succession followed by the announcer pretending to gag as he
  struggled to pronounce them.

Beck has not reserved his vitriol for Arabs and Muslims alone, however:

  - Beck claimed <> that there
  are three reasons that an illegal immigrant "comes across the border in the
  middle of the night": "One, they're terrorists; two, they're escaping the
  law; or three, they're hungry. They can't make a living in their own dirtbag
  - Beck referred <> to "those
  who were left in New Orleans [during Hurricane Katrina], or who decided to
  stay" as "scumbags."
  - Beck called <> antiwar
  activist Cindy Sheehan "a pretty big prostitute." He later
described<>her as a "tragedy
  - During a discussion of the "politically correct world we live in,"
  claimed that Braille on walls (used to identify rooms for blind people)
  "drives me out of my mind." He then
  "Just to piss them [blind people] off, I'm going to put in Braille on the
  coffee pot ... 'Pot is hot.' "
  - Discussing an illegal immigrant who had been accused of killing a
  police officer in Houston, Beck
  "Are you kidding me? We're taking rapists out of your country, and you've
  got a problem with that, and you're shipping killers to us? Please."

  - After airing a clip from the documentary film *An Inconvenient Truth
  * in which former Vice President Al Gore states that global warming
  could cause many highly populated coastal areas to be submerged by seawater
  -- including the entire city of Shanghai -- Beck
  "This is what would happen to Shanghai. Does anybody really care? I mean,
  come on. Shanghai is under water. Oh, no! Who's gonna make those little
  umbrellas for those tropical drinks?"



Thank you to Linda for bringing this out.


G. Waleed Kavalec
"Strive as in a race to achieve the
goal of excellence in all that you do."
 -  The Holy Quran

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