Bismillahir Rahmaan Nir Rahim
4 Jamad-al Ula 1428
21 May 2007

How Shaitaan misleads

>From amongst the nations of the past there was a very pious monk by the name 
>of Barseesa. He had devoted himself to the worship of Allah Ta’ala for seventy 
>years during which he had completely kept himself aloof from sin. Iblees, 
>seeing this, gathered together his most wretched Shayaateen and recruited the 
>most deceitful one of them to mislead Barseesa. This Shaitaan dressed up in 
>the clothing of a pious person and appeared before Barseesa as he was busy in 
>worship in his monastery. He first called out to Barseesa but Barseesa ignored 
>him. Barseesa used to raise his head from worship once every ten days and he 
>used to fast for ten, twenty and even more days at a time. Shaitaan then went 
>into the monastery and engaged himself in prayer with astounding devotion. 
>Barseesa began noticing his extreme sacrifice in worship and asked him what he 
>wanted there. Shaitaan replied that he wanted to worship together with 
>Barseesa and learn from him. Barseesa continued in his worship and so did 
>Shaitaan. Barseesa continued to notice how Shaitaan exerted himself in 
>worship. Shaitaan again requested Barseesa to allow him to join him in his 
>worship. Barseesa agreed and soon both of them would be in prayer and fasting 
>for many days at a time. Soon Shitaan won over the confidence of Barseesa and 
>taught him a few words which could cure the sick and insane. Shaitaan now went 
>back to Iblees and said that he had succeeded in overpowering the pious monk.

Shiataan now went to another man and began strangling him. Dressed as a common 
person he came to the man’s family and advised them to go to Barseesa who had a 
cure for the man’s insanity. When the man was brought to Barseesa, he recited 
the words taught to him by Shaitaan and the man was ‘cured’.

Shitaan soon began inflicting other people with the same ‘illness’ and directed 
them to Barseesa who would ‘cure’ them. Then he did the same to a young girl 
from the family of the king of the time. The girl had three brothers. Disguised 
as a physician, Shaitaan instructed them to take her and leave her in the 
monastery of Barseesa but they refused saying that he, being a pious person, 
would refuse to allow her to stay with him. Shaitaan proposed a second plan if 
Barseesa refused. He advised that they build a monastery close to his monastery 
and leave her in it. They agreed. Barseesa, as they predicted, refused to keep 
the girl. So, they built another monastery close to his and left her therein. 

One day Barseesa completed his prayers and he noticed the young girl and was 
taken aback by her beauty. Shaitaan began strangling her and Barseesa 
immediately left his worship and began to recite the words of ‘cure’ for her. 
She was ‘cured’ and Barseesa returned to his devotions. But, Shaitaan again 
strangled her and made her expose her body to Barseesa. Now, Shaitaan came to 
Barseesa and began whispering to him : “Fulfill your desires with the young 
girl! You will never find another girl like her! You can repent again 
thereafter!” He continued influencing Barseesa to such an extent that Barseesa 
finally left his worship and fulfilled his desires with the girl. She became 
pregnant with his child. Shaitaan again came to Barseesa and said : “Your evil 
action will be exposed. The only choice you have is to kill her. When her 
brothers return and ask about her say that the Shaitaan that inflicted her with 
her insanity has taken her away.”

Barseesa accepted the idea, killed the young girl and buried her corpse during 
the darkness of night. 

Shaitaan then came to the brothers in a dream and told them that Barseesa had 
fulfilled his desires with the young girl and killed her. They did not believe 
it but came to Barseesa and asked him. Barseesa insisted that the Shaitaan had 
taken her. Shaitaan again appeared to the brothers in a dream and directed them 
to the place where their sister had been buried. When they dug open the grave 
they found their sister and realized that Barseesa had deceived them. They led 
him to the king and Barseesa confessed to his evil deed. The command was given 
for Barseesa to be killed. 

As Barseesa was about to be killed Shaitaan appeared before him and asked : “Do 
you know who I am?” 
“No’, replied Barseesa. 
“I am the person who taught you the words of ‘cure’. Do you not fear Allah? Are 
you not ashamed? You were the most pious of men. You exposed your evil and have 
destroyed the reputation of all pious men. If you die in this condition pious 
men after you will have no future.”
“What can I do?”, asked Barseesa.
Shaitaan replied : “There is one thing you can do. If you do it now I will save 
you by taking you away from here immediately.”
“What?”, asked Barseesa.
“Prostrate before me just once,” replied Shaitaan.

Barseesa agreed and prostrated himself before Shaitaan.

Shaitaan retorted : “This is what I wanted all along from you. Your end result 
is that you have died disbelieving in Allah. I have nothing to do with you.”

Barseesa, the most pious men of his age, died on Kufr due to the evil 
whisperings of Shaitaan.
Shaitaan is the avowed enemy of man. Beware of his planning at all times.

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