Is a Greener Islam Possible?
    A substantial grassroots environmental movement amongst Muslims has yet to 
arise. Here's why it should.
    By M. Aurangzeb Ahmad, March 30, 2007
                      "We did indeed offer the Trust to the Heavens and the 
Earth and the Mountains; but they refused to undertake it, being afraid 
thereof: but man undertook it; He was indeed unjust and foolish." (Quran 33:72)

Green is the color which is most often associated with Islam and coincidently 
green is also the color which is associated with the environmentalist movement. 
While the modern Environmentalist movement goes back to the efforts of Rachel 
Carlson, one can argue that the care of environment has been integral to most 
of the religious traditions of the world. In recent years environment friendly 
groups have emerged in all the major religions of the world, perhaps the 
strongest statement on the issue has come from the spiritual leader of Orthodox 
Christians Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew, nicknamed the Green Patriarch, who 
stated harming the environment could be considered a sin. Many Evangelical 
Christians have also shown keen interest on the issue of Environmentalism which 
call Creation Care. In rural Thailand, Buddhist monks have ordained trees as 
part of their monastic order with the consequence that villagers refrain from 
cutting down such trees. Islam is no exception to
 the surge in religious interest in the environmentalist movement. Recently 
Environmentalism has come to the fore again mainly through the media spotlight 
generated by Al Gore and thus this is a good opportunity to see how the issue 
affects Muslims as individuals and as a whole.

According to the Islamic world view, while humans are God's vicegerents on 
Earth, they do not have absolute autonomy but rather they have been entrusted 
the Guardianship of the Earth. The Islamic tradition is rich with references to 
issues like the protection of the environment and even animal rights. In well 
known hadiaths, prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) is known to encourage 
planting trees, admonish cutting down trees even in the times of war and being 
kind to animals. Even the concept of halal and haram in food item recognizes 
certain permissible practices in raising, treating and sacrificing animals. 

In its drive to catch up with the industrialized world, the developing world is 
currently going through a process of rapid industrialization which will have 
adverse consequence for the environment. Since majority of the Muslim countries 
are part of the developing world the process of environmental devastation is 
rapidly progressing in these countries. The idea that we must first catch up 
with the developed world and then address these issues also contributes towards 
indifference towards environmental issues without the realization that by the 
time we 'catch up' it may be too late not just for us but for everyone else. 
Like most major cities of the world, slums and air pollution have become a 
common feature of cities in majority Muslim countries. This is despite the fact 
that according to the well known hadiath of the prophet (peace be upon him) 
cleanliness is supposed to be half of faith.

A lot of material has been written on the Islamic perspective on the 
environment. However as with many other aspects of contemporary Muslim life, 
there is a disconnect between theory and practice. Thus one can ask that if 
care for the environment is such an important part of the Islamic tradition 
then why has this subject not been on the top of the Muslim agenda? The main 
reason could just be economic, in most poor countries as in the rest of the 
world economics take precedence over everything else and thus the short term 
gain trumps the long term adverse effects of environmental degradation. 
Consider the example of Dubai which has been lauded as a model for development 
in the Muslim world. However it may not be a sustainable model for development 
as it is fostering a culture of consumerism run amok. In the drive to consume 
more and more, people do not realize that large amounts of pollutants are 
actually come from consumer waste. Again moderation in consumption, one of the
 most important virtues in Islam, is the need of the hour. Abundance of a 
resource does not justify its wastage, as prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) 
advised Muslims not to waste water even if they were near a river.

Many Muslim countries have a strong incentive to be concerned by environmental 
issues. The Maldives is in the danger of being the first country to be 
swallowed by the rising seawater by the effects of global warming, Bangladesh 
also runs the risk of permanent flooding of large parts of fertile delta, 
deforestation in Pakistan and Indonesia, the Sahara desert is encroaching on 
civilization in many African countries. All is not lost as there have some 
success in the Islamic world on the Environmental front. In Zanzibar, Islamic 
teaching are actively being used to encourage people towards conservation, 
Niger is another example where land has been reclaimed from the Sahara desert 
by planting trees, Oman has been successful in reintroducing the native Oynx to 
its wilderness and Islamic organizations with an environmental agenda have also 
sprung up in recent years, in Iran alone there are almost 150 environmentalist 

The most articulate and reasoned voice in contemporary Muslim discourse on the 
environment is that of Syed Hossein Nasr. According to Nasr the environmental 
crisis is not an isolated phenomenon but is rather part of the spiritual crisis 
of our age. Consequently one cannot address one type of crisis without 
addressing the other. Given that in most Muslim countries environmental 
awareness amongst the elites as well the masses is missing so what can an 
average Muslim do in the face of growing environmental crisis? Here the dictum, 
"Think globally, act locally" may apply. A good start would be to spread 
awareness of environmental issues amongst other Muslims and relate it to how 
this issue is fundamental to an Islamic understanding of man's place in the 
universe. Additionally one can combine religious injunctions with pragmatic 
concerns by stressing that without addressing environmental problems economic 
growth cannot be sustained.

A substantial grassroots environmental movement amongst Muslims has yet to 
arise. It could be because environmentalists in the Muslim world have not 
really tapped into their own tradition to further their arguments. It is also 
important to work closely with people of other faiths and ideologies on this 
issue since this is something that effects all people on this planet. This also 
ensures that Muslims organizations do not have to reinvent the wheel every time 
but rather they can use and augment the expertise and know-how of their 
counterparts. No contribution or act in this issue should be taken to be 
insignificant because in this endevour there is no such thing as an 
insignificant good deed, as prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said, "If the 
Hour (Judgment Day) is about to be established and one of you is holding a palm 
shoot, let him take advantage of even one second before the Hour is established 
to plant it."

M. Aurangzeb Ahmad is a doctorate student. He can be reached at [EMAIL 

saiyed shahbazi

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