Bismillahir Rahmaan Nir Rahim
Monday - 20 Shabaan 1428 / 3 September 2007

O Muslims! In Islam lies your honour

Umar Radhi Allahu Anhu was on his way to Syria. While walking he came to a 
shallow stream. Now, Umar Radhi Allahu Anhu was dressed in a shawl, a pair of 
leather socks and a turban. He jumped off his camel, removed his leather socks 
and placed them on his shoulder. He proceeded to wade through the water by 
leading his camel by its reins. Abu Ubaydah Radhi Allahu Anhu had come out to 
meet him. When he saw this he remarked : "O Ameerul Mu'mineen, how can you do 
this! You have placed your leather socks on your shoulder and you want to wade 
through the water leading your camel by its reins? It will displease me if the 
inhabitants of the city see you like this."

Umar Radhi Allahu Anhu rebuked him saying : " If anybody other then you had to 
make such a statement, I would have given him such a punishment that would have 
been a lesson of the rest of the Umah. We were the most disgraced of nations 
and Allah granted us honour in Islam. When we seek honour in any manner besides 
that in which Allah has honoured us, Allah will disgrace us." (Haakim) 


Allah mentions in the Quran : "One who desires honour then to Allah belongs all 
respect." (Surah Faatir, verse10). In other words a person seeking honour and 
respect should fulfil Allah's commands.


Allah also mentions in the Quran : "We revealed to you a Book (the Quran) in 
which is your remembrance." (Surah Ambiyaa, Verse 10) Ibn Abbaas interprets 
this as : "We revealed to you a Book in which is your honour." (Tafseer Ibn 


History has repeatedly proved that this Ummah was honoured when they held 
firmly onto the laws of Islam. These laws of Islam are the dividing line 
between honour and disgrace, between progress and failure. We can never be 
respected without following the religion of Islam and we can never be disgraced 
when we follow Islam.  


Today Muslims are unfortunately searching for respect by knocking on the door 
of the West. If we could only realize that the western lifestyle is not only 
evil and sinful in itself but its effects and outcomes are similarly 
devastating. How can systems, institutions and practices that oppose Allahs 
laws ever result in human progression? May Allah save the Muslims from the 
decadent Western culture and instill in us the love for Islam. Aameen!

Monday - 22 Rajab 1428 / 6 August 2007
Harry Potter - Questions Muslims should be asking

Is not Harry Potter indicative of a larger deterioration of the moral fabric in 
man? Why does entertainment and fun draw millions of people and why does 
worship and spirituality lead to boredom?

Do the Harry Potter books not glorify magic and sorcery? Is the evil of sorcery 
and magic not being sugar-coated? Why are the non-magical people in the books 
despised and portrayed as boring and narrow-minded?

Does the Quran and Sunnah not regard the practicing of sorcery as kufr?


Does not Harry and his classmates cast spells, learn to tell the future, 
communicate with ghosts, study astrology and crystal gazing? Will you as a 
Muslim parent allow your child to engage in such actions?

Is it acceptable to fight "evil magic" with "good magic", as Harry does? Are 
not both evil? 


Don't the main characters in the story unapologetically lie, steal, bully, 
break rules and disrespect their elders, like the professors at Hogwarts? Does 
this not teach children that unruly behaviour is acceptable?


Has not mankind sunk to the lowest ebb when baseless fantasy controls society, 
considering that the release of every new edition is anxiously awaited by 
millions of children (and even adults!)?

Can such extreme devotion and fanaticism to a book glorifying the occult be 


Are not young minds impressionable? Would it not be a better world if reading 
material for the young mind promotes morally sound content?  

Should we turn a blind eye to the content of the Harry Potter books and allow 
them to continue controlling our children, our homes and our pockets?


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