One of the repeated traits of those who work against word of Allah we see
often is this:  The truth is put before them in clear words, easy to
understand, and they go on repeating their shirk or other nonsense as though
they never heard a thing.

This is in fact inevitable; Allah is Al Haqq, so to work against Him the mus
ignore the truth.

The shaitan's current campaign against the Quran has cleverly invested its
new efforts, not in the miasma of hadith as has been the case for many
centuries, but in a clever illusion of anti-hadith and pro-Quran.  It is an
ILLUSION because as we can CLEARLY see this is not our Quran that is being
promoted.  Every effort is being made to undermine the LANGUAGE of the Quran
in the vain belief that through this mechanism the Quran is vulnerable; as
though they think that Allah won't notice if they sneak up this back path.

> Through the agency of the Mu'mineen a system of government (Salaat) should
be established

How many times has this FALSE definition of SALAT been disproven in these

How many times has Sajjada and Sohail (and Sohail's sock puppet Yousef) been
asked to show us their etymological evidence?

All we get back is silence... silence except the continued repetition of the


It is not only though false hadith and false holy men that the shaitan will
attack your deen.


> One effective way of making a man subordinate to another was to deprive
> him of the means of sustenance by sheer brute force, thus placing him in
> total servitude. The Quran declared in unequivocal terms:
> "Say: Come! I will recite what your Lord has forbidden to you: associate
> naught with Him and do good to parents and slay not your children for (fear
> of) poverty – We provide for you and for them – and draw not nigh to
> indecencies, open or secret, and kill not the soul which Allah has made
> sacred except in the course of justice. This He enjoins upon you that you
> may understand." (6:152, 11:6, 17:31).
> Through the agency of the Mu'mineen a system of government (Salaat) should
> be established which ensures an economic system (Zakaat) wherein every soul
> is guaranteed the basic necessities of life. No one will depend on another
> for his survival and no one will rule over the other.
> These are the Quranic concepts and doctrines that gave man an honoured
> status and superiority over other creations. (17:70). Allah reminds mankind
> that if it safeguards itself from the pitfalls of wrong paths and evils and
> watches imbalances in society, then there are glad tidings for it from Him
> of a blissful life Here, and in the Hereafter. No fear, no constant torment
> and insecurity will be suffered by them. (2:37-38, 7:35, 10:62-64).
> In this Quranic society, everyone- irrespective of race, colour or
> creed-will be equal in the eyes of the law and have an equal opportunity to
> develop his or her latent potentialities. There would be no favouritism, no
> partisanship, no nepotism. Whoever wishes to progress in life by toil and
> endeavour, will achieve his aim; and whoever, owing to his own ineptitude
> and lethargy lags behind in this temporal life, then that will be to his own
> detriment. (46:19, 99:7-8).
> In this just society there will be no distinction made between a child
> born with a silver spoon in his mouth, and a boy born in a poor family. In a
> Quranic society there will be no such thing that the former gets the best
> education and every luxury, whereas the latter cannot even get a rudimentary
> education because of poverty. This worldly hierarchical class division was
> created by Brahminism (priestcraft) that kept a section of society in its
> iron clutches. The Quran made mankind free from all this, and on this very
> basis proclaimed that:
> Tolu Islam <>

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