Re: Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Stories regarding the Quraan - from MAW

2007-09-27 Thread Muhammad Latif Chaudhery
Please let me add:
We are Muslim to the extent we live by Quran and Kafar to the extent we neglect 

One can live by Quran only when he knows what is written in Quran. Let me give 
you a glimpse of  




Quran presents

A living and Lasting God (2:256)

The Lord of all creation (1:2)

He Gracious, the Merciful (1:3)

The Almighty (29:43)

All-hearing, all-knowing (5:77)

The Wise (34:2)

The Forgiving (34:3)

The Bountiful (27:41)

The Loving (11:91)

The Creator, the Maker (59:25)

The high, the Great (2:256)

The Holy (10:69)

The Lord of all praise, Owner of all glory (31:13)

The One, the Supreme (39:5)

Who is free from all wants (64:7)?

Begets none and is begotten by no one, and

has none as His equal (112:4-5)

Who guides men 10:36, 33:5)?

Hear prayers (2:187)

Speaks to such of them as fulfil His covenant (3:77 42:52)

Punishes the transgressors (48:18)

Reward those who do good (6:84)

Love those who do good (2:196)

He has created all men from the same stock (4:2)

He has divided them into different groups so that they may know one another, 
and that

the best among them is he who best perform his duty (49:14)

Our attitude towards Him has to be that of complete submission (3:20)


He has given us detailed instructions as to 

  How we should treat our parents (17:24-25)

  Our near and dear, neighbours, orphans and the downtrodden (4:37)

  Our Wives (2:188,4:20)

  Our Children (6:153)

  Our Widows (4:20)

  Our enemies (5:9)

  Our companions (24:61, 58:12)

He tells us:

  To be truthful (9:120)

  To shun lies (22:31)

  Not to commit adultery (17:33)

  Not to commit theft (5:39)

  Not to commit Murder (6:152)

  Not to commit breach of trust (8:28)

  Not to be dishonest (8:59)

  To keep away from all that is vain (23:3)

  To fulfil our covenants (5:2)

  To strive for increased knowledge (20:115)

  To do justice (4:59)

  To be benevolent (16:91)

  To be steadfast (3:201)

  To be thankful (39:67)

  To admonish others to do good (16:126)

  Not to preach that we do not practice (61:3)

  Not to be haughty and vainglorious (4:37)

  To be neither miserly nor spendthrift (17:30)

  To be humble (25:64)

  To speak kindly (2:84)

  To suppress our rage and forgive people (3:135)

  To repay evil with good (13:23)

  To be united (3:103)

  To do not backbite (103:2)

  To spend wealth for the cause of Allah (2:262)

  To spend wealth for the poor and needy (2:272)

  Not to ridicule one another or call names (49:12)

  To fear none but Allah (2:41)

  To eat pure things (2:169)

  To remain clean (2:223  74:6)


He further says:


All your deeds, even if they are as minor as an iota, must visit on you (99:8-9)

That all that is on the earth carries the seed of destruction (55:27)

That the haven and earth have not been created in vain (38:28)

That just as He started the cycle of creation so shall He reverse it (21:104)

He, who created you the first time, will again raise you to life (17:52  19:67)

The fact that you cannot conquer death shows that there is a purpose in it 
(56:88) etc. etc.


Let others explore more this effect. More we know, better we are..


 Please do not read to contradict and refute,
nor to believe and take it for granted,
but to weigh and consider.
Muhammad Latif Chaudhery
Humble student of Quran

  - Original Message - 
  From: Mohamed (Imtiaz) 
  To: eGroup For Muslims Around The World 
  Sent: Tuesday, September 25, 2007 10:20 AM
  Subject: Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Stories regarding the Quraan - from MAW

  Bismillahir Rahmaan Nir Rahim
  Monday - 12 Ramadhaan 1428 / 24 September 2007

  Stories regarding the Quraan

  How to recite the Quraan

  The Quraan should be recited with respect and sincere devotion.

  It is narrated that before reciting the Quran Ikrimah Ibn Abi Jahal Radhi 
Allahu Anhu used to say : This is the word of my Lord! He would then fall 
down unconscious. (Faidhul Qadeer)

  How much of Quraan do the pious recite

  History has preserved the biographies of our great Ulama so that we could 
derive motivation from their great feats.

  Imam Shaafi Rahimahullah used to complete a recitation of the entire Quraan 
every night. In Ramdhaan he used to complete one recitation of the entire 
Quraan during the day and one during the night. In this way he would complete 
sixty recitations of the Quraan. This was excluding the Quraan he would recite 
in Salaah. Abu Bakr Ibn Haddaad Rahimahullah mentions that he too would try to 
exert himself in reciting Quraan but the most he could manage was fifty nine 
completions of the Quraan. (Tabaqaat Ash-Shaafieeyaah Al

Boycott Israel [IslamCity] Stories regarding the Quraan - from MAW

2007-09-26 Thread Mohamed \(Imtiaz\) Bhikoo
Bismillahir Rahmaan Nir Rahim
Monday - 12 Ramadhaan 1428 / 24 September 2007

Stories regarding the Quraan

How to recite the Quraan

The Quraan should be recited with respect and sincere devotion.

It is narrated that before reciting the Quran Ikrimah Ibn Abi Jahal Radhi 
Allahu Anhu used to say : This is the word of my Lord! He would then fall 
down unconscious. (Faidhul Qadeer)

How much of Quraan do the pious recite

History has preserved the biographies of our great Ulama so that we could 
derive motivation from their great feats.

Imam Shaafi Rahimahullah used to complete a recitation of the entire Quraan 
every night. In Ramdhaan he used to complete one recitation of the entire 
Quraan during the day and one during the night. In this way he would complete 
sixty recitations of the Quraan. This was excluding the Quraan he would recite 
in Salaah. Abu Bakr Ibn Haddaad Rahimahullah mentions that he too would try to 
exert himself in reciting Quraan but the most he could manage was fifty nine 
completions of the Quraan. (Tabaqaat Ash-Shaafieeyaah Al-Kubraa)

Urwa Ibn Zubair Rahimahullah used to recite a quarter of the Quraan every day 
while looking into the Quraan and he used to recite the same portion while 
standing in Salaah at night. He did this every single night except one night 
when his leg had to be amputated. But the night thereafter he resumed his 
normal habit. (Tahzeebul Kamaal)

The effect of excessive Quraan recitation

The Quraan will intercede for a person in the grave and will be heavy in the 
scales on the day of Qiyaamah. For some of the pious the noor of the Quraan 
shows itself in other ways as well.  

Naafi Ibn Abi Nuaim mentions that when ghusal had been given to the body of Abu 
Ja'far Yazeed Ibn al-Qa'qa Rahimahullah, the Qaari of Madina, after his demise, 
a page similar to a page of the Quraan could be seen between his neck and his 
chest. People who witnessed this had no doubt that this was due to noor of the 
Quraan. (Wafayaatul A'ayaan)

What to do when completing the Quraan

When Anas Ibn Maalik Radhi Allahu Anhu used to complete reciting the entire 
Quran he used to gather his family and children and make dua collectively for 
them. (Tabaraani)