"Here I am," Taguba recalled Rumsfeld saying, "just a Secretary of
Defense, and we have not seen a copy of your report. I have not seen
the photographs, and I have to testify to Congress tomorrow and talk
about this." As Rumsfeld spoke, Taguba said, "He's looking at me. It
was a statement."

from the issuecartoon banke-mail thisAt best, Taguba said, "Rumsfeld
was in denial." Taguba had submitted more than a dozen copies of his
report through several channels at the Pentagon and to the Central
Command headquarters, in Tampa, Florida, which ran the war in Iraq. By
the time he walked into Rumsfeld's conference room, he had spent weeks
briefing senior military leaders on the report, but he received no
indication that any of them, with the exception of General Schoomaker,
had actually read it.


And people wonder why we consider the US elites
to be Nazis and thugs.


G. Waleed Kavalec

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