February 4, 2007
Iraq's Shadow Widens Sunni-Shiite Split in U.S. By NEIL MacFARQUHAR

DEARBORN, Mich. — Twice recently, vandals have shattered windows at three
mosques and a dozen businesses popular among Shiite Muslims along Warren
Avenue, the spine of the Arab community here.

Although the police have arrested no one, most in Dearborn's Iraqi Shiite
community blame the Sunni Muslims.

"The Shiites were very happy that they killed Saddam, but the Sunnis were in
tears," Aqeel Al-Tamimi, 34, an immigrant Iraqi truck driver and a Shiite,
said as he ate roasted chicken and flatbread at Al-Akashi restaurant, one of
the establishments damaged over the city line in Detroit. "These people look
at us like we sold our country to America."

Escalating tensions between Sunnis and Shiites across the Middle East are
rippling through some American Muslim communities, and have been blamed for
events including vandalism and student confrontations. Political splits
between those for and against the American invasion of Iraq fuel some of the
animosity, but it is also a fight among Muslims about who represents Islam.

Long before the vandalism in Dearborn and Detroit, feuds had been simmering
on some college campuses. Some Shiite students said they had faced repeated
discrimination, like being formally barred by the Sunni-dominated Muslim
Student Association from leading prayers. At numerous universities, Shiite
students have broken away from the association, which has dozens of chapters
nationwide, to form their own groups.

"A microcosm of what is happening in Iraq happened in New Jersey because
people couldn't put aside their differences," said Sami Elmansoury, a Sunni
Muslim and former vice president of the Islamic Society at Rutgers
where there has been a sharp dispute.

Though the war in Iraq is one crucial cause, some students and experts on
sectarianism also attribute the fissure to the significant growth in the
Muslim American population over the past few decades.

Before, most major cities had only one mosque and everyone was forced to get
along. Now, some Muslim communities are so large that the majority Sunnis
and minority Shiites maintain their own mosques, schools and social clubs.
Many Muslim students first meet someone from the other branch of their faith
at college. The Shiites constitute some 15 percent of the world's more than
1.3 billion Muslims, and are believed to be proportionally represented among
America's estimated six million Muslims.

Sectarian tensions mushroomed during the current Muslim month of Muharram.
The first 10 days ended on Tuesday with Ashura, the day when Shiites
commemorate the death of Hussein, who was the grandson of the Prophet
Mohammad and who was killed during the bloody seventh-century disputes over
who would rule the faithful, a schism that gave birth to the Sunni and
Shiite factions.

The Shiites and the Sunnis part company over who has the right to rule and
interpret scripture. Shiites hold that only descendants of Mohammad can be
infallible and hence should rule. Sunnis allow a broader group, as long as
there is consensus among religious scholars.

Many Shiites mark Ashura with mourning processions that include
self-flagellation or rhythmic chest beating, echoing the suffering of the
seventh-century Hussein. As several thousand Shiites marched up Park Avenue
in Manhattan on Jan. 28 to mark Ashura, the march's organizers handed out a
flier describing his killing as "the first major terrorist act." Sunnis
often decry Ashura marches as a barbaric, infidel practice.

Last year, a Sunni student at the University of
Ann Arbor sent a screed against Ashura to the Muslim Student
Association's e-mail message list. The document had been taken off <>, one of many Web sites of Islamic
teachings that Shiite students said regularly spread hate disguised as
religious scholarship.

Azmat Khan, a 21-year-old senior and political science major, said that she,
like other Shiites on campus, was sometimes asked whether she was a real

"To some extent, the minute you identify yourself as a Shiite, it outs you,"
Ms. Khan said. "You feel marginalized."

Yet some Shiite students said they were reluctant to speak up because they
felt that Islam was under assault in the United States, so internal tension
would only undermine much-needed unity among Muslims. At the same time, the
students said, the ideas used by some Sunnis to label Shiites as heretics
need to be confronted because they underlie jihadi radicalism.

At the Ann Arbor campus, Shiite students set up a forum for all Muslims to
discuss their differences, but no Sunnis who had endorsed the e-mail message
about Ashura showed up, and the group eventually disbanded.

Trying to ease tensions, the Muslim Student Association this year invited a
prominent Shiite cleric to speak.

"I don't want Shiite students to feel alienated," said Nura Sediqe, the
president of the Ann Arbor student group. "But the dominant group never sees
as much of a problem as the minority."

At the University of Michigan's campus in Dearborn, the Muslim association
pushed through rules that effectively banned Shiites from leading collective

Apart from a greater veneration among Shiites for the Prophet's descendants,
there are slight variations in practice. Shiites, for example, pray with
their hands at their sides, while Sunnis cross them over their chests.

"Most Sunni Muslims can't pray behind a Shiite because if you are praying
differently from the way the leader is, then it doesn't work, it's not
valid," said Ramy Shabana, the president of the association on the Dearborn

Shiite students at various universities said they faced constant prejudice.
Some Sunni students have refused to greet Shiites with "Salamu aleikum," or
"Peace be upon you," to slight them.

At Johns Hopkins
Baltimore, Salmah Y. Rizvi, a junior who stocked a reading room with
Islamic texts, said the Muslim Student Association there told her to remove
them because too many were by Shiite authors.

Students have also taken note of attacks on their faith from the broader
world through the Internet. One YouTube video showed Catholics bleeding by
crucifying themselves and then showed Shiites bleeding through
self-flagellation, as the Arabic voiceover suggested that Shiites were more
Catholic than Muslim.

Not all campuses have been affected. Some, like Georgetown
were considered oases of tolerance.

At Rutgers University, the tension started last year after 15 to 20
conservative Sunni students began openly mocking Shiites, and considered
barring women from leading the student association. "They felt it was time
to correct individuals within the organization, cleansing the beliefs of the
students," said Mr. Elmansoury, who opposed the rift.

Several students involved said the group was heavily influenced by teachings
from Saudi Arabia. The puritanical Wahhabi sect there holds that Shiite
reverence for the Prophet's family smacks of idolatry.

Shiite advocates believe that that thinking has influenced some mainstream
American Muslim organizations like the Islamic Society of North America and
the Council on American Islamic Relations, which they said were slow to
criticize attacks against Shiites abroad until the violence in Iraq
escalated. As a consequence, Shiites founded their own national lobbying

Both organizations denied that they disregarded Shiite issues.

Still, some Muslims said that prejudices had continued.

After Saddam 
execution Dec. 30, one Sunni cleric near Dearborn reportedly gave a sermon
concluding that the Prophet Mohammad forgave his enemies, so why couldn't
certain people in Iraq?

Much of the Middle East tension stems from the sense that Shiite power is
growing, led by Iran. The grisly video of Mr. Hussein's execution, with his
Shiite executioners mocking him, fanned the flames.

"As a Shiite, I was taking in this event very differently from the Sunnis,"
said Shenaaz Janmohamed, a graduate student at the University of Michigan at
Ann Arbor. "In a lot of ways Saddam has become this martyr figure who sort
of represents Shiite unruliness."

It is not the first time Shiite-Sunni tensions have spilled over into the
West. Britain has experienced periodic outbursts for years. Stabbings and
other violence between Sunni and Shiite prisoners in New York state jails
prompted a long-running lawsuit by Shiite inmates seeking separate prayer

Some Muslims worry that the friction might erupt in greater violence in the
United States. Others, in both camps, think the tension could prove healthy,
forcing American Muslims to start a dialogue about Muslim differences.


Salaam all

We can only begin to push this evil away HERE in our own homes.

How do we join hands?  Sunni, Shia, MAS ?

G. Waleed Kavalec
Chairman, Public Relations

Masjid as-Sabireen
610 Brand Lane
Stafford, Texas  77477-5206

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