IDF will ensure cease-fire goes up in flames

By Gideon Levy

Here is the forecast: In a few days, there will be a targeted killing
operation. The military correspondents will recite: "He was one of the
senior operatives of Hamas (or Islamic Jihad), and was responsible for
producing and smuggling large amounts of armaments." In response, a barrage
of Qassams will fall on Sderot. One of the residents might be injured. In
the process of the targeted killing operation, some passersby might also be
killed; the correspondents will then recite: "They were armed."

Several days later, there might be a terror attack. The leaders of the
right-wing parties and the Labor Party will be interviewed on television and
will recite: "Abu Mazen has once again demonstrated that he is incapable and
unwilling to fight terror. There is no one to talk to." Public Security
Minister Avi Dichter will propose turning Beit Hanun into a ghost town. Eli
Yishai will suggest bombing from the air. The next day, Qassams will fall
again, and the IDF will enter the northern Gaza Strip. The cease-fire will
go up in flames.

This is not a bold wager. This is almost the exact series of events that
occurred in previous cease-fires. What was is what will be. There are plenty
of examples. In January 2002, after several months of quiet, the Tanzim
activist Raed Karmi was assassinated in Tul Karm. Dichter, who was then the
head of the Shin Bet, pushed for this action, of course. Immediately
afterwards, Fatah began its suicide bombing attacks.

Thank out Creator for those like Gideon Levy.

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