Wa' alaikum  mussalam,
Dear  Sister Maryam,
Alhamdoolillah,  Jazakallah, for  sending  me  this  e-mail.    Insha  Allah,  
I  will  look  up  the  website and with  Allah's help  I will  try  to read  
the  Quran better,  Ameen.
Appreciate   your   early  reply.  Mubaraq Mikraj  for  tommorow  evening.
Sis Nur

To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]: Date: Sun, 27 Jul 2008 04:30:41 +0000Subject: Bismillah 
[IslamCity] Re: Please visit http://iqrasisters.wordpress.com/ IQRA-Quran Study 
Circle for Sisters

Salaam alaykum. I requested this info for Sister Nur to be sent toher. 
Insh'allah, this gets her what she needs. Salaam. {{Maryam}}--- In 
islamcity@yahoogroups.com, norma lacey wrote:>> Assalam mualaikum,> Dear Bros 
and Sis,> > Can you please let me know how to get in touch with this group?> > 
I cannot "Click" on the word schedule (which is suppposed to be on the right 
side of the page)as it is NOT to be found!> > Please help me.> > Jazakallah.> 
Sister Nur>

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