Bismillah [IslamCity] Reward for fasting on the Arafah day

2008-12-06 Thread Ugandan Muslims

Qatadah ( Radhiallaho anha ) reported :


The Messenger of Allah ( Sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam ) was
asked about the observance of Saum ( fasting ) on the day of ‘Arafah (the day 
before Eid Adhuha).. He said,

 “It is an expiation (atonement) for
the sins of the preceding year and the current year.”

Abu Mas'ud 'Uqba ibn 'Amr al-Ansari al-Badri reported that the Messenger of 
Allah, (PBUH), said, Anyone who shows the way to something good has the same 
reward as the person who does it. [Muslim]   E.g. if you encourage someone 
to go for Salah, or pay Zakat and the person actually goes ahead and prays or 
pays Zakat, Allah will reward him for the good deeds and at the same time give 
you (the one that encouraged them to do good) an equal reward as he has given 
them- without decreasing what he gave them.      So Encourage Other To Do Good 
And Refrain From Bad Deeds


Bismillah [IslamCity] Avoid using Nestle milk

2008-12-06 Thread syed sadath
SFDA finds melamine in Nestle milk
Fatima Sidiya | Arab News
JEDDAH: More than two months after the Saudi Food and Drugs Authority (SFDA) 
called on the Ministry of Commerce and Industry to ensure that no 
Chinese-manufactured milk products were being sold in the Kingdom, the SFDA 
issued a
consumer alert yesterday on the presence of the industrial chemical melamine in 
milk powder made by a Nestle plant in China and Apollo Chocolate Wafer Cream 
snack bars.
And, sure enough, store shelves in Jeddah were stocked with the product that 
the SFDA named yesterday: Nestle’s Nesvita Pro Bone Protection high calcium 
milk (specific samples produced in China on different dates in 2007 and 2008) 
Apollo Chocolate Cream-Filled Wafer bars, made by Malaysia’s Apollo Food 
“The SFDA found five samples from all the samples tested (contaminated with 
melamine),” said a statement on the SFDA website.
The SFDA claims it found the melamine during a random sampling of 52 products 
containing powdered milk. Nestle was quick to issue a statement yesterday 
claiming that none of its milk products contain melamine and that all of its 
products sold in Saudi Arabia and elsewhere in the world meet World Health 
Organization standards.
Melamine is an industrial compound found in plastics that has been used by 
unscrupulous manufacturers in China to fool government protein content tests. 
Melamine, which has been shown to cause kidney stones or kidney failure, 
especially among infants, is added to the milk in order to lower costs, cheat 
nutr ition tests and pass powdered milk products onto the world market that 
have lower-than-acceptable levels of protein.
In September, SFDA Executive President Mohammed Al-Kenhal said: “We have 
contacted the ministry to take necessary measures to make sure that the 
Kingdom’s markets are free of Chinese milk.”
The Ministry of Commerce and Industry confirmed that Saudi Arabia was not 
importing any milk products from China . Many local traders also said that 
there is no Chinese milk in the Kingdom’s markets.


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Bismillah [IslamCity] The month of Dhulhijja and eid al-adha

2008-12-06 Thread darultawhid english
The month of Dhulhijja and eid al-adha

The month of Dhulqada 1429AH was completed
to 30 days therefore the first day of Dhulhijja is according to the
Gregorian calendar 29 November 2008, Saturday. The first day of eid
al-adha is December 8 2008 Monday inshaAllah. May Allah accept good
deeds from the Muslim and send His blessings along with His mercy to
the Muslims. Ameen

the archive of the salaf and the discussion forum Darultawhid


Bismillah [IslamCity] NDTV Simi Agarwal says that the flags she sees in slums are Pakistani flag

2008-12-06 Thread Abhiyya
Dear Simi Agarwal,
All that's green is not a Pakistani flag!!

With Regards


--- On Sun, 11/30/08, Vinod  wrote:

From: vinod
Subject: NDTV Simi Agarwal says that the flags she sees in slums are Pakistani 
Date: Sunday, November 30, 2008, 11:34 PM

Please listen to the last part of the program which came on NDTV. We need to 
protest it with NDTV. If not they will soon close down all muslim organisations 
and institutions which have green flag on it. She thinks all green flags are 

Please note that there was a similar incident which would have almost resulted 
in comunal riots in karnataka if it was not for Vaartha Bharathi (Kannada 
Daily). They carried an article showing both the flags- pakistani and the one 
under question



Bismillah [IslamCity] What does Islam say about obeying our governments?and other issues -- (Answered By: Adil Salahi, Jeddah-Saudi Arabia)

2008-12-06 Thread S A Hannan
- Original Message -
From: Mohammad Usman
To: Mohammad Usman
Sent: Monday, December 01, 2008 6:03 AM
Subject: What does Islam say about obeying our governments? (Answered By: Adil 
Salahi, Jeddah-Saudi Arabia)

  Obeying Governments
  Adil Salahi | Arab News

  Q1. Could you please explain the Hadith that says were it not for the 
Children of Israel, meat would not have rotten, and were it not for Eve, no 
woman would have betrayed her husband? (Z. Abu Bakr)

  A1. This statement contradicts basic Islamic principles. The first is 
that no one will bear the burden of another. This is stated four times in the 
Qur'an, stressing the principle of individual responsibility.

  How can we imagine that the action of one woman, in this case Eve, would 
be carried down the generations so as to influence every woman who betrays her 
husband? How come that it does not influence other women? Another principle the 
statement contradicts is that of the operation of the laws of nature. Meat goes 
rotten when exposed to the elements for a long period. This is how God wanted 
things to be. To suggest that this took place in consequence of some action the 
Jews did at one point in time means that prior to their action, meat stayed 
fresh all the time, which is untrue.

  It also suggests that as a result of their action, all future generations 
had to suffer. This is totally wrong.

  Q2. What does Islam say about obeying our governments? Is this applicable 
only in Muslim countries, or does it apply to Muslims living as minorities in 
predominantly non-Muslim countries? (Name and address withheld)

  [ This means that this hadith can not be acted upon , it is weak or 

  A2. The Prophet says: Listen and obey, even though your ruler is a black 
slave whose head looks like a ball. By giving this graphic description, the 
Prophet means to ensure that his order applies to rulers, regardless of the 
origin or the color or looks of the said ruler. As long as the ruler is chosen 
by fair means, and is ruling according to the authority assigned to him by 
Islamic law, then he should be obeyed.

  Two major principles apply in this context. The first is that the 
particular order issued by the ruler must not be in conflict with Islamic law.

  The Prophet clearly states: No creature may be obeyed in what 
constitutes disobedience of the Creator. Thus, if any authority, be it a 
Parliament, a government, a judge or an employer, issues an edict requiring 
those under its jurisdiction to do something forbidden in Islam, a Muslim must 
not obey that edict. If he does, he leaves himself accountable to God for it, 
with all that such accountability may involve including any punishment God may 
inflict on him. Some years ago, a ruler in a Muslim country decreed that people 
should not fast in Ramadan, because the country needed everyone to put their 
maximum effort to increase productivity.

  Anyone who obeyed that ruler would be accountable to God for placing the 
ruler's order above that of God.

  The other principle is that the government must aim to achieve the common 
good of the community in all its orders.

  This means that when a government issues an order, aiming to serve the 
common interests of the people, and contravening no Islamic rule, the order 
must be obeyed by Muslims. Thus, when the municipal authorities decide that a 
certain street is one way, driving in the opposite direction does not only 
constitute an offense of traffic regulations, it also constitutes an offense 
against Islamic law. This is because such an order is meant to serve the 
community, and it does not contravene any principle of Islamic law.

With Kind Regards

Mohammad Usman


The sayings of our beloved Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) 'Acquiring 
(religious) knowledge in company for an hour in the night is better than 
spending the whole night in prayer.'

 Al-Tirmidhi;Narrated: Abdullah ibn Abbas ® 

IMPORTANT: Questions are answered by: Sheikh Adil Salahi. He can be reached at: 

Questions on religious matters may be sent to the following address which is 
being normally forwarded to the appropriate channel for reply and clarification:

Islam in Perspective Section, Arab News, P O Box: 10452, Jeddah-21433, SAUDI 

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Bismillah [IslamCity] Hindu Extremism On The Rise In India

2008-12-06 Thread Shahid
Hindu extremism has been on the rise since these older reports but it never 
went checked and now it has led to them doing current day bombings among other 
worse things.

Hindu Extremism Being Ignored

Monday January 19, 2004

The American media often has a lot to say about Islamic militants and Muslims 
who commit violence in the Middle East, and it is true that they pose a threat 
to others (as well as to other Muslims). However, that same media typically 
ignores similar extremism and similar violence committed by Hindu nationalists 
in India. Pakistan's Daily Times reports: 

Paul Marshall, a senior fellow at Freedom House's Centre for Religious Freedom 
who recently published a book on the rise of Hindu extremism in India, writes 
that a country once personified by Mahatma Gandhi is fast becoming known for 
religious hatred and violence. While India remains the world's largest 
democracy, the ruling BJP is linked to Hindu extremist groups like the RSS, the 
Bajrang Dal and the Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP), which mount hate campaigns and 
sometimes-violent attacks against religious minorities and demand that Hinduism 
dominate society and politics. The RSS was founded by admirers of fascism and 
Nazism, produced Gandhi's murderers and is now perhaps the world's largest 
paramilitary organisation, with millions of members, he adds. 


India's political traditions are founded upon liberalism, democracy, and 
tolerance - but the growth of extremism in that nation threatens those 
foundations, and threatens to ignite not only internal violence, but also 
conflict with other nations like Pakistan. There are justifiable concerns about 
the possibility of Muslim extremists taking over in Pakistan, a country with 
nuclear weapons, but we should have similar concerns about India as well - a 
country which is much larger, more powerful, and which possess more nuclear 
weapons than Pakistan.

Hindu Extremism on the Rise in India

Conservative News Service, Feb 14, 2000

NEW DELHI, India (CNS) -- Hindu fundamentalist groups in India are trying to 
curb the activities of other religious groups and control the expressions of 
those not conforming to their world view, according to analysts here. As 
examples, analysts point to Hindu attempts to change the Indian constitution in 
ways that would curb artistic free expression and restrict the right of 
minority Christians and Muslims to preach and practice their religion freely. 

Increasing intolerance among the Hindu fundamentalist organizations, which 
pose a grave threat to democracy, are an indication of the rise of fascist 
forces in India, said politics professor M. Mohanty of Delhi University. 

What happened with European fascism is now happening with the Hindus, he told 

Kanti Bajpai, professor of international politics at Jawaharlal Nehru 
University, agreed, telling that the rise of right-wing politics 
in India is far more advanced and violent than in Austria. 

More than 80 percent of India's nearly one billion people are Hindus. Muslims 
form a sizeable minority of around 15 percent, while just 2.5 percent are 

Although Hindu fundamentalist leaders have formally denied responsibility for 
attacks on minority religious communities, their propaganda is characterized by 
threats of violence. 

In Orissa, where Australian missionary Graham Staines and his two sons were 
murdered 13 months ago, the local government passed an order last November 
prohibiting religious conversions without the prior permission of the local 
police and a district magistrate. 

The order, an amendment to the 1967 Orissa Freedom of Religion Act, stipulates 
that a citizen wishing to convert must undergo a police inquiry to explain his 
or her reasons. 

India's most populous state, Uttar Pradesh, has passed a bill restricting the 
building and use of places of worship. It is awaiting the approval of the 
Indian president. 

The western state of Gujarat recently lifted a ban on government employees 
being members of the Hindu nationalist Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (national 
self-service organization, or RSS). 

The RSS, which claims to be a socio-cultural organization, is the main think 
tank of several fundamentalist bodies in India, including the ruling Bharatiya 
Janata Party (BJP). The RSS functions as the principal guardian of Hindu 

An RSS member assassinated Mahatma Gandhi in 1948. It has been banned three 
times since independence for its activities. 

Also in Gujarat, lawmakers soon will debate a draft Freedom of Religion Bill, 
which makes it a criminal offense to use force or fraud in converting a person 
from one religion to another. 

Hindu fundamentalists forced an Indo-Canadian movie director, Deepa Mehta, from 
filming a movie that 

Bismillah [IslamCity] Little Enjoyment For Disbelievers

2008-12-06 Thread Aqsa Jihad Fisabeelillah*
Bismillah hir rahmaan nir raheem
Assalamu alaykum wa rahmatuallahi wa barakatuhu
*What Allah says to Prophet Muhammad salla lahu alaihi wa sallam about
Blessings for the pious in heaven,Little enjoyment for deniers of day of
resurrection on earth  If not Quran then what will they believe after this?
*Surah Al-Mursalât*

* 77:*41. Verily, the *Muttaqûn* (pious - see V.2:2) shall be amidst shades
and springs.

42. And fruits, such as they desire.

43. Eat and drink comfortably for that which you used to do.

44. Verily, thus We reward the *Muhsinûn* (good-doers).

45. Woe that Day to the deniers (of the Day of Resurrection)!

46. (O you disbelievers)! Eat and enjoy yourselves (in this worldly life)
for a little while. Verily, you are the *Mujrimûn** *(polytheists,
disbelievers, sinners, criminals, etc.).

47. Woe that Day to the deniers (of the Day of Resurrection)!

48. And when it is said to them: Bow down yourself (in prayer)! They bow
not down (offer not their prayers)[] .

49. Woe that Day to the deniers (of the Day of Resurrection)!

50. Then in what statement after this (the Qur'ân) will they believe?

*Surah Isra 17 verse 80 Say: O my Lord! let my entry be by the Gate of
Truth and Honor and likewise my exit by the Gate of Truth and Honor; and
grant me from Thy Presence an authority to aid (me).

Transliteration :Wa qur rabbi adkhilni mudkhala sidqiw wa akhrijni mukhraja
sidqiw wa-j'al li mil ladunka sulta_nan nasira_(n).

Al-Tirmidhi HadithHadith 2482 Narrated by AbuHurayrah  (May Allah be pleased
with him)
Allah's Messenger (peace be upon him) used to say,  O Allah, grant me
benefit in what Thou hast taught me, teach me what will benefit me, and
increase my knowledge. Praise be to Allah in all circumstances. I seek
refuge in Allah from the state of those who go to Hell.
Tirmidhi and Ibn Majah transmitted it, Tirmidhi saying this is a tradition
whose isnad is gharib.


Bismillah [IslamCity] Mistakes made when visiting the Prophet's Mosque

2008-12-06 Thread Shahid
  Question # 36647: Mistakes made when visiting the Prophet's Mosque


What are the mistakes that people make when visiting the Prophet's Mosque?.


Praise be to Allaah.
The mistakes that some pilgrims make when visiting the Prophet's Mosque are of 
several types:


Some pilgrims believe that visiting the Prophet's Mosque is something that has 
to do with Hajj, and that Hajj is not valid without it. Some of the ignorant 
even think that it is more essential than Hajj. This is a false belief, because 
there is no connection between going for Hajj and visiting the Mosque of the 
Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him). Hajj is complete without 
it, and it is complete without Hajj, but since ancient times people have made 
the visit to the Prophet's Mosque part of the journey to Hajj, because it is 
difficult to travel twice. But it is not more essential than Hajj, because Hajj 
is one of the pillars and basic principles of Islam, which is not the case with 
visiting the Prophet's Mosque. We do not know of any scholar who said that it 
is obligatory to visit the Prophet's Mosque or the grave of the Prophet (peace 
and blessings of Allaah be upon him).

With regard to the report which says that the Prophet (peace and blessings of 
Allaah be upon him) said: Whoever goes for Hajj and does not visit me has 
snubbed me, these are words that are falsely attributed to the Prophet (peace 
and blessings of Allaah be upon him), and go against the well known teachings 
of Islam. If it were true then visiting his grave would be one of the most 
obligatory of duties.


Some visitors to the Prophet's Mosque circumambulate the grave of the Prophet 
(peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) and touch the grille and walls of 
the room. They may even kiss them and lay their cheeks against them. All of 
these are reprehensible innovations, for circumambulation (tawaaf) around 
anything other than the Ka'bah is a forbidden innovation (bid'ah). The same 
applies to touching, kissing or pressing one's cheeks against the walls; such 
actions are prescribed only in the right areas of the Ka'bah. Worshipping 
Allaah by doing such actions at the grave of the Prophet (peace and blessings 
of Allaah be upon him) will only take a person further away from Allaah.


Some visitors touch the mihrab, minbar and walls of the mosque to seek 
blessings. All of that is bid'ah.


This is the most serious mistake:

Some visitors pray to the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) 
to relieve distress or to grant them something they desire. This is major shirk 
which puts a person beyond the pale of Islam, and Allaah and His Messenger do 
not approve of this. Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning):

And the mosques are for Allaah (Alone), so invoke not anyone along with 
Allaah [al-Jinn 72:18]

And your Lord said: Invoke Me [i.e. believe in My Oneness (Islamic Monotheism) 
and ask Me for anything] I will respond to your (invocation). Verily, those who 
scorn My worship [i.e. do not invoke Me, and do not believe in My Oneness, 
(Islamic Monotheism)] they will surely enter Hell in humiliation! [Ghaafir 

Say: 'It is not in my power to cause you harm, or to bring you to the Right 
Path' [al-Jinn 72:21]

The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) denounced a man who 
said Whatever Allaah and you will. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah 
be upon him) said, Are you making me a rival with Allaah? What Allaah alone 
wills. Narrated by Ibn Maajah 2118. So what about one who calls upon the 
Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) to relieve his 
distress and to bring him benefits, when he is the one to whom Allaah says 
(interpretation of the meaning):

Say (O Muhammad): 'I possess no power over benefit or hurt to myself except as 
Allaah wills' [al-A'raaf 7:188]

Say: 'It is not in my power to cause you harm, or to bring you to the Right 
Path' [al-Jinn 72:21]

So the believer should put his hopes in his Creator Who has the power to fulfil 
his hopes and relieve him of his fears, and he should acknowledge the rights of 
his Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) to be believed in, 
loved and followed , both outwardly and inwardly. He should ask Allaah to make 
him steadfast in that, and not seek to worship Allaah in any way other than 
that which He has prescribed.

From the words of Shaykh Muhammad ibn 'Uthaymeen , Akhta' Yaqa' fiha al-Haaj 

Bismillah [IslamCity] Targeting the ISI By Anjum Niaz Courtesy:

2008-12-06 Thread Abdul Wahid Osman Belal
 Opinion Archive

The News International Pakistan


   Targeting the ISI

  By Anjum Niaz
Minister Gilani urgently worked the phones to get through his
counterpart in Delhi. Manmohan Singh finally came on the line after two
days. Without diplomatic niceties, Singh curmudgeonly ordered the
director general of the ISI to appear before his premier intelligence
agency RAW in Delhi. India’s wish was Pakistan’s command. Our prime
minister (read President Zardari) agreed to send Lt-General Ahmad Shuja
Pasha without weighing the hurt caused to our national pride and
honour. Pasha reports directly to Gilani, therefore Army Chief Kayani
may merely have received an ‘FYI’ (for your information) from the prime
minister house because of the manner in which the initial announcement
was made.

The chorus against ISI’s role in Mumbai’s killings
rises with every passing minute. The Indian government, India’s media
and the man on the street blames the ISI. And hence Pasha must be put
in the dock in Delhi and read out the Riot Act. The charge-sheet
prepared by the British Scotland Yard and American FBI agents now in
Mumbai to investigate ‘whodunit’ would likely tangle the ISI. The
western print and electronic media and its blogosphere is also tying
the knot between the ISI and Lashkar-e-Taiba and Jaish-e-Mohammad, two
outlawed groups in Pakistan, alleged to have a hand in the carnage and
indirectly tied with Al Qaeda.

Peter Chamberlin, an American
journalist and an expert on terrorism, warns Pakistan against the
Indian ruse to involve ISI in the Mumbai carnage. He calls Al Qaeda an
“imaginary force” created by Pakistan and the US. Other states in the
region use the Al Qaeda card to their advantage. “Whenever any
government wants to kill people, they send in an Al Qaeda cut-out to
start the cycle of violence,” he says. “The leaders and the press in
Pakistan must protest loudly and unveil the truth about Al Qaeda.
Pakistani leaders must tip-toe out of the minefield that they have
allowed themselves to be lured into by the US.”

Today, the ISI
is our first line of defence against foreign and domestic attacks.
Instead of weakening it, our civilian and military establishment should
convert the 4,500 plus strong institution into another Mossad, the
Israeli intelligence outfit, ranked among the most effective
intelligence agencies in the world. While Prime Minister Gilani was on
his way last July to the US, an order was issued to transfer the agency
to the interior division. A furore ensued and very soon the
notification was cancelled. “Rehman Malik wanted to run the political
wing” says General Shujaat Ali Khan, who ran the agency’s political
wing during Benazir Bhutto’s second government. Recently, the ISI
quietly disbanded the controversial political wing which had over the
years become a Frankenstein. Benazir Bhutto had openly blamed it for
pulling their government down in November 1996, weeks before her
brother Murtaza Bhutto was gunned down in Karachi. In her 2000
interview to an English monthly, Benazir Bhutto accused General Shujaat
of “destabilizing” her government. She said that despite her trying to
get the general sacked, the big boss of ISI, General Naseem Rana and
the ministry of defence failed to dislodge Shujaat, perceived by
Benazir Bhutto as her nemesis.

On a late November afternoon, I
drive down to a deserted farmhouse outside Islamabad to meet General
Shujaat Ali Khan. He has just arrived home after a minor surgery at
CMH, Rawalpindi. As I sip my orange juice, freshly squeezed off the
orchard in the general’s backyard, I wonder whether my host was really
that lethal as made out by the two civilian prime ministers whom he
served. “Before I answer Ms Bhutto’s charge, I have seen the Rafi Raza
Report where in 1976, her father ordered the creation of a political
cell in the ISI just by handwriting one line in the margin. The ISI
thus was given a green light to bug politicians’ phones. Even Prime
Minister Benazir Bhutto allowed us to listen in to conversations of
politicians, judges and Dr A Q Khan.”

The former spymaster
vouches that during his 2 ? years in the ISI as the DG internal wing
which monitored the counter-terrorism and the political cells, he never
“bugged” the phones of Prime Minister Bhutto or President Farooq
Leghari. His task was to collect intelligence on the “macro-economic
indicators; the stock exchange and the financial deals” affecting the
economy of Pakistan. During the intelligence gathering, the general
naturally came across allegations of corruption by the First Gentleman
Asif Ali Zardari and appointments based on nepotism and favouritism. “I
used to forward my reports to the PM and she would return the files
with handwritten short remarks in green ink. At times she would sound
irritated with repartees like: ‘Since when has the ISI become an
economic expert?’ or ‘Oh, really!’”

General Shujaat met 

Bismillah [IslamCity] Hillary As US Secretary of State

2008-12-06 Thread S A Hannan
Hillary As  US Secretary of State



US President-elect Barack Obama has nominated  Hillary Clinton as his secretary 
of state. The news follows weeks of speculation as to what role the former 
first lady would play in the Obama administration. Mrs Clinton lost out to Mr 
Obama when the two contested a bitterly fought race for the Democratic Party 
presidential nomination. At a news conference in Chicago, Mr Obama also 
announced nominations for other key National Security team posts. Although the 
two repeatedly clashed during the nomination race, Mrs Clinton went on to 
campaign for Mr Obama as he took on Republican John McCain in the race for the 
White House. 
Former president Bill Clinton had cleared the way for his wife's appointment by 
reaching a complicated agreement on his financial arrangements, reports said. 
Correspondents said there had been fears her nomination could falter over the 
appearance of conflicts of interest between her husband's charitable foundation 
and lucrative speechmaking schedule. 


We feel it is a very important appointment for the US.As Mr Obama wants change 
in most respects, we hope Mrs hilary Clinton will be an asset for him with her 
experience  as a Senator, highly scholarly back ground and her close 
observation of the operation of foreign policy during Mr Clinton’s time.

We hope she understands the long –standing problems of the world in Palestine, 
Kashmir, festering civil wars in Africa, nuclear issues with Russia and other 
countries, Iraq , Afghanistan and so many others.If Obama wants change, she has 
to bring some moral judgment of the issues.Only national interest  will not 
bring any real solution.The crisis in international arena is really the 
abandonment of moral positions and in the last fifty years we have seen only 
multiplication of problems in the international arena. Wars, application of 
force, bias towards some nations , brinkmanship have produced nothing positive 
as we have seen in Iraq, Afghanistan  and many other places.We hope and pray 
that  Mr Obama and Mrs Hilary Clinton  really take some serious steps  to 
enhance peace and harmony in the world.