Hello Henning,

On 28/06/2019 10:29, Henning Schild wrote:
> Hey Andrej,
> this feature was already proposed and discussed before, but never
> resulted in patches getting merged.
> https://groups.google.com/d/topic/jailhouse-dev/BSfMKio91BQ/discussion
> I did not look into it yet. But you might want to reread that thread,
> making sure your proposal covers what was discussed back than.

Thanks for the hint, I didn't really search for previous attempts.
I see now that I forgot the PEP8 formatting, will note for v3.

> The main issue really is that a lot of device drivers do not register
> themselfs as port-users, so we can not detect them.
> But those exotic ports are probably blocked in the default config so
> there is no new problem. A new problem would be if the generated configs
> shrink the default set, revoking access that was granted before.
> But i agree that it is a good idea to improve the generated config to
> reach a working out-of-the-box state.

That was my goal: old static port list and new generated ones must be
functionally the same. Access control for rest of devices is in the
hands of user, as it was before, only more handier now.

As for device detection: work is still underway.


> Henning

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