
How much memory to you allow the JVM to use?
You say "sometimes" it takes up to 5 minutes.
If the response times are not consistent from one execution to the next, this is a clear indication that there is not enough memory available and the JVM spends to much time trying to garbage collecting things.

I hope this helps.

Richard Walton wrote:

Hi All

I am having a problem with JasperFillManager.fillReport

I’m using Jasper 1.1 running on tomcat ( I have a web application that creates the reports and then serves them to the user over the web )

Code looks like this

System.out.println("Before getcompiledreport : "+System.currentTimeMillis());

JasperReport jasperReport = JasperHelper.getCompiledReport(

reportName, getServletContext());

System.out.println("Before parameters.put(jasperReport, jasperReport) : "+System.currentTimeMillis());

parameters.put(jasperReport, jasperReport);

System.out.println("Before fillReport : "+System.currentTimeMillis());

jasperPrint = JasperFillManager.fillReport(jasperReport,

parameters, conn);

So when I do the jasperPrint = JasperFillManager.fillReport(jasperReport,parameters, conn); it takes sometimes up to 5 mins to come back to me with the jasperPrint object!!!

Any ideas anyone?

Oh yeah and the data coming back isn’t that big and the query that I run in the report takes less than 1 second to execute when I run it on the ms sql server

Any ideas anyone?


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