Re: [JAVA2D] Retiring the package com.sun.image.codec.jpeg

2007-04-25 Thread java2d
I would vote for #1 - get rid of the classes entirely in Java 7.  The warning 
is already out there when compiling in Java 6.. there is no sense in dragging 
it on.

I would also vote for rewriting the JPEG loaders in Image I/O as they are quite 
poor performance-wise (and so is com.sun.image.codec.jpeg.JPEGCodec).  I expect 
you could at the very least double the performance.  The last I heard the 
existing codecs did not make use of vector instructions 
(SSE/MMX/Altivec/whatever), whereas any respectable implementation would.  
That's one of the primary reasons vector instructions like MMX were added to 
processors so many years ago.
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Re: [JAVA2D] Retiring the package com.sun.image.codec.jpeg

2007-04-12 Thread java2d
My results are 18,250ms for ImageIO and 15,172 for JpegEncode.
I will try to make a more thorough test and will try JAI.
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Re: [JAVA2D] Retiring the package com.sun.image.codec.jpeg

2007-04-11 Thread Phil Race

I received the test image from Carl and it does have an APP2 marker
with an ICC profile so its as I suspected.
com.sun.image.codec.jpeg is faster mainly because its not processing

On my XP PC for 50 loads of the sample image I have
ImageIO : 32 seconds
JPEGDecoder : 13 seconds

But if I allow Image I/O to skip applying the color space conversion
I get 15 seconds - almost on a par ..

The way to 'skip' this is to specify that the returned buffered
image use the color space with the profile, rather than being
converted to sRGB before returning.

This does mean you need to directly invoke the JPEG reader
so you can tell it this. Sample code below :

There's a couple of robustness things lacking (like not
checking for null) but that's pretty much what you need.

IteratorImageReader it = ImageIO.getImageReadersBySuffix(jpg);
ImageReader jpegReader =;
jpegReader.setInput(new FileImageInputStream(file));
IteratorImageTypeSpecifier typeIterator = jpegReader.getImageTypes(0);
ImageTypeSpecifier its = null;
while (typeIterator.hasNext()  its == null) {
ImageTypeSpecifier tmp =;
ColorSpace cs = tmp.getColorModel().getColorSpace();
if ((cs.getType() == ColorSpace.TYPE_RGB)  !cs.isCS_sRGB()) {
its = tmp;
ImageReadParam param = jpegReader.getDefaultReadParam();
BufferedImage bimg =, param);

It used to be the case that this was the default.

However notice that drawing this image will now take
longer as the conversion will be applied then.
This turned out to be a problem too for most people.
So this is probably not going to help if you need to
do that drawing anyway. We've discussed whether applying the
conversion is really necessary if RenderingHint.KEY_RENDERING
is set to VALUE_RENDER_SPEED, and the image types are generally
compatible, so perhaps in the future that will offer a solution.

In the interim you could just create a new BufferedImage
using the Raster from the returned one and a color model
which has an sSRGB color space .. ie essentially dropping
the ColorSpace which has the ICC profile data.


Phil Race wrote:

There may be some differences in the way that the two APIs process the
For example I noted recently that the old com.sun.image.codec,jpeg is
ignorant of an APP2 marker with an ICC profile in which case its faster,
but produces incorrect
results.  So for many photographic images it probably should not be used
on those grounds
alone. I am not at all sure that's the issue in your case. It would
need  investigation .
Can you send me (not the whole list) directly via email your  test image.
phil DOT race AT sun DOT com



I've run some tests and concluded that JPEGCodec.createJPEGDecoder(new
FileInputStream(file)).decodeAsBufferedImage() is faster than File(file)) .
I have a test image that's 1978x2500 that loads in 375ms using
JPEGCodec and 735 ms using ImageIO. I set ImageIO.setUseCache(false).
Is there something I'm doing wrong or is the old package faster. I'm
writing an application to read images/slideshow, etc and speed is very
important. Do you have any tips or suggestions?
I'm running Java 6 u1 on Windows XP Media Center. 128MB VRAM, AMD
Athlon 3800 Dual Core X2, 1GB RAM.

Thanks in advance,

Carl Antaki
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Re: [JAVA2D] Retiring the package com.sun.image.codec.jpeg

2007-04-11 Thread java2d
Thanks Phil.
I tried it. It it is a faster but not as fast as the old library. It still 
looks to me that at 400ms this is slow. Shouldn't it be possible to make a 
multi threaded image reader. Do you know what is really taking most of this 
time? I have read somewhere that the C library used is not efficient and that 
the Intel library is faster.

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Re: [JAVA2D] Retiring the package com.sun.image.codec.jpeg

2007-04-11 Thread Phil Race

I tried it.

what is the percentage differential you measure?
I trust you ran a benchmark which ran a loop of (say) 50 times?

I have read somewhere that the C library used is not efficient and
that the Intel library is faster.

no idea what that's about. Both APIs use the same C lib. Its the IJG lib
which  is very widely used
and hopefully easily optimised by C compilers.
Did you try the jai tools version of image i/o? That has some different
code .. supposedly faster.



Thanks Phil.
I tried it. It it is a faster but not as fast as the old library. It still 
looks to me that at 400ms this is slow. Shouldn't it be possible to make a 
multi threaded image reader. Do you know what is really taking most of this 
time? I have read somewhere that the C library used is not efficient and that 
the Intel library is faster.

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Re: [JAVA2D] Retiring the package com.sun.image.codec.jpeg

2007-04-10 Thread Phil Race

There may be some differences in the way that the two APIs process the
For example I noted recently that the old com.sun.image.codec,jpeg is
ignorant of an APP2 marker with an ICC profile in which case its faster,
but produces incorrect
results.  So for many photographic images it probably should not be used
on those grounds
alone. I am not at all sure that's the issue in your case. It would
need  investigation .
Can you send me (not the whole list) directly via email your  test image.
phil DOT race AT sun DOT com



I've run some tests and concluded that JPEGCodec.createJPEGDecoder(new 
FileInputStream(file)).decodeAsBufferedImage() is faster than 
File(file)) .
I have a test image that's 1978x2500 that loads in 375ms using JPEGCodec and 
735 ms using ImageIO. I set ImageIO.setUseCache(false). Is there something I'm 
doing wrong or is the old package faster. I'm writing an application to read 
images/slideshow, etc and speed is very important. Do you have any tips or 
I'm running Java 6 u1 on Windows XP Media Center. 128MB VRAM, AMD Athlon 3800 
Dual Core X2, 1GB RAM.

Thanks in advance,

Carl Antaki
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Re: [JAVA2D] Retiring the package com.sun.image.codec.jpeg

2007-04-09 Thread java2d
I've run some tests and concluded that JPEGCodec.createJPEGDecoder(new 
FileInputStream(file)).decodeAsBufferedImage() is faster than 
File(file)) .
I have a test image that's 1978x2500 that loads in 375ms using JPEGCodec and 
735 ms using ImageIO. I set ImageIO.setUseCache(false). Is there something I'm 
doing wrong or is the old package faster. I'm writing an application to read 
images/slideshow, etc and speed is very important. Do you have any tips or 
I'm running Java 6 u1 on Windows XP Media Center. 128MB VRAM, AMD Athlon 3800 
Dual Core X2, 1GB RAM.

Thanks in advance,

Carl Antaki
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[JAVA2D] Retiring the package com.sun.image.codec.jpeg

2007-02-22 Thread Phil Race

The package com.sun.image.codec.jpeg was added in JDK 1.2 (Dec 1998)
as a non-standard way of controlling the loading and saving of JPEG
format image files.
It has never been part of the platform specification and is not part
of any compatibility test suite and so compatible Java implementations
are not required to include it.
The documentation for it has always been buried under a separate
'other API' heading, clearly distinct from the Java platform API
specification. The intention was to replace it with a standard API.

In JDK 1.4 (FCS/GA 2001) the Java Image I/O API was added
(see JSR-15 at as a standard API.
This resides in the package javax.imageio.
It provides a standard mechanism for controlling the loading and
saving of sampled image formats and requires all compliant Java SE
implementations to support JPEG as per the Image I/O specification.

In JDK 6 to encourage migration to Image I/O several things happened.

1. All documentation of com.sun.image.codec.jpeg was removed
although the classes are still present in *Sun* implementations
- I can't speak for others - and probably only direct Sun licensees
are likely to ship the API assuming they bother to do so.

2. When compiling code using these classes using JDK 6 a warning
is emitted :

warning: com.sun.image.codec.jpeg.JPEGCodec is Sun proprietary API and
may be removed in a future release
3.  There were substantial performance improvements to Image I/O
including JPEG, and overall the performance is now very similar
between the two APIs.

So we think its time to retire com.sun.image.codec.jpeg so we
can focus on the single preferred standard API.

However we are aware that applications do still use it, typically
because they were written to run on JDK versions prior to 1.4,

There are several options, not all exclusive :

1. Remove completely in JDK 7 - the most aggressive option.

2. Warn in JDK 7 release notes that it will be removed completely in
JDK8 - this is really just incremental to the existing compilation

3. Make further javac changes in JDK 7 so that the classes are not
located when compiling. ie the compilation warning turns into an error.
Again, with this option the classes *are* still available at runtime so
that code compiled with 1.6 or earlier will still find these classes
and run on JDK 7 This preserves binary compatibility.

4. Remove the classes completely in a release after JDK 7
after a combination of notifications via release notes
and compiler warnings/errors. Ideally this would then
happen in JDK8

Implementing 2+3+4 comes down to using JDK 7 to provide
a further period of grace to migrate and probably provides
the right balance between notice and compatibility (to these
non-standard, unsupported APIs). Particularly since JDK 6
already began this process.

How long does this give people to migrate?
Our historical run rate of releases is one every two years.
JDK 1.2 - Dec 1998
JDK 6 Nov 2006
Management may try different models and so forth but I think
that's a good enough estimate which predicts
JDK7 - late 2008
JDK8 - late 2010

Does anyone think they have current code that uses
com.sun.image.codec.jpeg that would have a problem
with this proposed removal?

Any comment on the options?

FYI I am sending this to each of :
so many of you may get this message several times.

-Phil Race,
Java 2D.

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