Hello list,


I just thought I’d let folks know since this issue has come up previously
that the Plain Old favorites add-on for Firefox works in version 22 again. I
wrote the dev the other day about it and he responded yesterday and provided
a link to the latest update (version 1.3). It is: http://www.iosart.com/fir


For whatever reason, this update still isn’t showing up in the check for
updates section of the add-ons manager. I had to install it manually, but
the point is that it works. Now I can go back to hiding that firefox
bookmarks menu and just use the POF like old instead. 


There were some Mozilla forum threads mentioning that the dev was no longer
going to script for Firefox and that there was no real work-around for this,
but to just import bookmarks into the Firefox bookmarks menu.  Also that the
dev wasn’t responding to emails regarding the same. Thankfully, this turned
out not to be the case.


In any event, I thought I’d post the update with the link. The same link is
making the rounds in the Mozilla forums too.



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