Hello list,

Using JFW 11, I've noticed that while in Mozilla, I'm getting a lot of extra
chatter from Jaws in certain webpages. The Huffington Post, British Airways,
kayak, Lufthansa for example. There are more, but these are the ones I've
used today. Especially in the Huffington post, after almost every time I
press any navigational key stroke jaws will repeat the title of the window
or some other random words. The same is true in the other pages I mentioned
but not to the same extreme. It always happens however, when I press the h
key for the next or previous heading and am taken to either the first
heading on the top of the page or the last heading at the bottem of the
page. I have my screen echo setting set to highlight as it's always been.

In addition, whenever I press the spacebar to activate a radio button on a
webpage from within Mozilla, Jaws seems to lose it's place and I'm not able
to arrow either up or down and end up having to press the tab key to get the
cursor working again. By doing this, I always end up at the bottem of the
page and have to find my way back to where I was previously.

Is anyone else experiencing this or might it be a settings issue on my end?
The radio button thing especially I find disruptive and since I really
don’t' experience it in IE, I have to believe it's a Mozilla bug. I recall
submitting a bug report during the beta period, but who knows...

Anyway, I thought I'd ask and hopefully others can give me feedback.


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