Re: [JBoss-dev] Why is new ObjectName() so slow?

2002-04-28 Thread Andrew Scherpbier

Juha-P Lindfors wrote:

On Sun, 28 Apr 2002, marc fleury wrote:

Juha for example. By spec must we have
Domain1:name1=value1;name2=value2 == Domain1:name2=value2;name1=value1 ???

I would imagine so,

yes and this is the problem for performance

-- Juha

I've been following this discussion and I'd like to throw in my $.02:
Can the implementation override its hashCode() method and compute it in 
a different way; and use the hashCode() as an initial part of the 
equals() method?

I'm thinking doing something simple like scanning the input string and 
resetting the hash computation counter ever time a ';' is seen.
IOW, compute a unique hashcode for each name=value pair and simply XOR 
them together to get the final hashcode for the ObjectName.  This way, a 
hash comparison can be done without sorting anything.  It will at least 
reduce time when the two objects are not equal.
The scanning can be done lazily: only when the equals() or hashCode() 
methods are called.

*  Breaks spec since only the constuctor is supposed to check syntax. 
 This can be fixed by doing the hashcode computation in the constructor.
*  Still O(n) where n is the length of the initial string.
*  Can't use this to search for a specific name=value pair.

*  Should be faster than parsing the input into a hash table and then 
sorting in order to do a comparison.  However, the sort comparison 
should still be done once a hashCode() match is found, unfortunately!
*  Reduces memory requirements by delaying the creation of a hashtable 
until it is actually required.

Jboss-development mailing list

Re: [JBoss-dev] Demo

2002-04-10 Thread Andrew Scherpbier

How about deployables in the root of the distribution tree.

Also, to follow up on Peter's message in a different thread about using 
a default.war to document things...   I really like that idea.  It can 
be extended to dynamically show what services can be deployed by looking 
in the deployables directory and parsing the *-service.xml files for 
information.  If those files contain the documentation for the service 
they provide, then there is only one place to  update if things change. 
 (Would adding a description element to the *-service.xml files break 
The cool part of this is that the documentation could automatically show 
the dependecies as well.

At another level, this whole interface could be extended to be a web 
based configuration thingy which can create configurations with the 
services you want.  Maybe this should be part of the new JMX web interface.

Are there any JSR's related to this?  I haven't been keeping up on those.

I am willing to work on something like this (for 3.1, not 3.0!!!) if 
there is any interest.


Hiram Chirino wrote:

 I like the idea.

 But what would be a good intuative directory name to put deployable 
 services that are not actually deployed???  I got a feeling this could 
 also cause some confusion.


 From: Andrew Scherpbier [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: Jason Dillon [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: [JBoss-dev] Demo
 Date: Tue, 09 Apr 2002 18:39:21 -0700

 I see your point about a minimal configuration.

 But what about the idea of a directory that has all the deployable
 stuff.  This could be a good solution to the problem of people asking
 (or having to search for) database *-service.xml files.  And as I said
 earlier, it would allow people to pick the web container they want 
 (if any).

 By building a completely self-contained package that requires minimal
 external stuff to be installed, the user's experience will be that much
 better!  ;-)


 Jason Dillon wrote:

 Sure, though then perhaps an additional minimal configuration is in
 order, so that the default brings up most of the needed
 functionality. Or perhaps not... this is hard, because the minimum
 required is on that there be a jboss-service.xml, you don't need to
 configure any other beans... but this configuration is not very useful.

 I would support a minimal configuration, though I am not sure what
 functionality that would contain.  I would also support documenting
 this somewhere, as minimal to you might not be minimal to me and so on.

 I expect 70% of the users who download this release to uppack it,
 startup with the defaults, copy there .ear or .war and then load a
 webpage in there broweser for confirmation that it all worked.

 I understand that you want to be clear about what is requried and what
 is optional, but perhaps there is a better way to get this information
 across than with a seperate configuration?


 Andrew Scherpbier wrote:

 I have a suggestion on a related subject...
 From my current point of view (as a user of jboss 3) I would actually
 prefer a clear description of whatall goes into the deploy directory
 and why, and let me be the judge what gets deployed.  This would mean
 creating the simplest deploy directory that has at least the ability
 to deploy a simple (no war) ear file that contains EJBs.
 In a separate directory, put all the crap that *can* be put into the
 deploy directory  (and these need to be clearly described since the
 names may refer to things the user doesn't know about (yet)).  The
 motivation for this is that as a deployer of JBoss, I want to make
 sure I only include the stuff that is actually used/required to
 deploy my user's applications.
 So, in other words, instead of making an example deploy directories
 from which a user might not know what to delete, provide the minimal
 config plus a clear description on what can be deployed.

 This might also be a nice way to include both Jetty and Catalina in
 the binary distribution.  Let the user pick what they want.

 Am I making any sense to anyone?

[trimmed for your protection]

Jboss-development mailing list

Re: [JBoss-dev] Demo

2002-04-10 Thread Andrew Scherpbier

Peter Fagerlund wrote:

on 10-04-2 18.50, Andrew Scherpbier at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

How about deployables in the root of the distribution tree.

close but ...

but what?

Maybe available-services or possible-services


Also, to follow up on Peter's message in a different thread about using
a default.war to document things...   I really like that idea.  It can
be extended to dynamically show what services can be deployed by looking
in the deployables directory and parsing the *-service.xml files for
information.  If those files contain the documentation for the service
they provide, then there is only one place to  update if things change.
(Would adding a description element to the *-service.xml files break
The cool part of this is that the documentation could automatically show
the dependecies as well.

At another level, this whole interface could be extended to be a web
based configuration thingy which can create configurations with the
services you want.  Maybe this should be part of the new JMX web interface.

fucking beautiful

At yet another level (higher baby, go higher!) it might be much easier 
to not rely on the autodeployer at all for this stuff.
Instead, use the web interface to create a meta deployment descriptor 
that tells a new type of deployer what to deploy and in what order. 
 That way, all possible service, sar, and jar files can be put in one 
place and left there.
The only problem with this approach that I can see is that some of the 
*-service.xml files need customization (the database ones come to mind). 
 Any bright ideas on how to deal with that?

Don't get me wrong, I absolutely love the autodeployer for development, 
but from a user point of view, it can be quite confusing.  Providing a 
clean, web-based configuration interface will make the barrier to entry 
for jboss deployers much lower.
This idea might actually work really well in a clustered environment as 

Andrew Scherpbier, CTO ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
BlackBall Music (

Jboss-development mailing list

Re: [JBoss-dev] Demo

2002-04-09 Thread Andrew Scherpbier

I see your point about a minimal configuration.

But what about the idea of a directory that has all the deployable 
stuff.  This could be a good solution to the problem of people asking 
(or having to search for) database *-service.xml files.  And as I said 
earlier, it would allow people to pick the web container they want (if any).

By building a completely self-contained package that requires minimal 
external stuff to be installed, the user's experience will be that much 
better!  ;-)


Jason Dillon wrote:

 Sure, though then perhaps an additional minimal configuration is in 
 order, so that the default brings up most of the needed 
 functionality. Or perhaps not... this is hard, because the minimum 
 required is on that there be a jboss-service.xml, you don't need to 
 configure any other beans... but this configuration is not very useful.

 I would support a minimal configuration, though I am not sure what 
 functionality that would contain.  I would also support documenting 
 this somewhere, as minimal to you might not be minimal to me and so on.

 I expect 70% of the users who download this release to uppack it, 
 startup with the defaults, copy there .ear or .war and then load a 
 webpage in there broweser for confirmation that it all worked.

 I understand that you want to be clear about what is requried and what 
 is optional, but perhaps there is a better way to get this information 
 across than with a seperate configuration?


 Andrew Scherpbier wrote:

 I have a suggestion on a related subject...
 From my current point of view (as a user of jboss 3) I would actually 
 prefer a clear description of whatall goes into the deploy directory 
 and why, and let me be the judge what gets deployed.  This would mean 
 creating the simplest deploy directory that has at least the ability 
 to deploy a simple (no war) ear file that contains EJBs.
 In a separate directory, put all the crap that *can* be put into the 
 deploy directory  (and these need to be clearly described since the 
 names may refer to things the user doesn't know about (yet)).  The 
 motivation for this is that as a deployer of JBoss, I want to make 
 sure I only include the stuff that is actually used/required to 
 deploy my user's applications.
 So, in other words, instead of making an example deploy directories 
 from which a user might not know what to delete, provide the minimal 
 config plus a clear description on what can be deployed.

 This might also be a nice way to include both Jetty and Catalina in 
 the binary distribution.  Let the user pick what they want.

 Am I making any sense to anyone?

 Jason Dillon wrote:

 I would prefer to keep any additional configurations that ship with 
 the release to a minimum.  I think that three configs: default, 
 advanced and example will cover what we need and won't add much 
 extra confusion.  I expect that clustering would go into the 
 advanced configuration.


 Peter Fagerlund wrote:

 on 11-04-2 01.21, Jason Dillon at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Do you mean a demo or example configuration for the server?  I think
 that a demo module under jboss-all is not appropriate, but a demo or
 example configuration under server/ is certainly do able.  There was
 talk awhile ago about how to best organize this. I have not 
 anything since there was not a final decision.

 I suggest we add a advanced and example config directory under
 server, probably copying default for a base.

 exactly ++ also maybe a folder for cluster and the like called 
 extended ?
 ... The deployer would need to be aware and ant triggable ...Yes - 
 We talked
 about it some while ago and the concencus was - cool ;-) if that is 
 final . then . Ahhh ...



 Peter Fagerlund wrote:

 Are We ready to make a Demo folder in jboss-all/ that BM would 
 copy into
 output/*/* where I could with an ant build.xml file build and 
 copy to deploy
 ... and once in deployed in deploy as a webapp I could edit some 
 source -
 save - *bong* - cool ...


 Jboss-development mailing list

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Andrew Scherpbier, CTO ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
BlackBall Music (

Jboss-development mailing list


2002-02-08 Thread Andrew Scherpbier

I'll apologize up front if these have already been mentioned.  If they 
have, they get my vote!  :-)

JBoss:  Just Because Other Systems Suck
JBoss:  JBoss Beats Other Server Software

Andrew Scherpbier, CTO ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
BlackBall Music (

Jboss-development mailing list

Re: [JBoss-dev] use of if(debug) log.debug

2001-12-18 Thread Andrew Scherpbier

The object reference and method call are still performed even if nothing 
gets logged.  By using a simple test, that overhead is removed if it is 
not needed.
This is actually a big deal.  It is even better if the test can be done 
on a constant, because then the compiler can decide if the code needs to 
be included or not and there is no overhead if the constant is false.

marc fleury wrote:


I have a conflict on

the conflict is due to the inclusion of if (debug) log.debug(...)

with debug being log.isDebugEnabled()...

do we need to explicitely do that? I thought part of the interest is that
the log4j thing would not do anything with the messages if debug was not
enabled so why the explicit test?

I will remove these unless something clearly says the contrary


Marc Fleury
JBoss Group, LLC

Jboss-development mailing list

Jboss-development mailing list

Re: [JBoss-dev] use of if(debug) log.debug

2001-12-18 Thread Andrew Scherpbier

Lemme correct myself...  This stuff is a big deal *if* it is in code 
that gets called a lot.

Andrew Scherpbier wrote:

 The object reference and method call are still performed even if 
 nothing gets logged.  By using a simple test, that overhead is removed 
 if it is not needed.
 This is actually a big deal.  It is even better if the test can be 
 done on a constant, because then the compiler can decide if the code 
 needs to be included or not and there is no overhead if the constant 
 is false.

 marc fleury wrote:


 I have a conflict on

 the conflict is due to the inclusion of if (debug) log.debug(...)

 with debug being log.isDebugEnabled()...

 do we need to explicitely do that? I thought part of the interest is 
 the log4j thing would not do anything with the messages if debug was not
 enabled so why the explicit test?

 I will remove these unless something clearly says the contrary


 Marc Fleury
 JBoss Group, LLC

 Jboss-development mailing list

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[JBoss-dev] Versioning? (Was: current mbean structure confusing)

2001-12-06 Thread Andrew Scherpbier

Some food for thought on the mbean system:  (Just tell me to shutup and 
crawl back into my cubicle if you want!)

While reading the thread current mbean structure confusing I was 
thinking about some other issues with mbeans, specifically versioning.
In the special purpose app server we developed at my previous company we 
ran into a problem with upgrades.  Our complete system consisted of 
something similar to mbeans (we developed this before the JMX stuff was 
around...) running in a simple container.  (Sounds familiar?  :-))  When 
we sent a new version of our software to a client (our clients included 
our own IT) we needed a way for the software to recognize that newer 
versions of some of the components were available.  So we extended our 
component system to make it aware of its own version number and allowed 
a special method to perform upgrade tasks (it got the old version 
number, so it could perform the correct upgrade)

I see this type of thing as a very useful extension to the current JMX 
stuff.  Any thoughts on this?  Does JMX 1.1 address this?
If there is interest, I am willing to seriously look at implementing 
something like this.

Also, since we always upgraded the complete system all at once, we 
didn't have any need for explicit version checking when computing 
dependencies, but with a generic server like JBoss, this might be of 
interest as well.
This plays into the whole classloader thing as well, because you could 
conceivably have two different version of the same mbean that are used 
by other mbeans.  This is probably too complicated, but it *could* be 

Again, thoughts?


Jboss-development mailing list

Re: [JBoss-dev] Developing with JBoss

2001-11-21 Thread Andrew Scherpbier

Rickard Öberg wrote:

 David Jencks wrote:

 How would this help in the least? My understanding is that if you use a
 directory, the dd is checked for time changes 

 For the auto-deployer, yes. I think I'd actually prefer to not use the 
 auto-deployer, and instead make an Ant task that does the deploy 
 command explicitly. Then there's no need to watch dd's or anything.

I ran into the same problem and solved it by running Tomcat 4.0 as a 
separate process during development.  Since tomcat works just fine with 
an already unpacked tree for my webapp, I simply modify my JSPs directly 
(I have a symbolic link from my webapp development tree to tomcat's 
webapps directory.)
My ant rule to compile servlets and EJB remote/home interfaces is 
followed by a simple request to tomcat to reload the app:

wget --http-user=foo --http-passwd=bar 

I found this to be much easier than having to put the webapp in the ear 
for jboss.

Andrew Scherpbier ( [EMAIL PROTECTED])
CTO, BlackBall Music (

Jboss-development mailing list

Re: [JBoss-dev] IBM AS/400 (tm), it seems to be running right. kick webshmere ass

2001-11-20 Thread Andrew Scherpbier

Before you attempt to do what you suggest, I would suggest you first do 
some analysis of your environment.  There are some things that you need 
to be aware of.
The first thing you need to do is determine if there is a performance 
problem.  What are your performance goals?  What makes you think that 
JBoss is the problem?  How did you test this?  Can any performance 
problems be solved by throwing more hardware at the problem?  Are there 
alternative J2EE app servers that will meet your performance goals?

Also, keep in mind that the speed of JBoss is determined more by I/O 
(disk, network, database, etc.) and context switching speed of the 
underlying OS than by the JVM (Java Virtual Machine).

Since you claim to be a Java newby, I have to point out some things 
about Java you probably didn't know:
I assume that the JVM on the AS400 has a JIT (Just In Time compiler). 
 Knowing IBM, this JIT will be of excellent quality.  My (pretty 
extensive) experience with long running systems like JBoss is that 
running the java program with a JIT will be close to the speed or 
sometimes *faster* than running a native version (java compiled into 
native code).  (At least Sun's Hotspot JIT in server mode outperforms 
anything I've tried, including optimized C++ code, when it comes to 
memory allocation/deallocation.)
In short, don't underestimate the power of java and the JVM.  :-)

So, my advise is: don't even think about doing a project like this 
unless you know absolutely need to.  Evalutate the cost of your effort 
compared to the performance gain that you may or may not get.

Ernst Bekker wrote:

I unzipped 2.4.1 on our as400 v5r1 at work. The server runs without any
Unfortunately I am a java newby. (don't stop reading now).
The as400 can compile java classes into native as400 byte code that runs
like lightning. What I would like to contribute is as/400 CL and RPG code to
make JBOSS the obvious choice for as400. So please help me out here.
I can compile a .class and .jar files with a command (CRTJVAPGM), and then
run them with (RUNJVAPGM).
If you can give me an idea of how all the files fit together I am sure I can
write some software to automate an optimal as400 server.

Ernst Bekker

Andrew Scherpbier, CTO ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
BlackBall Music (

Jboss-development mailing list

Re: LONG: RE: [JBoss-dev] can't build jboss from cvs

2001-11-15 Thread Andrew Scherpbier
 engineer Software.  You 
acknowledge that Software
  is not designed, licensed or intended for use in the design,
  construction, operation or maintenance of any nuclear 
facility.  Sun
  disclaims any express or implied warranty of fitness 
for such uses.  No
  right, title or interest in or to any trademark, 
service mark, logo or
  trade name of Sun or its licensors is granted under 
this Agreement.

This section states that .. you may not make copies .. other 
than .. for
archival purposes.

Also, decompile is not defined, and could be implied to 
mean unjaring of the
embedded jaxp.jar.

  7.  Export Regulations. All Software and technical data 
delivered under this
  Agreement are subject to US export control laws and may 
be subject to
  export or import regulations in other countries.  You 
agree to comply
  strictly with all such laws and regulations and 
acknowledge that you
  have the responsibility to obtain such licenses to 
export, re-export, or
  import as may be required after delivery to you.

This could have ramifications if someone in an export 
controlled regulated
country downloads JBoss, and, by extension, jaxp.

In the supplemental license for jaxp, there are additional items to be
concerned about.

  1.  Software Internal Use and Development License Grant. 
Subject to the
  terms and conditions of this Agreement, including, but 
not limited to
  Section 3 (Java(TM) Technology Restrictions) of these 
  Terms, Sun grants you a non-exclusive, 
non-transferable, limited license
  to reproduce internally and use internally the binary 
form of the
  Software, complete and unmodified, for the sole purpose 
of designing,
  developing and testing your Java applets and 
applications (Programs).

This section is just a long winded version of the first section 1.

  2.  License to Distribute Software.  In addition to the 
license granted in
  Section 1 (Software Internal Use and Development 
License Grant) of these
  Supplemental Terms, subject to the terms and conditions of this
  Agreement, including but not limited to Section 3 (Java 
  Restrictions), Sun grants you a non-exclusive, 
non-transferable, limited
  license to reproduce and distribute the Software in binary form,
  provided that you (i) distribute the Software complete 
and unmodified
  and only bundled as part of your Programs, (ii) do not 
  additional software intended to replace any component(s) of the
  Software, (iii) do not remove or alter any proprietary 
legends or
  notices contained in the Software, (iv) only distribute 
the Software
  subject to a license agreement that protects Sun's 
interests consistent
  with the terms contained in this Agreement, and (v) 
agree to defend and
  indemnify Sun and its licensors from and against any 
damages, costs,
  liabilities, settlement amounts and/or expenses 
(including attorneys'
  fees) incurred in connection with any claim, lawsuit or 
action by any
  third party that arises or results from the use or 
distribution of any
  and all Programs and/or Software.

Again, non-transferable is listed here.  This means that since JBoss
downloaded jaxp, accepted the license, and then bundled it, 
that JBoss is ok
in doing so.  However, if JBoss is uploaded to Debian, then 
it would mean that
a transfer has taken place, and this is not allowed.

(i) states that the software must be distributed 
unmodified.  However,
unmodified is not defined, and could be taken to mean the 
actual file that is
fetched from sun's website, and NOT the embedded jaxp.jar 
inside the zip.

(ii) means that there can not be 2 different jaxp 
implementations, which can
be switched at build/compile time.  This isn't so bad, as if 
there was a free
jaxp implementation, the non-free jaxp from sun would just be dropped.

(iv) is problematic as well, as I do not see reference to jaxp in
documentation for JBoss.

(v) could be quite costly for JBoss.  If, sun wants to enforce this
aggreement, and finds JBoss breaking this agreement, then 
JBoss is responsible
for payment of damages and other associated costs.  In some 
situations, JBoss
doesn't even have to break this agreement, for these costs to occur.


Jboss-development mailing list

Jboss-development mailing list

Andrew Scherpbier, CTO ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
BlackBall Music (

Jboss-development mailing list

[JBoss-dev] EJB 2.0?

2001-11-02 Thread Andrew Scherpbier

Hi all,
First off, I have to warn you that I am fairly new to EJB and JBoss.

After developing an app under JBoss-2.4.3-Tomcat, I figured I would make 
a try at playing with Rabbit Hole.
I got everything checked out (HEAD), compiled, and running.  (A little 
bit more documentation on this would be useful, but that is a different 
My EJB 1.1 app runs just fine under the new setup.  But now I want to 
start using some EJB 2.0 features.  (Specifically, the CMR stuff)
Any attempts at providing my setup with EJB 2.0 beans produce lots of 
errors during deployment.  So what gives?
What do I have to do to make JBoss accept EJB 2.0 beans?
If this simply isn't implemented yet, what EJB 2.0 features can I use 
and more importantly, how can I use them.


Andrew Scherpbier, CTO ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
BlackBall Music (

Jboss-development mailing list