since contrib/ntservice is unfinished (kills JVM before shutdown hooks
have been run), we're using the Alexandria JavaService to run JBoss as a
Windows 2000 service.

JavaService supports calling a static method to cleanly shut down an
application before killing the JVM. However, it expects the shutdown
process to have finished by the time the shutdown method returns.

Since a call to org.jboss.Shutdown.main() returns before JBoss has
cleanly shut down, even the Alexandria service would kill JBoss too
early. However, a simple one line patch will fix this: add
System.exit(0) to the end of org.jboss.Shutdown.main(). When called
inside the JVM running JBoss, this will "never return", ie wait until
all shutdown hooks have finished. When called from another Java process,
it will work as before (since return from Shutdown.main() would exit
anyway). This way, a clean shutdown is guaranteed even as a win32
service. Patch below. If this is deemed undesirable, could another
static method which guarantees to not return until the shutdown hooks
have finished be added?



Q u a r t a l    O y

Osma Ahvenlampi, Technical Project Director ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
mobile +358 [0]424 258 239
fax    +358 [0]424 258 360
--- jboss-3.0.0-src/system/src/main/org/jboss/    Mon May 20 03:33:22 
+++ jboss-3.0.0-src/system/src/main/org/jboss/     Wed Jun 12 16:38:57 
@@ -55,6 +55,8 @@
       shutdown(host, port);
+      System.exit(0); // waits for in-JVM shutdown hooks to finish

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