[JBoss-dev] [Design of JBoss's Web Services Implementation] - Re: URL rewriting of wsdl includes

2005-03-23 Thread jasong
Hi, I researched this a bit, and this is must definately a bug in the .NET 
wsdl.exe tool, as opposed to a decision not to support url params. It actually 
fetches the content correctly (ie sends the appropriate GET requests).  What 
ends up happening is that it eventually errors complaining about the reuse of a 
targetNamespace (which is how xsd:include is supposed to work of course).  I 
would bet the problem is that they internally enforce uniqueness of a given 
path to a specific namespace, and that their URL fetching code strips all url 
parameters causing the uniqueness check to fail. 

There are already known (slightly similar) issues with their include/import 
handling code, and there are 2 hotfixes available. I can't test them though 
because they are not publicly available (you have to obtain them from Microsoft 

I think we have to be careful about coping with other platform's bugs. Axis is 
a great example of taking that too far. IMO this problem is also very easy to 
work around. You can either publish the wsdl files through a differnt mechanism 
(using something like wsdl-publish-location), or you can download them, replace 
the urls, and pass the files over to wsdl.exe. 

On the other side, in this case it would not be too hard to define another 
servlet as Anil suggests (which should get us past the ws4ee spec requirement). 


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[JBoss-dev] [JBossWS] - Re: Apache-Axis SOAP to Stateless Session EJBs - Message Sty

2004-12-30 Thread jasong
If you are talking about J2EE 1.4 Webservices, this is the forum to post in and 
 what you are looking for is a jax-rpc Handler. Service Endpoints can't get the 
SOAP Body themself. If you are talking about JBOSS.NET  Axis, then you want to 
post in the JBOSS.NET forum.


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JBoss-Development mailing list

[JBoss-dev] [JBossWS] - Re: Java Service Endpoints - JBOSS says

2004-12-30 Thread jasong
AW wrote : Hi,
  | In the wiki at:
  | http://www.jboss.org/wiki/Wiki.jsp?page=WSServerJSE
  | It states that:
  | Note, the service endpoint implementation is defined in the 
servlet-class element. This is highly confusing because it is not a servlet 
at all, but a simple plain java object.
  | I have done this (I think properly), but when I try to invoke the web 
service, JBOSS tries to cast my JSE to a Servlet - this obviously fails, and a 
ClassCastException is thrown.
  | Is the wiki wrong?
  | Thanks,
  | AW

Your javabean that you put in the servlet-class tag has to be a class that 
implements your service endpoint interface, not the interface itself, and not a 
class that extends HttpServlet.


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JBoss-Development mailing list

[JBoss-dev] [JBossWS] - Re: How to generate the DD's?

2004-12-30 Thread jasong
Basically there is no all in one process to generate everything like JBoss.NET. 
The current JBossWS implementation was developed for the sole purpose of 
conforming to the JSEE 1.4 certification. Due to the state of the standards at 
that time, and the limited time scheduling, all inclusive tools were not 
written. The new JBossWS implementation will have an all inclusive set of 
tools, and will implement the latest standards. This is still in the early 
development phase.

Also, XDoclet is a dying project which will be replaced with Java 1.5 
annotations (and perhaps other tools).

XDoclet has a ws4ee module, but it is a piece of junk. It was never finished as 
the author stopped development, but he gave it to the xdoclet developers in 
case they wanted to complete it. Instead, they just slapped it into a release.

The current recommended practice is:
WSDL + jaxrpc-mapping - Use jwsdp 1.5 for both
Service Endpoint Interfaces - Use the ejbdoclet xdoclet module to generate the 
service endpoint interfaces, or write them by hand.
webservices.xml - Write by hand
jboss.xml - Use an xdoclet merge file if you are using jbossdoclet, or write by 

It is possible to still automate these things in a build by having ant call 
wscompile in the jwsdp, and making your own generation modules.


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JBoss-Development mailing list

[JBoss-dev] [JBossWS] - Re: Jboss.net to JbossWS

2004-12-30 Thread jasong
Please search the forums, read the wiki, and refer to the FAQ.

JBossWS Wiki link: http://www.jboss.org/wiki/Wiki.jsp?page=JBossWS
FAQ link: http://www.jboss.org/wiki/Wiki.jsp?page=JBossWSFAQ


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[JBoss-dev] [JBossWS] - Re: wrapped document/literal

2004-12-29 Thread jasong
ebu wrote : 
  | Did i understood correctly that JBoss supports only pure document/literal 
(not wrapped) with single parameter per method only? 

Yes wrapped is not supported

ebu wrote : 
  | And it is impossible to make it work with messages with several parameters 
in docl/literal mode?

Yes you can only get one parameter, but that one parameter can be a complex 
object with the same information you would have in multple parameters. 

So instead of

  | public void doSomething(int a, String b, MyObject c){...}

you would have

  | public void doSomething(MyMessageObject o) {
  |int a = o.getA();
  |String b = o.getB();
  |MyObject c = o.getC();
  | } 


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[JBoss-dev] [Design of JBoss's Web Services Implementation] - Re: JBossWS Streaming Implementation Proposal

2004-12-27 Thread jasong
  | Currently, the xmlFragments associated with SOAPContentElements are lazily  
deserialized, requiring a second parse for each fragment. This could also be 
optimized through StAX if the jboss binding framework could eagerly create the 
corresponding java objects during the first parse.
I think this only way that StAX is worth using, is if parsing and 
deserialization are done at the same time. IMO the SOAPContentElement should be 
constructed with the actual java object and no content data (strings or 
XMLEvent objects).  If we have to pull the whole message into memory as a chunk 
of XMLEvent objects, then things become less effient than DOM. 

I researched the performance of a SOAP message containing a 10,000 element 
array of 6 members(not an impracticle use case). The file size was around 2 
megs. The memory size and timings follow:

  | DOM:  12MB .512 seconds
  | List of XMLEvent StAX objects: 20MB .700 seconds.

As you can see DOM is actually more efficient when used in this manner.

  | As far as StAX is concerned, we also need to check whether the license of 
the available implementations allow us to include it in the jboss stack. Which 
implemenation did you have in mind? 

The 2 implementations I have been looking at are Sun's and the RI. Sun's 
implementation (sjsxp) is included in the JWSDP which allows free 
redistribution. The reference implementation is under the JCP license.


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[JBoss-dev] [Design of JBoss's Web Services Implementation] - Re: JBossWS Streaming Implementation Proposal

2004-12-20 Thread jasong
[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote : anonymous wrote : 
  |   | 1) you have to scan through the whole message to build the outer SAAJ 
  |   | 
  | I don't think this is true. If we did not have SAAJ, we would still need to 
represent the SOAP tree with a structure like this
  |   |Envelope
  |   |   Header ?
  |   |  HeaderElement *
  |   |Body
  |   |   BodyElement
  |   | ParamElement *
  |   | 
  | SAAJ is ok for that, it also has a sufficient API for SwA. Not using SAAJ 
would mean to build some API that in the end is very close to it.

What I am suggesting is that processing is done in the natural order of the 
message instead of in the order of the OperationDesc. This should avoid the 
need of building that outer tree structure for general message processing (with 
the exception of handlers).  

  | Also, we have no choice but to support it because it is a public user API. 
  | A user can exercise a WS communication solely by using SAAJ. 

Yes, I worded my question wrong, I realize the API itself must be supported.

  | I don't see a compelling reason for JBossWS not to use it internally at the 
level shown above. The DOM aspect of SAAJ is of course debatable, especially 
the deeper you go down the tree, but that's is a different story.

If the SAAJ tree is used internally, and it is constructed in advance, then the 
parser is either forced to process the entire message in multiple passes (which 
requires a copy since the source is a network stream), or it must build a tree 
containing the entirity of the message. 

If we deserialize the elements of the message in the order they come in, and 
without building a tree, we don't have to copy, and we can do everything in one 
pass (wth the exception of handlers). 

  | There is no need to hold a copy of the incomming message if we can use the 
serializer/deserializer at the SOAPContentElement level to translate from XML 
to Java and vice versa. Therefore, even a large incomming message can be 
(eagerly) streamed to its Java object representation. On demand we can go back 
to XML using the associated serializer and make the DOM view available if 

This is a good idea, though this wouldn't work if a message contained body or 
header elements that weren't bound to objects, yet were required by a handler. 
Also, the initial copy to support the interrnal SAAJ tree must still be 
performed, even though later it could be abandoned.


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JBoss-Development mailing list

[JBoss-dev] [Design of JBoss's Web Services Implementation] - Re: JBossWS Streaming Implementation Proposal

2004-12-17 Thread jasong
[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote : Are you talking about JAXB2 here? Where can I find 
the info about JAXBContext using XMLStreamingReader?
  | Thanks.

Yes JAXB2. If you look at the EDR javadoc, the Marshaller/Unmarshaller 
interfaces which are pulled from the JAXBContext, have overloaded marshall, and 
unmarshall methods which support both XMLStreamReader/XMLStreamWriter and 

Here is an unmarshalling example using the stream reader

  | XMLStreamReader xmlStreamReader = 
  |   XMLInputFactory().newInstance().createXMLStreamReader( ... );
  | JAXBContext jc = JAXBContext.newInstance( com.acme.foo );
  | Unmarshaller u = jc.createUnmarshaller();
  | Object o = u.unmarshal( xmlStreamReader );

And here is a marshalling example

  | ComplexObject obj = ...;
  | XMLStreamWriter xmlStreamWriter = 
  |XMLOutputFactory.newInstance().createXMLStreamWriter( ... );
  | JAXBContext jc = JAXBContext.newInstance( com.acme.foo );
  | Marshaller m = jc.createMarshaller();
  | m.marshal( obj, xmlStreamWriter );


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[JBoss-dev] [Design of JBoss's Web Services Implementation] - Re: JBossWS Streaming Implementation Proposal

2004-12-17 Thread jasong
Also, they claify the pulling/pushing behavior in the javadoc, which 
correpsonds with my design proposal.

From the javadoc:

  | unmarshal
  | java.lang.Object unmarshal(javax.xml.stream.XMLStreamReader reader)
  |throws JAXBException
  | Unmarshal XML data from the specified pull parser and return the 
resulting content tree.
  | This method assumes that the parser is at a start element event, and 
the unmarshalling will be done from this start element to the corresponding end 
element. If this method returns successfully, the reader will be pointing at 
the token right after the end element. 


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[JBoss-dev] [Design of JBoss's Web Services Implementation] - Re: JBossWS Streaming Implementation Proposal

2004-12-17 Thread jasong
[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote : Hi Jason,
  | The important bit is, to allow to go forth and back between the XML and 
Java Object representation at the SOAPContentElement level 
  | using the JAXRPC serializer/deserializers.
  | Whether to hold the XML representation as String or StAX events is an 
(important) implementation detail.
  | So how about this:
  | MessageFactory.createMessage builds the SAAJ view as above with 
  | Upon END_ELEMENT the SOAPContentElement passes the event stream to the 
deserializer which constructs the java objects
  | and assigns it to the SOAPContentElement. If we don't have handlers the 
java object passes unmodified the endpoint.

I had thought about adapting SAAJ in some way that would internally use StAX, 
but there are a couple of problems. 
1) you have to scan through the whole message to build the outer SAAJ tree
2) Since the parser is forward only, you can't backtrack if you need to,  which 
makes lazy loading difficult.

Now its possible to cache the event objects for a block, which is more 
efficiant than a DOM tree, but it still requires you to effectivelly allocate a 
list of objects that is the size of the entire message. XML fragments have the 
same problem because you are still allocating a block of memory that is the 
size of the message.

This prompted me to consider an alternative to using SAAJ, though I was not 
sure if there was a problem with this, since so much of the current design is 
built around SAAJ. I assumed that the reason for using it, was just to simplify 
passing elements to handlers.

I was also working under the idea of trying to come up with a solution that 
allowed for parsing an indefinitely large message, with as minimal copies as 
possible.  By not maintaining that SAAJ tree, we no longer have a need to hold 
on to any of the XML after we process it. So a SOAP message could be 1 TB for 
all we care,  and we would only allocate a few K. This is just refering to 
space allocated for processing, I realize that if every single element in the 
SOAP message is actually  deserialized into an object of equivalent size, the 
memory usage would be the same if not larger than the SOAP message. If however 
only a few elements are mapped to the message, the memory allocation would be 
quite small.

So I guess the questions I have are:
Is trying to optimze for a tiny memory footprint unnesessary  or unrealistic?
Are there other reasons to have an SAAJ tree that I didn't think of?


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JBoss-Development mailing list

[JBoss-dev] [JBossWS] - Re: EJB web services

2004-12-16 Thread jasong
gayathiri wrote : Hello,
  |  I want to use EJB web services.Can u pls tell me how to create or the 
steps to create.
  | Pls tell me any site which provides the steps..
  | i searched a lot but i didnt get the proper directory structure ..where to 
put the wsdl file whether in META-INF folder or in WEB-INF folder...
  | Thanks in Advance
  | Rgds
  | Gayathiri

JBossWS is the J2EE 1.4 spec compliant webservices implementation. JBoss.NET is 
the legacy web services implementation. JBossWS is only available in jboss 4. 
If you want to creat a web service using jboss 3.2, then you have to use 
JBoss.NET. Keep in mind that JBoss.NET is no longer enhanced, and is in bug-fix 
only mode.

Take a look at the JBossWS wiki for instructions on how to use both.


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[JBoss-dev] [JBossWS] - Re: ERROR org.jboss.webservice.client.PortProxy

2004-12-16 Thread jasong
anonymous wrote : 
  | Yes Jason it is working fine but.
  | Actually the stack trace is printed twice.
  | The first one is from a log instance in the PortProxy class.
  | This is the listing in the first message of this topic.
  | The second one is from my own try and catch block.
  | And it is caught in : } catch (FacadeException e) {
  | So the Logger in PortProxy is informing me that something went wrong.
  | At this moment I don't know if I can disable the output from the Logger on 
my console. Thomas did used the Logger for some good reason?
  | So disabling the output is maybe not a good idea?
  | Johan.

I agree that the log level is too high, it should probably be debug, or at 
least  warn.  As a workaround, you can just make a log4j.properties or 
log4j.xml file that filters log messages from that class. 

The snippet to log4j.xml would look like this:

  | category name=org.jboss.webservice.client.PortProxy
  |   priority value=OFF/
  | /category

The snippet to log4j.properties would like this:

  | log4j.category.org.jboss.webservice.client.PortProxy=OFF


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[JBoss-dev] [Web Services] - JBossWS Streaming Implementation Proposal

2004-12-16 Thread jasong
Hello everyone,

After much thought, I was able to narrow everything down to one design, which I 
think is the best solution. It works off a similar concept to the XML fragment 
design, though it does introduce a lot of changes to the existing code base.

First, I will start with a bit of background on StAX. StAX consists of two APIs 
(cursor, and event). The cursor API consists of 2 primary interfaces 
(XMLStreamReader, and XMLStreamWriter). The cursor API is forward only, and all 
functionality is accessed via that interface. As the cursor is advanced, an 
event is returned that corresponds to a valid token set encountered by the 
parser (i.e. START_ELEMENT, CHARACTERS, COMMENT, etc). The consumer then calls 
the desired accessor methods that are associated with the event.

The event API operates similar to the cursor API, except that it allocates and 
returns an event object whos hierarchy is based off of the event type. The 
event object can be indefinitely held, which makes it ideal for pipelining. 
There are 2 main interfaces that a consumer uses to interact with the event 
API, XMLEventReader and XMLEventWriter.

I will only describe the process from an unmarshalling perspective, since the 
marshalling process is reflexive.

For unmarshalling, this would involve a front message parser that would use the 
StAX cursor API (XMLStreamReader) to pull from the incoming message stream and 
analyze each element in the order that it occurs. Based off of the typemapping 
registry, a deserializer would be passed the XMLStreamReader at a START_ELEMENT 
event. The deserializer would then construct the appropriate object by lazily 
pulling from the parser until it hits the corresponding END_ELEMENT. The front 
message parser would then continue to the next START_ELEMENT that needs to be 
delegated. The JAXB spec already provides such a concept in its JAXBContext 
interface. (When passed an XMLStreamingReader, it expects it to be positioned 
at a START_ELEMENT, and advances to the corresponding END_ELEMENT). 

Now, I know what you are thinking, what about SAAJ? We know in advance if there 
is a handler registered. If there is one, it is unavoidable that we must 
convert our incoming stream into a DOM tree, if there isn't one, and there are 
attachments, we just mime decode the stream on the fly and process the XML 
portion ignoring the attachments. Assuming there was a handler, and after the 
message is manipulated (or perhaps not) by the handler, the message is 
deserialized into our unmarshalling component as described above. We take a hit 
here in reparsing a message we just processed, but IMO this is far better than 
the alternative of maintaining 2 code paths.

The main problem to a streaming parser implementation is that stream parsing 
and SAAJ are mutually exclusive. Which is why I also propose that we add a 
proprietary enhancement to the protocol handler's SOAPMessageContext that would 
allow the handler to obtain an XMLEventReader and XMLEventWriter (or 
XMLStreamWriter/XMLStreamReader) pair. Regardless, the interfaces would be 
emulated such that a dispatch component could then pipeline XMLEvent objects 
into and out of each handler in the chain, the last handler being the front 
message parser itself. Each push and pull operation on the reader/writer would 
pipe chucks to the next handler. The handler would only push if it could 
pipeline. So if, for example, the handler needed to process the entire message 
before it modified it, it would just queue, and hold off pushing till the end. 
If a handler still wanted to use SAAJ, we would just lazily construct it when 
the handler called getSOAPMessage(). I emailed this idea to the jax-rpc 
comments address, and I got a response saying that the expert group would look 
into this, so it is potentially possible to become part of the standard.

Adding all of these pieces together, you end up with the ability to parse the 
SOAP message from a stream with many handlers only once, and with no large 


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[JBoss-dev] [JBossWS] - Re: Deserializing parameter error

2004-12-16 Thread jasong
Did you also generate a jaxrpc-mapping.xml file?

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[JBoss-dev] [JBossWS] - Re: some problem for jndi for web services

2004-12-14 Thread jasong
Is this a J2EE client? If so take a look at this wiki page: WSClientAppl. and 
this SourceForge page about building and deploying a J2EE client jar.


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[JBoss-dev] [JBossWS] - Re: WARN [ServiceDescription] Guessing fault java type fro

2004-12-13 Thread jasong
Yes, jaxrpc-mapping files (jsr 109) was only intended for J2EE clients/servers. 
If you app is a non-J2EE client, then I would use the JWSDP with generated 
stubs or JWSDP with DII. 


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[JBoss-dev] [JBossWS] - Forum Corruption

2004-12-13 Thread jasong
I think this topic is experiencing database corruption, there is a post that is 
missing, and authors are mixed up, can you guys take a look at it?


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[JBoss-dev] [JBossWS] - Re: java.lang.Exception: The OperationDesc for ... was not

2004-12-13 Thread jasong
Please don't double post. This only makes finding search results by others that 
much more difficult.

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[JBoss-dev] [JBossWS] - Re: problem to deploy web services

2004-12-13 Thread jasong
Try wrapping your array in a javabean. Alternatively you could define a custom 
typemapping that uses ArraySerializer but this is for SOAP encoding only.

Take a look at this wiki page: WSArrayTypeMapping.


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[JBoss-dev] [JBossWS] - Re: ERROR org.jboss.webservice.client.PortProxy

2004-12-13 Thread jasong
That error message is just an information log message that indicates that your 
Proxy threw an exception. Are you sure its not working fine and your testsuite 
is just not catching the exception?


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[JBoss-dev] [JBossWS] - Re: problem to deploy web services

2004-12-12 Thread jasong
The namespace URI in the jaxrpc mapping must match the namespace URI in your 
wsdl file, it should not be the URI to the webservice.


  | namespaceURIhttp://de.tuberlin.web.services/ToolWebPlug/namespaceURI
  | namespaceURIhttp://interfaces.services.web.tuberlin.de/namespaceURI

Also, you are using SOAP encoding, which is deprecated by the current 
standards. Why don't you use wscompile in SUN's jwsdp to generate both the WSDL 
and jaxrpc-mapping. Take a look at  EJB service enpoint wiki page for an 
example of how to use wscompile.

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[JBoss-dev] [JBossWS] - Re: WARN [ServiceDescription] Guessing fault java type fro

2004-12-10 Thread jasong
Actually there is a dependency on the jboss build, so you have to build jboss 
first so .

1. cd jboss-4.0 (source checkout)
2.  Unix: ./build/build.sh  Windows: build\build
3. cd testsuite
4. ant
5. ant -Dtest=org.jboss.test.webservice.exception.ExceptionTestCase one-test
6. ant tests-report

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[JBoss-dev] [JBossWS] - Re: WARN [ServiceDescription] Guessing fault java type fro

2004-12-10 Thread jasong
You need to build the testsuite first, by running the default task.

1. ant
2. ant -Dtest=org.jboss.test.webservice.exception.ExceptionTestCase one-test 
3. ant tests-report

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[JBoss-dev] [JBossWS] - Re: Generating mapping file and WSDL file

2004-12-09 Thread jasong
Yes I have run into this as well. This is most definately a bug in the 
wscompile ant task.  As a workaround you can just use the java task and run the 
wscompile class directly.


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[JBoss-dev] [JBossWS] - Re: WARN [ServiceDescription] Guessing fault java type fro

2004-12-09 Thread jasong
Exceptions were fixed in 4.0.1RC2, why dont you give that a shot?
The 4.0.1 release is coming very soon.


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[JBoss-dev] [JBossWS] - Re: WARN [ServiceDescription] Guessing fault java type fro

2004-12-09 Thread jasong
Also if you do a cvs checkout of 4.0 branch, there is a test case in the 
testsuite which demonstrates exceptions.

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[JBoss-dev] [Web Services] - Re: Qualified names in SOAP messages

2004-12-06 Thread jasong
Can you paste the WSDL blobs for message and types that you used to get those?

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[JBoss-dev] [Web Services] - Re: Qualified names in SOAP messages

2004-12-06 Thread jasong
It is not legal to refer to a complexType directly in a schema instance. (The 
soap message) If you look at the wsdl file they actually declare that type as 
an element (it just happens to have the same name as the complexType)

element name=FooAnonymousType type=foo:FooAnonymousType/


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[JBoss-dev] [Web Services] - Re: Qualified names in SOAP messages

2004-12-06 Thread jasong
Sorry, I misinterpreted what you were asking.

Both of these examples are valid, and the differences between the two has to do 
with XML schema local and global declarations. One of the schemas (the foo 
annoymous type one) has elementFormDefault=qualified, which moves all names 
that would normally be local into the global namespace, which requires the 
schema instance document to qualify the name. The other takes the default 
unqualified, which means that it must not be qualified in the SOAP message. 

Take a look at this section in the schema primer:


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[JBoss-dev] [Web Services] - Re: Qualified names in SOAP messages

2004-12-06 Thread jasong
As well as: http://www.w3.org/TR/xmlschema-0/#QualLocals

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[JBoss-dev] [JBossWS] - Re: javax.naming.NameNotFoundException: service not bound

2004-11-24 Thread jasong
A J2EE web componet client does not need stubs because it uses the service 
enpoint interface and the jaxrpc-mapping file of the service.

The wiki states The web service client must have access to the same mapping 
information as described for the EJB service endpoint or the Java service 
endpoint. The jaxrpc mapping file must be part of the deployment, it cannot be 
obtained at runtime.

Which, for all practical purposes, means that a J2EE web service component 
client can only communicate with a J2EE service endpoint.  If you are talking 
to a remote web service which is not a J2EE service endpoint (you don't have a 
jaxrpc-mapping file) then you must use another method of accessing the service. 
You can either use DII, or you can generate ordinary stubs with any web 
services toolkit. Be forewarned that AXIS client stubs are not portable. I 
would try using wscompile generated stubs from suns JWSDP to do this.


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[JBoss-dev] [JBossWS] - Re: XML RPC

2004-11-24 Thread jasong
If you are using XML RPC then you are not using web services. If you are having 
problems getting the apache XML RPC servlet to work then I would submit your 
questions to the apache xml-rpc mailing list.


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[JBoss-dev] [JBossWS] - Re: javax.naming.NameNotFoundException: service not bound

2004-11-24 Thread jasong
Is this web service you talking to a J2EE service endpoint?

If it is not, you can not use the web component client method to access the 
service. Meaning you can not use service-ref and jndi to access the service.  

You have to use DII or some kind of generated stubs if it is not a J2EE service 
endpoint you are talking to.


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[JBoss-dev] [JBossWS] - Re: EJB endpoint authentication and authorization REVISITED

2004-11-19 Thread jasong
It looks like there is a bug in 4.0.0 that is triggered when auth-type is 
specified, and port-uri is not. Set port-uri in your port-component section to 
/* or any other url value. Keep in mind that port-uri is changing to 
port-component-uri in 4.0.1.


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[JBoss-dev] [JBossWS] - Re: EJB endpoint authentication and authorization REVISITED

2004-11-19 Thread jasong
For EJB endpoints, JBossWS will use the same security domain as the EJBs they 
connect. So if you have configured an application policy for your EJBs that 
uses the UsernamePasswordLoginModule, then it will use that.


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[JBoss-dev] [JBossWS] - Re: Principal = null

2004-11-17 Thread jasong
You can use any policy, JBossWS will just use whatever policy your EJBs are 
using.  Just set your security-domain in your jboss.xml to your custom 
configuration.  You may have to add the unauthenticated identity as before to 
your custom config

Yesterday I updated the wiki to show how to configure HTTP Basic and SSL 
authorization. See  WSSecureEndpoint. Use this for non JBoss clients


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[JBoss-dev] [JBossWS] - Re: Principal = null

2004-11-16 Thread jasong
chek that the ejb create and remove methods are also unchecked


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[JBoss-dev] [JBossWS] - Re: WebService porting JBoss 3.2 to 4.0

2004-11-15 Thread jasong
Most of the time, the types will map automatically.  If something does go wrong 
you may have to make a ws4ee-deployment.xml to better control the type mapping. 
For more info see the wiki  topic WSTypeMapping.


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[JBoss-dev] [JBossWS] - Re: Where is the Wiki section

2004-11-15 Thread jasong
Custom exception support have been fixed in 4.0.1 (soon to be released).  
Custom exceptions are used in the same way that custom beans are used. The only 
difference is that a constructor is searched for (instead of an accessor 
method) since java does not expose acesss to the exception message. All you 
have to do is create a custom exception, and make sure that you have a 
constructor for all values in your exception, as well as get methods.

An important thing to note is that wscompile is not very good about generating 
the correct order of the arguments. Which means that your constructor may be 
called with the arguments in the wrong order. If this occurs you will need to 
refer to a 
href=http://www.jboss.org/wiki/Wiki.jsp?page=WSTypeMappingWSTypeMapping  in 
the wiki to create a ws4ee-deployment.xml file which controls the order. 

From my observations, it appears that wscompile generates its wsdl in 
subclass-superclass, type, name order. 


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[JBoss-dev] [JBossWS] - Re: EJB endpoint authentication and authorization REVISITED

2004-11-15 Thread jasong
To enable basic auth you just add auth-method to your jboss.xml file. To 
require ssl you set transport-guarantee to CONFIDENTIAL. Take a look at the 
jboss 4 dtd for more info. 

For example: 

  | port-component
  |  port-component-nameMySecureEJBServiceEndpoint/port-component-name
  |  port-uri/MySecureEJBServiceEnpoint/port-uri
  |  auth-methodBASIC/auth-method
  |  transport-guaranteeCONFIDENTIAL/transport-guarantee
  | /port-component

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[JBoss-dev] [JBossWS] - Re: EJB endpoint authentication and authorization REVISITED

2004-11-15 Thread jasong
I added this information to the wiki. Thanks for noticing.

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[JBoss-dev] [JBossWS] - Re: EJB endpoint authentication and authorization REVISITED

2004-11-15 Thread jasong
When you are using EJB endpoints the authentication is just being passed to the 
standard J2EE principal/role based security system.  So if you wanted to 
programatically make decessions the J2EE role/princiapal system exposes two 
methods, both on the EJBContext object: isCallerInRole(), and getPrincipal(). 
isCallerInRole() requires special security-role-ref tags to be made for every 
role you wish to test. getPrincipal() will return the username that was passed 
in the HTTP basic authentication.


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[JBoss-dev] [Web Services] - DTD fix

2004-11-12 Thread jasong
I noticed a simple problem with the jboss_4_0.dtd. port-component-name is 
undefined. I submitted the smallest patch ever, which is probably not actually 
worth looking at, but nonetheless it is here:


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[JBoss-dev] [JBossWS] - Re: wsee, xdoclet, session bean example

2004-11-11 Thread jasong
A colleague of mine is working on an alternative to the ws4ee xdoclet module, 
as well as fixing several problems (mostly missing elements) with the endpoint 
functionality of the jbossdoclets and ejbdoclets.  This solution is designed to 
work hand and hand with wscompile, instead of trying to replace it. I will post 
when things are further along.


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[JBoss-dev] [Web Services] - Context Root for EJB Endpoints

2004-11-09 Thread jasong
If  the uri context root element to jboss.xml has not been added due to lack of 
time  resources, I would be willing to work on adding it. Let me know if you 
would like me to submit a patch, and if there is anything I should be aware of.


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[JBoss-dev] [Web Services] - Re: Context Root for EJB Endpoints

2004-11-09 Thread jasong
Done! If you would like to take a look it is here


Let me know if you have any questions/promblems.


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[JBoss-dev] [JBossWS] - Re: config webservice URL

2004-11-08 Thread jasong
Any plans for when this will occur?

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[JBoss-dev] [JBoss IDE (dev)] - Re: Classloader issues when staring JBoss 4.0 from inside Ec

2004-10-29 Thread jasong
To fix this add -Djava.endorsed.dirs=/path/to/jboss-4.0.0/lib/endorsed

to your VM arguments in the JBoss IDE server confiuration dialog on the start tab


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[JBoss-dev] [JBoss IDE (dev)] - Re: [JBOSS400][Eclipse 3.0] Error on eclipse but not on cmd

2004-10-29 Thread jasong
To fix this add 
to your VM arguments in the JBoss IDE Servier configuration dialog on the start tab.


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[JBoss-dev] [JBossWS] - Re: EJB Service example (using XDoclet)?

2004-09-21 Thread jasong
actually its in xdoclet cvs.see  

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[JBoss-dev] [Deployers on JBoss (Deployers/JBoss)] - SubDeployerSupport.java revision 1.25 disallows META-INF

2004-09-21 Thread jasong
I noticed that between 1.24, and 1.25 isDeployable was changed to no longer  allow 
META-INF as a path for sub deployable modules. The original code would only skip 
jboss-service.xml files in META-INF. Was this behavior change intended? 

The reason I ask is because I was testing an application we are currently developing 
against the 3.2.x branch against 4, and one of the problems was that I had used 
META-INF/lib for nested jars. I am sure there are others that have used this 
convention. I wish the specification was more clear on this, because it seems that 
there is no standard way to handle nested jars. 

What should the correct behaivor of sub-deployments in ejb-jar files?


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[JBoss-dev] [Caches on JBoss (Caches/JBoss)] - Re: Is anyone using TreeCache in production?

2004-03-04 Thread jasong
Excellent, we are just starting to use TreeCache this week (as a second level cache 
for hibernate). We are still in early development phases, and we were hoping it would 
be production ready by the time we hit rollout (several months from now).  

Keep up the good work!


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