re: [JBoss-dev] Exposing internal Components through JMX

2001-05-23 Thread Peter Fagerlund

Absolutetly - it is a JMX foundation so JBoss should utilise the spec to the
fullest and get sponsored with the JDMK (6000$ a pop) from Sun ... Imagine
Sun's JDMK sale's ammo if JBoss is built using the JDMK ... there might be
political showstoppers there - I do not know ... if so - lets code it ...
with javagroups ? ...


Jboss-development mailing list

Re: [JBoss-dev] Exposing internal Components through JMX

2001-05-23 Thread Julian Gosnell

--- Andreas Schaefer [EMAIL PROTECTED]
wrote:  Hi Geeks
 If this was already discussed then I feel sorry to
 bother you
 with this again.
 Based on the last response of Julian on my Call for
 he said that the Jetty implementation exposes the
 as MBeans at the MBeanServer like we do with the
 components. Because I started to create a
 environment to
 manage JBoss from an administrator (not just JBoss

Servlets/WebApps are wrapped in a container object
that represesnts a JSDK Context, which services and
manages them. Each of these container objects, when a
JMX interface is needed, is represented by a
DynamicMBean which is generated when necessary,
duplicates and publishes the container object's
interface to JMX, and delegates all calls on this
interface to the container.

This implementation allows us the abstraction that we
are talking to the JSDK Context (e.g. /myservlet/*)
via JMX.

This is slighly different from talking to the Servlet

What we see is an interface designed to manage 1-N
servlets which are registered with the same context.
Not the complete public API of each individual

When Greg (Jetty maintainer) gets back from holiday I
shall ask him whether he has any plans to further
reduce the granularity of his JMX interface so that
each JSDK Context can publish MBean facades for all
the Servlets registered with it. This would lead to
quite a proliferation of MBeans!

In conclusion:

On the downside, this mechanism put's the onus on the
JBoss Service to choose exactly what it wishes to
pulish of it's internals and implement it. On the
upside, the Service may expose more of it's internals
than are immediately relevant to JBoss, giving the
appearance of 'a society of services' rather than one
single API.

Hope that doesn't complicate matters too much !


 I have these two choices:
 1) exposing the information by a management
 (as I already started) and the components
 reports the
 deployment etc.
 2) exposing the deployed components as MBeans
 as Jetty is doing so.
 The fist solution would need some changes to the
 deployers and
 other classes to report the changes and could only
 be used to
 retrieve informations.
 The second solution would increase the numbers of
 dramatically but would allow any JMX management tool
 manage JBoss (the server as well as the served
 I think the second solution would be the better one
 but it would
 need some major changes to the deployers to support
 creation and registration of the MBeans. BUT it
 would need
 some improvements in the JMX Connector to support
 otherwise we expose the whole application. The same
 is through
 for the JMX HTML-Adaptor but this can be secured by
 the 8082 port through a firewall.
 What do you think ? Speak up !

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