I'm working on a layer to provide invocation and asynchronous messaging support for EJBs in our project. This includes EJB module discovery, registration and some initial bootstrapping. I was able to do it by implementing a MBean and register it to JMX server to receive MBean registration notification and then look up the deployment descripter attribute in EJBModule through MEJB. This worked before. But after I resynced with the latest CVS code, I realized some changes: 
  After a hot re-deploy an EJB module, there is only one J2EEApplication MBean under SingleJBoss management domain registered for the re-deployed module. 
My problem with that is only EJBModule MBean contains the deployment descriptor and now the EJBModule is gone :(  (I found out if you restart JBoss server, it will come back: there will be 3 MBeans(one J2EEApplication, one EJBModule and one EJB) for each EJB deployed). The base class J2EEDeployedObject for J2EEApplication and J2EEModule/EJBModule in JSR 77 has defined a deploymentDescriptor attribute that should be available for a attribute lookup or method invocation through MEJB. The current implementation in JBoss provides DD only in EJBModule as an attribute. 
I understand JSR 77 is only a information model and it came out late. Also it has left many spaces for developers to decide how to implement it, for example, like the one I have mentioned, how a deployed EJB module should be managed. The current implementation is very nice and after a bit hack I was able to get it work in my project. Some suggestions:
1. In ListenerRegistration.java,  the mEventType is hardcoded to be RMI although there are other 2 types(JMS and Polling) available. If a constructor that accepts a type param could be added would be nice.   
2. In JMS client listener code, only remote listener is removed after calling removeNotificationListener, the local JMS listener is left running. This will cause JBossMQ complains client reset the queue connection when client stopped.  This can be easily fixed by adding a call to stop the queue when client stops.
3. As JSR88 has come out, I think maybe now it is a good time to consolidate all the deployment descriptors and configuration information and provide them through MEJB and/or DeploymentManager/Factory/whatever as ConfigBean at run time for hot deployment, all the DDs and configurations could be maintained in a central place as live java objects, with a good deployment front end, maybe we don't need to manually deal with all the DDs anymore...    

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