Title: JBoss/JBossMX
[CC'ed to jboss-dev]
Hello Mads,
quoted from the JavaMail 1.2 FAQ:

Q: Is the JavaMail API implementation completely free? Can I ship it along with my product?
A: Yes. The current release of the JavaMail API implementation, is completely free and you can include it in your product. This release includes IMAP, POP3, and SMTP providers as well. Please do read the LICENSE and ensure that you understand it. The JavaBeans Activation Framework is also free for use under a similar license.

Unless 'JavaMail API implementation' means the class files of the JavaMail interfaces only (ie javax.mail.Session etc), so not including the real implementation (ie the code that opens connections to the mail server), I think we can ship mail.jar along with JBoss, anyway IANAL.

I wonder if you'd like to open-source your implementation :)

Thanks and best regards,



 -----Original Message-----
Sent: luned́ 23 aprile 2001 11:32
To: Bordet, Simone
Subject: JBoss/JBossMX

Hi Simone,

I just read about the JBoss/JBossMX implementation, and I can see that you have used the Java Mail API 1.2 implementation from Sun. You probably already know this, but it is a reference implementation which is not meant to run on a 3rd tier. So, just to warn you if you don't already know.

We use the same package here, but found that the implementation is insufficient and does not scale when using the IMAP part. Noumerous threads and TCP/IP connections are created not released properly. We contacted Sun to ask if they were aware of this, and they were, and they pointed out that the Java Mail implementation is "only" a reference implementation meant for the client tier. Basically, we re-wrote most of the  package to incorporate thread pooling and TCP/IP connectionpooling.

I hope this info is usefull.

Best regards,

Mads Bjoernsbo

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