[JBoss-dev] jboss-head build.33 Build Successful

2004-08-26 Thread kimptoc_mail

View results here -> http://jboss.kimptoc.net/cc/buildresults/jboss-head?log=log20040827010143Lbuild.33
BUILD COMPLETE-build.33Date of build:08/27/2004 01:01:43Time to build:23 minutes 27 secondsLast changed:08/27/2004 00:41:43Last log entry:Added faq for oom

   Unit Tests: (0)No Tests RunThis project doesn't have any tests
Modifications since last build:(2)1.8modifiedbwang00cache/docs/html/FAQ.htmlAdded faq for oom1.11modifiedbwang00cache/docs/FAQ.xmlAdded faq for oom

[JBoss-dev] jboss-head build.33 Build Successful

2004-04-19 Thread kimptoc_mail

View results here -> http://tck2.jboss.com/cc/?log=log20040419200459Lbuild.33
BUILD COMPLETE-build.33Date of build:04/19/2004 20:04:59Time to build:15 minutes 11 secondsLast changed:04/19/2004 19:47:08Last log entry:You cannot reference the outer mbean during construction of the chain - that would be chicken/eggMaybe the CLR access should be dynamic if we have a wrapping mbeanserver that wants to do funny things?

   Unit Tests: (0)No Tests RunThis project doesn't have any tests
Modifications since last build:(2)modifiedejortjmx/src/main/org/jboss/mx/server/registry/BasicMBeanRegistry.javaYou cannot reference the outer mbean during construction of the chain - that would be chicken/eggMaybe the CLR access should be dynamic if we have a wrapping mbeanserver that wants to do funny things?modifiedejortjmx/src/main/org/jboss/mx/server/MBeanServerImpl.javaYou cannot reference the outer mbean during construction of the chain - that would be chicken/eggMaybe the CLR access should be dynamic if we have a wrapping mbeanserver that wants to do funny things?