Well I have kind of left it sit at that for now...  but then I guess
most of you realize that I'm not a big fan of JSPs or even reloading

The problem is not a Jetty problem and is in code from the reference
implementation - so I've got bigger fish to fry (Eg still have not
heard if we have a security mechanism that works).

If somebody out there REALLY wants it - I guess the best thing to
do is to get a JVM that is not broken.

If a real user bugs me a lot -  I may tell them how to patch
Jasper - but that aint going to make it into a Jetty release any time

If somebody really cares about this problem - they can write and
register a URL handler for file urls that actually works.  If they
contributed this to jetty and/or jboss, I'm sure it would make it
into a release as a useful work around.

So summary is that it is tools down on this one from me....

Jules Gosnell wrote:

> Greg,
> What is the situation now? Are we just waiting for the Jasper crew to
> sort out a workaround ? are they likely to do so ?
> I enclose the last mail I could find on the subject - which suggests a
> fix. This might well benefit other JBoss modules.  Perhaps we could
> persuade someone on the jboss-user list to run with it ?
> Jules
> JSP reloading is not working at the moment as the jasper folks appear
> to have given up working around the crappy URLConnections and just call
>    url.openConnection().getLastModified()
> Which just returns 0 on my JVM and has done so since the first release
> of java.net!
> I could modify jasper, but don't really want to start on this now.
> So if somebody wants to write a FileURLConnection class and it's
> associated URLStreamHandler - then that would fix this for good and
> would
> allow org.mortbay.util.Resource to be greatly simplified!
> Cheers,
> Greg
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> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Subject:
> [JBoss-dev] Jetty redeploy problems in RH
> From:
> Dain Sundstrom <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date:
> Sun, 20 Jan 2002 14:04:43 -0600
> To:
> What is the status on fixing the redeploy problems with Jetty (RH).  I am
> referring to the problem where Jetty doesn't recompile the JSP pages on an
> redeploy or even server restart.
> thanks,
> -dain
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