[jboss-user] [Tomcat, HTTPD, Servlets & JSP] - Re: Sessions in Tomcat

2007-06-14 Thread varkon
No, I am using different machines and different browsers. It does not matter 
which browser is used.

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[jboss-user] [Tomcat, HTTPD, Servlets & JSP] - Re: Sessions in Tomcat

2007-06-08 Thread varkon
I am having the same problem, using JBoss 4.0.5 Did you find a solution to this?

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[jboss-user] [Tomcat, HTTPD, Servlets & JSP] - Re: Session corruption and mixing of data across sessions

2007-06-08 Thread varkon
I've updated to JBoss 4.0.5 and switched to using isolated class-loading. For a 
while the problem seemed to have vanished, but now it appears it did not.

Is there something I am doing wrong? I don't think that the two separate 
requests receive the save response...

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[jboss-user] [JBoss AOP] - Re: Unable to use/run JBossAOP on JBossAS 4.0.5.GA

2007-04-19 Thread varkon
Ok, done. The problem was that I forgot to change the javassist.jar file with 
the one from the new AOP installation.

Thank you very much for the help!

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[jboss-user] [JBoss AOP] - Re: Unable to use/run JBossAOP on JBossAS 4.0.5.GA

2007-04-19 Thread varkon
Ok, I got it. The problem was that I forgot to replace the javassist.jar in 
JBoss/server/myConf/lib with the one in the JDK5 AOP deployer... everything 
seems to work fine now, *with* scoped class-loading. Thank you very much for 
the help!

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[jboss-user] [JBoss AOP] - Re: Unable to use/run JBossAOP on JBossAS 4.0.5.GA

2007-04-19 Thread varkon
I've made the following changes:

1. Changed "UseJBossWebLoader" to "true"
2. Removed jboss-app.xml from the example's deployment and the 
 tag from jboss-aop.xml in the .aop archive.
3. Changed ear-deployer.xml "Isolated" attribute to "false".
4. Re-started the server, and re-deployed the injboss example ear.

Again, it does not work, no AOP-specific messages are displayed. I can't see 
what I might be missing, though. Any suggestions?

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[jboss-user] [JBoss AOP] - Re: Unable to use/run JBossAOP on JBossAS 4.0.5.GA

2007-04-18 Thread varkon
Ok, I'll try running it un-scoped and  post the "findings" here. Thanks.

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[jboss-user] [JBoss AOP] - Re: Unable to use/run JBossAOP on JBossAS 4.0.5.GA

2007-04-18 Thread varkon
Another thing:
I've also tried to follow the instructions in chapter 10.4.2. Attaching to a 
scoped deployment. So, I've modified my jboss-aop.xml to read:

  | eapp:loader=eapp.ear

However, even that did not work. Is there anything else I could do? I would  
appreciate any help.

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[jboss-user] [JBoss AOP] - Re: Unable to use/run JBossAOP on JBossAS 4.0.5.GA

2007-04-17 Thread varkon
Ok, I've installed and ran the example.

  | 15:17:10,241 INFO  [STDOUT]  ExampleValue empty Constructor
  | 15:17:10,242 INFO  [STDOUT]  ExampleValue.getMessage()
  | 15:17:15,314 INFO  [STDOUT]  EarExampleServlet.service()
  | 15:17:15,336 INFO  [STDOUT] *** ExampleSessionBean.getValue()
  | 15:17:15,336 INFO  [STDOUT]  ExampleValue String Constructor
  | 15:17:15,337 INFO  [STDOUT]  ExampleValue String Constructor
  | 15:17:15,341 INFO  [STDOUT]  ExampleValue.getMessage()

Obviously, it did not work. 

The example's documentation clearly states that "UseJBossWebLoader" should be 
"true" for it to work. However, I've had various concurrency problems when 
using non-isolated class-loading (for example, HttpSessions from different 
clients get mixed-up). Is there a way to make this work using isolation? 

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[jboss-user] [JBoss AOP] - Re: Unable to use/run JBossAOP on JBossAS 4.0.5.GA

2007-04-17 Thread varkon
Thanks. I'll try it out and let you know.

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[jboss-user] [JBoss AOP] - Unable to use/run JBossAOP on JBossAS 4.0.5.GA

2007-04-16 Thread varkon
I'm trying to use AOP inside JBoss AS 4.0.5.GA but to no avail.

I've downloaded and installed the latest version of JBossAOP and: 
-Deleted existing jboss-aop.deployer from the deploy folder
-Copied over the jboss-aop-jdk50.deployer to the deploy folder 
-added pluggable-instrumentor.jar to the bin folder
-added -javaagent:pluggable-instrumentor.jar to JAVA_OPTS
-Using JDK/JRE 1.5.0 update 11

My jboss-service.xml for aop.deployer is the following:

  |   true
  |   true
  |   true
  |   org.jboss.test, 
  |   org.jboss.
  |   true
  |   false

My jboss-aop.xml is:

and is located in aspects.aop/META-INF/

my application.xml is:

  | aspects.aop
  | support.jar
  | ejbs.jar
  | webapp.war
  | eapp

and finally my jboss-app.xml is:

  |   hibernate.har

I should note that I'm using isolated class-loading, so my UseJBossWebLoader 
attribute in the Tomcat service conf. is "false".

However, When the "ProccessRequest" method is called in the Login Servlet (as 
defined in the jboss-aop.xml above), nothing happens(there should be a console 
message saying "Hello AOP!"). No errors, no info. Nothing. The only thing I did 
notice, is a measurable slowdown when using the -javaagent option.

Any help will be much appreciated. Thanks.

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[jboss-user] [Tomcat, HTTPD, Servlets & JSP] - Session corruption and mixing of data across sessions

2006-11-09 Thread varkon
Greetings everyone,

I'm using JBoss 4.0.3sp1 and I have an application packed as an ear file 
(structure below). 

I've recently realized, that when two users(sessions) access the same resources 
at the same time (servlets and ejbs), it is happens that they get mixed 
results. For example, user session A sends a request to the server at the same 
time as user session B. It is very probable that A will get B's response the 
the opposite. 

My EAR's structure is the following:

|-ejbs.jar (EJBs)
|-support.jar (various utility classes)
|-hibernate.har (my hibernate files)
|-webapp.war (the web component of my application. Contains /lib)

I've read that my problem might be related to the variable "UseJBossWebLoader" 
defined in Tomcat's jboss-service.xml, which is set to "true" in my case. I've 
tried setting it to "false" - just in case that fixes my problem - but 
afterwards, I would get:

anonymous wrote : 
  | javax.ejb.EJBException: Unexpected Error
  | java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/myapp/web/Controller/MyClass

I should also note that I'm using local interfaces to access my EJBs.

I'm sorry if this is not the correct section to post this question, but I could 
not find one that seemed  more appropriate.

I would really appreciate all the help I can get, as this is a really big 
problem for me...

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