[jboss-user] [Tomcat, HTTPD, Servlets & JSP] - setting virtualhost and alias for http://mydomain.com

2008-01-08 Thread zambak

We want to deploy an app (on JBoss 4.0.5) under the root context using a 
virtual host and a set of aliases...

The goal is to have app respond whenever a user enters any of the following:


In order to accomplish this I have:
1. set up DNS aliases www, www01 and * to point to same machine IP

2. created a host entry in /server/all/deploy/jbossweb-tomcat55.sar/server.xml
like so:

  |   www
  |   www01.mydomain.com
3. added following to apps WEB-INF/jboss-web.xml

  | http://www.jboss.org/j2ee/dtd/jboss-web_4_0.dtd";>
  | /
  | www.mydomain.com

The only problem is http://mydomain.com - when I access it I get a default 
JBoss home page instead of the application

Can anyone tell me if I am missing something

Any help is much appreciated...


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[jboss-user] [Performance Tuning] - Re: Clustered JBoss with Cisco Content Switch

2007-04-17 Thread zambak
I cannot use the session timeout as it affects the application.
Optimally, I would like to tell the CSS switch which http comman to issue in 
order to close the session and not leave it open.

Here is the snippet of the switch config...

  | service myapp
  |   ip address x.y.z.w
  |   keepalive uri "http://myapp.mycompany.org/page/index.jsf";
  |   protocol tcp
  |   port 8080
  |   redundant-index 7
  |   keepalive tcp-close fin  < This line tells the CSS to do a fin/ack 
rather then a TCP reset
  |   keepalive frequency 15 < Sends a keepalive every 15 seconds
  |   keepalive type http non-persistent
  |   active

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[jboss-user] [Performance Tuning] - Clustered JBoss with Cisco Content Switch

2007-04-13 Thread zambak

We have a setup where 2 JBoss servers are set up in the cluster with Cisco 
Content Switch (CSS) in front performing load balancing with sticky session and 

Servers host multiple web application using virtual host names.
etc, etc...

In order to do keepalives per virtual host CSS sends out non persistent fin-ack 
HTTP 200 header to each webapp like this:
"HEAD /page/index.jsf HTTP/1.0"

It does this every 5 seconds (pooling)...

This technique creates sessions for each hit and until session count reaches 
about 950 sessions none of them are being destroyed.

If anyone knows or has experience on how to force a session to be closed I 
would appreciate the input.


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[jboss-user] [Performance Tuning] - Monitoring sessions

2007-04-13 Thread zambak

Can anyone tell me if it is possible to monitor user sessions (current, max, 
etc, etc) via either jmx or web console?


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[jboss-user] [Beginners Corner] - why run.conf works with run.sh but not with run.bat

2006-11-22 Thread zambak
Is there any reason why /bin/run.conf is used by /bin/run.sh but not by 
/bin/run.bat ???


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[jboss-user] [Beginners Corner] - Custom lib folder - how to..

2006-09-27 Thread zambak

I have multiple web applications runing on JBoss.
All of them use 75% of the same JARs in WEB-INF/lib folder.

I would like to know if it is possible to create a separate folder and put all 
shared JARs in it. I don't wan't to put them into server/default/lib so I can 
keep tabs on what is necessary for the apps.

+ So if I have C:\jboss and C:\mylibs can I and how do I "tell" the Jboss to 
load all the JARs under C:\mylibs
+ Is there any reason why this approach should be considered bad?

Thanks in advance


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[jboss-user] [JBossCache] - Re: Blob balancer using cache - concept help

2006-08-22 Thread zambak
"[EMAIL PROTECTED]" wrote : Using the file cache loader in this manner will not 
work, since the file cache loader serialises the attribute map of the  node 
into a single file.  Your webserver will not be able to parse and serve up this 
  | Perhaps this approach may help:
  | 1) Single, JDBC based cache loader
  | 2) Uploading an image will result in the servlet converting the file to a 
byte[] and putting this in cache (so it gets stored in the db)
  | 3) Register a cache listener on the cache, which when a node is created, 
your cache listener writes the byte[] to your filesystem in a specified place, 
in the file format specified.  
  | 4) Since the cache will replicate it's contents, this will trigger cache 
listeners on each instance in your cluster, so the file is created on the 
filesystems on each cluster node.

Thanks for the info. I will try this approach.
Some concerns though

1) Since image will be uploaded and stored in the DB via admin part, can I use 
the same BLOB column when I configure JDBC based cache loader. I mean are the 
BLOBs compatible (as in case with File cache loader the map is serialized so 
image file and cached file are not the same, is it same true for JDBC loader?) 
If they are not compatible, then I am going to have to waste some DB space 
(duplicate BLOBS in DB one BLOB is app specific, one is for cache right?)

2) In order to evict an item when a new image with a same name is uploaded (an 
update) will I need to have a listener perform this action logic?

If I understand this correctly, the listener would add/remove/update blobs in 
the cache every time admin action adds/removes/updates an image. Then we rely 
on cache achitecture to propagate same behavior across the cluster.

So we have add/update/remove image (in admin)

1) store/restore/reupdate image as a BLOB in DB (depending on concern outlined 
in #1)
2) add image as byte[] to cache
3) action in #2 will notify the listeners on all nodes and recreate/remove 
image from byte[] onto a disk

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[jboss-user] [JBossCache] - Re: Blob balancer using cache - concept help

2006-08-21 Thread zambak
"[EMAIL PROTECTED]" wrote : When you say the "user part of the app will just 
hadle it as a regular image file" do you mean the web container will serve it 
as an image?

Exactly...What I want is something similar OSCache and EHcache have by the use 
of the servlet filter. Same app "sits" on 2 servers. After an image has been 
uploaded via admin part it is stored in the DB...I then want the JBoss Cache 
(somehow) to reproduce the image from the DB on both serversIs this 
possible using solution you mentioned below?

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[jboss-user] [JBossCache] - Blob balancer using cache - concept help

2006-08-18 Thread zambak

I was wondering if someone can help me decide if I can use JBoss Cache to solve 
following problem:

We have a webapp that will be installed on 2 servers which in turn will be load 
balanced using Cisco content switch. Web application has a user part which is 
to show a lot of images and an admin part which has capability to upload images.

The problem is that right now images are just files on a disk so when upload 
occurs I have to figure out how to "copy" the uploaded file onto another 

What I would like to do is to store the uploaded image into a DB as a BLOB and 
then use cache to propagate it to other server. The problem is that I don't 
want user end of the app to load images from the DB but to somehow tell cache 
to recreate file on the disk and access it as a regular image...

So the webapp would run on 2 servers and would share a DB. On the admin side, 
no matter on which server the file gets uploaded to it will be inserted into 
DB. On the user side, cache will write the file from the DB to the disk and 
user part of the app will just hadle it as a regular image file.

I read JBoss Cache arhitecture and I understand I can persist the cache in the 
DB so it will survive server restarts. But can i tell JBOss cache to cache to 
the disk?

Is there a way.I hope I explained the situation well...

Please help


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