Couldn't you just filter on the jde address, such as this (for
reading mail with gnus's nnimap):

(setq nnimap-split-rule '(("INBOX/JDE" "^[Tc][oc].*jde")))

Ralph Jocham <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Hi,
> I am on a couple of mailing lists. That means I get
> tons of mails a day. Some mailing lists add a prefix
> indicating to which mailing list it belongs in the
> subject before forwarding. (i.e. Subj.:
> [CruiseControl] blah-foo). This makes skimming through
> the mails much faster.
> Would it be possible to install the same for JDEE. A
> [JDEE] prefix for example. (see the subject of this
> mail- done manually)
> Just the thought from a big JDEE fan ...
> Thanks,
> Ralph
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