Semantic related problems with 2.3.4beta5

2004-07-08 Thread Gann Bierner
Hi everyone,

I've finally upgraded after being on 2.3.2 for a long time.  I
definitely like what I see, but I've been seeing problems that make me
think that I've done something wrong.  

I'm using jdee 2.3.4beta5 with cedet 1.0beta2b and gnu-emacs
on linux.

Here are the symptoms:

- import class causes the import statement to go on the top of the fine
(before the package statement)
- jde-import-sort gives me "Semantic Java parser not found."
- I no longer have my "Classes" menu

Here's the relevant part of my .emacs:

(add-to-list 'load-path (expand-file-name "~/emacs/site-lisp/elib"))
(add-to-list 'load-path (expand-file-name "~/emacs/site-lisp/jde/lisp"))
(setq semantic-load-turn-everything-on t)
(load-file "~/emacs/site-lisp/cedet/common/cedet.el")
(require 'jde)

So, I'm guessing that I've screwed something up and am therefore not
getting semantic loaded up. 

Interestingly, my *Messages* buffer does so activity loading up certain
semantic components.

Unfortunately, I don't know what other information to provide, so if
anyone has a solution or can tell me what other data would be useful,
I'd appreciate it.

Thanks a bunch,

Re: question about turning off auto-formatting...

2003-04-04 Thread Gann Bierner
It looks like you can turn this off in Project->Options->Autocode with 
jde-gen-cflow-enable.  For some reason, I had to restart emacs (I use 
gnuemacs 21.2.1) to have it take effect.

For the record, I like the feature, but I've had to turn it off myself because 
of the long indenting delay Joe mentions.


On Friday 04 April 2003 09:58 am, Joseph Jupin wrote:
> Okay - I just upgraded to the latest builds on many things in my
> XEmacs bundle and for some unknown reason, auto-formatting is turned
> on.  That is, if I do an auto-complete of say "ife" to the proper
> layout, it then goes through the whole document to reformat it - and
> it takes FOREVER!  Could some direct to which variable to turn off to
> get rid of this?  And to whoever turned it on - you should be flogged
> with a rubber chicken!  Thanx for your help...
> peace.  JOe...