Branch: refs/heads/master
  Commit: 6802fe0f0b82f188d8e2865118548afb6788b668
  Author: James Nord <>
  Date:   2024-04-16 (Tue, 16 Apr 2024)

  Changed paths:
    M pom.xml

  Log Message:
  [JENKINS-69277] relaunch an agent if the connection is broken (#152)

* [JENKINS-69277] relaunch an agent if the connection is broken

Even though this is a OnceRetentionStrategy we expect a durable task to
be able to run to completion even if the connection is broken.  So we
relaunch the agent if the agent is offline and it is not done.

We are not forcing a reconnect, as this allows any existing connect
operation (which could be the first one, to continue running).

* [JENKINS-69277] avoid spotbugs warning

Whilst spotbugs complained about the lack of synchronization on
terminating we do not want to put the connect call inside the
synchronized block as it may be long running, or cause some form of
re-entry on a different thread.

whilst the locking is not perfect, we may try to relaunch and agent just
as it was done, we have set the computer to not accept any tasks so the
agent should become idle, and be terminated (either in the current
termination block) or the next time the check runs.

* check if launch is supported early on

* [JENKINS-69277] Add a unit test to cover OnceRetentionStrategy

iAdds a unit test to cover both the happy case of a cloud agent using
OnceRetentionStrategy and the unhappy case where the agent dies and
needs restarting.


Co-authored-by: Carroll Chiou <>

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