I've run into the same issue using git 1.9.1 + maven 3.2.2 on Ubuntu and 
git + maven 3.1.1 on Mac. The release version is never committed 
and never appears in the store. I also seem to be in the same boat as 
Ulrich Hafner, our Jenkins plugin is in a subfolder of the git repository 
and none of the workarounds seem to work.

I've used nigelm's tip and simply did a manual deploy using a combination 
of mvn version:set and mvn deploy. To simplify the process in the future 
I've written a simple bash script that others may find useful:

> # 
>> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> NAME=<<tag-name>>
> echo Preparing $NAME for release
>> # Query user for info
> read -p "Enter version number to use for the release: " VERSION_RELEASE
> read -p "Enter name for the release tag [$NAME-$VERSION_RELEASE]: " 
> read -p "Enter version number for next development iteration: " 
>> if [[ -z "$TAG_RELEASE" ]]; then
> fi
>> if [[ "$VERSION_SNAPSHOT" != *-SNAPSHOT ]]; then
> fi
>> # Show info for review
> echo
> echo "Release version  : $VERSION_RELEASE"
> echo "Tag release with : $TAG_RELEASE"
> echo "Next iteration   : $VERSION_SNAPSHOT"
> read -p "Continue (y/N)? " -s -n1 KEY
> echo
>> if [[ "$KEY" != "y" ]]; then
> echo "Aborted"
> exit
> fi
>> # Set the new version, commit, create a tag
> mvn versions:set -DnewVersion=$VERSION_RELEASE
> git add pom.xml
> git commit -m "prepare release $TAG_RELEASE"
> git tag $TAG_RELEASE
>> # Deploy the new version
> mvn deploy
>> # Set the new snapshot version, commit
> mvn versions:set -DnewVersion=$VERSION_SNAPSHOT
> git add pom.xml
> git commit -m "prepare for next development iteration"
>> # Push changes and tags
> # git push
> # git push --tags
>> # Clean up backup files
> # rm pom.xml.versionsBackup
>> echo
> echo "done."
The push is commented out just to be on the save side.

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