[JIRA] (JENKINS-31225) docker.build fails with if HOME is not set.

2016-08-24 Thread rizwankhan...@gmail.com (JIRA)
Title: Message Title



 rizwan khan updated an issue  



 Jenkins /  JENKINS-31225  
  docker.build fails with if HOME is not set.   


Change By: 
 rizwan khan  
 Critical Blocker  



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[JIRA] (JENKINS-31225) docker.build fails with if HOME is not set.

2016-08-24 Thread rizwankhan...@gmail.com (JIRA)
Title: Message Title



 rizwan khan commented on  JENKINS-31225  



  Re: docker.build fails with if HOME is not set.   


 Any update on this ???  



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[JIRA] (JENKINS-31225) docker.build fails with if HOME is not set.

2016-08-24 Thread rizwankhan...@gmail.com (JIRA)
Title: Message Title



 rizwan khan updated an issue  



 Jenkins /  JENKINS-31225  
  docker.build fails with if HOME is not set.   


Change By: 
 rizwan khan  
 Minor Critical  



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[JIRA] (JENKINS-31225) docker.build fails with if HOME is not set.

2016-08-23 Thread rizwankhan...@gmail.com (JIRA)
Title: Message Title



 rizwan khan edited a comment on  JENKINS-31225  



  Re: docker.build fails with if HOME is not set.   


 I am not running this inside a docker container . I am running on node , which have dokcer version 1.83 installed on it.Had set {{withEnv(\['HOME='+pwd()])} but still the get the same error/scratch/jenkins/workspace/myjob/.954d8efa/script.sh: line 2: docker: command not found example: withEnv(['HOME='+pwd()])  {  def newApp = docker.build "mycorp/myapp:${env.BUILD_TAG}"  }}  



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[JIRA] (JENKINS-31225) docker.build fails with if HOME is not set.

2016-08-23 Thread rizwankhan...@gmail.com (JIRA)
Title: Message Title



 rizwan khan commented on  JENKINS-31225  



  Re: docker.build fails with if HOME is not set.   


 I am not running this inside a docker container . I am running on node , which have dokcer version 1.83 installed on it. Had set {{withEnv(['HOME='+pwd()])} but still the get the same error /scratch/jenkins/workspace/myjob/.954d8efa/script.sh: line 2: docker: command not found  



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[JIRA] (JENKINS-31225) docker.build fails with if HOME is not set.

2016-08-23 Thread rizwankhan...@gmail.com (JIRA)
Title: Message Title



 rizwan khan commented on  JENKINS-31225  



  Re: docker.build fails with if HOME is not set.   


 what is the resolution for this ? I am facing the same issue?  



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[JIRA] (JENKINS-31225) docker.build fails with if HOME is not set.

2016-08-23 Thread rizwankhan...@gmail.com (JIRA)
Title: Message Title



 rizwan khan reopened an issue  



 Jenkins /  JENKINS-31225  
  docker.build fails with if HOME is not set.   


Change By: 
 rizwan khan  
 Resolved Reopened  



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[JIRA] (JENKINS-36939) Email-ext plugin unable to send jelly template as body of the message

2016-07-26 Thread rizwankhan...@gmail.com (JIRA)
Title: Message Title



 rizwan khan commented on  JENKINS-36939  



  Re: Email-ext plugin unable to send jelly template as body of the message


 can you please have a look into this isseu its similar to mine JENKINS-20355 Thanks  



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[JIRA] (JENKINS-36939) Email-ext plugin unable to send jelly template as body of the message

2016-07-26 Thread rizwankhan...@gmail.com (JIRA)
Title: Message Title



 rizwan khan reopened an issue  



 HI then what is the way to send my junit reports through email. As of the wiki page for https://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/display/JENKINS/Email-ext+plugin it clears says to use jelly content.and it is in place from version 2.9.I am using 2.44  


 Jenkins /  JENKINS-36939  
  Email-ext plugin unable to send jelly template as body of the message


Change By: 
 rizwan khan  
 Closed Reopened  



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[JIRA] (JENKINS-36939) Email-ext plugin unable to send jelly template as body of the message

2016-07-25 Thread rizwankhan...@gmail.com (JIRA)
Title: Message Title



 rizwan khan updated an issue  



 Jenkins /  JENKINS-36939  
  Email-ext plugin unable to send jelly template as body of the message


Change By: 
 rizwan khan  
 jelly template is Email-ext plugin  unable tosend jelly template as body of the message    



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[JIRA] (JENKINS-36939) jelly template is unable to

2016-07-25 Thread rizwankhan...@gmail.com (JIRA)
Title: Message Title



 rizwan khan updated an issue  



 Jenkins /  JENKINS-36939  
  jelly template is unable to


Change By: 
 rizwan khan  
 jelly template  not working  is unable to   



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[JIRA] (JENKINS-36939) jelly template not working

2016-07-25 Thread rizwankhan...@gmail.com (JIRA)
Title: Message Title



 rizwan khan commented on  JENKINS-36939  



  Re: jelly template not working   


 This is the html_my.jelly file  



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[JIRA] (JENKINS-36939) jelly template not working

2016-07-25 Thread rizwankhan...@gmail.com (JIRA)
Title: Message Title



 rizwan khan commented on  JENKINS-36939  



  Re: jelly template not working   



{ font-family:Verdana,Helvetica,sans serif; font-size:11px; color:black; }


{ color:black; }


{ color:black; }


{ color:black; }


{ color:white; background-color:#C0; font-size:120% }


{ color:white; background-color:#4040FF; font-size:110% }


{ color:white; background-color:#8080FF; }


{ color:blue; }


{ color:red; }


{ font-family:Courier New; }

">static/e59dfe28/images/32x32/red.gif" /> BUILD ${build.result} Build URL$ {build.url}">${rooturl}${build.url} Project:$ {project.name} Date of build:$ {it.timestampString} Build duration:$ {build.durationString} " /> "> CHANGES " varStatus="loop"> "/> $ {spc}Revision ${cs.commitId?:cs.revision?:cs.changeNumber} by ${aUser!=null?aUser.displayName:cs.author.displayName}: (${cs.msgAnnotated}) ${spc} $ {p.editType.name} $ {p.path} "> No Changes " /> BUILD ARTIFACTS ${f} BUILD ARTIFACTS ${m.key.displayName} "> "> $ {mvnbld.url} artifact/$ {f}">${f}JUnit Tests "> "> Name: $ {packageResult.getName()} Failed: $ {packageResult.getFailCount()} test(s), Passed: $ {packageResult.getPassCount()} test(s), Skipped: $ {packageResult.getSkipCount()} test(s), Total: $ {packageResult.getPassCount()+packageResult.getFailCount()+packageResult.getSkipCount()} test(s) "> Failed: $ {failed_test.getFullName()} " /> "> " /> "> Cobertura Report Project Coverage Summary Name ${metric.name}${coberturaResult.name} "> ">$ {coberturaResult.getCoverage(metric).percentage} % ($ {coberturaResult.getCoverage(metric)} ) "> Source "> $ {coberturaResult.relativeSourcePath}$ {coberturaResult.sourceFileContent} Source code is unavailable "> "/> Coverage Breakdown by $ {element.displayName}Name ${metric.name}${child.xmlTransform(child.name)} "> "/> "> ">$ {childResult.percentage} % ($ {childResult} )N/A "> CONSOLE OUTPUT ">$ {line} *no* further _formatting_ is done here Add Comment

[JIRA] (JENKINS-36939) jelly template not working

2016-07-25 Thread rizwankhan...@gmail.com (JIRA)
Title: Message Title



 rizwan khan created an issue  



 Jenkins /  JENKINS-36939  
  jelly template not working   


Issue Type: 
 David van Laatum  
 2016/Jul/26 4:14 AM  
 rizwan khan  


 Hi , I am using Email Extension Plugin 2.44.I have configured the body of the message as below emailext ( subject: subject, attachLog: true,  compressLog: true, body:'$ {JELLY_SCRIPT, template="html_my"}', recipientProviders: [[$class: 'DevelopersRecipientProvider']], ) when i receive email it shows ${JELLY_SCRIPT, template="html_my"}  as the body of my message. I have placed html.jelly template under jenkinshome/email-templates. Please look into this issue  



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