unable to configure poll mailbox plugin to trigger build through email

2019-03-11 Thread Archana Srichandan
Error while testing connection is:

Connecting to the mailbox...
Error : javax.mail.MessagingException:
sun.security.validator.ValidatorException: PKIX path building failed:
sun.security.provider.certpath.SunCertPathBuilderException: unable to find
valid certification path to requested target;
  nested exception is:
sun.security.validator.ValidatorException: PKIX path building failed:
sun.security.provider.certpath.SunCertPathBuilderException: unable to find
valid certification path to requested target
at com.sun.mail.imap.IMAPStore.protocolConnect(IMAPStore.java:665)
at javax.mail.Service.connect(Service.java:295)
at javax.mail.Service.connect(Service.java:176)
at java.lang.invoke.MethodHandle.invokeWithArguments(MethodHandle.java:627)
at org.kohsuke.stapler.Function$MethodFunction.invoke(Function.java:396)
at org.kohsuke.stapler.Function$InstanceFunction.invoke(Function.java:408)
at org.kohsuke.stapler.Function.bindAndInvoke(Function.java:212)
at org.kohsuke.stapler.MetaClass$11.doDispatch(MetaClass.java:537)
at org.kohsuke.stapler.Stapler.tryInvoke(Stapler.java:739)
at org.kohsuke.stapler.Stapler.invoke(Stapler.java:870)
at org.kohsuke.stapler.MetaClass$4.doDispatch(MetaClass.java:282)
at org.kohsuke.stapler.Stapler.tryInvoke(Stapler.java:739)
at org.kohsuke.stapler.Stapler.invoke(Stapler.java:870)
at org.kohsuke.stapler.MetaClass$4.doDispatch(MetaClass.java:282)
at org.kohsuke.stapler.Stapler.tryInvoke(Stapler.java:739)
at org.kohsuke.stapler.Stapler.invoke(Stapler.java:870)
at org.kohsuke.stapler.Stapler.invoke(Stapler.java:668)
at org.kohsuke.stapler.Stapler.service(Stapler.java:238)
at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(HttpServlet.java:729)
Archana Srichandan

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Re: Jenkins Declarative Pipeline: Lock multiple stages using NODE_NAME as resource.

2019-03-11 Thread Dusan Nikolov
Hi, what do you mean configure the plugin? 

If you're referring to adding lockable resources, that's not necessary -  
if a resource doesn't exist it will be created on the fly (which I already 
The problem I'm having is described in this thread 
exactly: https://issues.jenkins-ci.org/browse/JENKINS-43336

On Monday, March 11, 2019 at 5:58:00 AM UTC-7, Mark Lübbehüsen wrote:
> Hi,
> after downloading the Lockable Resource Plugin in Jenkins, you have to 
> configure it in the system configuration of jenkins.
> Am Freitag, 8. März 2019 00:58:59 UTC+1 schrieb Dusan Nikolov:
>> Hi, I'm trying to lock multiple stages in a pipeline and would like to 
>> use NODE_NAME as the resource. Purpose is to allow multiple parallel 
>> executions of the pipeline on different available nodes, but to make a node 
>> unavailable while it's used by one running pipeline instance.
>> Now, the trick is that pipeline needs to be setup to run on two nodes at 
>> the same time (please see example below).
>> I've tried setting it up by using lock in options block of the 
>> surrounding stage, but since options gets evaluated/executed before agent 
>> is assigned to a stage, this fails to find NODE_NAME.
>> pipeline {
>> agent none
>> stages {
>> stage ('main') {
>> parallel {
>> stage ('server') {
>> agent { label 'server' }
>> options { lock("${NODE_NAME}")} // This doesn't work. NODE_NAME not 
>> available
>> steps {
>> script {
>> echo "${NODE_NAME}"
>> sleep(10)
>> }
>> }
>> }
>> stage ('client') {
>> agent { label 'client' }
>> options { lock("${NODE_NAME}")} // This doesn't work. NODE_NAME not 
>> available
>> steps {
>> script {
>> echo "${NODE_NAME}"
>> sleep(10)
>> }
>> }
>> }
>> }
>> }
>> }
>> }

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Jenkins Pipeline: Variable expansion issues

2019-03-11 Thread Mike Craig

The following snippet from my pipeline is acting very strangely, the values 
from the print statements are correct

  print "asgName: $asgName"
 print "asgMax: $asgMax"
 print "asgMin: $asgMin"
 asgIncrease = (asgMax * 2)
 print "Setting ASG size to ${asgIncrease}"
 sh ("aws autoscaling update-auto-scaling-group --min-size ${
asgMin} --max-size ${asgMax} --region ${region} --auto-scaling-group-name ${
asgName} ")


*15:27:13*  ecs_service_name: lab-us-west-2-lab-rat[Pipeline] sh 
  + aws autoscaling describe-auto-scaling-groups --region us-west-2*15:27:14*  
+ jq .AutoScalingGroupName*15:27:14*  + jq '.AutoScalingGroups[]'*15:27:14*  + 
jq 'select (.AutoScalingGroupName | contains ("lab-us-west-2-lab-rat"))'
> [Pipeline] sh 
> *15:27:18*
>   + aws autoscaling describe-auto-scaling-groups --region us-west-2*15:27:18* 
>  + jq 'select (.AutoScalingGroupName | contains 
> ("lab-us-west-2-lab-rat"))'*15:27:18*  + jq .MaxSize*15:27:18*  + jq 
> '.AutoScalingGroups[]'
> [Pipeline] sh 
> *15:27:22*  + jq 'select (.AutoScalingGroupName | contains 
> ("lab-us-west-2-lab-rat"))'*15:27:22*  + jq .MinSize*15:27:22*  + jq 
> '.AutoScalingGroups[]'*15:27:22*  + aws autoscaling 
> describe-auto-scaling-groups --region us-west-2
> [Pipeline] echo 
> *15:27:26*
>   asgName: "lab-us-west-2-lab-rat-serviceInstanceAutoscalingGroup"*15:27:26*  
> [Pipeline] echo 
> *15:27:26*
>   asgMax: 1*15:27:26*  [Pipeline] echo 
> *15:27:26*
>   asgMin: 1*15:27:26*  [Pipeline] echo 
> *15:27:26*
>   Setting ASG size to 1*15:27:26*  1*15:27:26*  [Pipeline] sh 
> *15:27:26*
>   + aws autoscaling update-auto-scaling-group --min-size 1
> *15:27:27*  usage: aws [options]   [ ...] 
> [parameters]*15:27:27*  To see help text, you can run:*15:27:27*  *15:27:27*  
>   aws help*15:27:27*aws  help*15:27:27*aws  
>  help*15:27:27*  aws: error: argument --auto-scaling-group-name 
> is required
*2 things here, *
1. the asgIncrease variable should evaluate to 2, as I'm doubling the 
original variable.  
2 The line where the "aws autoscaling" command is executed does not expand 
and execute the entire line. I have tried hardcoding values here, and that 
seems to work, but how to use variables??

What am I doing wrong?

Thank you!


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Publish grails 3 app/plugin with Jenkins

2019-03-11 Thread Joud Kassem

Anyone knows or has a guide to how to publish grails 3 plugin or app using 

Thanks in advance

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custom tool installation on jenkins slave through pipeline

2019-03-11 Thread vinikumar . 123
Hello ,

how to install a custom tool on multiple jenkins slaves through a pipeline 

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Re: sending email for unstable builds

2019-03-11 Thread Mark Lübbehüsen

its better you send emails in the post action

post {
  always {
success {
unstable {

failure {
aborted {


Am Donnerstag, 28. Februar 2019 21:41:50 UTC+1 schrieb Faad Sayaou:
> Hi everyone
> I am using the extended email plugin for notification when the build fails 
> by using try catch. I will also like to send email when the build is 
> unstable. Below is the structure of my pipeline 
> node {
> stage('Checkout') {
> cleanWs()
> checkout scm
> }
> stage('Restore') {
> sh "dotnet restore  $proj"
> stage('Build') {
> sh "dotnet restore  $proj"
> stage ('Unit test') {
>sh "dotnet test  $test"
> } catch (err) {
>  emailext body: 
> ' ${JOB_NAME} ${BUILD_NUMBER} is failing! Somebody should do 
> something about that. https://jenkins-ma.com/job/Test/${BUILD_NUMBER}/console 
> ',
>  subject: 'FAILURE', to: 'someEmail..'
> }
> I will like to send not only when the pipeline fails but when the build is 
> unstable. thanks

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Re: Jenkins Declarative Pipeline: Lock multiple stages using NODE_NAME as resource.

2019-03-11 Thread Mark Lübbehüsen

after downloading the Lockable Resource Plugin in Jenkins, you have to 
configure it in the system configuration of jenkins.

Am Freitag, 8. März 2019 00:58:59 UTC+1 schrieb Dusan Nikolov:
> Hi, I'm trying to lock multiple stages in a pipeline and would like to use 
> NODE_NAME as the resource. Purpose is to allow multiple parallel executions 
> of the pipeline on different available nodes, but to make a node 
> unavailable while it's used by one running pipeline instance.
> Now, the trick is that pipeline needs to be setup to run on two nodes at 
> the same time (please see example below).
> I've tried setting it up by using lock in options block of the surrounding 
> stage, but since options gets evaluated/executed before agent is assigned 
> to a stage, this fails to find NODE_NAME.
> pipeline {
> agent none
> stages {
> stage ('main') {
> parallel {
> stage ('server') {
> agent { label 'server' }
> options { lock("${NODE_NAME}")} // This doesn't work. NODE_NAME not 
> available
> steps {
> script {
> echo "${NODE_NAME}"
> sleep(10)
> }
> }
> }
> stage ('client') {
> agent { label 'client' }
> options { lock("${NODE_NAME}")} // This doesn't work. NODE_NAME not 
> available
> steps {
> script {
> echo "${NODE_NAME}"
> sleep(10)
> }
> }
> }
> }
> }
> }
> }

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Jenkins with reviewbot plugin

2019-03-11 Thread shridevi Bellatti
I am using Jenkins pipeline script with reviewbot plugin.

My pipeline job is parameterized with 'Reviewboard url'. when i access this 
in the pipeline script, it is NULL always. how do i get the updated value.

$class: 'ReviewboardParameterDefinition'
node('cloud') {
 stage ('Build'){
echo "${params.review.url}"


Any help is really appreciated. 

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All view issue in jenkins

2019-03-11 Thread Archana Srichandan
Hi Team,

while creating different user i want only subjected job should be view to
the developer but ,all view is available,

any way we can only keep view as per the required login user.

Example:developer should view only development jobs, no testing ,no QA ,no
default view ..only development jobs
Archana Srichandan

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Is unit testing possible for classes using plugins

2019-03-11 Thread Kaliyug Antagonist

This class, to begin with, will have a generic, public httpRequest method:

 * Provides Jenkins functionality required by the other utility classes.
//Info: This class helps to reduce the Jenkins plug-in specific code clutter in 
the utility classes.
// All the Jenkins-specific code should be present in this(and more, if 
required) classes.
final class JenkinsUtil {

private def script

public JenkinsUtil(def script) {
this.script = script

 * @param link
 * @param parameters Refer the httpRequest plug-in https://jenkins.io/doc/pipeline/steps/http_request/;>documentation 
for acceptable parameters.
 * @return
public def initiateHttpRequest(String link, Map parameters) 

script.println "Link: ${link}, parameters: ${parameters}"

String validationErrorMessage = 

if(validationErrorMessage != null && !validationErrorMessage.isEmpty()){
script.println "Validation error in httpRequest 
return validationErrorMessage

String parametersString = 

script.httpRequest url: link,

private String validateHttpRequestParameters(Mapparameters){

if(parameters == null || parameters.isEmpty()){
return "Parameters for the httpRequest cannot be null/empty."

//TODO:If the parameters contain anything other than the keys mentioned 
in the official documentation, return

//TODO:If the values for any of the parameter keys deviate from what 
the acceptable values as per the official documentation are, return

private String getAppendedParametersForHttpRequest(Map 

StringBuffer parametersSb = new StringBuffer()

key, value -> parametersSb << key+":"+value+","


script.println "parameters are ${parametersSb.toString()}"
return parametersSb.toString()

Suppose, I try to write a unit test for the above class:

import spock.lang.Specification

class JenkinsUtilTest extends Specification {

def "InitiateHttpRequest"() {

JenkinsUtil jenkinsUtil = new JenkinsUtil(/*How to create a script 
String url = "https://ci.prod-jenkins.com/cjoc/;
Mapparameters = new  HashMap<>()

def response = jenkinsUtil.initiateHttpRequest(url,parameters)




   1. How do I create a script instance to pass to the JenkinsUtil(Maybe, a 
   Expando or Script instance)
   2. Is there a way(say, by including some Jenkins dependencies in 
   build.gradle) to simulate the 'script.httpRequest' call i.e simulate the 
   Jenkins httpRequest plugin
   3. Is it correct to even think of unit-testing such a class
   4. Is it correct to even think of creating such a class

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how can i get release notes through jenkins with proper versioning

2019-03-11 Thread Archana Srichandan
Hi Team,

Need a suggestion for release notes though Jenkins with proper versioning
can be set up through Jenkins?

Archana Srichandan

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Re: Adding java libraries to jenkins

2019-03-11 Thread Baptiste Mathus
Not sure I understand the use case to be honest.

Care to add details?

Le dim. 10 mars 2019 à 15:12, Peter Berghold  a
écrit :

> How would I go about adding java libraries to jenkins?  I may not be
> voicing what I'm trying to do very well so I'll go into a little detail.
> I'd like to set up a library of beans such as one reflective of the
> contents of a list of s3 files with the creation date, size and filename as
> a structure.
> Is this even possible?
> --
> Peter L. Berghold   salty.cowd...@gmail.com
> http://devops.berghold.net
> --
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Re: ticketing tool which better get integrated with jenkins

2019-03-11 Thread RAJENDRA PRASAD

On Mon, 11 Mar, 2019, 11:29 Archana Srichandan, <
archana.srichan...@4tigo.com> wrote:

> Hi Team,
> Any suggestion on ticketing tool which goes well with Jenkins and is
> reliable and under budget with good convenient  features
> Regards,
> Archana Srichandan
> --
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