i am trying a pipeline job where my first stage job returns a list of values which i should use to make list of parallel jobs in the second stage for each of the value

2020-02-21 Thread amu ch
Hi , 

I used this following ; my first part itself is not working where i want to 
save the return values from my first stage and use them in second stage. 
i tried several methods none worked.   my first stage job just echo " 123 
234 345"  ; i tried setting environment variable also setenv versions="123 
234 345" echo $versions 

// Powered by Infostretch 



timestamps {


node ('mem1') { 


  stage ('Team/getactivebranch - Build') {

  // Shell build step

  def job =  build job: '/Team/getactivebranch/' , parameters: []



  def checklog2 = job.rawBuild.log

  println (checklog2)



echo "env.BAR is '${BAR}'"




// Powered by Infostretch 



timestamps {


node ('mem1') { 


  stage ('Teamgetactivebranch - Build') {

  // Shell build step

  def job =  build job: '/Team/getactivebranch/' , parameters: []




  println (job.getResult())



echo "env.BAR is '${BAR}'"



// Powered by Infostretch 



timestamps {


node ('mem1') { 


  stage ('Team/getactivebranch - Build') {

  // Shell build step

  def j1BuildResult =  build job: '/Team/getactivebranch/' , parameters: []



  def j1EnvVariables = j1BuildResult.getBuildVariables();

  println (j1EnvVariables)



echo "env.BAR is '${BAR}'"

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Ability to re-run specific stages running in parallel in Jenkins pipeline

2020-02-21 Thread alok kumar
Hi All,
We have this Jenkins pipeline which is supposed to run tests on 24 machines
in parallel via parallel stages.
Now, due to one reason or another, there is a possibility of one/more of
these stages might fail.
I know that we can re-run the top level stage, but, is there a possibility
of rerunning specific stage from the list of parallel stages?

I did some research and came across this ticket in Jenkins JIRA
https://issues.jenkins-ci.org/browse/JENKINS-52391 which is somewhat
similar to what i am looking for. But, this ticket is in OPEN state and I
do not see any progress made on it.

Has someone across a similar issue and if yes, what is the workaround that
you guys followed in order to achieve the desired result?

Any help would be really appreciated.


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Re: SharedLibrary doesn´t allow git parameter to fetch all branches

2020-02-21 Thread Mark Waite
I'd call it a misunderstanding more than an incompatibility.  The git 
parameter is providing a filter which can *limit* the set of branches which 
might be included.  The git parameter *cannot expand* the set of branches 
which might be included.  The multibranch pipeline job definition controls 
the initial set of branches being requested into the workspace.  The branch 
you're seeking is not being brought into the workspace.

Branch sources that use the REST API to detect changes (GitHub, Bitbucket, 
Gitea, GitLab) are intentionally optimized to only populate the workspace 
with the commits for the exact branch being built.  That can save 
significant time and space with large repositories that contain multiple 
branches.  If you require more history than the exact branch being built, 
then you'll likely need to adjust the checkout that you're using to 
populate the workspace.

I'm not clear why you're using a branch parameter in a Pipeline job.  Isn't 
it more effective to define a Jenkinsfile in each branch and then allow the 
multibranch pipeline to create and destroy jobs automatically as branches 
are created and destroyed?

Mark Waite

On Friday, February 21, 2020 at 1:53:56 AM UTC-7, judaondo wrote:
> Hello, 
> I have the following pipeline that uses a method called "getServiceVersion" 
> from a Shared Library.
> #!/usr/bin/env groovy
> @Library('mycom')
> import com.mycom.*
> // Declarative pipeline //
> properties([[$class: 'JiraProjectProperty'], buildDiscarder(logRotator(
> artifactDaysToKeepStr: '', artifactNumToKeepStr: '', daysToKeepStr: '',
>  numToKeepStr: '10')), disableConcurrentBuilds(), parameters([gitParameter
> (branch: '', branchFilter: '.*', defaultValue: 'origin/integration',
>  description: 'Git Branch', listSize: '10', name: 'branch',
>  quickFilterEnabled: true, selectedValue: 'DEFAULT', sortMode: 
> 'ASCENDING_SMART', tagFilter: '*', type: 'PT_BRANCH')])])
> def STAGE
> pipeline {
> agent { label 'WindowsSlaveWS2016' }
> options {
> timestamps ()
> ansiColor('xterm')
> disableConcurrentBuilds()
> }
> stages {
> stage('Code checkout') {
> steps {
> echo '<< Checking out source code >>'
> checkout([$class: 'GitSCM', branches: [[name: '${branch}'
> ]], doGenerateSubmoduleConfigurations: false, extensions: [[$class: 
> 'CloneOption', depth: 10, noTags: false, reference: '', shallow: true]],
>  submoduleCfg: [], userRemoteConfigs: [[credentialsId: 'gitcredentials',
>  url: 'http://gitserver:8080/myproject']]])
> script {
> }
> }
> }
> stage('Get service version') {
> steps {
> script {
> getServiceVersion('MY/Path', 'ChangeLog.txt', 
> 'myservice')
> }
> }
> }
> }
> }
> Please notice at the 'git parameter (
> https://plugins.jenkins.io/git-parameter/)' that fetchs all available 
> branches on the current repository and the selected default vale 
> 'origin/integration'. 
> Since I am using shared library it doesn´t load all the available branches 
> and in fact it only displays origin/master instead of origin/integration.
> There is a kind of incompatibility? How can I fix this behaviour?
> [image: shared_lib_error.jpg]

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Defining pipeline steps that require cleanup

2020-02-21 Thread Simon Richter

I'm thinking about optimizing artifact transfer between builds by using WIM
files instead of single file transfers.

Building would work by mounting an empty writeable WIM file over an output
directory, having the build process install into this directory, then
unmount and optimize the WIM file before declaring it as an artifact.
Artifact consumers would mount the file read-only.

Obviously, if something goes wrong, the file needs to be unmounted
regardless, so I wonder how I'd set up an, ideally declarative, pipeline
that mounts an image that is then available to a block of steps, and
unmounted afterwards using a method that depends on the current build

As an additional complication, making the pipeline resumable would require
something like automatically unmounting images when execution is stopped
after the current step, and remounting if it should continue.

Can this be done, or will I have to extend the actual Jenkins program for


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Re: SharedLibrary doesn´t allow git parameter to fetch all branches

2020-02-21 Thread judaondo
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SharedLibrary doesn´t allow git parameter to fetch all branches

2020-02-21 Thread judaondo

I have the following pipeline that uses a method called "getServiceVersion" 
from a Shared Library.

#!/usr/bin/env groovy


import com.mycom.*

// Declarative pipeline //

properties([[$class: 'JiraProjectProperty'], buildDiscarder(logRotator(
artifactDaysToKeepStr: '', artifactNumToKeepStr: '', daysToKeepStr: '',
 numToKeepStr: '10')), disableConcurrentBuilds(), parameters([gitParameter(
branch: '', branchFilter: '.*', defaultValue: 'origin/integration',
 description: 'Git Branch', listSize: '10', name: 'branch',
 quickFilterEnabled: true, selectedValue: 'DEFAULT', sortMode: 
'ASCENDING_SMART', tagFilter: '*', type: 'PT_BRANCH')])])


pipeline {
agent { label 'WindowsSlaveWS2016' }

options {
timestamps ()

stages {
stage('Code checkout') {
steps {
echo '<< Checking out source code >>'
checkout([$class: 'GitSCM', branches: [[name: '${branch}']],
 doGenerateSubmoduleConfigurations: false, extensions: [[$class: 
'CloneOption', depth: 10, noTags: false, reference: '', shallow: true]],
 submoduleCfg: [], userRemoteConfigs: [[credentialsId: 'gitcredentials', url
: 'http://gitserver:8080/myproject']]])
script {
stage('Get service version') {
steps {
script {
getServiceVersion('MY/Path', 'ChangeLog.txt', 


Please notice at the 'git parameter (
https://plugins.jenkins.io/git-parameter/)' that fetchs all available 
branches on the current repository and the selected default vale 

Since I am using shared library it doesn´t load all the available branches 
and in fact it only displays origin/master instead of origin/integration.

There is a kind of incompatibility? How can I fix this behaviour?

[image: shared_lib_error.jpg]

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