JNM * Gods Work Ministry E-Mail

2007-04-10 Terurut Topik pttwr
From: Dwayne Savaya [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Gods Work Ministry Inspirational and Encouragement E-Mail

Dear Friend,

We should never allow ourselves to get agitated or frustrated because 
things don't seem to be going our way.  We are to have God's perfect peace
at all times and allow His Word to dwell in us richly.  The Lord Jesus 
reminded us that in the world we will have tribulation, but then He went on
to reassure us to be of good cheer, because He has overcome the world for
us.  No matter the trials or tribulations that come near to you, you stay
in peace, and allow the Lord to comfort your heart where nothing will be 
able to steal your joy or move your faith in Him. (Colossians 3:12-17)

I hope you are encouraged by this message to stay in peace no matter the
trials or tribulations that come to tempt you to lose your patience, joy and 
your peace.


One day I went to a lawyer friend for advice.

“I'm in real trouble” I said.  “My neighbors across the road are going on
vacation for a month; and instead of boarding their dogs they are going to
keep them locked up and a woman is coming to feed them, if she doesn't 
forget.  Meanwhile they'll be lonely and bark all day and howl all night,
and I won't be able to sleep.  I'll either have to call the SPCA to haul 
them away or I'll go berserk and go over there and shoot them and then 
when my neighbors return, they'll go berserk and come over and shoot me.”

My lawyer patted back a delicate yawn.  “Let me tell you a story,” he said.
“And don't stop me if you've heard it because it will do you good to hear it 

“A fellow was speeding down a country road late at night and Bang, went a
tire.  He got out and looked but he had no jack.

“Then he said to himself.  'Well, I'll just walk to the nearest farmhouse
and borrow a jack.'  He saw a light in the distance and said, 'Well, I'm 
in luck; the farmer's up.  I'll just knock on the door and say I'm in 
trouble; would you please lend me a jack?  And he'll say, why sure, 
neighbor, help yourself, but bring it back.'

“He walked on a little farther and the light went out so he said to 
himself, 'Now he's gone to bed, and he'll be annoyed because I'm bothering
him so he'll probably want some money for his jack.  And I'll say, all 
right, it isn't very neighborly but I'll give you a quarter.

And he'll say, do you think you can get me out of bed in the middle of the 
night and then offer me a quarter?  Give me a dollar or get yourself a jack 
somewhere else.'

“By the time he got to the farmhouse the fellow had worked himself into a
lather.  He turned into the gate and muttered. 'A dollar!  All right, I'll give 
you a dollar.  But not a cent more!  A poor devil has an accident and all he 
needs is a jack. You probably won't let me have one no matter what I give you. 
That's the kind of guy you are.'

“Which brought him to the door and he knocked angrily, loudly. The farmer
stuck his head out the window above the door and hollered down, 'Who's 
there?  What do you want?'  The fellow stopped pounding on the door and
yelled up, 'You and your stupid jack!  You know what you can do with it!'”

When I stopped laughing, I started thinking, and I said, “Is that what I've 
been doing?”

“Right,” he said, “and you'd be surprised how many people come to a lawyer
for advice, and instead of calmly stating the facts, start building up a big 
imaginary fight; what he'll say to his partner, what she'll say to her husband, 
or how they'll tell the Old Man off about his will.  So I tell them the story 
about the jack and they cool off.

“The next time I hear from them, one tells me that the partner was glad to
meet him halfway; the gal says she can't understand it, her husband was so
reasonable she thought she must have gotten somebody else on the phone; the
relatives found out the Old Man had already been asking a lawyer how he
could give everything to them before he died, to save them inheritance tax.”

I thought, “How true!  Most of us go through life bumping into obstacles 
we could easily bypass; spoiling for a fight and lashing out in blind rages
at fancied wrongs and imaginary foes.

“And we don't even realize what we are doing until someone startles us one
day with a vivid word like a lightning flash on a dark night.”

Well, the other night I was driving home from the city.  I was late for 
dinner and I hadn't phoned my wife.  As I crawled along in a line of cars,
I became more and more frustrated and angry. I'll tell her I was caught in the 
heavy weekend traffic and she'll say, “Why didn't you phone me before you left 

Then I'll say, “What difference does it make anyway, I'm here!” And she'll
say, “Yes, and I'm here, too, and I've been here all day waiting to hear 
from you!”  And I'll say, “I suppose I haven't anything else to do but call
you up every hour on the hour and make like a lovebird!”  And she'll say,
“You mean like a wolf, but you wouldn't be calling me!”

By this time I am 

JNM * On Him they laid..; They took Jesus..; What's good in it? How truthfull are you ?

2007-04-10 Terurut Topik pttwr
From: Suzianty Herawati 

On Him they laid the cross, that He might bear it after Jesus.
--Luke 23:26

   We see in Simon's carrying the cross a picture of the work of the Church 
throughout all generations; she is the cross-bearer after Jesus. Mark then, 
Christian, Jesus does not suffer so as to exclude your suffering. He bears a 
cross, not that you may escape it, but that you may endure it. Christ exempts 
you from sin, but not from sorrow. Remember that, and expect to suffer.

   But let us comfort ourselves with this thought, that in our case, as in 
Simon's, it is not our cross, but Christ's cross which we carry. When you are 
molest ed for your piety; when your religion brings the trial of cruel mockings 
upon you, then remember it is not your cross, it is Christ's cross; and how 
delightful is it to carry the cross of our Lord Jesus!

   You carry the cross after Him. You have blessed company; your path is marked 
with the footprints of your Lord. The mark of His blood-red shoulder is upon 
that heavy burden. 'Tis His cross, and He goes before you as a shepherd goes 
before his sheep. Take up your cross daily, and follow Him.

   Do not forget, also, that you bear this cross in partnership. It is the 
opinion of some that Simon only carried one end of the cross, and not the whole 
of it. That is very
possible; Christ may have carried the heavier part, against the transverse 
beam, and Simon may have borne the lighter end. Certainly it is so with you; 
you do but carry the light end of the cross, Christ bore the heavier end.

   And remember, though Simon had to bear the cross for a very little while, it 
gave him lasting honour. Even so the cross we carry is only for a little while 
at most, and then we shall receive the crown, the glory. Surely we should love 
the cross, and, instead of shrinking from it, count it very dear, when it works 
out for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory.

CH Spurgeon
From: Suzianty Herawati 

They took Jesus, and led Him away.--John 19:16

   He had been all night in agony, He had spent the early morning at the hall 
of Caiaphas, He had been hurried from Caiaphas to Pilate, from Pilate to Herod, 
and from Herod back
again to Pilate; He had, therefore, but little strength left, and yet neither 
refreshment nor rest were permitted Him. They were eager for His blood, and 
therefore led Him out to die,
loaded with the cross. O dolorous procession! Well may Salem's daughters weep. 
My soul, do thou weep also.

   What learn we here as we see our blessed Lord led forth? Do we not perceive 
that truth which was set forth in shadow by the scapegoat? Did not the 
high-priest bring the scapegoat, and put both his hands upon its head, 
confessing the sins of the people,
that thus those sins might be laid upon the goat, and cease from the people? 
Then the goat was led away by a fit man into the wilderness, and it carried 
away the sins of the people, so that if they were sought for they could not be 
found. Now we see Jesus brought before the priests and rulers, who pronounce 
Him guilty; God Himself imputes our sins to Him, the Lord hath laid on Him the 
iniquity of us all; He was made sin for us; and, as the substitute for our 
guilt, bearing our sin upon His shoulders, represented by the cross; we see the 
great Scapegoat led away by the appointed officers of justice. Beloved, can you 
feel assured that He carried your sin? As you look at the cross upon His 
shoulders, does it represent your sin? There is one way by which you can tell 
whether He carried your sin or not. Have you laid your hand upon His head, 
confessed your sin, and trusted in Him? Then your sin lies not on you; it has 
all been transferred by blessed imputation to Christ, and He bears it on His 
shoulder as a load heavier than the cross.

   Let not the picture vanish till you have rejoiced in your own deliverance, 
and adored the loving Redeemer upon whom your iniquities were laid.

CH Spurgeon
From: Bayo Afolaranmi 

Dear Beloved,
As we enter into the Holy Week today, let me resend an abridged version of 
series of messages I once sent about the accomplishments of the atoning death 
of Jesus Christ:
WHAT IS GOOD IN IT? (abridged)

None of the rulers of this age understood it, for if they had, they would not 
have crucified the Lord of glory (1 Corinthians 2:8, NIV).
I overheard a Muslim preacher one day accusing the Christians: They call the 
day 'Good Friday.' What is good in it? What is good in a day they crucified 
their Savior? What is worthy of celebration in it? I chuckled. What is good in 
the Good Friday? Why should we Christians celebrate such a horrible day - a 
day that our Savior and Lord was tried, sentenced to death by crucifixion, 
flogged, molested, crucified cruelly and eventually died? Non-Christians 

JNM * daily devotional

2007-04-10 Terurut Topik pttwr

daily devotional

Morning ... 

John 19:16
They took Jesus, and led Him away. 

  He had been all night in agony, He had spent the early morning at the hall of 
Caiaphas, He had been hurried from Caiaphas to Pilate, from Pilate to Herod, 
and from Herod back again to Pilate; He had, therefore, but little strength 
left, and yet neither refreshment nor rest were permitted Him. They were eager 
for His blood, and therefore led Him out to die, loaded with the cross. O 
dolorous procession! Well may Salem's daughters weep. My soul, do thou weep 
also. What learn we here as we see our blessed Lord led forth? Do we not 
perceive that truth which was set forth in shadow by the scapegoat? Did not the 
high-priest bring the scapegoat, and put both his hands upon its head, 
confessing the sins of the people, that thus those sins might be laid upon the 
goat, and cease from the people? Then the goat was led away by a fit man into 
the wilderness, and it carried away the sins of the people, so that if they 
were sought for they could not be found. Now we see Jesus brought before the 
priests and rulers, who pronounce Him guilty; God Himself imputes our sins to 
Him, the Lord hath laid on Him the iniquity of us all; He was made sin for 
us; and, as the substitute for our guilt, bearing our sin upon His shoulders, 
represented by the cross; we see the great Scapegoat led away by the appointed 
officers of justice. Beloved, can you feel assured that He carried your sin? As 
you look at the cross upon His shoulders, does it represent your sin? There is 
one way by which you can tell whether He carried your sin or not. Have you laid 
your hand upon His head, confessed your sin, and trusted in Him? Then your sin 
lies not on you; it has all been transferred by blessed imputation to Christ, 
and He bears it on His shoulder as a load heavier than the cross. Let not the 
picture vanish till you have rejoiced in your own deliverance, and adored the 
loving Redeemer upon whom your iniquities were laid.

   Romans 12:3-8 
   (3) For I say, through the grace given unto me, to every man that is 
among you, not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think; but to 
think soberly, according as God hath dealt to every man the measure of faith. 
(4) For as we have many members in one body, and all members have not the same 
office: (5) So we, being many, are one body in Christ, and every one members 
one of another. (6) Having then gifts differing according to the grace that is 
given to us, whether prophecy, let us prophesy according to the proportion of 
faith; (7) Or ministry, let us wait on our ministering: or he that teacheth, on 
teaching; (8) Or he that exhorteth, on exhortation: he that giveth, let him do 
it with simplicity; he that ruleth, with diligence; he that sheweth mercy, with 
These six verses are all tied together by humility—that one should not 
think of himself more highly than he ought. God has put us each in the body as 
it pleases Him, so we should not think that we, as, say, the toe are better 
than the knee because the toe cannot do the knee's job. God thinks of the toe 
just as highly as He does of the knee, but if He has put us as a toe, why not 
in faith do the job of a toe because that is what God wants us to be? If He had 
wanted us to be a knee, He would have put you in the body as a knee, but He 
made us to be a toe, so be happy as a toe! Do a toe's work in faith!

Paul tells us to think soberly, logically, seriously, that as God has 
dealt to each a measure of faith, that we in faith can consider our place in 
the church and deal with it. So, whatever we are to do, do it! Do it with all 
the gifts and skills that God has given—but do not try to do another's job. It 
is his job to do diligently, not ours. God put us in the body to do a specific 
job, our job not his, otherwise He would have given us his job!

If we have been given the job to exhort, then we should exhort. If it 
is our job to minister and serve others, serve—but do not take another's job to 
prophesy. Paul is saying, In lowliness of mind, be content where you are, 
because obviously God has put you there for a reason. If you do the job that 
God has given to you, you are fulfilling His will. The church, then, can be 
united because the members are not competing over each other's responsibilities.
Richard T. Ritenbaugh 
From   Psalm 133 


daily devotional

Morning ... 

Matthew 27:14
He answered him to never a word. 

  He had never been slow of speech when He could bless the sons of men, but He 
would not say a single word for Himself. Never man spake like this Man, and 
never man was silent like Him. Was this singular silence the index of His 
perfect self-sacrifice? Did it show that He would not utter 

JNM * UANG; Surat untuk Bapa di Sorga CHIP IN ME

2007-04-10 Terurut Topik pttwr


Pokoknya saya mau beli berlian, seperti yang dipakai Ibu Andre pake kemarin  
di arisan, dengan suara meninggi  Lastri  menjelaskan keinginannya pada 

Tak kalah ngotot Rahmat  pun membalas,Saya juga sudah lama bermimpi punya  
mobil !, sudah bosan naik kendaraan umum kalau mau pergi mengajar, 
berdesak-desakan dengan penumpang lainnya, harus bangun lebih awal ! nah, kalau 
Mas  punya kendaraan sendiri bisa bangun agak telat dari biasanya, dan lagi 
pula kalau sedang libur bisa ngantar kamu  kepasar kan ?

Lastri sama sekali tidak bergeming dengan keputusannya, dia tetap ngotot
uang hasil undian tabungan sebanyak  50 juta, dipakai untuk membeli
Berlian, begitu juga dengan Rahmat tetap bertahan dengan cita-citanya.

Sepanjang  tujuh tahun membina  rumah tangga,  kehidupan mereka menjadi
panutan bagi  orang lain, tak hanya dikeluarga tapi juga  tetangga disekitar 
mereka. Kalaupun ada  riak-riak kecil, semua itu hanya bumbu penyedap  yang 
membuat mereka semakin mengerti  pasangan masing-masing dan memperkokoh rumah 
tangga mereka.

Rahmat, seorang guru  SMP negri  si salah satu sekolah Favorite di Jakarta,
beliau  sangat sederhana,  dia tidak gengsi  pergi  kerja naik angkot, dimana 
terkadang  satu angkutan umum dengan muridnya, bahkan  begitu dekatnya dengan 
anak murid yang dia asuh tak jarang pulang  mengajar Rahmat  diantar anak 

Sosok Lastri, ibu rumah tangga  yang sabar dan lemah lembut. Selama ini tak
pernah sekalipun terdengar  gerutuan  dari bibirnya,  minta dibelikan 
barang-barang yang mahal, dia tidak pernah bersungut-sungut karena suaminya 
hanya mampu memberikan hidup yang sederhana sepanjang pernikahan mereka.

Tapi semua berubah !  ketika didepan mata ada uang sejumlah Rp 50.000.000,
pasangan ini mulai Egois, mulai mersa paling benar, masing-masing 
mempertahankan  keinginannya yang dianggap lebih penting.

Lukas  12
12:15 Kata-Nya lagi kepada mereka: Berjaga-jagalah dan waspadalah terhadap
segala ketamakan, sebab walaupun seorang berlimpah-limpah hartanya, hidupnya 
tidaklah tergantung dari pada kekayaannya itu.

Banyak MANUSIA   'tidak siap'  kita  diberkati  Tuhan dengan melimpah ! ! !

+ Waktu masih punya TV 14 , suami istri masih bisa akur nonton tv 
bersama-sama, ketawa bersama, tapi waktu punya TV LCD 32, yang ada  justru 
pertengkaran, tidak ada  yang mau mengalah acara  apa yang  ingin ditonton 

+ Waktu belum punya kendaraan, suami istri masih rajin pergi ibadah, walau 
hujan batu sekalipun, pasangan istri/suami  ini berkata,sayang,  kita kan ada 
payung, mari kita kegereja ! Melihat kesetiaan mereka, akhirnya  Tuhan 
memberkati luar bisa, dikasi  mobil  dan tiba mau berangkat  kegereja hujan pun 
turun dengan  deras maka  pasangan suami/istri bilang,sayang sekali  mobil ini 
dipakai ke gereja, entar kotor  soalnya baru kemarin sore dicuci.

+Waktu  pendapatan 2.000.000/bulan  sang suami, setia setengah mati sama istri, 
engkaulah segala-galanya bagiku, pergi kekantor membawa bekal masakah istri, 
kopi buatan istri tercinta tidak ada tandingannya, tidak pernah pulang larut 
malam,  tapi waktu Tuhan kasih berkat melalui kenaikan gaji dan akhirnya 
mendapatkan  4.000.000/bulan, sang suami mulai malas makan masakan istri, mulai 
ngak betah minum kopi buatan istri, lebih senang nongkrong di cafe.

Amsal  3:9a  Muliakanlah TUHAN dengan hartamu

... jangan sampai kecintaan kita 
pada materi, membuat kita kehilangan orang  yang kita cintai dan mencintai 
kita, ... apalagi kalau sampai kehilangan Kekasih  jiwa kita, yaitu 
Yesus Kristus.

Have a nice  week end,  God  bless  you en me.
SariHati   Indah  Tarigan

Surat  untuk  Bapa di Sorga
by, Sari Tarigan

Engkau kekasih jiwaku, Engkau Tuhan yang tarlalu baik, Engkau Bapa yang sangat  
setia dan berbelas kasih dan bagiku Engkau tidak hanya Tuhan tapi sahabat  yang 
 luar biasa.

Ketika aku terkenang akan kebaikan dan campur tanganMu dalam hidupku, aku tak 
mampu menahan air mataku, tanpa terasa air mataku menetes di pipiku, betapa 
dasyat dan ajaib perbuatannmu sepanjang hidupku, terkadang aku tersenyum dan 
tertawa, saat melihat cara Tuhan menjawab doa, dengan cara yang tidak pernah 
aku pikirkan sebelumnya.Dan karena itulah aku bertekat memberikan hidupku 
padaMu, memberi yang terbaik padaMu.

Bapa yang ku cinta,
hanya Engkau yang paling mengerti kesesakan yang  aku derita saat  ini,
Engkau yang paling mengerti betapa lemahnya  kondisiku saat ini, dan betapa
takutnya aku membayangkan masa depanku yang tinggal menghitung hari.
Sebagai orang muda yang punya banyak cita-cita, dan semangat baru, aku tak 
mampu menerima kenyataan ini, aku sempat kecewa padaMu, bertahun-tahun aku 
melayani Engkau, belajar menjadi pelaku Firman, tapi kenapa semua  ini harus 
aku alami.

Dokter bilang, aku mengidap penyakit  Leukimia !  

JNM * daily devotional

2007-04-10 Terurut Topik pttwr

daily devotional

Morning ... 

Luke 23:31
If they do these things in a green tree, what shall be done in the dry? 

  Among other interpretations of this suggestive question, the following is 
full of teaching: If the innocent substitute for sinners, suffer thus, what 
will be done when the sinner himself-the dry tree-shall fall into the hands of 
an angry God? When God saw Jesus in the sinner's place, He did not spare Him; 
and when He finds the unregenerate without Christ, He will not spare them. O 
sinner, Jesus was led away by His enemies: so shall you be dragged away by 
fiends to the place appointed for you. Jesus was deserted of God; and if He, 
who was only imputedly a sinner, was deserted, how much more shall you be? 
Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthani? what an awful shriek! But what shall be your 
cry when you shall say, O God! O God! why hast Thou forsaken me? and the 
answer shall come back, Because ye have set at nought all My counsel, and 
would none of My reproof: I also will laugh at your calamity; I will mock when 
your fear cometh. If God spared not His own Son, how much less will He spare 
you! What whips of burning wire will be yours when conscience shall smite you 
with all its terrors. Ye richest, ye merriest, ye most self-righteous 
sinners-who would stand in your place when God shall say, Awake, O sword, 
against the man that rejected Me; smite him, and let him feel the smart for 
ever? Jesus was spit upon: sinner, what shame will be yours! We cannot sum up 
in one word all the mass of sorrows which met upon the head of Jesus who died 
for us, therefore it is impossible for us to tell you what streams, what oceans 
of grief must roll over your spirit if you die as you now are. You may die so, 
you may die now. By the agonies of Christ, by His wounds and by His blood, do 
not bring upon yourselves the wrath to come! Trust in the Son of God, and you 
shall never die.

   Mark 1:15 
   (15) And saying, The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at 
hand: repent ye, and believe the gospel. 
   Luke 16:16-17 
   (16) The law and the prophets were until John: since that time the 
kingdom of God is preached, and every man presseth into it. (17) And it is 
easier for heaven and earth to pass, than one tittle of the law to fail. 
Is there any doubt in our minds that we are within striking range of 
the return of Jesus Christ? the gospel of Jesus Christ has been preached for 
almost two thousand years, and prophecies made by Him and others regarding His 
return are being fulfilled. The crisis at the close is almost upon us. 
Mankind's only hope is revealed in the gospel, yet we find great ignorance 
regarding what His good news is.

The complete secularization of the Western, Christian world is almost 
accomplished, and doctrinal confusion abounds. It seems as though the vast 
number of professing Christians believe that all one must do is believe in the 
name of Jesus Christ to be saved. This is most certainly required, but Jesus 
Himself says in Mark 1:15 that one must believe in the gospel in order to be 

That is quite a bit different than merely believing in Jesus. While it 
is definitely true that Jesus died for our sins, the true gospel provides a 
great deal more instruction regarding Christianity and its purpose than solely 
Jesus' part in our salvation. It reveals that a Christian must play an active 
part in the spiritual creation that God is working in and through men.

One of the more effective deceptions Satan has palmed off on mankind is 
that all God is attempting to do is to save people. Most Christians somehow 
fail to think of God and His Son, Jesus Christ, as actively involved in doing 
something more with those who are converted.

Consider this process, which most people believe: At some time in his 
life, the saved one had perceived the need to be forgiven of his sins. He 
then asked God to forgive him, and from that point on, because of Christ's 
blood, he was saved. Is this true? Though this illustration has been 
simplified a great deal, it is nevertheless close to the prevalent belief.

We will add a biblical fact to that scenario. Almost all Bible 
commentators hold that the Israelite's experience of walking through the 
wilderness following Israel's release from bondage to Egypt is a type of a 
Christian's walk following his conversion. Walking is typical of laboring or 
working to reach an objective.

Did the Israelites arrive in the Promised Land—a type of the Kingdom of 
God—immediately upon release from their bondage? No! They had ahead of them a 
forty-year journey filled with trials. As they journeyed, God worked with them 
and supplied their needs, preparing them for their inheritance. Release from 
Egypt only began another aspect of God's work with them. To reach their 
objective, a great deal of labor lay 

JNM * Mahalnya Kematian Yesus di Kayu Salib REFLEKSI MAKNA PASKAH

2007-04-10 Terurut Topik pttwr
From: Dewi Kriswanti 

Mahalnya Kematian Yesus Di Kayu Salib

Seorang bapak setengah baya bekerja pada sebuah perusahaan kereta api, dan 
tugas bapak ini mudah saja.
Beliau hanya bertugas menarik sebuah tuas yang mengerakkan roda roda raksasa 
yang saling berhubungan untuk mengangkat jembatan yang merintangi jalan kereta 
api itu, sehingga kereta api tersebut dapat lewat dengan selamat. tentu saja 
jika jembatan tersebut tidak diangkat...maka kereta api itu akan mengalami 
kecelakaan yang sangat hebat). 
Bapak ini mempunyai seorang anak satu satunya yang sangat dikasihi dengan 
segenap jiwanya. Suatu hari, anak bapak ini mengunjungi bapaknya dan bapaknya 
membiarkan anaknya melihat lihat tempat kerjanya.
Sewaktu anak ini menghampiri roda roda raksasa tersebut, tiba tiba sang anak 
terpeleset dan jatuh diantara roda roda raksasa tersebut. Malang baginya.. kaki 
anak kecil tersebut terjepit dengan eratnya diantara gerigi roda-roda raksasa 
Demi melihat kaki anaknya terjepit diantara roda-roda raksasa tersebut, sang 
bapak dengan serta merta berusaha menolong melepaskan kaki anak tersayangnya 
tersebut dari jepitan gerigi roda tersebut
Setelah berusaha sekian lama, sang bapak ini masih belum bisa melepaskan kaki 
anaknya tersebut. Sesaat kemudian, sang anak mulai menangis karena ketakutan. 
Tiba tiba dari kejauhan terdengarlah secara samar-samar suara peluit kereta api 
tersebut dari kejauhan memberi tanda agar jembatan itu harus segera diangkat. 
Sesaat kemudian hati bapak ini menjadi sangat sedih dan ketakutan... Di dalam 
kecemasannya dia masih berusaha melepaskan kaki anaknya... tapi masih tidak ada 
hasilnyaTidak lama kemudian suara peluit kereta api tersebut terdengar 
semakin jelas dan dekat. 
Hati bapak ini seketika menjadi hancur... bapak ini mulai menangis dengan 
sedihnya. Di dalam hati bapak ini muncul suatu keraguan... haruskah dia 
mengorbankan anak satu
satunya demi menyelamatkan kereta api itu yang penumpangnya tak ada satupun 
yang dia kenal?
Namun jika dia memilih untuk menyelamatkan anaknya...maka berapa jiwa yang akan 
melayang dengan sia sia hanya gara gara satu orang saja Sesaat 
kemudian... bapak ini perlahan lahan mencium kening anaknya dengan penuh kasih 
sayang dan dengan
hati yang sangat hancur... lalu bapak ini mulai berdiri dan menuju ke tuas 
pengangkat jembatan tersebut... dengan air mata yang membasahi sampai ke 
bajunya... sang bapak ini melihat sekali lagi pada anak satu satunya itu... 
Sesaat kemudian bapak ini menarik tuasnya dan jatuh lemas dan menangis 
sejadi-jadinya tanpa berani melihat proses kematian anaknya yang sangat tragis 
yang tidak pernah
dibayangkan olehnya demi menyelamatkan orang-orang yang ada didalam kereta api 
itu, yang sama sekali tidak mengetahui, bahwa saat itu juga mereka telah bebas 
dari kematian yang kekal
Saudaraku yang terkasih... jika kita renungkan kembali kisah diatas... Bukankah 
cerita diatas telah terjadi 2000 tahun yang lalu... dimana Yesus telah disalib 
hanya untuk menebus dosa kita...?
Siapakah kita ini sehingga kita memperoleh keselamatan itu...?
Sesungguhnya kita ini tidak lebih dari sampah yang tidak ada harganya...
Tetapi kasih Yesus begitu besar... Sehingga Dia rela mati diatas kayu salib 
hanya untuk
menebus dosa kita... (injil Yohanes 3:16).
Saya mau katakan pada saudara...Bahwa hanya Yesus sajalah yang rela mengorbankan
nyawanya bagi kita. Tak ada kasih yang demikian besar seperti yang dilakukan 
Yesus demi menyelamatkan kita.
Kematian Yesus itu tidak dapat dinilai dengan apapun yang ada didunia ini... 
terlalu mahal dan sangat mahal untuk sebuah jiwa seperti saya dan saudara...
Tapi, saya juga mau katakan sesuatu pada saudara...Kematian Yesus 2000 tahun 
yang lalu bukan hanya untuk menebus dosa orang yang hidup pada jaman itu saja...
Tetapi darah-Nya yang tercurah 2000 tahun yang lalu masih mampu dan Dia sanggup 
menyelamatkan kita.
Percayalah kepada Yesus...Sebab hanya melalui Dialah kita dapat diselamatkan.
Dan bagi kita yang sudah percaya pada Yesus...
Janganlah kita menjual kematian Yesus dengan hal hal yang bersifat duniawi...
Terlalu mahal harga sebuah nyawa itu, sobat.
Teman temanku yang terkasih didalam Yesus Kristus...
Kami tidak mau teman-teman hanya membaca kisah di atas
ini lalu di delete tanpa di forward kepada teman-teman
kalian yang lain... Sediakanlah waktu bagi Tuhan
untuk bersaksi tentang pengorbananNya ini kepada teman
temanmu yang belum mengenal Yesus secara pribadi.
Jika Tuhan yang menciptakan langit dan bumi ini selalu
menyediakan waktu-Nya bagi mengawasi teman-teman
sekalian, kenapa teman-teman tidak membalas
kebaikan-Nya dengan mengirimkan email ini kepada orang
orang yang masih menanti uluran tangan kita?
Sekaranglah waktunya...
Jangan ditunda lagi...
Sebab hari esok kan terlambat... !
Selamat bersaksi dan menerima keselamatan yang dari
Tuhan Beserta Kita...

I knelt to pray but not for long,
I had too much to do.
I had to hurry and get to work
For bills