Re: [External] : Re: Annotation Dependencies and Requires Static Transitive

2021-07-06 Thread Alex Buckley
Presumably this is a javac lint warning about how types referenced from 
an exported API (e.g., the return type of an exported public method) 
should themselves be exported.

It's hard to tell from 
exactly which kind of warning it is, but `exports` is plausible.

Types of annotations on the exported API should probably be excluded 
from that lint check, what ever the retention policy of those annotation 
types. (This feels like something that's come up before...)


On 6/7/2021 4:45 AM, Anand Beh wrote:

Thanks to you both for the advice.

Following on your suggestions, Caffeine changed to "requires static".
However, javac now produces a warning about the lack of transitivity:

warning: [exports] class Nullable in module
org.checkerframework.checker.qual is not indirectly exported using
requires transitive

Is this a bug in javac or is it anything we should be worried about?


On 6/3/21, Alex Buckley  wrote:

Even without `transitive`, requiring modules with `static` means that
anyone who habitually builds their entire stack from source will still
need the errorprone and checker-qual modules at compile time.

There are no "run-time only" dependencies in module declarations, unless
services come into play, which is not realistic here. As Remi said,
`requires static` is your best bet. Annotation types that are exported
by a third party such as Google, in order for people to annotate their
personal codebases, are not really an API that those personal codebases
need to export -- any fourth party program that wishes to inspect the
annotations in your codebase needs to arrange its own dependency on the
annotation types from the third party.


On 6/3/2021 1:10 PM, Anand Beh wrote:


The cache library Caffeine recently added a full module descriptor. It
has no runtime dependencies, but it depends on metadata annotations
from checker-qual and errorprone, for example @NotNull and
@CanIgnoreReturnValue. The module looks like this:
module com.github.benmanes.caffeine {
exports com.github.benmanes.caffeine.cache;
exports com.github.benmanes.caffeine.cache.stats;

requires static transitive;
requires static transitive org.checkerframework.checker.qual;

The annotations are not required at runtime, hence static. They're
visibly placed on public methods and return types, so that API clients
can benefit from them for the purposes of annotation-based null
analysis, kotlin interop, etc. As the annotations are part of the API,
they're marked transitive.

However, the "transitive" aspect imposes some requirements on users. I
am wondering if there is a more correct way to declare these
annotation dependencies than static transitive.

One user would like to avoid the presence of these annotations at
compile-time. For reference, here's the relevant discussion:;!!GqivPVa7Brio!P53mZvzj_tIsON7Z_5P-tzQ-IH1xOgXbL9XWhtMKgoiJj97GfzXgrsvPc8Z27rHccoc$

I'm not a maintainer of caffeine, though I was involved in its


Re: Annotation Dependencies and Requires Static Transitive

2021-06-03 Thread Alex Buckley
Even without `transitive`, requiring modules with `static` means that 
anyone who habitually builds their entire stack from source will still 
need the errorprone and checker-qual modules at compile time.

There are no "run-time only" dependencies in module declarations, unless 
services come into play, which is not realistic here. As Remi said, 
`requires static` is your best bet. Annotation types that are exported 
by a third party such as Google, in order for people to annotate their 
personal codebases, are not really an API that those personal codebases 
need to export -- any fourth party program that wishes to inspect the 
annotations in your codebase needs to arrange its own dependency on the 
annotation types from the third party.


On 6/3/2021 1:10 PM, Anand Beh wrote:


The cache library Caffeine recently added a full module descriptor. It
has no runtime dependencies, but it depends on metadata annotations
from checker-qual and errorprone, for example @NotNull and
@CanIgnoreReturnValue. The module looks like this:
module com.github.benmanes.caffeine {
   exports com.github.benmanes.caffeine.cache;
   exports com.github.benmanes.caffeine.cache.stats;

   requires static transitive;
   requires static transitive org.checkerframework.checker.qual;

The annotations are not required at runtime, hence static. They're
visibly placed on public methods and return types, so that API clients
can benefit from them for the purposes of annotation-based null
analysis, kotlin interop, etc. As the annotations are part of the API,
they're marked transitive.

However, the "transitive" aspect imposes some requirements on users. I
am wondering if there is a more correct way to declare these
annotation dependencies than static transitive.

One user would like to avoid the presence of these annotations at
compile-time. For reference, here's the relevant discussion:

I'm not a maintainer of caffeine, though I was involved in its modularization.


Re: @Generated requires java.compiler / what should my annotation processor do

2020-10-30 Thread Alex Buckley
The type javax.annotation.processing.Generated was the replacement 
introduced in Java SE 9 for the type javax.annotation.Generated.

Why was a replacement needed for the type javax.annotation.Generated? 
Because the package javax.annotation belonged to Java EE, and was 
removed in Java SE 11.

By contrast, the package javax.annotation.processing has always been 
part of Java SE and is the logical home for a "Generated" type 
associated with annotation processors.

Since the type javax.annotation.processing.Generated has source 
retention only, there are no @javax.annotation.processing.Generated 
annotations in any class files compiled from source code emitted by your 
processor, so your downstream users don't need `requires java.compiler;`.


P.S. Your annotation processor `requires java.annotation;` but there is 
no such module.

On 10/29/2020 10:49 PM, Rob Bygrave wrote:

Are Java 9+ annotation processors using module path supposed to generate
source code that has a javax.annotation.processing.Generated annotation?
(which is part of java.compile)

I have an annotation processor that supports modules and is fine except
that when module applications use it the @Generated will not be included in
the generated source unless the application module-info adds a *requires
java.compiler;*  (which seems wrong).

So this is a minor niggle that the @Generated no longer is included in the
generated source when apps go from class path to module path.

Apologies is this has been asked before.  I was unable to find anything on
this issue.

Any pointers or thoughts?


I have an annotation processor that generates source code (that now
supports java modules with a module-info via a Multi-Release jar).  The
module-info for the annotation processor is:

module io.avaje.inject.generator {

   requires java.compiler;
   requires io.avaje.inject;
   requires java.annotation;

   provides javax.annotation.processing.Processor with

The annotation processor adds a @Generated to the generated source to
document that the source code is generated. The annotation processor only
adds the @Generated if javax.annotation.processing.Generated is deemed
available by using:

  *elements.getTypeElement("javax.annotation.processing.Generated") != null*

The annotation processor generates source that includes the @Generated in
the cases of:

- There is no  (app is using class path and not module
- The app includes:   *requires java.compiler;*

I'm not expecting users of this annotation processor to put a *requires
java.compiler;* into their module-info.

I think I must be doing something wrong or should not try to
use javax.annotation.processing.Generated which is part of java.compile.

Cheers, Rob.

Re: Force JPMS to add module to boot layer

2020-06-23 Thread Alex Buckley

On 6/23/2020 9:31 AM, Alex Orlov wrote:

From what I can establish, org.hibernate.orm.core is an automatic
module so it doesn't have any way to `requires net.bytebuddy` (an
explicit module). You'll have to help out by adding `--add-modules
net.bytebuddy` to the command line that surefire or failsafe uses.
Yes, and this is the work that I say is very silly. We add modules to module

path, but JPMS IGNORES THEM. It is obvious that it was a wrong solution
to let JPMS solve what modules it should add to layer and what modules 

The module path is not like the class path. The class path is chaos; the 
module path is order. Think of the module path as a repository that 
contains tens, hundreds, thousands of modules, all of which sit silently 
until one is required by some module, or resolved due to `--add-modules`.

You're asking the JDK team how to use the ORM core of Hibernate as an 
automatic module. What did the Hibernate team say what you asked them?


Re: excluding transitive module

2020-04-15 Thread Alex Buckley

On 4/15/2020 12:00 AM, Jochen Theodorou wrote:

On 14.04.20 19:38, Alex Buckley wrote:

It's fine for
Library1 to require SharedApi, and for Library2 to require
SharedApiImpl, but if the exported packages overlap, then it's not fine
for Project to require, indirectly, both SharedApi (via Library1) and
SharedApiImpl (via Library2). That is, SharedApi and SharedApiImpl are
not composable.

And what do you do when you are in that situation?

If you had put them both on the classpath in JDK 8, then
you would have had a broken system. If you want to compose an
application that includes both, then one of them has to change.
There is no need to speak of "transitive" modules because `requires
transitive` has not entered the picture.

Without the module system I can just exclude one and be fine. With
module system I get into a split package problem adn have not found a
real solution yet

In the JDK 8 world:  If SharedApi and SharedApiImpl have different 
names, then (as you implied to Remi) Maven is going to treat them 
independently and put both on the classpath. Yes, you can realize that 
their content overlaps and exclude one of them in your POM, but *every* 
*single* *user* has to travel that road independently! If a user doesn't 
realize, and doesn't exclude, then their classpath has split packages 
and their application is broken. I think it's outrageous that the 
developers of SharedApi and SharedApiImpl imposed this tax on *every* 
*single* *user* and no-one held them to account.

Post JDK 8:  Only when SharedApi and SharedApiImpl are modularized does 
the presence of overlapping exports become clear, and prevent an 
application from being composed unsafely.

There is nothing you can do in the of your application 
to express that its module graph indirectly requires the uncomposable 
modules M,N,O and that any `requires M` and `requires N` clauses should 
be overridden with `requires O`. This would be a maintenance nightmare. 
Mail their developers and tell them what they've done. Every library 
including its own copy of a standard API is a bug, not a feature.

(If a library is explicitly written to be loaded in its own class 
loader, such as in the OSGi environment, then things are different: 
private copies of APIs are OK, up to a point. However, the libraries you 
are using are plainly from the JDK 8 classpath era and have been lightly 
modularized -- enough for each vendor to let their module be required 
and jlinked, but not enough to address the bigger architectural issue of 
reuse / composability.)


Re: excluding transitive module

2020-04-14 Thread Alex Buckley

On 4/14/2020 3:12 AM, Jochen Theodorou wrote:

On 14.04.20 11:09, Alan Bateman wrote:

On 14/04/2020 09:24, Jochen Theodorou wrote:

Hi all,

I am wondering if there is a solution purely in the module-info for 

* Project requires Library1 and Library2
* SomeLibrary requires SharedApi
* OtherLibrary requires SharedApiImpl

The problem is, that it will not compile because SharedApi and
SharedApiImpl implement the same packages but not the same logic. One is
just an API, while the other is an implementation of the API.

How does SharedApi locate the implementation?

It does not, there is no SPI. It just implements the interfaces

Why is OtherLibrary requiring SharedApiImpl? This suggests that
SharedApiImpl is more than an implementation, does it have an additional
implementation specific API that OtherLibrary make use of?

There can be different implementations (it is just no an SPI
architecture). There is one that then builds on top of SharedAPI, but it
is not the implementation I need.

All the talk of "implements the same packages" and "an implementation of 
the API" and "just implements the interfaces" is besides the point. 
There are no services here. All the module system has to work with are 
the packages exported by SharedApi and SharedApiImpl. It's fine for 
Library1 to require SharedApi, and for Library2 to require 
SharedApiImpl, but if the exported packages overlap, then it's not fine 
for Project to require, indirectly, both SharedApi (via Library1) and 
SharedApiImpl (via Library2). That is, SharedApi and SharedApiImpl are 
not composable. If you had put them both on the classpath in JDK 8, then 
you would have had a broken system. If you want to compose an 
application that includes both, then one of them has to change.

There is no need to speak of "transitive" modules because `requires 
transitive` has not entered the picture.


Re: RFE simplify usage of patched module [by Robert Scholte, from jdk-dev]

2020-02-25 Thread Alex Buckley

On 2/25/2020 10:48 AM, Robert Scholte wrote:

For the test sources it is unclear.
One reason to not provide a module descriptor is because it will never 
be a requirement for other modules.
And what about its name, as it is actually a required module and at the 
same also the same module.

One reason to provide a module descriptor is for the build tool to know 
which modules are required, so it can provide the right set of modules.
But how would such descriptor for test sources look like? Well, in the 
end it must contain everything from the main module descriptor + the 
test requirements.
I assume that copy/pasting the main module descriptor for a new test 
module descriptor + adding the extra requirements is not the preferred 

Correct, that is no-one's preferred solution. My preferred solution (and 
I think Christian's) is for the test module's descriptor to stay 
physically independent of the main module's descriptor. Then, the build 
tool (i) FINDS the test module's descriptor and (ii) MERGES it logically 
with the main module's descriptor. Suppose the merged descriptor says 
that the main module requires org.junit -- the build tool turns that 
into an --add-modules command when compiling and running tests. Maven 
could be doing this today, helping users to focus on their white-box 
test modules rather than asking users to type obscure --add-* commands 
in the POM.

Furthermore, from what Christian has posted, the effect of merging is 
always the same anyway -- require some JUnit modules, and open the main 
module. So, in the common case, people don't even need to write a test 
module descriptor; they just need the Maven test scope to inject the 
customary --add-* commands when compiling and running code in the main 


Re: RFE simplify usage of patched module [by Robert Scholte, from jdk-dev]

2020-02-25 Thread Alex Buckley

On 2/25/2020 9:11 AM, Alex Buckley wrote:
And there are other ways, where the build tools (or their plugins) take 
responsibility for arranging the test-time module graph. This may 
require more work on the part of build tool/plugin maintainers than 
simply telling their users to write JDK command line options in the 
middle of a config file.

Roy knows what I mean:

Re: RFE simplify usage of patched module [by Robert Scholte, from jdk-dev]

2020-02-25 Thread Alex Buckley

On 2/25/2020 8:16 AM, Remi Forax wrote:

no you can't because you can not reconstruct a module-info from the
flags --add-modules, --add-reads, etc.

Those flags has been created to patch (mostly the JDK) module
metadata so an application using the classpath can open/patch the JDK
modules metadata enough to be able to run. The semantics of a
module-info is richer than the semantics of the flags, by example,
there is no way to define a transitive dependency or to define a
service. I believe that roughly half of the semantics of a
module-info has no equivalent in term of flags (and for good reason,
those flags have not been created to describe a module-info).

In the context of JUnit, the file of a test module does 
not define a transitive dependency or define a service. It opens a 
module and adds some direct dependencies -- clauses that are expressible 
with the current command line options. Other test frameworks may want to 
arrange things that are not expressible with the current command line 
options today, but there is no guarantee that --patch-module-descriptor 
would be able to handle those things either, e.g., if the test module 
wishes to remove dependencies or exports of the main module rather than 
always add them. But for what JUnit needs, a build tool plugin could be 
created today.

No need for --patch-module-descriptor in the JDK.

We need a way to express that the module graph when testing is
different from the one when running in production. 
--patch-module-descriptor is a way to get that.

And there are other ways, where the build tools (or their plugins) take 
responsibility for arranging the test-time module graph. This may 
require more work on the part of build tool/plugin maintainers than 
simply telling their users to write JDK command line options in the 
middle of a config file.


Re: RFE simplify usage of patched module [by Robert Scholte, from jdk-dev]

2020-02-19 Thread Alex Buckley

On 2/19/2020 3:46 AM, Christian Stein wrote:

On Tue, Feb 18, 2020 at 6:42 PM Alex Buckley 

Good description of how the main module
etc. Then, the build tool can enrich the main module by passing
--add-modules, --add-reads, and --add-opens to javac/java while in a
test scope. No need for --patch-module-descriptor in the JDK.

But, as Robert already noted, each build tool will come up with
a different notation for their users to configure those additional
elements. That's nothing wrong with it per se -- just that there's
already a common notation for providing modular information:

And it's hard to explain why users may write ""
files for inter-module testing that build pass 1:1 to javac and
friends -- have to either, depending on the tool, supply:

   - command-line flags... [Maven]
   - or a module-info.test file... [Gradle via Plugin]
   - or file... [Pro,]
   - or some-other-module-layer-magic configuration...

only for in-module testing.

I don't know how you concluded any of the above. I explicitly said (and 
you removed from the quote) that: "If a build tool has detected the 
presence of the test module, then the build tool can use 
javax.lang.model.element.ModuleElement to inspect the test module's 
declaration and infer what it requires, whether it's open, etc." -- 
"test module's declaration" means "org.astro/test/".

That is, if a test framework intends that a test module has a file to augment the main module's file 
(and maybe not all test frameworks want to work like that...), then a 
build tool plugin for that test framework is well able to inspect the 
former file and turn it into command line options for javac/java in the 
test scope. The JDK isn't in the business of standardizing test 
framework practices, and already provides the APIs you need to implement 
any practice you like.


Re: RFE simplify usage of patched module [by Robert Scholte, from jdk-dev]

2020-02-18 Thread Alex Buckley

On 2/14/2020 9:34 PM, Christian Stein wrote:

Assuming `--patch-module-descriptor` was already available, the
org.astro test story would read:

- org.astro/main/

module org.astro {
   exports org.astro;
   requires java.logging;

- org.astro/test/

open /*test*/ module org.astro /*extends main module org.astro*/ {
   requires java.sql; // system-provided module needed by test code
   requires org.junit.jupiter; // framework reflecting entry-points
   requires org.assertj.core; // ...and more test-related modules

A build tool now easily may detect that `--patch-module-descriptor`
is required at test compile and run time. It could infer it from the
same module name or simply by seeing a main and a test
`` compilation unit within the sources of the
org.astro Maven-/Gradle-/pro-/Bach-/any-build-tool-"module".

Build tools could pass the following argument to javac/java
while being in their test-scope tasks. Of course, implying that
org.astro/test/ is the current "primary" module

--patch-module-descriptor org.astro=org.astro/main/

That's it.

The primary test-relevant modular directives are enriched by
those of the main module as declared in org.astro/main/
resulting effectively in a synthetic in-module test module descriptor that
resembles the inter-module test descriptor presented above:

- SYNTHETIC test module for org.astro

open /*test*/ module org.astro /*extends main module org.astro*/ {
   requires java.sql; // system-provided module needed by test code
   requires org.junit.jupiter; // framework reflecting entry-points
   requires org.assertj.core; // ...and more test-related modules
   exports org.astro; // patched from org.astro/main/
   requires java.logging; // patched from org.astro/main/

Good description of how the main module 
(org.astro/main/ and the test module 
(org.astro/test/ interact to form a test-scoped module. 
If a build tool has detected the presence of the test module, then the 
build tool can use javax.lang.model.element.ModuleElement to inspect the 
test module's declaration and infer what it requires, whether it's open, 
etc. Then, the build tool can enrich the main module by passing 
--add-modules, --add-reads, and --add-opens to javac/java while in a 
test scope. No need for --patch-module-descriptor in the JDK.


Re: RFE simplify usage of patched module [by Robert Scholte, from jdk-dev]

2020-02-14 Thread Alex Buckley

On 2/14/2020 11:29 AM, Christian Stein wrote:

A different way to address those use cases would be to ship the
logic just described for `--patch-module-descriptor` in a launcher
offered by the test framework itself.
That's too late in the build game. You already need this merged

descriptor at compile time. And you need the user to define the
additional elements (modifiers and directives), as no build tool
may infer them always correctly by inspecting the test sources...

Fair point, and thanks for reminding me about your "Testing In The 
Modular World" document.

The thing I'm having trouble with is that javac already lets you specify 
the --add-reads options on org.junit.jupiter.api & friends that are 
needed to compile test code. If Maven expects the user to painfully 
configure the POM to pass --patch-module-descriptor to javac, why can't 
the POM offer an easy way to make Maven itself (in the `test-compile` 
phase?) pass some defined-behind-the-scenes --add-reads options?

Similarly, at run time, you propose to always open the main module to 
the same org.junit.platform.commons module -- `module-info.test` is more 
or less the same for every JUnit project -- so why doesn't the POM have 
an easy way to let Maven itself (in the `test` phase?) pass --add-opens 
to java?

There are no new modularity "primitives" here (by which I mean features 
of the module system itself, such as open modules) ... there is just 
detailed configuration which, in the testing context, should be done by 
the build tool rather than the user.


Re: RFE simplify usage of patched module [by Robert Scholte, from jdk-dev]

2020-02-14 Thread Alex Buckley

On 2/14/2020 12:02 AM, Robert Scholte wrote:
To me having the correct (main) module descriptor should be the ultimate 
goal. People should not be tempted to apply workarounds on this 
descriptor to make things work for tests (even though those module are 
for sure part of the java runtime)
Especially because of the impact wrong module descriptors would have and 
which cannot be adjusted.

Nowhere else in Java is there the ability to "patch" one declaration by 
making further declarations in source code, so I don't think there's a 
way forward for a `patch module ...` declaration. I understand that it 
looks good when viewed through the lens of testing, where there's 
exactly one secondary module declaration (the test module) and it's 
tightly scoped to support white-box tests. However, we have to consider 
if it's a good idea in general for a module to be defined by parts, 
where anyone could throw multiple `patch module foo {..}` declarations 
on the module path and have each of them modify the "master" foo module.

The answer is that it's not a good idea: (i) different `requires` 
clauses might clash (i.e. read modules which export the same packages), 
(ii) one patch might `open` the module while another patch doesn't want 
it open (and there's no way to say non-open), and (iii) the content of 
packages in the unified module is now determined by the order in which 
the "master" module and the "patch" modules are deployed on the module path.

These things are so undesirable that even `--patch-module` is unable to 
override module declarations! That said, command line options can have 
superpowers that would never be expressible in source code declarations, 
so one option might be a `--patch-module-descriptor` option. This would 
be orthogonal to `--patch-module`, which deliberately has leaky 
classpath-style semantics for its specified content, and that's neither 
desirable nor useful here. Within limits, `--patch module-descriptor` 
would merge the declaration of the "patch" module into the "master" 
module, and fail hard if the limits are broken. What are the limits? A 
starting point is the rules for versioned module descriptors in a 
modular multi-release JAR -- -- and 
perhaps it's reasonable to allow additional _qualified_ exports in the 
"patch" module.

Now, I am not "proposing" `--patch-module-descriptor` for a future JDK. 
I am recognizing that certain use cases involve changing a module's 
dependences and encapsulation in a tightly scoped way. A different way 
to address those use cases would be to ship the logic just described for 
`--patch-module-descriptor` in a launcher offered by the test framework 
itself. If JUnit creates its own module layer, then it can define module 
descriptors at run time how ever it likes. It's not clear to me if 
Christian & co. have looked into java.lang.ModuleLayer, 
java.lang.module.Configuration, and java.lang.module.ModuleFinder. If 
they have, we'd love to hear their experiences. If they haven't, they 


Re: RFE simplify usage of patched module [by Robert Scholte, from jdk-dev]

2020-02-12 Thread Alex Buckley

On 2/12/2020 1:08 PM, Robert Scholte wrote:

To prevent these workarounds and to provide an easier way to patch a
module via a dedicated descriptor will help keeping the module
system cleaner.

It will lead to "split modules" on the modulepath, which will cause just 
as many maintenance headaches as split packages on the classpath. Yes, 
there is some maintenance benefit if a module explicitly declares that 
it patches (i.e. becomes part of) another module (which might then have 
to explicitly declare that it allows patching) ... but for a developer 
to understand the resulting module graph requires looking at everything 
on the modulepath, which is no better than having to look at everything 
on the classpath. In Java, a declaration -- whether a module, a class, 
or a method -- happens in one source file, and it's up to tools to 
rewrite declarations if other interesting source files are known to 
those tools.

However, recently I've informed by this case: if the test sources
use one of the java.* modules (that are not used by the main sources)
the only correct way to solve it now is by adding the required flags
by hand (and only to the test-compile configuration!). This is hard
to explain and instead of diving into the specifications, 
understanding what's happening, you'll see that they choose for the

easy workaround: add this "test scoped" module as a required module
to the module descriptor.

Is there nothing that Maven can do to make the test-compile 
configuration easier to create? Maven has all the source code at its 
fingertips, including knowledge of module directories which seem to 
declare the same module more than once because JUnit recommends it, yet 
still Maven makes the user laboriously write out the command line flags 
for patching?


Re: RFE simplify usage of patched module [by Robert Scholte, from jdk-dev]

2020-02-10 Thread Alex Buckley

Hi Christian,

On 2/7/2020 4:41 AM, Christian Stein wrote:

This time, I created a project at [0] with a detailed description on its
front page, i.e the file.


To restate:

- You're saying that, today, it's brittle to copy directives from 
src/org.astro/main/java/ to 
src/org.astro/test/java/ (And having copied them, you 
still need to `open` the test module and add some `requires`.)

- You suggest that, in future, there will still be a 
src/org.astro/test/java/ file which is of interest to 
test frameworks.

What you're hoping is that new syntax will let you invert the patching:

- Today, you set the module-path so that out/modules/test/org.astro.jar 
is the "primary" version of the module; then you redefine everything in 
it except module-info by overlaying out/modules/main/org.astro.jar.

- In future, you want to have out/modules/main/org.astro.jar as the 
"primary" version, and redefine only its module-info by specifying the 
sidecar out/modules/test/org.astro.jar. The sidecar would have some 
syntax to identify that its declaration of org.astro is strictly 
additive to the "primary" version. You would set the module-path to 
out/modules/main:out/modules/test:lib so that the module system (1) 
finds the "primary" version in out/modules/main and (2) augments its 
module-info with sidecars found in out/modules/test and lib. I assume 
some new command line option would enable or enumerate the sidecars 
explicitly, because obviously the dependences and exports of 
out/modules/main/org.astro.jar shouldn't depend on which JAR files 
happen to be lurking deep in the module-path.

Stepping back, the core issue is that once the true "primary" version of 
a module is built -- out/modules/main/org.astro.jar -- you don't want to 
change it. No build or test tool wants to physically rewrite its 
module-info to require test-time dependencies at test time, and then to 
not require such dependencies at release time. You want the module 
system to virtually rewrite the module-info instead. And that's already 
possible, as long as you put on your test-colored sunglasses and view 
out/modules/test/org.astro.jar as the "primary" version, and 
out/modules/main/org.astro.jar as the overlay ... once the tests have 
run, go back to viewing out/modules/main/org.astro.jar as the "primary" 
version. Introducing a new kind of module descriptor, with merging by 
the module system according to new command line options, seems like a 
lot of overhead that can already be worked around by tools at test-time.


Re: 8233922: Service binding augments module graph with observable incubator modules

2019-11-18 Thread Alex Buckley

On 11/18/2019 11:10 AM, Alan Bateman wrote:
We could potentially say something about tools that are incubator 
modules here. The launcher for the tool, "jpackage" in the case of JEP 
343, will use the name of the incubator module as the root module to 

I updated JEP 11 to allude to incubator modules containing tools, hence 
no exported API but rather a service provider.

During the JDK build, incubator modules must be packaged ...
There's a typo in this paragraph in that the jmod (and jar) tools use 
"--warn-if-resolved=incubating" rather than 
"--warn-if-resolved=incubator" to package an incubator module.

JEP corrected to say `incubating`.


Re: 8233922: Service binding augments module graph with observable incubator modules

2019-11-18 Thread Alex Buckley

On 11/18/2019 4:34 AM, Alan Bateman wrote:

The summary on this issue is that service binding augments the
module graph with the modules induced by the service-use relation.
... If service binding were to resolve `jdk.incubator.jpackage`  > then a 
warning would be emitted in all phases that java.base
is resolved (so everywhere).

... The change proposed here means that incubator modules are not 
candidates to add to the module graph during service binding for the
boot layer's configuration. It has no impact on the general case 
where incubating modules may be observable when creating the 
configuration for custom layers.
An incubator module's service providers will now be unavailable by 
default even if a module on the module path says `uses`. I believe that 
JEP 11 should say the following:

Incubator modules are part of the JDK run-time image produced by the 
standard JDK build. *However, by default, incubator modules are not 
resolved for applications on the class path. Furthermore, by default, 
incubator modules do not participate in service binding for applications 
on the class path or the module path.*

Applications on the class path must use the --add-modules command-line 
option to request that an incubator module be resolved. Applications 
developed as modules can specify `requires` or `requires transitive` 
dependences upon an incubator module directly. *(Some incubator 
modules do not export packages but rather provide implementations of 
services. It is usually not recommended to require a module that exports 
no packages, but it is necessary in this case in order to resolve the 
incubator module and thus have it participate in service binding.)*

During the JDK build, incubator modules must be packaged ...


Re: Preparing to Repair Gradle's Malformed Module Main-Class Command Line

2019-10-16 Thread Alex Buckley
I was going to ask if setting `jvmArgs` in the `run` task is the right 
way to configure Gradle, but I see it's done here:

Setting aside `-m`: How do you specify the traditional `java -jar 
myapp.jar` to the `run` task? If it's by setting `jvmArgs` then 
presumably the same problem occurs of stray arguments being passed to 
the main class?

BTW your module path doesn't need to spell out the JAR file. Just 
`build/libs` is enough for the Java compiler and the Java runtime to 
find `my.module`. A module path option should be orders of magnitude 
shorter than a class path option!


On 10/16/2019 3:03 PM, Plugins wrote:

Hi all,

Please review this issue [1]? It reports a defect in the Gradle build
tool's current construction of malformed java command lines that are
intended to execute a Main-Class of a JPMS module.
At first I thought the bug reported there was in either the Dropwizard

application framework I was using at the time, or in the CLI parser
utility (argparse4j) Dropwizard uses under the hood.

I am now convinced — by diagnosis done by those two projects'
maintainers — that the command line construction bug is definitely in
Gradle's court.

I'd like to request from the list you all's take on this. Please? I have
been experimenting with a solution that works so far. But any insight or
suggestions anybody here can offer would be muy appreciado! TIA.

[1] «Refactor
JvmOptions.getAllImmutableJvmArgs() to support executing the main class
in a JPMS module»

Re: Unable to derive module descriptor for gradle-api-5.6.2.jar — Provider class moduleName=model-core not in module

2019-10-16 Thread Alex Buckley
Good to see ... I'm sure you'll let jigsaw-dev know when a new version 
of Gradle is usable as automatic modules.


On 10/16/2019 7:21 AM, Plugins wrote:


{And sorry about my messages not being connected to the thread. I can't
get my webmail to do the right thing} have finally unflagged my account now. Their „spam
blocker“ objected to something of mine somewhere — allegedly.

Anyway, the two issues and the one pull request [1] are visible again.


 Original Message 
Subject: RE: Re: Unable to derive module descriptor for gradle-api-5
.6.2.jar — Provider class module Name=model-core not in module
From: "Plugins" 
Date: Tue, October 15, 2019 10:54 am
To: "Alex Buckley" ,

Yeah. Sorry about that. I don't know what's going on. But only seconds
after I pushed my change up to my forked gradle/gradle repo yesterday,
for some reason flashed an angry red „Your account has been
flagged. Please contact support...“ message on every page I visit on
github. I contacted support several hours ago. But they still
haven't replied.

They've disappeared from Gradle's issue page. They're titled
„Compliance with Groovy 2.5's Standard Mechanism...“ and
„Compliance with the JDK's Standard Mechanism...“. I can only see
them — with the „...flagged...“ message emblazoned across the top
— when I'm logged into

I was afraid something like this would happen. So shortly after I first
submitted the Groovy one, I saved it on the Wayback Machine [1] Stuff
like this isn't good for that conspiracy theorist in me ;)


 Original Message 
Subject: Re:__Unable_to_derive_module_descriptor_for _gradle-api-5
.6.2.jar_—_Provider_class_module Name=model-core_n_ot_in_module
From: Alex Buckley 
Date: Tue, October 15, 2019 8:50 am

On 10/14/2019 9:07 PM, Plugins wrote:

I've reported to Gradle's issue tracking system, both the configuration file issue [1] and the
org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.ExtensionModule configuration file issue [2].

Thanks very much. Strangely, AFAICT, the two issues you submitted have
disappeared -- they return 404 errors, and do not appear in the issue


Re: _Unable_to_derive_module_descriptor_for_gradle-api-5 .6.2.jar_—_Provider_class_moduleName=model-core_n ot_in_module

2019-10-15 Thread Alex Buckley

On 10/14/2019 9:07 PM, Plugins wrote:
I've reported to Gradle's issue tracking system, both the configuration file issue [1] and the 
org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.ExtensionModule configuration file issue [2].

Thanks very much. Strangely, AFAICT, the two issues you submitted have 
disappeared -- they return 404 errors, and do not appear in the issue list:


Re: Using ServiceLoader with modules

2019-10-14 Thread Alex Buckley

// cc'ing the list because best practices should be public, and
// because it's easier to refer people to it in five years time

Hi Christian,

On 10/14/2019 12:16 PM, Christian Stein wrote:

  just read your mail and was wondering if this extrapolation is correct:

    A module that does not export any package should never need to
    declare a "requires" as transitive.

Some qualification needed, I think. There are (at least) two kinds of 
"top level" module that commonly have no `exports` clauses:

1. An "application module" intended to be launched (`java -m bizapp`) 
rather than programmed against. I agree that this kind of module should 
not use `requires transitive`.

2. An "aggregator module" intended to present a facade composed from the 
APIs of other modules. For example, the `` module has no 
`exports`, but makes good use of `requires transitive`. (See

For example, I should remove all `transitive` modifiers from this module 

module org.junit.platform.console {
   requires transitive org.apiguardian.api;
   requires transitive org.junit.platform.reporting;
   provides java.util.spi.ToolProvider
       with org.junit.platform.console.ConsoleLauncherToolProvider;

This "console" module certainly looks like #1 rather than #2.


Using ServiceLoader with modules

2019-10-14 Thread Alex Buckley
I came across a recent blog entry about using ServiceLoader in a modular 

Unfortunately, it is completely wrong in its advice on "Migrating to the 
Java Platform Module System". I have seen the same bad advice on 
StackOverflow, so let me correct it here, as simply as possible:

1. The module containing the implementation SHOULD NOT export the 
implementation package.

2. The module containing the client MUST say that it uses the service 

See the "Deploying service providers as modules" section of

The whole point of integrating ServiceLoader with the module system was 
get the configuration documented explicitly, via `uses` and `provides` 
clauses. Benefits: the implementation is strongly encapsulated (no 
`exports`), and the client's service lookup is speedy because its 
dependency (`uses`) was found cheaply during startup. Eventually, as the 
blog rightly says, "only the configuration changes: the Service Loader 
code itself in the client doesn’t change."


Re: Unable to derive module descriptor for gradle-api-5.6.2.jar — Provider class moduleName=model-core not in module

2019-10-14 Thread Alex Buckley
Replying to the mailing list so that our new friend "lingocoder" can 
take action on the bug (which Alan and Jochen have helpfully diagnosed 
elsewhere in this thread).


On 10/11/2019 10:05 PM, Cédric Champeau wrote:
Looks like the extension file is located in the old path which Groovy 
used. Would you mind creating an issue for this ?

Le sam. 12 oct. 2019 à 01:52, Alex Buckley <>> a écrit :

On 10/11/2019 3:41 PM, Plugins wrote:
 > That technically-inappropriate
 > META-INF/services/org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.ExtensionModule
entry in
 > Gradle's gradle-api-{version}.jar file is used by Gradle to
extend the
 > Groovy language; which Gradle relies on. Apparently, that service
 > extends Groovy with Java methods [2].

As I write this email, the most recent comment at [2] is:

alan.bateman2 • 2 years ago

META-INF/services is specified in the JAR file spec as the location for
services configuration files. It's not appropriate to put properties
file in this location. Can the Groovy extension mechanism use a
different location?

 > The contents of that file...
 >     moduleName=model-core
 >     moduleVersion=1.0
 > ...breaks Jigsaw when gradle-api-{version}.jar is in the module path
 > (for Gradle plugin development, say).

Then gradle-api-{version}.jar can't be used as an automatic module.

Since Cedric Champeau was writing to jdk-dev earlier today, I have
the liberty of cc'ing him in the hope that he can share Gradle's plans
for fixing this.


Re: RFR: JDK-8220702: compiling in the context of an automatic module disallows --add-modules ALL-MODULE-PATH

2019-05-13 Thread Alex Buckley

On 5/13/2019 6:02 AM, Jan Lahoda wrote:

Could I please get a review on the CSR?

Added myself as a reviewer.


And also on the patch:



On 06. 05. 19 21:06, Alex Buckley wrote:

On 4/12/2019 12:03 PM, Alex Buckley wrote:

On 4/12/2019 5:34 AM, Jan Lahoda wrote:

I've started with the CSR here:

Looks pretty good. I made some edits to record both of your
single-module and multi-module invocations of javac.

The use case of injecting test code is clear, but the exact connection
between automatic modules and test code is pretty opaque. Is the goal to
make the automatic test module read the explicit test module so that the
former module's code can access the latter module's code? Is the goal to
make the automatic module read (and therefore test) at least the same
set of modules as the explicit modules `requires`?

Reviewing the CSR again, it seemed like the key scenario is multiple
named modules, where for each named module:

1. We don't really care about its relationship with the other named
modules; but

2. We do care about injecting it with test code, and letting that test
code read other, completely arbitrary, modules (say, an
assertion-building library that's been placed on the module path).

I have refactored the CSR to more strongly separate the problem
(patching an automatic module is possible, but readability is sub-par)
from the solution (precedent for ALL-MODULE-PATH from the unnamed
module scenario).

JEP 261 should be updated to explain the awesome power of
--patch-module at compile time, and that is progressing behind the
scenes, but I don't think it needs to block JDK-8220702 -- the CSR is
"good enough" documentation for now.


Re: RFR: JDK-8220702: compiling in the context of an automatic module disallows --add-modules ALL-MODULE-PATH

2019-05-06 Thread Alex Buckley

On 4/12/2019 12:03 PM, Alex Buckley wrote:

On 4/12/2019 5:34 AM, Jan Lahoda wrote:

I've started with the CSR here:

Looks pretty good. I made some edits to record both of your
single-module and multi-module invocations of javac.

The use case of injecting test code is clear, but the exact connection
between automatic modules and test code is pretty opaque. Is the goal to
make the automatic test module read the explicit test module so that the
former module's code can access the latter module's code? Is the goal to
make the automatic module read (and therefore test) at least the same
set of modules as the explicit modules `requires`?

Reviewing the CSR again, it seemed like the key scenario is multiple 
named modules, where for each named module:

1. We don't really care about its relationship with the other named 
modules; but

2. We do care about injecting it with test code, and letting that test 
code read other, completely arbitrary, modules (say, an 
assertion-building library that's been placed on the module path).

I have refactored the CSR to more strongly separate the problem 
(patching an automatic module is possible, but readability is sub-par) 
from the solution (precedent for ALL-MODULE-PATH from the unnamed module 

JEP 261 should be updated to explain the awesome power of --patch-module 
at compile time, and that is progressing behind the scenes, but I don't 
think it needs to block JDK-8220702 -- the CSR is "good enough" 
documentation for now.


Re: RFR: JDK-8220702: compiling in the context of an automatic module disallows --add-modules ALL-MODULE-PATH

2019-04-12 Thread Alex Buckley

On 4/12/2019 5:34 AM, Jan Lahoda wrote:

I've started with the CSR here:

Looks pretty good. I made some edits to record both of your 
single-module and multi-module invocations of javac.

The use case of injecting test code is clear, but the exact connection 
between automatic modules and test code is pretty opaque. Is the goal to 
make the automatic test module read the explicit test module so that the 
former module's code can access the latter module's code? Is the goal to 
make the automatic module read (and therefore test) at least the same 
set of modules as the explicit modules `requires`?


Re: RFR: JDK-8220702: compiling in the context of an automatic module disallows --add-modules ALL-MODULE-PATH

2019-04-11 Thread Alex Buckley

On 4/11/2019 12:00 PM, Christian Stein wrote:

I'm not sure if this helps in any regards -- here [1] is a draft PR
that adds explicit module descriptors to all JUnit 5 modules.

This PR uses javac in multi-module mode and --patch-module
to access the already (with --release 8) compiled classes of
each module.

Thanks Christian. Ultimately you're invoking javac like so:

javac --patch-module org.junit.platform.commons=
  --module-version 1.5.0-SNAPSHOT

where it is interesting to see --patch-module indicating the putative 
content of a module before the file which declares the 
module into existence has been compiled!

You even get the benefit of error-checking for, e.g., 
that its `exports` refer to packages which truly exist in the module. I 
suppose if you just put junit-platform-commons/build/classes/java/main 
on the --module-path then you would not get this checking.

The first point for using --patch-module at compile time goes to Jan for 
building tests as if members of automatic modules; you get the second 
point for building module declarations as if members of ... well, 


Re: RFR: JDK-8220702: compiling in the context of an automatic module disallows --add-modules ALL-MODULE-PATH

2019-04-11 Thread Alex Buckley

On 4/11/2019 1:19 AM, Jan Lahoda wrote:

Yes, I think JEP 261 may need updates. I'd say this is somewhat
unforeseen interaction between automatic modules and --patch-module.

When patching a (named) module (or a set of named modules), that module
(or modules) become the root module for javac, and the ordinary module
graph building algorithm is then used to build the module graph. So the
set of modules in the module graph may be different from the set of the
modules in the module graph when compiling source in the unnamed module.

OK. It sounds like (i) single-module mode supports source files being 
compiled as if members of a named module (the module being patched), and 
(ii) multi-module mode supports source files being compiled as if 
members of named modules (the modules being patched). Great.

Broadly, JEP 261 is correct when it says this in "Root modules":

Otherwise, the default set of root modules depends upon the phase:
- At compile time it is usually the set of modules being compiled (more 
on this below);


where "below", it is correct for multi-module mode:

The set of root modules is the set of modules for which at least one 
source file is specified.


but incorrect for single-module mode: (assuming javac is invoked as 
shown in your first mail)

Otherwise source files will be compiled as members of the unnamed 
module, and the root modules will be computed as described above.


JEP 261 is the ultimate source of truth for the module system, from 
which all tutorials, blogs, books, etc derive. It's very hard to infer 
from it that javac supports compiling source as if in a patched module. 
That's why a CSR to record what javac does (either with no --add-modules 
or with --add-modules=ALL-MODULE-PATH) will be so valuable. In advance 
of that, can you share some detailed invocations of javac using 
--patch-module in single-module and multi-module mode?


Re: RFR: JDK-8220702: compiling in the context of an automatic module disallows --add-modules ALL-MODULE-PATH

2019-04-10 Thread Alex Buckley

On 4/10/2019 2:51 PM, Jonathan Gibbons wrote:

On 4/10/19 11:51 AM, Alex Buckley wrote:

There is a question to be answered: When the compiler compiles code in
an automatic module (due to the code being observed in a directory
that is specified to --patch-module), then what is the _default set of
root modules_ for the automatic module?

I expect the answer is: the same as the default set of root modules
for the unnamed module.

I would not expect the fact that you're compiling code in one or more
automatic modules to have any effect on the module graph. The fact that
the definitions of some types have been "patched in" using source code
via --patch-module is (or should be) irrelevant.

I'm not sure how anyone compiles code as if in an automatic module, 
since the automatic module is solely a JAR file, but Jan suggests that 
it's possible to patch an automatic module's content with the source 
files being compiled. So, I looked in JEP 261 to see how javac would 
treat those source files:

"If a module descriptor in the form of a or 
module-info.class file is specified on the command line [NO], or is 
found on the source path [NO] or the class path [NO], then source files 
will be compiled as members of the module named by that descriptor and 
that module will be the sole root module. Otherwise if the --module 
 option is present [NO] then source files will be compiled as 
members of , which will be the root module. Otherwise [I GUESS 
WE'RE HERE] source files will be compiled as members of the unnamed 
module, and the root modules will be computed as described above."


Re: RFR: JDK-8220702: compiling in the context of an automatic module disallows --add-modules ALL-MODULE-PATH

2019-04-10 Thread Alex Buckley

// Adding jigsaw-dev -- this topic is slightly deeper than it appears.

On 4/9/2019 4:43 AM, Jan Lahoda wrote:

Currently, when compiling an unnamed module, --add-modules
ALL-MODULE-PATH adds all modules from the module path to the module
graph, so that the unnamed module can refer to them.

(See also plus the section 
"Root modules" in the java.lang.module package spec.)

When compiling a named module, this option is not allowed, as it would
be confusing, as it cannot modify the dependencies of the named module.

But, when compiling a code in the context of an automatic module using
--patch-module, e.g.:
javac --module-path  --patch-modules
= ...

The --add-modules ALL-MODULE-PATH is still disallowed, but it may make
sense to use it, as it may affect the set of classes available for the
sources that are being compiled. Compiling in the context of an
automatic module may be useful esp. in when patching multiple modules at
once (which is supported by --patch-module), e.g. to build tests. (Seems
that also at least the use of javadoc in Maven may lead to a similar
setting as well, see the JBS bug.)

JEP 261 doesn't discuss compiling code "in the context of an automatic 
module", and javac's reference guide doesn't imply that `--patch-module` 
supports it, but it is clearly a plausible and useful thing to do, so 
thanks for calling it out.

There is a question to be answered: When the compiler compiles code in 
an automatic module (due to the code being observed in a directory that 
is specified to --patch-module), then what is the _default set of root 
modules_ for the automatic module?

I expect the answer is: the same as the default set of root modules for 
the unnamed module. And actually, for the `javac` invocation shown 
above, which is single-module mode, this answer is given in the "Compile 
time" section of JEP 261 
( Unfortunately, the 
answer is only accidentally right, because the section did not envisage 
compiling code in an automatic module; for the `javac` invocation above, 
the section says "source files will be compiled as members of the 
unnamed module".

So, there's another question to be answered: Does `javac` support 
compiling code in an automatic module in single-module mode, or 
multi-module both, or either? Once we know this, we can update the 
"Compile time" section and answer the set-of-root-modules question.

The proposal is to allow the --add-modules ALL-MODULE-PATH option when
compiling code in the context of an automatic module.

I support this proposal, subject to the questions raised above.

A CSR will be needed; in addition to specifying the things mentioned 
above, it can clarify the description of ALL-MODULE-PATH w.r.t. when it 
can be used at compile time. Currently, the description seems unsure 
about when it can be used.

(For reference, the text: "As a final special case, at both run time and 
link time, if  is ALL-MODULE-PATH then all observable modules 
found on the relevant module paths are added to the root set. 
ALL-MODULE-PATH is valid at both compile time and run time. This is 
provided for use by build tools such as Maven, which already ensure that 
all modules on the module path are needed. It is also a convenient means 
to add automatic modules to the root set.")


Proposed patch:

What do you think?


Re: More flexibility in providing services from modules?

2019-03-04 Thread Alex Buckley

Hi Tom,

Nice to see thoughts about modular services.

FYI Jigsaw's goals in this area were quite limited 
( and the 
static provider method was a relatively late add-on 

I agree that a static provider method offers a basic level of 
indirection (e.g. multiple `provides` directives can employ the same one 
if its return type implements multiple services) but it doesn't add much 
in the way of abstraction (e.g. over the desired service). This isn't 
the only place where ServiceLoader suffers from a lack of abstraction: 
you can't parameterize services because there's no way to request an 
implementation of a parameterized service (i.e. you can't say 

Frankly, we are not likely to revisit any of these limitations in the 
near future, but I think that ServiceLoader will always be a handy 
built-in option for limited use cases.


On 3/2/2019 9:19 AM, Tom De Wolf wrote:

The current ServiceLoader mechanism and Java Modules have a limited set of
options to provide an instance for a service from a module. Or you use the
constructor, or you use a static 'provider' method.

When interacting with frameworks like Spring this does not give a lot of
flexibility. I described the problem statement and some ideas which could
be considered for evolving the services support in the module system in
this blog post:

I would appreciate if some of the oracle contributors that worked on the
module system could read the post and provide me and the community with
some feedback if such a change could be a good idea?

Thanks in advance


Re: Annotation processors and the --processor-module-path

2019-01-30 Thread Alex Buckley

On 1/30/2019 9:40 AM, cowwoc wrote:

Seeing as `--add-modules=java.xml.bind` no longer works in Java 11 what is
the updated recommendation?

The Java SE Platform no longer includes JAXB. JEP 320 discusses where to 
find standalone versions of JAXB (

StackOverflow also has a question on this topic, with many suggestions 
and more than 250,000 views 


Re: Way to bypass "uniquely visible" check for named vs. unnamed module conflict?

2018-12-20 Thread Alex Buckley

Thank you Stephan. We're looking into javac now.

(BTW I enjoyed your comment on SO that "Adding is not 
part of the problem, but part of the solution (thereby moving your code 
from classpath to modulepath)".)


On 12/20/2018 5:21 AM, Stephan Herrmann wrote:

Sorry, if that part was left implicit.
Yes, all versions of javac that I tried accept all four invocations.
This includes the following builds:
- 9.0.4+11
- 10.0.1+10
- 11.0.1+13-LTS
- 12-ea+19


On 20.12.18 00:05, Alex Buckley wrote:

I'm seeing multiple claims in the SO item and the Eclipse bug that
javac does the wrong thing, but no-one says what it is. Are you saying
that javac (which version?) compiles in the second and third


On 12/18/2018 3:21 PM, Stephan Herrmann wrote:

Thanks for confirming!


On 18.12.18 21:38, Alex Buckley wrote:

On 12/18/2018 11:04 AM, Stephan Herrmann wrote:

This has been discussed on StackOverflow in threads like

The question can be simplified like this:
import javax.xml.transform.Transformer;

public class Test {
 Transformer transformer;

Which of the following compiler invocations should accept / reject the

$ javac
$ javac -classpath xml-apis-1.4.01.jar
$ javac -classpath xml-apis-1.4.01.jar
$ javac -classpath xml-apis-1.4.01.jar --limit-modules=java.base

From my understanding, only the first and the last invocations
should succeed. In both other cases the code in (associated
to the unnamed module) can access package javax.xml.transform both
from module java.xml and from the unnamed module containing
xml-apis-1.4.01.jar. (I say "the unnamed module" but I don't seen any
impact if an implementation would choose to support several unnamed

I agree that only the first and last invocations should succeed.

As you described in an Eclipse bug
(, the qualified
type name `javax.xml.transform.Transformer` mentions a package
`javax.xml` that is NOT uniquely visible. In particular, and assuming
a single unnamed module: when compiling an ordinary compilation unit
( associated with the unnamed module (the classpath), there
IS an ordinary compilation unit (some file in xml-apis-1.4.01.jar)
associated with the unnamed module which contains a declaration of the
package; but the unnamed module also reads the java.xml module that
exports the package to the unnamed module.

tl;dr A package split between the classpath and the system image is
just as bad as a package split between two modules on the modulepath.


Re: Way to bypass "uniquely visible" check for named vs. unnamed module conflict?

2018-12-19 Thread Alex Buckley
I'm seeing multiple claims in the SO item and the Eclipse bug that javac 
does the wrong thing, but no-one says what it is. Are you saying that 
javac (which version?) compiles in the second and third 


On 12/18/2018 3:21 PM, Stephan Herrmann wrote:

Thanks for confirming!


On 18.12.18 21:38, Alex Buckley wrote:

On 12/18/2018 11:04 AM, Stephan Herrmann wrote:

This has been discussed on StackOverflow in threads like

The question can be simplified like this:
import javax.xml.transform.Transformer;

public class Test {
 Transformer transformer;

Which of the following compiler invocations should accept / reject the

$ javac
$ javac -classpath xml-apis-1.4.01.jar
$ javac -classpath xml-apis-1.4.01.jar
$ javac -classpath xml-apis-1.4.01.jar --limit-modules=java.base

From my understanding, only the first and the last invocations
should succeed. In both other cases the code in (associated
to the unnamed module) can access package javax.xml.transform both
from module java.xml and from the unnamed module containing
xml-apis-1.4.01.jar. (I say "the unnamed module" but I don't seen any
impact if an implementation would choose to support several unnamed

I agree that only the first and last invocations should succeed.

As you described in an Eclipse bug
(, the qualified
type name `javax.xml.transform.Transformer` mentions a package
`javax.xml` that is NOT uniquely visible. In particular, and assuming
a single unnamed module: when compiling an ordinary compilation unit
( associated with the unnamed module (the classpath), there
IS an ordinary compilation unit (some file in xml-apis-1.4.01.jar)
associated with the unnamed module which contains a declaration of the
package; but the unnamed module also reads the java.xml module that
exports the package to the unnamed module.

tl;dr A package split between the classpath and the system image is
just as bad as a package split between two modules on the modulepath.


Re: Way to bypass "uniquely visible" check for named vs. unnamed module conflict?

2018-12-18 Thread Alex Buckley

On 12/18/2018 11:04 AM, Stephan Herrmann wrote:

This has been discussed on StackOverflow in threads like

The question can be simplified like this:
import javax.xml.transform.Transformer;

public class Test {
 Transformer transformer;

Which of the following compiler invocations should accept / reject the

$ javac
$ javac -classpath xml-apis-1.4.01.jar
$ javac -classpath xml-apis-1.4.01.jar
$ javac -classpath xml-apis-1.4.01.jar --limit-modules=java.base

From my understanding, only the first and the last invocations
should succeed. In both other cases the code in (associated
to the unnamed module) can access package javax.xml.transform both
from module java.xml and from the unnamed module containing
xml-apis-1.4.01.jar. (I say "the unnamed module" but I don't seen any
impact if an implementation would choose to support several unnamed

I agree that only the first and last invocations should succeed.

As you described in an Eclipse bug 
(, the qualified 
type name `javax.xml.transform.Transformer` mentions a package 
`javax.xml` that is NOT uniquely visible. In particular, and assuming a 
single unnamed module: when compiling an ordinary compilation unit 
( associated with the unnamed module (the classpath), there IS 
an ordinary compilation unit (some file in xml-apis-1.4.01.jar) 
associated with the unnamed module which contains a declaration of the 
package; but the unnamed module also reads the java.xml module that 
exports the package to the unnamed module.

tl;dr A package split between the classpath and the system image is just 
as bad as a package split between two modules on the modulepath.


Re: Qualified exports to an unknown module

2018-12-07 Thread Alex Buckley

On 12/7/2018 8:46 AM, cowwoc wrote:

Back in 2016 you guys had a discussion about qualified exports to a module
that was not available at compile-time:

I could not find the conclusion to that discussion. How are users supposed
to use qualified exports to some module that is defined by some future
compilation? See for a concrete

The decision was: Qualified exports/opens to a non-observable module is 
NOT an error (see 
javac will give an on-by-default lint warning instead.

The StackOverflow question says "Because I configured the compiler to 
treat warnings as errors (-Werror), the build fails." so the questioner 
should look at disabling the lint warning (see


Re: Where do empty compilation units belong?

2018-12-03 Thread Alex Buckley

Thanks to Jon and Jay's testing, we can make the following statement:

Compilers ignore a source file that is physically empty (zero length) or 
logically empty (contains only whitespace and/or comments).

(I confirmed this by tweaking so that the empty case was not 
`""` but rather `" /* Comment */ "`. javac still accepted/ignored it.)

In other words, compilers do not observe an ordinary compilation unit if 
it has no package, import, or type declarations -- a.k.a. a "vacant" 
ordinary compilation unit.

We know this to be true because if compilers did observe a vacant 
ordinary compilation unit, then the lack of a package declaration would 
cause an error when the empty source file is in a modular location; but 
no such error is given.

Compilers are free to take this not-observable stance, per 7.3: "The 
host system determines which compilation units are observable". It would 
be possible to mandate that the host system MUST NOT observe a vacant 
ordinary compilation unit, but such a mandate would probably have 
unintended consequences. It would also be possible to define a vacant 
ordinary compilation unit out of existence, by tweaking 7.3's grammar as 
proposed in the quoted mail below, but again, beware unintended 
consequences. What the JLS should do is affirm the compilers' decision 
to "accept/ignore" a vacant ordinary compilation unit, by clarifying 
that a vacant ordinary compilation unit is exempt from the "part of an 
unnamed package" rule in 7.4.2. I have filed spec bug JDK-8214743; "An 
ordinary compilation unit that has no package declaration, but has at 
least one other kind of declaration, is part of an unnamed package."


P.S.  In the course of examining 7.3's grammar, I realized that 
OrdinaryCompilationUnit is not congruent with how 2.1 defines a 
production in a context-free grammar as having "a sequence of one or 
more nonterminal and terminal symbols as its right-hand side."

2.1's definition is intended to apply _after_ interpretation of 2.4's 
grammar notation. For example, the production `A: [B]` is really two 
productions, `A: ` and `A: B`. The first has zero symbols as its RHS, so 
the grammar is not context-free -- parsing of an A is possible at any 
time, based on considerations other than the terminals in hand. 
Similarly, the production `C: {D}` is really an infinite number of 
productions `C: ` and `C: D` and `C: D D` and `C: D D D` etc. 
OrdinaryCompilationUnit is significant for being the only production in 
the JLS to allow zero symbols and thus _not_ be context-free. Compilers 
provide the context when they lex an empty source file and decide not to 
observe an ordinary compilation unit therein.

There's nothing good to be done here. We aren't going to change the 
longstanding OrdinaryCompilationUnit production after all, and I don't 
want to complicate 2.1 by special-casing its zero-symbols RHS.

On 12/3/2018 8:29 AM, Jayaprakash Artanareeswaran wrote:

Thanks for the test file Jon. Last week I and Stephan had a discussion
and agreed with the specified behavior and made some changes to our

I can also confirm that both the compilers behave the same way for all
the scenarios included in the test file.


*From:* Jonathan Gibbons 
*Sent:* Monday, November 26, 2018 11:22 PM
*To:* Alex Buckley; Jayaprakash Artanareeswaran;; compiler-dev
*Subject:* Re: Where do empty compilation units belong?

On 11/26/2018 01:44 PM, Alex Buckley wrote:

// Adding compiler-dev since the parsing of files into compilation
units is not a Jigsaw issue.

On 11/20/2018 9:14 PM, Jayaprakash Artanareeswaran wrote:

<> wrote on 21/11/2018
01:56:42 AM:
 > Jon points out that `OrdinaryCompilationUnit` will match an empty
 > of tokens (I dislike the syntax-driven optionality here, but it's
 > longstanding) so the file could be regarded as a
compilation unit
 > with no package declaration, no import declarations, and no type
 > declarations.
 > Per JLS 7.4.2, such a compilation unit is in an unnamed package, and
 > must be associated with an unnamed module.
 > I would prefer 7.4.2 to say only that a compilation unit with no
 > declarations _and at least one type declaration_ is in an unnamed
 > package (and must be associated with an unnamed module; 7.3 should
 > enumerate that possibility). A compilation unit with no package
 > declarations _and no type declarations_ would be deemed
unobservable by
 > 7.3, and all these questions about what to do with empty files would
 > disappear.

That would be perfect and make things unambiguous. But for now, the
paragraph above is good enough for me.

Unfortunately, import declarations can 

Re: Where do empty compilation units belong?

2018-11-26 Thread Alex Buckley
// Adding compiler-dev since the parsing of files into compilation units 
is not a Jigsaw issue.

On 11/20/2018 9:14 PM, Jayaprakash Artanareeswaran wrote:

"jigsaw-dev"  wrote on 21/11/2018
01:56:42 AM:
 > Jon points out that `OrdinaryCompilationUnit` will match an empty stream
 > of tokens (I dislike the syntax-driven optionality here, but it's
 > longstanding) so the file could be regarded as a compilation unit
 > with no package declaration, no import declarations, and no type
 > declarations.
 > Per JLS 7.4.2, such a compilation unit is in an unnamed package, and
 > must be associated with an unnamed module.
 > I would prefer 7.4.2 to say only that a compilation unit with no package
 > declarations _and at least one type declaration_ is in an unnamed
 > package (and must be associated with an unnamed module; 7.3 should
 > enumerate that possibility). A compilation unit with no package
 > declarations _and no type declarations_ would be deemed unobservable by
 > 7.3, and all these questions about what to do with empty files would
 > disappear.

That would be perfect and make things unambiguous. But for now, the
paragraph above is good enough for me.

Unfortunately, import declarations can have side effects (compile-time 
errors) so to be sure that the "no package or type decl === 
unobservable" rule is suitable for a file containing just an import 
decl, we would have to do a case analysis of how javac and ecj handle 
the eight combinations of the three parts allowed in an ordinary 
compilation unit. That's overkill for the situation involving empty 
files that keeps coming up and that I really want to clarify. I don't 
think anyone loves that an ordinary compilation unit matches the empty 
stream, so let's define away that scenario. As Jon said, an empty file 
doesn't present anything to be checked; there is no compilation unit 
there, so let's be unambiguous about that.

We can rule out the empty stream in 7.3 with grammar or with semantics. 
Usually a semantic description is clearest (gives everyone the proper 
terminology and concepts) but in this case we don't want the description 
to wrestle with "consists of one, two, or three parts" when the grammar 
allows zero. So, a new grammatical description is appropriate, and 

PackageDeclaration {ImportDeclaration} {TypeDeclaration}
ImportDeclaration {ImportDeclaration} {TypeDeclaration}
TypeDeclaration {TypeDeclaration}

The "three parts, each of which is optional" description is still 
accurate. The package decl part is optional (as long as you have the 
import decls part and/or the type decls part); the import decls part is 
optional (as long as you have either the package decl part or ...) ... 
you get the picture.

I would leave 7.4.2 alone; an ordinary compilation unit with no package 
or type decls but with import decls is part of the unnamed package (and 
thus unnamed module) as before, and compilers can handle that, I think.

Any comments?


Re: jlink /Jigsaw for and with migrated legacy code

2018-11-26 Thread Alex Buckley

// Redirecting to jigsaw-dev

Hi Hannes,

On 11/15/2018 1:41 PM, Hannes H. wrote:

I am new to this list and I apologize in advance if this is not the right
place to bring this in the discussion.

No problem -- jdk-dev is for discussion of how the JDK is developed, 
though you wouldn't guess that from browsing For issues and queries 
about how _your_ code may be developed in a modular fashion, jigsaw-dev 
is the right place.

One of the reasons to migrate the code base was the idea to benefit from
project Jigsaw by being able to bundle a runtime with the application. I do
understand that a trimmed runtime will be only possible if the code base
and all external dependencies are as well properly modularized. This is not
the case, however, I still want to bundle a runtime with the distribution
of the application even if it is the whole JDK.

The last few days I read a lot about Jigsaw and jlink but the more I read
the more I got the impression that the only possible way would be to run
jdeps for each and every external dependency, create a for
them and then put the into the JAR.

That leads to my two main questions:

(1) Is my assumption right that there is no other way to bundle legacy
(=not yet modularized) code with a runtime?

Yes. Note that we never recommend creating files for 
someone else's JAR -- neither you nor jdeps can be expected to fully 
understand its dependencies.

(2) If (1) is true, why has this - very common - case not be targeted yet?

A goal of Jigsaw was "reliable dependencies". Things wouldn't be very 
reliable if a runtime built with jlink had "dangling references" to code 
that is not in the runtime and whose JARs you have to remember to put on 
the classpath of the runtime.

That's also why you can't jlink automatic modules into a runtime -- they 
might depend on the right JARs being put on the classpath.

You can jlink a runtime consisting of the JDK modules that are needed by 
your application + its dependencies -- that's usually in the realm of 
what jdeps can figure out -- and then run your application on the new 
runtime exactly as if you were running on a newly-downloaded JDK. As 
your dependencies release modular JARs (i.e., containing 
module-info.class, not just Automatic-Module-Name in the manifest), you 
can jlink them into the runtime too.


Re: Where do empty compilation units belong?

2018-11-20 Thread Alex Buckley

On 11/20/2018 10:54 AM, Alex Buckley wrote:

From the above, it's hard to understand for which file an error is
reported by Eclipse. In any case, as Jon indicated, if the file
is empty, then there is no stream of tokens matching the JLS 7.3
production `CompilationUnit` and thus there is no compilation unit to

Jon points out that `OrdinaryCompilationUnit` will match an empty stream 
of tokens (I dislike the syntax-driven optionality here, but it's 
longstanding) so the file could be regarded as a compilation unit 
with no package declaration, no import declarations, and no type 

Per JLS 7.4.2, such a compilation unit is in an unnamed package, and 
must be associated with an unnamed module. (The "must" somewhat 
conflicts with the "may" in

I would prefer 7.4.2 to say only that a compilation unit with no package 
declarations _and at least one type declaration_ is in an unnamed 
package (and must be associated with an unnamed module; 7.3 should 
enumerate that possibility). A compilation unit with no package 
declarations _and no type declarations_ would be deemed unobservable by 
7.3, and all these questions about what to do with empty files would 

What do compiler engineers think?


Re: Where do empty compilation units belong?

2018-11-20 Thread Alex Buckley

On 11/19/2018 9:27 PM, Jayaprakash Artanareeswaran wrote:

I have the following folder structure in a module

  - p
  -- q

where contains only the package declaration and is

When I run javac with --module-source-path and all the individual
files as arguments the compiler is happy and reports no error. This
behavior is different from Eclipse compiler which reports an error
about "declaring a named package because this compilation unit is
associated to the named module". Is this because empty compilation
units are considered to be part of unnamed modules or because the and hence package q are omitted?

From the above, it's hard to understand for which file an error is 
reported by Eclipse. In any case, as Jon indicated, if the file 
is empty, then there is no stream of tokens matching the JLS 7.3 
production `CompilationUnit` and thus there is no compilation unit to 

In contrast, the file does contain a compilation unit and I would 
expect it to be "associated" (JLS 7.3 again) with the `my.module` module 
like any other compilation unit contained in a file in the same 
directory. It is legal to annotate the package declaration in the 
compilation unit contained in (let's not rathole into a 
discussion about, and the types that can be used in 
the annotation are determined by what `my.module` reads.


Re: Error in JLS for module-info.class

2018-10-19 Thread Alex Buckley

On 10/19/2018 4:09 PM, Luke Hutchison wrote:

In JLS section 4.1 ("The ClassFile structure") for SE 11, it states:

You mean JVMS, not JLS. See the text under Table 4.1-B: "The ACC_MODULE 
flag indicates that this class file defines a module, not a class or 
interface. If the ACC_MODULE flag is set, then special rules apply to 
the class file which are given at the end of this section. If the 
ACC_MODULE flag is not set, then the rules immediately below the current 
paragraph apply to the class file."

The rules at the end of the section mandate that super_class is zero for 
an ACC_MODULE class file.


Re: Deprecation beyond the level of types

2018-04-24 Thread Alex Buckley

On 4/24/2018 11:55 AM, Stephan Herrmann wrote:

On 03.04.2018 02:49, Alex Buckley wrote:

You're right -- the JLS does not mandate a warning when compiling code
on the classpath that uses code in deprecated modules.

Wouldn't it be more consistent to give such warnings?
Why should writing code in an unnamed vs. named module make a
difference in whether or not I'm seeing deprecation warnings?

Consistent yes, usable no. The possibility of a module being deprecated 
is not understood by vast amounts of code on the classpath written 
before Java SE 9. If deprecating a module implicitly deprecated all its 
exported public types, then code on the classpath would start to see 
warnings "out of thin air" -- nothing that the classpath code refers to 
by name would be explicitly deprecated. We thought such "action at a 
distance" was too great a burden to impose on classpath code. (And we 
are consistent in not imposing "action at a distance" -- applying 
@SuppressWarnings to a module declaration does NOT implicitly suppress 
warnings for all the type declarations in the module.)

Would you consider a compiler that issues such warnings as violating JLS?

A compiler can only issue _deprecation warnings_ (and their brother, 
_removal warnings_) where the JLS mandates it. But a compiler is free to 
issue other kinds of warnings anywhere. For example, javac has 
-Xlint:dep-ann which issues warnings related to, but not exactly about, 


Re: Deprecation beyond the level of types

2018-04-02 Thread Alex Buckley

On 4/1/2018 4:31 AM, Stephan Herrmann wrote:

Packages: JLS & javadoc agree that @Deprecated applied to a package
has no effect. Given that @Target explicitly includes PACKAGE this
looks inconsistent to me. A user adding @Deprecated to a package would
certainly expect *some* effect, no?

I understand that JSR 175 forgot to restrict the targets of the 
Deprecated annotation type, which meant it was possible to write 
@Deprecated on a package declaration. This should have been disallowed, 
because (as you imply) no-one conceived of a warning or an error when 
the package is imported/used. The targets of Deprecated were specified 
in Java SE 7 as part of the background work for JSR 308; PACKAGE was 
included for source compatibility with package declarations that already 
had @Deprecated.

JLS argues about the same programmer developing the package and
managing its export from then enclosing module. I fail to see how this
justifies the decision to let deprecation of packages go without warning.
If a library developer deprecates an exported package, shouldn't this
signal to consumers of the library, that they should migrate away from
using types within that package? Currently it doesn't, because consumers
will see no effect of that deprecation.

The JLS "argument" that you mention is a corner case that concerns a 
deprecated package being exported in a qualified fashion. It's not meant 
to be a general justification "to let deprecation of packages go without 
warning". The reason why exporting a deprecated package doesn't generate 
a warning is because no other use of a deprecated package generates a 
warning. (And note JEP 211, which reduced the population of warnings for 
a deprecated package even further, at `import`.)

Of course, we could change this behavior, and have long discussions 
about whether deprecating a package means "deprecate the package, not 
its types" or "deprecate its types, not the package". But it's not on 
the radar at this time.

Modules: I could find no reference in JLS specifying any relation between
modules and deprecation.

I enumerated "program elements" in the first sentence of JLS 
specifically to show that "modules" are as subject to deprecation as 
classes, fields, etc. It's easily concluded from the section that, say, 
requiring a deprecated module (directly or indirectly) should cause a 

In the javadoc of @Deprecated, however, I find
some additions (apparently not provided/reviewed via jigsaw), notably:
  "A module being deprecated does not cause warnings to be issued for
   uses of types within the module."
For a named module, this makes sense, since "requires" will already raise
a warning for the deprecated module, and hence flagging each use of a type
from that module adds little value.
For unnamed modules, however, this seems to completely bypass any module-
level deprecation. There is no "requires" that could be flagged, and use
of types from the deprecated modules isn't flagged either.

Ergo: most today's consumers of libraries that deprecate either a module
or a package will not be informed about this deprecation by compilers.


I see two consequences from the above:
There's little to no incentive to use @Deprecated at any level greater than
types, because it is not reliably communicated to users. We keep thinking
in terms of types, not modules (not even packages).
Second, developers of unnamed modules will see fewer deprecation warnings.
Hence, migrating from unnamed to named has an additional burden of having
to deal with warnings that could have been dealt with before, but simply
weren't visible.

You're right -- the JLS does not mandate a warning when compiling code 
on the classpath that uses code in deprecated modules. But it's 
short-sighted to say that deprecation warnings mandated by 
modularization are a burden; they communicate important information 
which couldn't be communicated by the compiler before.


Re: Adding module causes classloading issues

2017-11-27 Thread Alex Buckley

On 11/27/2017 5:46 PM, Michael Hall wrote:

Thanks again, for the time.

It is a little difficult for me to track these things. For now I will probably 
just omit java.corba and hope it isn’t really my problem with JMX attach.
I will take a closer look at jconsole to try and figure that out.

I will maybe check back on the newer JTA later.

Thank you, for investigating how your app relates to CORBA, JTA, and 
Attach. I hope was informative at 
least. Alan will probably be along shortly with some points I missed.


Re: Adding module causes classloading issues

2017-11-27 Thread Alex Buckley

On 11/27/2017 5:22 PM, Michael Hall wrote:

On Nov 27, 2017, at 7:15 PM, Alex Buckley <
<>> wrote:

--add-modules java.transaction

Tried to simplify.

java -cp . --patch-module java.transaction=jta.jar --add-modules
java.transaction ModuleForClass javax.transaction.UserTransaction
Error occurred during initialization of boot layer
java.lang.LayerInstantiationException: Package javax.transaction.xa in
both module java.transaction and module java.sql

Oh yes, jta.jar includes the XA package, so force-patching that package 
into java.transaction will conflict with the same package in java.sql.

If your app doesn't use JDBC, then you could prevent java.sql from being 
resolved by passing the JDK modules that you DO want to be resolved to 
the --limit-modules option. Being precise about your app's use of JDK 
modules is a down payment on writing its module declaration.

But most likely, you need the new, XA-less JTA jar which is coming soon 
from the JSR 907 Maintenance Lead.


Re: Adding module causes classloading issues

2017-11-27 Thread Alex Buckley

On 11/27/2017 3:16 PM, Michael Hall wrote:

JMX attach keeps telling me that RMI is not a accepted protocol.
I wondered if possibly this was a modular issue, I checked my main app jar…
jdeps halfpipe.jar
halfpipe.jar -> java.corba

which seems to say I need java.corba which I didn’t have.
If I add that with jlink I get…

java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: javax/transaction/UserTransaction

from the quartz scheduler. This class should come from the included jta.jar, 
and usually does without the java.corba module.

java --list-modules
// Will show java.corba in your jlinked image

java --describe-module java.corba
// Will show 'requires java.transaction'
// Since this is an implementation dependency, it's not listed in

java --show-module-resolution -jar halfpipe.jar
// Will show java.transaction being resolved in support of java.corba

Because java.transaction is resolved, the miniature javax.transaction 
package that it exports will "win", and the full-strength 
javax.transaction package in jta.jar on the classpath will "lose".

The story of java.transaction is unfortunate and complicated (see but you can augment it with the 
stuff in jta.jar:

java --patch-module java.transaction=jta.jar -jar halfpipe.jar
// See


Re: JDK-8191112: javac OutOfMemoryError caused by "-Xlint:exports" option

2017-11-14 Thread Alex Buckley

On 11/14/2017 11:16 AM, Jan Lahoda wrote:

With the proposed patch, the warning would be printed for all "requires
transitive ext1", "requires ext1" and "requires dep", but not for
"requires transitive dep", as in the last case depending on "mod" will
make exported types from dep available to the client ...

> If "ext1" would be an explicit module, which would

have "requires transitive dep", then the warning would not be printed
for "requires transitive ext1".

> If ext1 would contain only "requires

dep", then the warning would be printed.

All sounds good!


Re: JDK-8191112: javac OutOfMemoryError caused by "-Xlint:exports" option

2017-11-14 Thread Alex Buckley

On 11/14/2017 5:17 AM, Jan Lahoda wrote:

module mod {
requires transitive ext1;
exports api;

"dep.Dep" is accessible using requires transitive edges of the automatic
modules, hence the warning/lint is not printed.

That does not seem quite right, an explicit "requires transitive dep"
dependency would be better, otherwise the changes in the module path can
lead to surprising behavior.

The suggested patch is to simply ignore the dependencies of automatic
modules in the check - that should avoid the infinite loop and print the
warning in the "requires transitive ext1" case.

Good idea to make -Xlint:exports be more sophisticated w.r.t. automatic 
modules ... but for the very last point, are you saying that a warning 
is given for "requires transitive ext1" because of "transitive" or 
because of "ext1"? That is, would a warning be printed for just 
"requires ext1" ? I think it should be; the "transitive" in "requires 
transitive ext1" is for the benefit of consumers of mod, which is not 
germane to mod's barely-visible consumption of dep via ext1's implicit 
"requires transitive dep1".


Re: Fwd: Module naming for logging implementations

2017-10-26 Thread Alex Buckley

On 10/26/2017 1:03 PM, Stephen Colebourne wrote:

(previously posted on core-libs-dev, moved by request)


Option 1:
All modules that implement a particular logging API must have the same
module name
eg. every module that implements "org.slf4j" (the API) must be named

Option 2:
The module name of the implementation can be whatever name makes sense.

For most service providers, option 2 is obvious, however for logging
it is generally the case that only one implementation should be
present. If all the jar files that implement a specific logging API
had the same module name (option 1) then the module system could
ensure that only one was loaded. This is a particular concern as it is
not uncommon for a jar file in Maven Central to depend on a specific
implementation of logging when it should only be depending on the API.

I'm leaning towards option 2, as it is simpler and does not require
all implementations to have the same module name (which would be
difficult to require). Any other considerations I'm missing?

Option 1 opens the door to multiple modules with the same name being 
placed in different directories of the modulepath. Not a good place to 
be, even if no-one is targeting them via 'requires'.

(I think ServiceLoader does not care about duplicate module names when 
scanning modules on the modulepath, and will inspect their 'provides' 
directives regardless. However, I confess that I cannot figure out from 
the ServiceLoader spec which modules are observable during binding.)

Stepping back, there are two big anti-patterns in the world of 
ServiceLoader. First, it is an anti-pattern for a provider module to 
'exports' its provider implementation. Second, it is an anti-pattern for 
a consumer module to 'requires' a particular provider module. Option 2 
fights the second anti-pattern by making provider modules not "stand 
out" more than other modules. This in turn fights the first 
anti-pattern, because a provider module that is not expecting to be 
mentioned in 'requires' will not hurry to 'exports' anything. (Yes, this 
is all a bit soft, but programming with services is primarily about 


Re: module-info file location

2017-09-22 Thread Alex Buckley
See "Modular multi-release JAR files" in

- wrote:

> From:
> To:
> Sent: Friday, September 22, 2017 12:43:38 AM GMT -08:00 US/Canada Pacific
> Subject: module-info file location
> Hi,
> I have seen an example of a multi version jar file which contained the
> mudule-info.class at the following location:
> META-INF/versions/9/module-info.class
> based on the information I have I would have assumed that this
> is only allowed having the module-info.class file at the root of the
> jar.
> So the question is: Is it allowed to have a module-info.class file in
> that location or is it only allowed having only a singe 
> module-info.class file at the root level of a jar file?
> Kind regards
> Karl Heinz Marbaise

Re: Become an early Java 9 expert: AJUG + vJUG + JUGs Worldwide Hackday Feedback on JDK 9 EA

2017-09-19 Thread Alex Buckley

Hi Mani,

On 9/19/2017 2:55 PM, Mani Sarkar wrote:

Last month (19th August 2017) AJUG and a number of JUGs worldwide with the
help and support from vJUG, re-ran the  "Become an early Java 9 expert"

Thank you AJUG and vJUG!

You can find the feedback gathered in,
we have been trailing JDK 9 EA b181 (RC1).

A lot of feedback seems to boil down to "JDK command line tools are not 
so easy to use; I want my IDE!". I don't mean to make light of people's 
usability issues, but the module-related paths and flags in JDK 9 tools 
tend to operate along similar lines as the paths and flags in JDK 8 
tools -- it's just that a lot of people haven't set ANY paths and flags 
for a long time.

I see there were some more open-ended questions and this one in 
particular caught my attention:

Do I need to convert a legacy Java program to use named modules in order 
to take advantage of the smaller images that jlink can create?

Mani: You will have to convert your applications to use Java 9’s modules 
system in order to take advantage of JLink fully, although please play 
around with older legacy apps to see what JLink produces (most likely 
the whole JDK and not modularised pieces).

Simon: create an empty module with and handcraft the 
dependencies using requires and have jlink compile it. This is 
experimental, would need to be tested to see how it works.


The direct answer to the question is "No, you do not need to convert a 
legacy Java program to use named modules in order to take advantage of 
the smaller images that jlink can create."

The Java runtime that's present in even the smallest image (just 
java.base) still lets you to put your pre-existing JAR files on the 
classpath and run them with java -cp. You do not need to turn your JAR 
files into named modules. Even as traditional JAR files, they have 
access to all the APIs that you would expect from such an image. 
(Obviously if your JAR files try to use Swing on an image built from 
just java.base, that won't work.) The reduced footprint and security 
surface of the smaller image is plainly an advantage from jlink.


Re: Moving to Java 9 - module-info.class not found for module

2017-09-01 Thread Alex Buckley

On 9/1/2017 1:21 PM, Rahman USTA wrote:

java --module-path
%JAVA_HOME%/jmods;target\terminalfx.jar;target\dependency --add-modules
terminalfx -m terminalfx/com.terminalfx.AppStarter

(You shouldn't need the --add-modules, since terminalfx is already the 
main module.)

It works normally. Then, I want to generate a jlink image with the
following script

jlink --module-path
%JAVA_HOME%/jmods;target\terminalfx.jar;target\dependency --add-modules
terminalfx --launcher terminalfx=terminalfx/com.terminalfx.AppStarter
--output target/release

However it gives me the following error;

Error: module-info.class not found for jackson.databind module

I suspect jackson.databind is an automatic module. jlink does not 
support linking of automatic modules because they can rely on the 
arbitrary content of the classpath, which goes against the idea of a 
self-contained Java runtime.


Re: package hierarchy?

2017-07-17 Thread Alex Buckley
The quote from is incorrect -- the paragraph beginning "If Q 
does not name ..." is deleted. We discussed this in May, where I 
explained why the section is the way it is. See

I have also explained that the meaning of the qualified package name 
Q.Id is NOT specified in terms of the simple package name Q. See 
That's why there is no requirement in that Q be uniquely 
visible, only Q.Id.

Stepping back, you seem to have a concern that the spec no longer relies 
on hierarchy to give meaning to packages yet continues to present 
subpackages as a feature of the language; and you believe this is a 
tension that will have deleterious effects on ordinary developers. I do 
not believe it will, because ordinary developers have always understood 
that a package-access type in package p1.p2 is NOT accessible from the 
"related, but not really" package p1.p2.p3. In the modular world, I do 
not believe that a developer who exports p1.p2 has any expectation that 
p1.p2.p3 is exported too. We deliberately designed the syntax of exports 
-- one package per 'exports', no wildcards, no duplicates -- to ensure 
explicit, methodical enumeration of the packages which represent the 
module's contract with the outside world.


On 7/17/2017 3:59 AM, Stephan Herrmann wrote:

This continues a discussion we had in January, but still isn't
fully resolved in JLS 2017-06-26:

Does the parent-sub relation of packages bear any meaning
from the JLS p.o.v.?

On 2017-01-10 Alex conceded:
   "... you can consider all packages as unrelated to each other."

Still JLS has this (my emphasis):

"If a package name is of the form Q.Id, then Q must also be a package name.
  The package name Q.Id names a package that is the member named Id
  *within the package named by Q*.
  If Q does not name an observable package (§7.4.3), or Id is not the
simple name
  of an observable subpackage of that package, then a compile-time error

  If Q.Id does not name a package that is uniquely visible to the current
  module (§7.4.3), then a compile-time error occurs."

Now, what's the meaning of "the package named by Q"?

Technically, we need to consider Q as a package name, whose meaning
is determined by or
This inevitably implies that Q must be uniquely visible.

In the end, this requires, e.g., that package "java" be uniquely visible in
every Java 9 program. Or: every Java 9 program (even JDK itself) is

I *imagine*, the spec authors intended two different definitions of
PackageName: an internal definition that is applied whenever JLS
itself refers to a package name, and an external, applicable to
type or package references in the source code.
I imagine, only the external definition has to apply the second
paragraph requiring unique visibility, whereas internal references
to PackageName should be unaffected by this addition.

*Perhaps*, the phrase "If Q does not name an observable package"
intends to override the normal interpretation of package names, to
require only observability, not unique visibility, but this doesn't
work if first name resolution is obliged to check unique visibility
and possibly fail compilation.

Now correcting JLS in its current form will be quite tedious, like:
"within a package that is identified by the name Q, by applying
6.5.3 recursively while ignoring any requirement of unique visibility".

am I missing anything?

Ceterum censeo ...
I'm really looking forward to the day, when JLS is refactored to
specify the language with no parent-sub package relation whatsoever,
leaving it entirely to any host system, to use prefixes of package
names for grouping stuff in containers like folders of a file system.
Wouldn't that make for a much cleaner specification?

OTOH, wherever JLS and compiler messages surface the concept of
a package "hierarchy", it will influence user expectations: Having
learned about package hierarchies users may likely expect that
exporting package "p1.p2" will also make "p1.p2.p3" accessible
just like "p1.p2.MyClass".

Re: Use classes in unnamed module that are also contained in a JDK platform/runtime module

2017-07-07 Thread Alex Buckley

On 7/6/2017 11:37 PM, Langer, Christoph wrote:

On 7/4/2017 12:02 AM, Langer, Christoph wrote:

I have some piece of software that we ship as a jar file and
which will hence run on a JDK 9 in the unnamed module. However,
this jar file contains a package that is also contained in our
JDK image in a module that is always part of the runtime.

It would be remiss of me if I didn't ask for some details about why
this scenario has arisen. From "always part of the runtime", I
would have guessed the package is in java.base, but you also
mention "our JDK image" so perhaps the package is in a module that
SAP always jlinks in?

Thanks for your interest in the details. Here it is: We have a
separate module that exposes an augmenting SAP specific API which is
publicly exported. This module is part of our JDK image.

The default set of root modules for the unnamed module is specified by 
JEP 261 rather than a JSR, but I guess the SAP JDK implementation uses 
the same default set as the OpenJDK implementation. Then, since your 
separate module exports a package without qualification, the separate 
module is in the default set.

You could mark the separate module as DoNotResolveByDefault so that it 
is observable *but not readable* by the unnamed module which holds your 
JAR file's tool classes + copies of SAP-specific API/impl classes.

Or, given that the JAR file is meant to be cross-JDK and so should never 
be aware of the separate module, your tool's launch script could make 
the separate module unobservable (--limit-modules).


Re: Use classes in unnamed module that are also contained in a JDK platform/runtime module

2017-07-06 Thread Alex Buckley

Hi Christoph,

On 7/4/2017 12:02 AM, Langer, Christoph wrote:

I have some piece of software that we ship as a jar file and which
will hence run on a JDK 9 in the unnamed module. However, this jar
file contains a package that is also contained in our JDK image in a
module that is always part of the runtime.

It would be remiss of me if I didn't ask for some details about why this 
scenario has arisen. From "always part of the runtime", I would have 
guessed the package is in java.base, but you also mention "our JDK 
image" so perhaps the package is in a module that SAP always jlinks in?


Re: 8182482: Module System spec updates

2017-06-21 Thread Alex Buckley

On 6/21/2017 5:34 PM, Hamlin Li wrote:

Got it, Thank you for planing to update it, especially for "load" and
"instantiate", in several places they are used in a mixed way.

Yes, it is critical to be clear about:

- when a service provider is discovered (search a family of loaders or 
layers, depending on how the service loader was created), versus

- when a service provider is loaded (not by the load* methods! and maybe 
the provider is found in the cache...), versus

- when a service provider is instantiated (streaming lets you defer 
that, iteration doesn't).

Lots of puzzle pieces that need to snap together.


Re: 8182482: Module System spec updates

2017-06-20 Thread Alex Buckley

Hi Remi,

On 6/20/2017 6:29 AM, wrote:

ok, let's focus on abstract class defining a service.

I would be happy for the "Designing services" section to give more 
advice about the tradeoffs between an interface and an abstract class. 
Two sentences, written in a style that leads a junior developer but does 
not judge them if they don't follow the advice. Can you write it? :-

A service is a single type, usually an interface or abstract class. 
***REMI'S TEXT HERE*** A concrete class can be used, but this is not 
recommended. The type may have any accessibility.

The methods of a service are highly ...


Re: "The unnamed module reads every other module."

2017-06-06 Thread Alex Buckley

On 6/6/2017 2:55 PM, Stephan Herrmann wrote:

On 06.06.2017 23:40, Alex Buckley wrote:

On 6/6/2017 2:28 PM, Stephan Herrmann wrote:

SOTMS says: "The unnamed module reads every other module."

I am unable to find any similar statement in any specification.
Where should I be looking?

The unnamed module is never resolved, so it doesn't feature in the
reworked spec for Resolution in java.lang.module. Instead, the
dependences and exports of unnamed modules are specified in new text
in JLS 7.7.5 and JVMS 5.3.6.


Show me.

I don't see anything relating to "dependences and exports of unnamed
in either document, versions 2017-05-25 and 2017-02-22 respectively,
which for me are the current versions linked from

It's new text, it hasn't been published yet.

Re: "The unnamed module reads every other module."

2017-06-06 Thread Alex Buckley

On 6/6/2017 2:28 PM, Stephan Herrmann wrote:

SOTMS says: "The unnamed module reads every other module."

I am unable to find any similar statement in any specification.
Where should I be looking?

The unnamed module is never resolved, so it doesn't feature in the 
reworked spec for Resolution in java.lang.module. Instead, the 
dependences and exports of unnamed modules are specified in new text in 
JLS 7.7.5 and JVMS 5.3.6.


Re: What does a qualified name mean for a module?

2017-06-06 Thread Alex Buckley

On 6/6/2017 10:14 AM, Stephan Herrmann wrote:

Normally, a qualified name denotes two things: a parent element and a
child. The package name "java.lang" has a qualifier "java" which
denotes a top-level package and "lang" can be used relative to that
package to denote a member package etc.

For a module - say "java.base" - the qualifier "java" denotes
nothing. And hence, the simple name "base" cannot be resolved in any

So the question is: should ModuleElement.getSimpleName() answer the
totally useless last segment of the name, or should it answer the
same as getQualifiedName()?

When Joe asked for feedback on this API two months ago [1], I made 
essentially the same point [2], and a bug was filed [3].




Re: What does a qualified name mean for a module?

2017-06-06 Thread Alex Buckley
A module name has the same structure as a package name, so ModuleElement 
has the same shape as PackageElement: each inherits getSimpleName() from 
Element, and getQualifiedName() from getQualifiedName() from 


On 6/6/2017 7:24 AM, Jayaprakash Artanareeswaran wrote:


The newly introduced ModuleElement has two APIs to get a module's name, namely 
getQualifiedName() and getSimpleName(). The JLS, though says a module only has 
one name.

"A module name consists of one or more Java identifiers (§3.8) separated by "."

I also see this in the "JPMS: Modules in the Java Language and JVM":

   ModuleName . Identifier

I am not really sure what a qualifier for a module is. In the given example

Module M.N {}

are 'M' and 'N' separate names and if so, what do they denote?


Re: JPMS Access Checks, Verification and the Security Manager

2017-06-01 Thread Alex Buckley

On 5/24/2017 12:13 AM, Volker Simonis wrote:

OK, so from what you say I understand that the verification errors I
see with the Security Manager enabled are an implementation detail of
HotSpot (because verification uses the same class loading mechanism
like the runtime) which is not required but still acceptable under the
JVMS. Is that correct?

The JVMS is precise about which exceptions are allowed to be thrown by a 
JVM implementation during verification, and AccessControlException is 
not one of them. However, the JVMS is only one part of the Java SE 
Platform Specification. It is quite proper if another part specifies an 
AccessControlException when a class in a restricted package is 
referenced by a class without permission.

I'm thinking in particular of the API specification for 
SecurityManager::checkPackageAccess. It states, "This method is called 
by the loadClass method of class loaders." Plainly, the intention is 
that a class (Tricky) which initiates the loading of another class 
(com.sun.crypto.provider.SunJCE) can do so only if it has permission to 
reference the other class. Unfortunately, the statement as written is 
only guaranteed to be true for the built-in class loaders of the Java SE 
Platform and not for user-defined class loaders. Accordingly, we will 
update the API specification to clarify how a JVM implementation may 
support the Security Manager in checking permissions when classes are 
loaded and resolved. But to answer your original question, an 
application CAN fail because the verifier can't load classes due to 
Security Manager restrictions; you may have to grant additional 
permissions if application classes wish to reference certain JDK 9 packages.


Re: Compiling with automatic modules

2017-05-30 Thread Alex Buckley

On 5/30/2017 2:08 PM, Jochen Theodorou wrote:

On 30.05.2017 21:42, Alex Buckley wrote:

On 5/26/2017 4:12 AM, Jochen Theodorou wrote:

On 26.05.2017 01:04, Alex Buckley wrote: [...]

The semantics of an observed JAR without module-info.class are
 specified as part of JPMS resolution, and JLS 7.3 explicitly
defers to that, so I believe it is clear how a compiler must
behave when a modular compilation unit 'requires' a module that
turns out to be automatic. (Of course a big part of the
migration story is that the requirer is unaware of whether the
requiree is automatic or explicit.)

Isn't the consequence that I can write a compiler which does only
allow named modules?

You mean a compiler that understands named module and does not
understand unnamed modules?

actually I was wondering more about automatic modules and inexact in
my question.

No, per JLS 7.7.5: "An implementation of the Java SE Platform must
support at least one unnamed module."  The mandates for unnamed
modules in 7.7.5 are essentially identical to the historical
mandates for unnamed packages in 7.4.2.

""" An implementation of the Java SE Platform must support at least
one unnamed module. An implementation may support more than one
unnamed module, but is not required to do so. Which ordinary
compilation units are associated with each unnamed module is
determined by the host system.

The host system may associate ordinary compilation units in a named
package with an unnamed module. """

OK, from this I understand there must be at least one unnamed module.
 Nothing about automatic modules.

Correct. Automatic modules are named modules known to the JPMS, just 
declared implicitly by the JPMS rather than explicitly in the Java 
language. Where a named module IS declared explicitly in the Java 
language, it may reference, in its 'requires' directives, any other 
named module known to the JPMS, regardless of whether that other named 
module is declared implicitly or explicitly.

What comes after that is a bit confusing to me. Could I for example
say that only compilation units, that declare to be part of a package
with the name "unnamed" will be part of the unnamed module?

Yes, the host system can choose to associate those compilation units 
with an unnamed module if it wishes. See JLS9 7.2 and 7.3, paying 
attention to the flexibility granted for ordinary compilation units (the 
ones in your paragraph) versus no flexibility for modular compilation units:

Each host system determines which compilation units are observable in a
particular compilation (§7.3). Each host system also determines which 
observable compilation units are associated with a module.


The host system also determines which observable ordinary compilation 
units are associated with a module, except <<java.* stuff>>.

The host system must determine that an observable modular compilation 
unit is associated with the module declared by the modular compilation unit.


I mean, I understand that the "which" refers to the way the files are
given to javac... But it feels like the JLS allows here many other
variants as well.

Correct. The JLS is a language spec, not a compiler spec. With the 
exception of the rule for 'public' types in 7.6, the JLS has 
historically imposed very few constraints on a compiler ("host system").


Re: Compiling with automatic modules

2017-05-30 Thread Alex Buckley

On 5/26/2017 4:12 AM, Jochen Theodorou wrote:

On 26.05.2017 01:04, Alex Buckley wrote:

The semantics of an observed JAR without module-info.class are specified
as part of JPMS resolution, and JLS 7.3 explicitly defers to that, so I
believe it is clear how a compiler must behave when a modular
compilation unit 'requires' a module that turns out to be automatic. (Of
course a big part of the migration story is that the requirer is unaware
of whether the requiree is automatic or explicit.)

Isn't the consequence that I can write a compiler which does only allow
named modules?

You mean a compiler that understands named module and does not 
understand unnamed modules? No, per JLS 7.7.5: "An implementation of the 
Java SE Platform must support at least one unnamed module."  The 
mandates for unnamed modules in 7.7.5 are essentially identical to the 
historical mandates for unnamed packages in 7.4.2.


Re: Package name semantics

2017-05-25 Thread Alex Buckley

On 5/23/2017 1:37 PM, Stephan Herrmann wrote:

To tersely illustrate my confusion: "the" _could_ imply that the
existence of several packages named Q.Id forces separate parent
packages Q, so that each Q indeed contains exactly one member named

From your mail I infer that this is not your intention.

I read you as saying: even a single package named Q can contain
arbitrary many member packages named Id, provided that (at the
location of each package reference) exactly one of those packages is
visible (or a compile time error occurs), right?



Re: Compiling with automatic modules

2017-05-25 Thread Alex Buckley

On 5/23/2017 1:47 PM, Stephan Herrmann wrote:

On 23.05.2017 22:30, Alex Buckley wrote:

Automatic modules are not a source artifact, so their specification is
found in the API portion of the JPMS spec rather than in the JLS. The
JLS has traditionally not specified how a compiler interprets
non-source artifacts, e.g., the JLS says nothing about whether the
host system understands a "class path" or that such a thing might
identify non-source artifacts like JAR files. The analog in the Java
SE 9 era is that it's up to a compiler to choose to support a thing
called the "module path" and to identify non-source artifacts on it; I
do not see how the JLS can say anything for that. Once a compiler has
made the choice, then the JPMS specifies that certain non-source
artifacts must be interpreted as automatic modules, at which point
they're "just" named modules that a modular compilation unit's
'requires' directive can refer to.

There's a decisive difference: for .class files (in the file system
or in a .jar) the compiler "knows" what it means, because .class
files are well in the realm of compilers. There are no hidden

I agree that JLS 13.1 mandates a compiler to have detailed knowledge of 
.class files, but I do not agree that the JLS mandates a compiler to 
understand JAR files. It is merely convention that motivates a compiler 
to (i) understand a thing called "classpath" and (ii) open JAR files 
thereon in search of .class files. In Java SE 9, the analog of (i) 
remains -- it is convention that a compiler understands a thing called 
"modulepath" -- but we go beyond convention for (ii) -- JPMS resolution 
actually specifies that observable JAR files without module-info.class 
declare automatic modules. So, assuming that a compiler has a way to 
observe JAR files in the first place, JLS 7.3 specifies that 'requires 
M' in a modular compilation unit triggers JPMS resolution to read a 
module called M, and JPMS resolution will abstract away whether M is an 
explicit module (observed in M.jar with module-info.class) or an 
automatic module (observed in M.jar [or Foo.jar with 
Automatic-Module-Name: M] without module-info.class).

A jar-as-automatic-module has semantics that are not known to the compiler,
unless JLS specifies s.t. to this end.

The semantics of an observed JAR without module-info.class are specified 
as part of JPMS resolution, and JLS 7.3 explicitly defers to that, so I 
believe it is clear how a compiler must behave when a modular 
compilation unit 'requires' a module that turns out to be automatic. (Of 
course a big part of the migration story is that the requirer is unaware 
of whether the requiree is automatic or explicit.)


Re: Compiling with automatic modules

2017-05-23 Thread Alex Buckley

On 5/23/2017 12:54 PM, Stephan Herrmann wrote:

The 2017-05-18 draft of JLS indicates that automatic modules are beyond the
scope of JLS.
I'm puzzled what that should mean for a compiler.
At face value it seems to say that compilers need not care about automatic
modules. Instead I'd expect JLS to state that the host system must be able
to discover automatic modules "as if by invocation of
ModuleFinder.of(Path...)." or similar.

Which is it?

Can you quote the text of concern?

Automatic modules are not a source artifact, so their specification is 
found in the API portion of the JPMS spec rather than in the JLS. The 
JLS has traditionally not specified how a compiler interprets non-source 
artifacts, e.g., the JLS says nothing about whether the host system 
understands a "class path" or that such a thing might identify 
non-source artifacts like JAR files. The analog in the Java SE 9 era is 
that it's up to a compiler to choose to support a thing called the 
"module path" and to identify non-source artifacts on it; I do not see 
how the JLS can say anything for that. Once a compiler has made the 
choice, then the JPMS specifies that certain non-source artifacts must 
be interpreted as automatic modules, at which point they're "just" named 
modules that a modular compilation unit's 'requires' directive can refer to.


Re: Package name semantics

2017-05-23 Thread Alex Buckley

On 5/23/2017 1:04 PM, Stephan Herrmann wrote:

The 2017-05-18 update of JLS introduces the concept of
unique visibility, but still has this unchanged sentence:

"The package name Q.Id names a package that is the member named Id
   within the package named by Q."

If "the" in "the member named Id" is to be taken literally, then
the specification still doesn't work, as I may elaborate if needed.
But I assume, dropping "the" in favor of "a" or a similar change
easily fixes this to reflect the intention, right?

The full text is:

If a package name is of the form Q.Id, then Q must also be a package 
name. The package name Q.Id names a package that is the member named Id 
within the package named by Q.

[DELETED]If Q does not name an observable package (§7.4.3), or Id is not 
the simple name of an observable subpackage of that package, then a 
compile-time error occurs.[/DELETED]

[ADDED]If Q.Id does not name a package that is uniquely visible to the 
current module (§7.4.3), then a compile-time error occurs.[/ADDED]


The editorial style of this section has historically been rather odd, 
because the first paragraph makes assertions that are true only if the 
second paragraph's compile-time error doesn't occur. I have continued 
with that style in JLS9: the first paragraph can say "_the_ member named 
Id" because the second paragraph assures a unique Q.Id.


Re: JPMS Access Checks, Verification and the Security Manager

2017-05-23 Thread Alex Buckley

On 5/23/2017 7:44 AM, Volker Simonis wrote:

So maybe I rephrase my question a little more generally:

Is it required for the verifier to do security and/or access checks
during the verification phase or could/should these checks be
postponed to runtime? The issue with verification errors due to
missing classes from Remi's previous answer is probably a corner case
of this question.

Verification must perform class loading in order to check subtyping, but 
verification does not check access to the loaded classes. To be precise, 
verification in JVMS 4.10.1 does not appeal to class resolution (JVMS nor to access control (JVMS 5.4.4). Nor does verification in 
JVMS 4.10.1 know what the package.access file is.

What you are seeing when the Security Manager is enabled is that class 
loading fails (due to a package.access check in Hotspot) and so 
verification fails. The verifier is not performing the package.access 
check per se.


Re: private and non-final fields in Java 9 interfaces

2017-05-11 Thread Alex Buckley

compiler-dev is the right list to query javac's behavior.

Support for private methods in interfaces came via JEP 213, and it 
sounds like you're saying private fields are allowed accidentally. 
Please give example source code when you write to compiler-dev.


On 5/11/2017 3:45 PM, Ess Kay wrote:

(This is not a jigsaw specific specific question but I could not find
a more appropriate mailing list. The COIN list is archived.  If there
is a a more appropriate mailing list then please let me know.)

The Java 9 compiler currently allows
1) private static and instance fields and
2) non-final static and instance fields.
Is this a bug?  If not then are these changes specified or mentioned anywhere?

Re: Need help implementing Java modules

2017-05-10 Thread Alex Buckley

On 5/9/2017 5:20 PM, Ralph Goers wrote:

Log4j already has a robust plugin approach for users to implement
their own Appenders, Filters, Layouts, and other Log4j components. We
are not going to modify that as it would severely impact our users
who have already implemented custom components and what we have works
very well. Although the FlumeAppender I mentioned previously is
provided by Log4j it, and all other Log4j components, are located via
an annotation processor provided by Log4j. The processor runs at
compile time and generates a file named
All of these files are then located at runtime using
ClassLoader.getResources(). As we parse the configuration provided by
the user we instantiate the plugins using the class names provided in
those files and the static builder or static factory method provided
in the plugin class. From what I am reading in the javadoc we should
not have any trouble with this because META-INF is not a valid
package name so the resource file will not be hidden. Log4j uses
reflection to call the static builder or static method to create the

With all this in mind, if users create modules will they be required
to declare the packages where they have created plugins as “open” to
log4j for this to work? I am assuming that Log4j will be able to
access this module without having to declare a dependency on it?

Basically you've got it.

- The Log4j module does not need to 'requires' any user module, nor 
invoke addReads to "read" any user module.

- Log4j code can continue to invoke Class::forName to obtain a Class 
object for a class in a user module. This is based purely on class 
loader visibility, no changes from the module system.

- Log4j code can continue to invoke Class::getMethod et al to obtain a 
Method object for a static builder/factory method. There are no access 
control rules when simply "inspecting" the Class object via getMethod, 
getMethods, getFields, etc.

- Log4j code can attempt to invoke Method::invoke on its preferred 
Method object, but for the attempt to succeed, the user module must open 
or export the class's package. If you mandate that a plugin class must 
be public with a public builder/factory method, then exporting the 
package will be enough; otherwise the package needs to be open.

- I recommend that you recommend that users should open the package to 
specifically Log4j, rather than opening the package to everyone (or 
opening the entire module). You said that your JARs will probably be 
automatic modules for some time, so you can use the 
Automatic-Module-name manifest entry to introduce a stable name that 
user modules can open to.


Re: Need help implementing Java modules

2017-05-10 Thread Alex Buckley

On 5/9/2017 11:50 PM, Remi Forax wrote:

On May 10, 2017 2:20:31 AM GMT+02:00, Ralph Goers 

With all this in mind, if users create modules will they be
required to declare the packages where they have created plugins as
“open” to log4j for this to work?

It depends if when you call the static method you need to bypass the
encapsulation or not i.e. if your current code uses setAccessible,
yes, the plugin's module has to be opened.

Yes; I'll talk about that in a parallel mail.

In any case, you need to add a read edge at runtime from log4j to the
plugin, otherwise you will not find the plugins class.

No need for a reads edge. If you're using Core Reflection to instantiate 
classes and access their members, then you're subject to class loader 
visibility (which is the same as in JDK 8) and module accessibility 
(hence the need to open or export the plugin package), but readability 
comes for free.

I am assuming that Log4j will be able to access this module without
having to declare a dependency on it?

yes, if you add a read edge at runtime.

No need for that.


Re: Need help implementing Java modules

2017-05-09 Thread Alex Buckley

On 5/9/2017 3:04 PM, Ralph Goers wrote:

Pardon me for being dense, but my reading said that Java modules
disallowed runtime cycles as well as compile time. Once LoggerFinder
binds with the module that provides that service does that not create
a runtime dependency?  I don’t recall seeing anything describing what
the behavior of that is.

The module system disallows cycles in the 'requires' directives of 
module declarations. The module system allows cycles in the "reads" 
relation of run-time modules.

When java.base 'uses LoggerFinder;' and invokes ServiceLoader to find 
providers, there is indeed a "reads" cycle created between the provider 
module and java.base. ServiceLoader is not special in creating this 
cycle -- you can create them yourself with the two addReads methods in 
the API, and all automatic modules have cyclic readability. But there is 
no 'requires' cycle.


Re: Need help implementing Java modules

2017-05-09 Thread Alex Buckley

On 5/9/2017 11:51 AM, Ralph Goers wrote:

I am attempting to modularize Log4j and am running into some trouble
understanding how this can work.

Log4j supports many Appenders, such as the FlumeAppender,
KafkaAppender, CassandraAppender, and JPAAppender.

I don't know how Log4j is currently discovering Appenders, but I guess 
it's through reflective means (Class.forName, classpath scanning, etc). 
Services are a better approach because then the JDK does the discovery 
while you focus on the type-safe protocol between Log4j and Appenders. 
Consider this:

- The Log4j module should not require the FlumeAppender module et al.

- The Log4j module should export a service interface AppenderIntf.

- The FlumeAppender module should i) require the Log4j module to gain 
access to AppenderIntf, and ii) provide its Flume-specific 
implementation of the service interface ('provides AppenderIntf with 
FlumeAppenderImpl;'). If the FlumeAppender module requires helper 
modules, and they in turn require the Log4j module, that's fine.

- The Log4j module should use its own service interface ('uses 
AppenderIntf;') and discover appender implementations via ServiceLoader.


Re: Reminder to update JVMS

2017-05-08 Thread Alex Buckley

On 5/6/2017 10:13 AM, Stephan Herrmann wrote:

I just happened to search for the specification of the class file
representation of modules. I was quite surprised to find nothing in JVMS.

To clarify, you are referring to the Public Review Specification of JSR 376.

Then I found:
"The changes to the class-file chapter in support of module declarations
  are not included in this draft of the JVMS; they will be included in
  a future version of this specification."

That sentence contains a hyperlink to Chapter 2 of the document "JPMS: 
Modules in the Java Language and JVM". This document is a normative part 
of the Public Review Specification, so the class file format supported 
by Java SE 9 is the union of the JVMS9 draft + the document's Chapter 2.

As to precisely how Chapter 2 will affect the final JVMS9 in Java SE 9, 
the document clearly states: "The sections below will contribute to 
chapter 4 of JVMS9."

Makes me wonder, if this is still work in progress?

As Alan noted, the class file changes are stable.


Re: Java Platform Module System

2017-05-03 Thread Alex Buckley

On 5/2/2017 3:39 PM, Alex Buckley wrote:

On 5/2/2017 7:07 AM, Jayaprakash Arthanareeswaran wrote:

Chapter 2 in [1] describes context-free grammars. The addition to "3.9
Keywords" defines "restricted keywords", which prevent the grammar for
ModuleDeclaration from being context-free. This prevents compilers from
using common parser generators, since those typically only support
context-free grammars. The lexical/syntactic grammar split defined in
chapter 2 is not of much use for actual implementations of parsers.
The spec at least needs to point out that the given grammar for
ModuleDeclaration is not actually context-free.

The syntactic grammar in JLS8 was not context-free either; the opening
line of Chapter 2 has been false for years. For JLS9, I will remove the
claim that the lexical and syntactic grammars are context-free, and
perhaps a future JLS can discuss the difficulties in parsing the

Jan Lahoda pointed out privately that the syntactic grammar in JLS8 and 
JLS9 is in fact context-free -- it's just not LL(1). Not being LL(1) is 
what I should have said the grammar hasn't been for a long time.


Re: Java Platform Module System

2017-05-02 Thread Alex Buckley

On 5/2/2017 7:07 AM, Jayaprakash Arthanareeswaran wrote:

Chapter 2 in [1] describes context-free grammars. The addition to "3.9
Keywords" defines "restricted keywords", which prevent the grammar for
ModuleDeclaration from being context-free. This prevents compilers from
using common parser generators, since those typically only support
context-free grammars. The lexical/syntactic grammar split defined in
chapter 2 is not of much use for actual implementations of parsers.
The spec at least needs to point out that the given grammar for
ModuleDeclaration is not actually context-free.

The syntactic grammar in JLS8 was not context-free either; the opening 
line of Chapter 2 has been false for years. For JLS9, I will remove the 
claim that the lexical and syntactic grammars are context-free, and 
perhaps a future JLS can discuss the difficulties in parsing the 
syntactic grammar.


Re: Java Platform Module System

2017-05-02 Thread Alex Buckley

On 5/2/2017 5:13 AM, Stephan Herrmann wrote:

Thanks, Alex, for promising improvements in various places of the spec.

Re: Multiple packages with the same name can be "visible" (helpful 
terminology for program analysis) but exactly one of these packages must 
be identified as the meaning of the name. First, let's define what we want:

7.4.3 Package Observability and Visibility
A package is _uniquely visible_ to a module M if and only if either (i) 
an ordinary compilation unit associated with M contains a declaration of 
the package, and M does not read any other module that exports the 
package to M; or (ii) no ordinary compilation unit associated with M 
contains a declaration of the package, and M reads exactly one other 
module that exports the package to M.

Then we can pick the "right" package to go with the name:  Simple Package Names

If a package name consists of a single Identifier, then the identifier 
must occur in the scope of exactly one declaration of a top level 
package with this name (§6.3), and that package must be uniquely visible 
to the current module (§7.4.3), or a compile-time error occurs. The 
meaning of the package name is that package.  Qualified Package Names

If a package name is of the form Q.Id, then Q must also be a package 
name. The package name Q.Id names a package that is the member named Id 
within the package named by Q. If Q.Id does not name a package that is 
uniquely visible to the current module (§7.4.3), then a compile-time 
error occurs.

(Note that did not, and does not, recurse into when the 
Q in the qualified name Q.Id is simple. relies on scope, which 
means it applies only when someone has a declaration of a top level 
package, but plainly has always been able to give meaning to the 
name P.Q based on a declaration of 'package P.Q;' -- no-one needed to 
declare a top level 'package P;'. The phrase "Q must also be a 
package name" in JLS8 was a trailer for the phrase about Q being an 
observable package, and in JLS9 is a trailer for the phrase about Q.Id 
being a uniquely visible package.)

I recall several threads on this list ending in you saying "still being
clarified" [1][2]. Are those issues settled by now and just need to be
penned down? Otherwise it would be very helpful just to see the list of
open questions, so we don't bang our heads against walls that are still
subject to change (I'm not speaking about the general "Issue Summary",
but s.t. more focused on JLS and its dependencies in JPMS spec).

Looking forward to an updated spec version, allowing us to double check
if those changes raise any follow-up questions,


This was about multiple packages with the name P being visible at once. 
So that's covered by the "uniquely visible" invocation in package names.


The open question there was about multiple modules, directly required by 
a root module, containing the same package, but without any exports that 
would cause any module to see a split package. This module graph is 
legal, so it will resolve in JPMS; the JLS defers to that.

javac gives a lint warning (on-by-default, suppressible) if the modules 
being compiled cannot be mapped to the boot layer.


Re: Java Platform Module System

2017-05-01 Thread Alex Buckley

On 5/1/2017 1:48 PM, Stephan Herrmann wrote:

On 01.05.2017 22:17, Alex Buckley wrote:

- Another reference links "automatic modules" into JLS and will
   link to ModuleFinder.of(Path...), right?

This text is also an informative note. Automatic modules are
discovered through ModuleFinder.of, sure, and they appear in other
places in the java.lang.module API too -- but none of that is the
point of the note. The point of the note is that the developer
doesn't specify 'requires' any differently for an automatic module
than for an explicit module.

You make it sound as if automatic modules are relevant only at runtime.

Huh? The JPMS is assumed to be present at compile time, not just run
time. And automatic modules are a feature of the JPMS.


Wait, are you expecting compilers to actually use the implementation behind
ModuleFinder etc. in order to discover modules etc.?

When you said
   "The host system must use the Java Platform Module System (as if by
execution of the 'resolve' method of java.lang.module.Configuration)"
I read this as requesting a compiler to perform the same operation as is
specified in that API.

Was the intention behind "must use the Java Platform Module System"
to say s.t. like "must call methods of API in java.lang.module"?

A compiler is not required to physically invoke methods of the JPMS API. 
A compiler is required to determine which modules are read by each 
module *as if* by execution of Configuration::resolve, a Java SE API. 
The as-if term is common in Java SE Platform specs to mean "Implement it 
any way you like, but the result must agree with the result from thing after as-if>."


Re: Java Platform Module System

2017-05-01 Thread Alex Buckley

On 5/1/2017 12:40 PM, Stephan Herrmann wrote:

Asked differently: when it says
  "Generally, the rules of the Java programming language are
   more  interested  in  dependences  than dependencies."
which are the aspects where the rules of the Java programming language
*are* interested in dependencies?

I'm sorry that this attempt to be helpful -- to distinguish the popular 
term "dependency" from the actual term "dependence" used by the JLS -- 
is causing so much confusion. The JLS has always contained rather 
open-ended text intended to add color rather than to specify an 
implementation. But to answer your question: When we fix up readability 
in the API, I expect the JLS will then speak more about the dependencies 
which result from resolution and are more numerous than the dependences 
expressed with static 'requires' directives.

- Another reference links "automatic modules" into JLS and will probably
   link to ModuleFinder.of(Path...), right?

This text is also an informative note. Automatic modules are
discovered through ModuleFinder.of, sure, and they appear in other
places in the java.lang.module API too -- but none of that is the
point of the note. The point of the note is that the developer
doesn't specify 'requires' any differently for an automatic module
than for an explicit module.

You make it sound as if automatic modules are relevant only at runtime.

Huh? The JPMS is assumed to be present at compile time, not just run 
time. And automatic modules are a feature of the JPMS.


Re: Java Platform Module System

2017-05-01 Thread Alex Buckley

On 5/1/2017 12:23 PM, Stephan Herrmann wrote:

Meanwhile I've come to the interpretation that the main weakness of JLS
handling of same-named packages in different modules.

Trouble seems to start at a difference between and
To identify a type, that type must be accessible from the current module,
but for identifying a package, the package only needs to be visible.
Ergo: identifying a package does not consider exports.

Furthermore, implies that each qualified name uniquely defines a
when it speaks of "the member named Id within the package named by Q".
Note the two occurrences of "the".

Understood. I need to clarify 6.5.* to accept that multiple packages may 
be visible by the same name. But when we get to accessibility, only one 
of the visible packages should matter.

This finally undermines the definition of accessibility (6.6.1), when it
of the "module to which the package is exported". I read this as follows:
When M1 exports p1 to M2, this makes all public members of p1 accessible
in M2,
even those that belong to totally unrelated modules, which may not
export p1.

I recall Alex answering "this is still being clarified / discussed" to
several questions in this area.

As a result I can only conclude: JLS still doesn't tell us which module
system to implement.

If this were just a minor omission, why then would it still be subject to
discussion, this late in the game? I see one possible explanation:
changing the
spec may involve much more trouble than meets the eye. Changes
concerning packages
are very much focusing on the hierarchical structure of packages and sub
despite the fact that 7.1. has always been describing this structure as
"no significance in itself".
7.4.3 already jumps through hoops, trying to balance the hierarchy-based
notion of
"technically observable" with the concept of "really observable" which
the hierarchy.
In my view, a forest rooted at toplevel packages is not suitable for
the rules of accessibility, where each module may have a different
of a given package name, in a way that is completely unrelated to
Since "exports" refers to a package, this notion must be better aligned
with modules.

It's hard to respond to the same point in multiple sub-threads. Please 
see my other mail where I accept that package visibility is unrelated to 


Re: Java Platform Module System

2017-05-01 Thread Alex Buckley

On 4/30/2017 4:10 AM, Stephan Herrmann wrote:

No. (B) may be true for your example, but it is not for the following
(which is similar to examples we had in our January thread):

//-- M/
module M { exports pm; }

//-- M/impl/
package impl;
public class Other { }

//-- M/pm/
package pm;
import impl.Other;
public class C1 extends Other {
 public void m1(Other o) {}
//-- O/
module O { requires M; }

//-- O/impl/
package impl;
public class Other { }

//-- O/po/
package po;
import pm.C1;
public class Client {
 void test1(C1 one) {

Looking at O, and trying to determine whether the method invocation
is legal, M's type impl.Other is *relevant*, because analysis must ...
- detect that the type reference "Other" in the signature of m1 refers
to the
   type defined in M, not to the same-named type in O.
- similarly detect that the type reference in C1's class header (or
   classfile attribute) refers to M's impl.Other.
- conclude from the above, that C1 is compatible to m1's parameter.

Ergo, the set of types relevant from the perspective of O contains two
same-named types.

Per 7.3, it's true that when compiling any observable ordinary 
compilation units associated with O (such as O/po/, the host 
system must limit the ordinary compilation units that would otherwise be 
observable, to only those that are visible to O. Since O requires M, and 
since M/impl/ is an observable ordinary compilation unit 
associated with M, we have that M/impl/ is visible to O.

Then, by 6.3, the scope of M's top-level impl package is all observable 
compilation units in O.

Then, we get the difficulty in, because two top-level packages 
called impl are visible to code in O.

I specified package visibility in 7.3 in the way I did -- not 
considering exports -- in order to encourage compilers to take a "wide 
view" of what packages are physically present in required modules, even 
if a package isn't exported (M's package impl) and thus its types won't 
be accessible (M's type impl.Other isn't accessible to code in O).

For example, if M's author forgets to export impl (quite possible when M 
is first declared), I'd like a tool processing O to have the words to 
say: "impl is /visible/ in M, but not exported, so none of its types -- 
not even its 'public' types -- can be accessed".

If Java 9 permits this situation, it not only hugely increases the
of all tools that need to "understand" this program, it also wastes a
opportunity that JPMS has, which existing module systems did not have:

Java 9 could make "API leaks" either illegal or ineffective and thus
rule out
an entire category of ill-formed programs, which to-date must unfortunately
be accepted by module-unaware compilers:

   (A) Java 9 has the opportunity to say that the declaration of m1 is
   because it publicly exposes a non-accessible type, which is broken in
   every regard.

   (B) Alternatively, Java 9 has the opportunity to say that any attempt to
   invoke m1 from outside M is illegal, because clients would need to know
   about an inaccessible type.

Understood, but we didn't take those directions. More here:


Re: Java Platform Module System

2017-05-01 Thread Alex Buckley

On 4/30/2017 3:25 AM, Stephan Herrmann wrote:

For the question at hand, this is what we learn from that improved
   "A readability graph is constructed"

Now we only need a link to the specification that *defines* what is a
readability graph and what is the meaning of "m1 reads m2".
I assume, you want to add a further reference to the "Resolution"
section of the package specification for java.lang.module?

Yes, the API spec for java.lang.module will be updated to define the 
readability relation. But instead of waiting for that, I recommend you 
watch because readability has been 
stable for a long time.

 BTW: while pondering if the given package specification is sufficient,
 I wonder if "requires transitive" should work through multiple levels:
   M2 requires transitive M1
   M3 requires transitive M2
   M4 requires M3
 Does M4 read M1?

It does work through multiple levels, in order to support arbitrary 
amounts of refactoring: once you've released a module that someone else 
reuses (via 'requires'), then you've committed to your module's name and 
API but are free to refactor its content into deeper modules which your 
original module "reuses" (via 'requires transitive') for the benefit of 
consumers. There is no "re-exporting", just modules being made to read 
one another.

So, going top down (because resolution starts from a set of root 
modules) :- M4 requires and thus reads M3, and M3 requires transitive 
M2, so M4 reads M2. Since M4 reads M2, and M2 requires transitive M1, we 
have M4 reads M1.

 Looking at 7.7.1:
   "The requires keyword may be followed by the modifier transitive.
This causes
any module which depends on the current module to have an
implicitly declared
dependence on the module specified by the requires transitive
 Am I right in assuming that "depends" should cover explicitly and
 declared dependences? Taking into consideration the subtlety about
 vs. dependency, may I suggest adding s.t. like
   "A module M1 is said to depend on another module M2, if it has an
or implicitly declared dependence on M2."
 (this also makes "depends" a technical term rather than the general
  English word).

I understand the point; when we clarify the API spec for readability, 
I'll make sure the JLS usage of "depends" is explicitly aligned.

Revisiting other references to "Java Platform Module System" inside JLS,
what about the two occurrences in the body of 7.7:

- One reference is used to discriminate "dependence" from "dependency":
   From a quick scan, I believe this sentence:
 "Generally, the  rules  of  the  Java  programming  language  are
  more  interested  in  dependences  than dependencies."
   can probably be made stronger:
 "The rules of the Java programming language are not interested in
  dependencies, only in dependences.".
   Or perhaps the paragraph about dependencies could be removed entirely.
   If this interpretation is wrong, another reference to detailed
   would be needed. Perhaps it is only JLS, that is agnostic to
   whereas the API specification part indeed uses this concept?

This text is an informative note distinguishing the "dependence" 
expressed rather statically in the Language, from the "dependency" 
module determined rather dynamically by the JPMS. I see no reason to 
change it.

- Another reference links "automatic modules" into JLS and will probably
   link to ModuleFinder.of(Path...), right?

This text is also an informative note. Automatic modules are discovered 
through ModuleFinder.of, sure, and they appear in other places in the 
java.lang.module API too -- but none of that is the point of the note. 
The point of the note is that the developer doesn't specify 'requires' 
any differently for an automatic module than for an explicit module.


Re: Java Platform Module System

2017-04-28 Thread Alex Buckley

On 4/27/2017 12:38 PM, Stephan Herrmann wrote:

On 25.04.2017 19:02, Alex Buckley wrote:

JPMS semantics (notably, dependency resolution) are defined by the API
specification (not the implementation) of
java.lang.module.Configuration and friends. JLS references to JPMS are
references to this Java SE API.

Got it. Since now JLS is no longer self-contained it would tremendously
help if we could get a list of which parts of the API specification are
expected to be considered at compile time. I understand that we need to
apply the naming rules for automatic modules. Is there more that should
be respected / validated / enforced at compile time?

The JLS was never self-contained as it always referenced a variety of 
java.lang and types (and more recently java.lang.annotation and 
java.lang.invoke types). I have changed 7.3 to state:

"The host system must use the Java Platform Module System (as if by 
execution of the 'resolve' method of java.lang.module.Configuration) to 
determine which modules are read by M (§7.7.1). It is a compile-time 
error if the Java Platform Module System is unable to determine which 
modules are read by M."

That is, if a compiler processes a module declaration mentioning 
"requires X;", and the "as if" JPMS resolution fails because no module 
called "X" is found (whether an explicitly declared module with that 
name, or an implicitly declared i.e. automatic module with that name), 
then compilation fails too. The mapping from a JAR filename to an 
implicitly declared i.e. automatic module name is part of JPMS 
resolution. And even if a module called "X" is found, there are other 
reasons why JPMS resolution (and hence compilation) can fail, e.g. the 
module requiring X also requires Y and both X and Y export the same 
package. The JLS, as is traditional, allows a compiler to be as helpful 
or as terse as it likes w.r.t. the content of the compile-time error 

Let me add a friendly reminder, that we are still waiting for a
specification that unambiguously tells us which module system to implement.
For illustration:

(A) Is JPMS a module system that keeps the semantics of qualified names as
they are in Java 8 and only superimposes encapsulation boundaries?
(i.e., each type is globally uniquely identified by its qualified name).

(B) Is JPMS a module system that maintains the assumption that from the
perspective of each module all relevant types can be distinguished using
their qualified name?
(i.e. admitting identical qualified names as long as no compilation of one
module will ever encounter several candidates at once).

(C) Is JPMS a module system that establishes a separate namespace for each
module, where types with identical qualified name - but defined in
different modules - need to be distinguished?
(i.e., uniqueness is primarily required for module-prefixed qualified

Despite some efforts I fail to find a definite answer in JLS (and Alex
mentioned that some of this is still being discussed). Still JLS as of
today sounds mostly like (A). To me (B) sounds like the natural choice, but I
understood Alex as saying it *should* be (C). I don't see, however, how the
conceptual framework of JLS could possibly support such design.

(B) and (C) are not mutually exclusive because (B) was worded from the 
perspective of each module while (C) was not.

(B) is true. Assume two modules M and N each contain the type P.C, but 
neither module exports P (or, M exports P and N doesn't, or, N exports P 
and M doesn't). Then, a third module O can require M and N. If code in 
any module refers statically to a type P.C, then JPMS resolution 
guarantees that P.C is either defined by that module or is exported to 
the module by exactly one other module which the module reads.

At run time, when 'java' is run with M+N+O on the modulepath, the system 
will stop -- M+N+O will pass resolution (i.e. a Configuration will be 
constructed) but they can't all be mapped to the application class 
loader. javac will produce a lint warning to this effect. However, M and 
N and O are by no means "bad" modules, either individually or jointly, 
as M+N+O will work if mapped to a multi-loader layer. So, (C) is true too.

The JLS, as is traditional with classes and packages, does not restrict 
the modules which can be given as input for an invocation of a compiler. 
A compiler is assumed to be able to process multiple modules at once. In 
the case of M and N, a compiler will encounter P.C in M and P.C in N, 
and is expected to distinguish them -- code in M refers to P.C in M 
while code in N refers to P.C in N. This (C)-style property is now 
expressed in 4.3.4:

"Two reference types are the same compile-time type if they are declared 
in compilation units associated with the same module (§7.3), and they 
have the same binary name (§13.1), and their type arguments, if any, are 
the same, applying this definition recu

Re: Java Platform Module System

2017-04-25 Thread Alex Buckley

On 4/25/2017 1:20 AM, Stephan Herrmann wrote:

On 25.04.2017 03:50, Alex Buckley wrote:

Dependency resolution in JPMS is accomplished by the static 'resolve'
method of java.lang.module.Configuration.

Are you saying the semantics of JPMS depends on the implementation
of one or more methods in java.lang.module.Configuration and friends?
Are all mentions of JPMS inside JLS intended as references into JDK API?
How are compiler engineers expected to use this information?

JPMS semantics (notably, dependency resolution) are defined by the API 
specification (not the implementation) of java.lang.module.Configuration 
and friends. JLS references to JPMS are references to this Java SE API.


Re: Java Platform Module System

2017-04-24 Thread Alex Buckley

On 4/24/2017 5:22 PM, Stephan Herrmann wrote:

Obviously, defining JPMS is not done in index.html itself but delegated
to individual documents.

One of the linked documents is a version of JLS with changes on behalf
of JSR 376.

Jay's question was triggered by the observation that this exact version
of JLS contains references like these:
  - "the host system must use the Java Platform Module System to
determine ..."
  - "A 'dependency' is the module resolved by the Java Platform Module
for a given requires directive."
  - "The Java programming language does not distinguish between named
specified explicitly in module declarations versus named modules
specified by the
Java Platform Module System when it detects a JAR file on the
('automatic modules')"

This creates the impression that for implementing a compiler for JPMS
another document must be consulted in addition to JLS, but the
reference "specified by the JPMS" gives no clue were to look, as it
appears inside the specification ofJPMS.

Dependency resolution in JPMS is accomplished by the static 'resolve' 
method of java.lang.module.Configuration.


Re: Issue with JavaFX and Jigsaw

2017-04-17 Thread Alex Buckley

On 4/17/2017 12:56 PM, Kevin Rushforth wrote:

The current implementation effectively requires that the containing
package of the type in question be exported unconditionally, since
javafx.beans uses the sun.reflect.misc.Trampoline class to reflectively
call the module. It happens to work if the user exports or opens the
package to ALL-UNNAMED on the command line, but that isn't something we
would want to document or recommend. Without changing the implementation
(which would be quite risky for JDK 9), it seems best to just require
the application's package to be unconditionally exported in JDK 9 and
then relax this requirement in JDK 10 to allow it to be exported (or
opened) just to javafx.base.

OK, so for the JDK 9 docs, "unconditionally exported (or unconditionally 
opened)" would be clear.


Re: Issue with JavaFX and Jigsaw

2017-04-17 Thread Alex Buckley

On 4/10/2017 3:56 PM, Kevin Rushforth wrote:

The short version is that JavaFX beans is (mostly) working as expected,
except for the misleading exception message. In JDK 9 it is required
that any object that is reflected on by JavaFX beans, specifically the
items passed to TableView, which are accessed via a
PropertyValueFactory, will need to be in a package that is exported
unconditionally. In JDK 10 we can look into relaxing this requirement
such that the package only needs to be exported to javafx.beans.

"exported unconditionally" -- sorry to be picky but this guidance needs 
to be a bit tighter. Can't the user export to a (possibly large) set of 
javaxfx.* modules, rather than unconditionally? Is it OK to _export_ the 
package (rather than open it) because beans will access only its public 
types/members? What if the user opens the package anyway (rather than 
exports it)? I don't know the relationship between the 
PropertyValueFactory type and the type of the items passed to TableView, 
but I think the high-level requirement is: some user type must be 
accessible to JavaFX code, and that is achieved by exporting or opening 
the type's package to at least the javafx.* modules.


Re: Progress report on SLF4J project modularization

2017-03-24 Thread Alex Buckley

On 3/24/2017 1:12 PM, Ceki Gülcü wrote:

To be more precise, I am trying to have a single jar file which will
be seen as modular on Java 9 and as a regular jar in older JVMs,
with module-info.class ignored.

Isn't that just the first two javac invocations in Alan's mail at 
? Ignore the stuff about multi-release JARs in that scenario.


Re: ALL-UNNAMED module does not export all packages from classpath

2017-03-20 Thread Alex Buckley
I can't figure out which classes are on which path, and why you think 
ALL-UNNAMED should export FROM the classpath when its purpose is to 
export TO the classpath.

Please clarify your configuration in a few short sentences, rather than 
asking us to open a zip file on an unknown host.


On 3/20/2017 2:44 PM, Pavel Bucek wrote:

// moving from jdk9-dev, as suggested.

Hi Jon,

Thanks for clarification of the error message.

The main point here is that adding "import ... " fixes the issue, which
doesn't feel correct.

When dependencies are put on the classpath, the import statement is not


On 20/03/2017 22:26, Jonathan Gibbons wrote:

If nothing else, the javac error message needs work.

(package org.mockito.stubbing is declared in module , which does not
export it)

The space between "module" and "," means there's an "empty" module
name there, for the unnamed module, which should have been stated
explicitly (i.e. "declared in the unnamed module").

Follow-ups would be better on jigsaw-dev or compiler-dev.

-- Jon

On 03/20/2017 02:15 PM, Libor Kramolis wrote:


I have problem to compile following unit test:
import org.junit.Test;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
import static org.mockito.ArgumentMatchers.any;
import static org.mockito.Mockito.mock;
import static org.mockito.Mockito.when;

public class TestCase {

 public void test() {
 Context context = mock(Context.class);
 when(context.test(any())) //returns

 assertEquals("mock", context.test("any"));

 interface Context {
 String test(String value);

with following error:

src/test/java/tst/ error:
OngoingStubbing.thenReturn(T,T...) in package org.mockito.stubbing is
not accessible
   (package org.mockito.stubbing is declared in module , which does
not export it)
   where T is a type-variable:
 T extends Object declared in interface OngoingStubbing
1 error

Interface org.mockito.stubbing.OngoingStubbing is returned by when(…)
method. And whenever I explicitly import the interface (no other
change in code is necessary) compilation works.

Full reproduced sources are available in zip file at
. It contains javac
commands. It is also possible to build it by Maven.

What do you think about this behaviour? It seems to me as a bug. The
import statement is very artificial in this case.

Thanks in advance for your help.

Best regards,

Re: No JLS assertion specifying a compile-time error

2017-03-03 Thread Alex Buckley

On 3/3/2017 3:01 PM, Georgiy Rakov wrote:

currently javac from JDK9 build 159 fails to compile following modules:

module m1 { exports p; }
module m2 { exports p; }
module m3 {
 required m1
 required m2;

./modules/m3/ error: module m3 reads package p from
both m1 and m2
module m3 {
1 error

Currently lang-vm
specify this behavior, however API documnetation

specifies that such error can occur during resolution.

Should lang-vm specify it explicitly as a compile-time error?

This is partly covered by the requirement, found in the JLS draft in the 
JSR 376 EDR, that "The host system must use the Java Platform Module 
System to determine which modules are read by M (§7.7.1)."

To complete the picture, I agree the JLS draft must mandate a 
compile-time error if the JPMS fails to determine which modules are read 
by M, typically because the JPMS could not resolve M. There is also the 
matter of what should happen for m3/ when m1 (or m2) 
contains _but does not export_ p; this is still under discussion.


Re: Confusing error message for inner non-public service provider

2017-02-09 Thread Alex Buckley

// Rewording and resending to avoid confusion.

On 2/9/2017 4:21 PM, Jonathan Gibbons wrote:

On 2/9/17 3:07 PM, Alex Buckley wrote:

All the JLS wants is for the class to be 'public'.

Does that just apply locally to the declaration of the class itself, or
does it also indirectly apply to any enclosing classes, in the case of a
nested class?

Just the declaration of the class itself. The JLS does NOT want the 
specified class to be accessible from . That is, the 
JLS does not care about a chain of access from  to the 
provider class, which might conceivably allow the provider class to have 
default (package) access. The JLS just wants the 'public' modifier on 
the class declaration, end of story.


Re: Confusing error message for inner non-public service provider

2017-02-09 Thread Alex Buckley

On 2/9/2017 4:21 PM, Jonathan Gibbons wrote:

On 2/9/17 3:07 PM, Alex Buckley wrote:

All the JLS wants is for the class to be 'public'.

Does that just apply locally to the declaration of the class itself, or
does it also indirectly apply to any enclosing classes, in the case of a
nested class?

Just the declaration of the class itself. The JLS does NOT want the 
specified class must be accessible from , which would 
imply a chain of accessibility from  to the provider 
class. The JLS just wants the 'public' modifier on the class 
declaration, end of story.


Re: Confusing error message for inner non-public service provider

2017-02-09 Thread Alex Buckley

On 2/9/2017 2:49 PM, Vicente Romero wrote:

Just to double check, the right javac behavior in this case should be to
issue similar errors in both cases like:

some position here: error: ServiceImpl is not public in
com.example.internal; cannot be accessed from outside package

It's correct to give an error, but the clause "cannot be accessed from 
outside package" should be dropped (it's not relevant to ServiceLoader).

some other position here: error: Outer.ServiceImpl is not public in
com.example.internal; cannot be accessed from outside package

It's not correct to give an error at all. The JLS (acting on behalf of 
ServiceLoader) is not interested in the class Outer.ServiceImpl being 
"accessible" by some arbitrary client. All the JLS wants is for the 
class to be 'public'.

without mentioning in any case anything about visibility right?

Correct. All the types we're discussing are in the same module so they 
(and their packages) are all visible to each other; package visibility 
is irrelevant to this example.


Re: Confusing error message for inner non-public service provider

2017-02-07 Thread Alex Buckley

On 2/7/2017 1:11 AM, Gunnar Morling wrote:

 package com.example;
 public interface SomeService {
 public void foo();
 package com.example.internal;
 class Outer {

 public static class ServiceImpl implements com.example.SomeService {
 public ServiceImpl() {}
 public void foo() {}
 package com.example.internal;
 class ServiceImpl implements com.example.SomeService {
 public ServiceImpl() {}
 public void foo() {}
 module com.example {
 exports com.example;
 provides com.example.SomeService with com.example.internal.ServiceImpl;
 provides com.example.SomeService with

Essentially, I'm wondering:

* Why Outer.ServiceImpl triggers the error about package visibility
while ServiceImpl doesn't (I had a look at the EDR JLS, but I couldn't
find an explanation for that, happy about any specific pointers).
* Why Outer.ServiceImpl triggers "does not have a default constructor"
(ServiceImpl does not). Maybe a hint would be nice that is caused by
Outer not having public access.

Thanks for showing the code. Since everything in the same module, 
package visibility is not relevant and javac shouldn't mention it.

I suspect that javac is getting tripped up by the fact that 
Outer.ServiceImpl is declared 'public' (as the JLS and ServiceLoader 
both demand) but it isn't widely accessible, even within the com.example 
module, due to Outer's default (package) access. I believe the JLS and 
ServiceLoader rules are correct, so it's a javac bug.


Re: Confusing error message for inner non-public service provider

2017-02-06 Thread Alex Buckley

On 2/6/2017 1:33 PM, Gunnar Morling wrote:

I have a service provider which is a public static inner class of an
outer class with default visibility.

I think you mean public static _nested_ class, since an inner class 
isn't static by definition.

Also I think you mean default (package) access. Visibility is something 
else -- see the draft JLS changes in the JSR 376 EDR.

As per the ServiceLoader docs, service providers must be public
classes, so this provider is rightfully rejected by javac when
referenced in But the error message is rather

 error: package com.example.internal is not visible
 provides com.example.SomeService with
 (package com.example.internal is declared in module com.example,
but module com.example does not read it)
 error: the service implementation does not have a default
constructor: ServiceImpl
 provides com.example.SomeService with com.example.internal.

ServiceImpl declares no explicit constructor, so there should be a
default constructor.

Please see to 
understand the rules for provider constructors.

But also the referral to package visibility seems odd.

It really means visibility, not accessibility. A Java compiler must now 
effect visibility in a similar way to class loaders. javac is telling 
you that no compilation units of the package com.example.internal are 
visible to your module. That is nothing to do with 'public', package 
access, 'protected', or 'private'.

In contrast, if defining the provider in a non-inner class with
default visibility, the error message is more what I'd have expected:

 error: ServiceImpl is not public in com.example.internal; cannot
be accessed from outside package
 provides com.example.SomeService with com.example.internal.ServiceImpl;

Again, you mean default (package) access. The error is correct of course.

Surely it's an edge case, but could the error message for the former
case be adjusted to look more like in the latter?

The two error messages for the former are "right". The second message 
could be clarified to set out the requirement for an explicit 
constructor in lieu of an explicit provider() method.


Re: Compiling Java 9 (take 2)

2017-01-13 Thread Alex Buckley

On 1/13/2017 3:52 PM, Stephan Herrmann wrote:

Speaking of which, I'm confused by these sentences:

"The host system is free to decide that a compilation unit containing a
module declaration is not, in fact, associated with the module declared

Should be "an observable compilation unit containing a ...". Per 7.3, 
once you've decided a compilation unit is observable, then if it 
contains a module declaration you're required to associate the c.u. with 
the declared module and not with (say) java.base. And if the c.u. is not 
observable then associated-with is moot.


"A modular compilation unit consists of a module declaration, optionally
preceded by import declarations."

"An observable modular compilation unit is associated with the module
that it declares."

If "compilation unit containing a module declaration" and "modular
compilation unit"
is the same thing, then it is associated with the module declared
therein, and may
at the same time not be associated with it.

What am I missing?

Re: Compiling Java 9 (take 2)

2017-01-12 Thread Alex Buckley

On 1/12/2017 3:44 AM, Stephan Herrmann wrote:

On 01/10/2017 11:24 PM, Alex Buckley wrote:

On 1/10/2017 12:20 PM, Stephan Herrmann wrote:

Can a module export a package even if no compilation units of that
are associated with the current module? The export might only affect
exported from some other required module. Is that allowed?

There is no re-exporting of another module's packages. Per
lang-vm.html, "It is a compile-time error if the package specified by
exports is not observable in the current module."

Then: "If the package specified by exports is observable in the
current module, then at least one compilation unit containing a
declaration of the package must be observable in the current module,
or a compile-time error occurs."

"observable in the current module" needs to be reworded, but I hope
you can see the intent.

Yes and no. I'm still not sure how to implement this but it helps
to raise new questions: what's the layering of concepts "observable"
and "associated to a module"?

 From 7.3 I understand:
- observability is determined by the host system (so JLS doesn't have
the rules)
- if a compilation unit is observable it can be associated to a module

Now you mention a paragraph where "observable" can only be answered
relative to a module, so we first need to know the association to modules
before we can answer observability. This sounds cyclic to me.
Or is "observable" a different concept than "observable in the current

As you say, observability is the lowest level predicate, then 
associated-with is the next level up, then visible-to, then 
accessible-to. The lang-vm.html paragraph is not meant to introduce any 
new concepts -- it was written before the JLS text, so it uses the 
traditional notion of observability and has not yet been reworded to use 
the associated-with relation (we need to have cu's+packages associated 
with a module for the rule to enforce "in the _current_ module").


Re: Compiling Java 9 (take 2)

2017-01-10 Thread Alex Buckley

On 1/10/2017 12:20 PM, Stephan Herrmann wrote:

On 01/07/2017 01:37 AM, Alex Buckley wrote:

On 1/4/2017 12:44 PM, Stephan Herrmann wrote:

Given that types are identified by qualified names that
do not contain the module name, this distinction doesn't seem to be
possible per JLS.

Per 7.3, javac is associating a first other.Other type with module
Base, and a second other.Other type with module Test. The first
and second types have no relationship to each other, so there are no
conversions between them, so Base's test(other.Other) method is
not applicable to the invocation b.test(other).

It's true that 7.3 also says that all the compilation units of Base
are visible to Other, since Other reads Base. javac is
effectively hiding Base's other.Other type from code in Other, since
Other already has an other.Other type. It's possible we need to
specify this explicitly.

Is some similar magic applied to packages, too?
I.e., can different modules contain *different* packages by the same name?
Or is that situation always considered a split package?

Different modules can contain different packages of the same name.

More practically, if several modules M0, M1 ... have some compilation units
which all declare package P, what's the effect if
   M0 exports P

It depends on whether anyone reads M0. If no-one reads M0 then M0's 
packages (whether exported or concealed) are irrelevant to the 
compilation of other modules.

Assume a type M1/P.T1, under which conditions (if at all) is this type
covered by the given export?
- if M0 requires M1 (which results in all compilation units of M1 being
visible in M0)?
- if M0 requires M1 and M1 exports P?

Which section(s) in JLS defines these issues?

This is a question about whether M0's visibility of packages and 
compilation units should include M1's P package/compilation units or 
not. Currently 7.4.3 says "yes", because that gives the JLS the 
vocabulary to reason about (i.e. mandate errors for) illegitimate module 
graphs, where M0 has visibility to its own P plus the P of M1 which M0 
reads (and this is an illegal module graph for the boot layer regardless 
of whether M1 exports P). This reasoning we want is still being clarified.

Asked differently: is "exports P" to be taken literally as exporting
a tangible entity of kind package, or is "exports P" a shorthand for
making all types accessible which are declared in compilation units that
  - declare P
  - are observable / visible / accessible at the location of the export

I understand the question, and that its answer may affect the role of 
package symbols in your compiler. As I said, still being clarified.

Can a module export a package even if no compilation units of that package
are associated with the current module? The export might only affect types
exported from some other required module. Is that allowed?

There is no re-exporting of another module's packages. Per lang-vm.html, 
"It is a compile-time error if the package specified by exports is not 
observable in the current module."

Then: "If the package specified by exports is observable in the current 
module, then at least one compilation unit containing a declaration of 
the package must be observable in the current module, or a compile-time 
error occurs."

"observable in the current module" needs to be reworded, but I hope you 
can see the intent.

If MX exports P only to MY, can MY export the same package to other

No, because MY's exports can only utter the name of a package declared 
in MY. If MY declared its own package called P, then MY cannot read MX 
by the rules of the JPMS (as appealed to by 7.4.3).


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