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The "JMeterAutomatedRemoteTesting" page has been changed by JMeterAdmin.
The comment on this change is: Clarify properties/variables.


   * have touched on remote testing (from GUI is fine)
  = Set up =
-  * In your existing test plan, make sure that any variations in testing make 
use of variables. For example, if running a HTTP sampler, use HTTP Request 
Defaults to specify a host as `${__P(targetHost)}`. Other useful places for 
variables might include number of threads, ramp-up period or scheduler duration 
in a thread group, using a format of `${__P(threadgroup.threads,500)}`  (The 
`__P` function is shorthand for `__parameter`. See the userguide for more info 
on using this parameter).
+  * In your existing test plan, make sure that any variations in testing make 
use of functions or variables. For example, if running a HTTP sampler, use HTTP 
Request Defaults to specify a host as `${__P(targetHost,localhost)}`. Other 
useful places for parameterisation might include number of threads, ramp-up 
period or scheduler duration in a thread group, using a format of 
`${__P(threadgroup.threads,500)}`  (The `__P` function is shorthand for 
`__property`. See the 
[ user manual] 
for more info on using this function).
   * Save your test plan and properties file to a directory.
   * Create a properties file containing all your variables. E.g. could contain threadgroup.threads=100,
   * The test plan does not need Listeners, as this will be configured via 
parameters. This will improve performance on the testing.
   * Run the test mode in stand-alone mode (i.e. no remote servers):   `jmeter 
-n -t load_test.jmx -l load_test_report.jtl -q -j mytest.log`
-  * 1 small piece of functionality missing is the ability to set global 
variables from a property file. the "-q" parameter defines an additional 
property file, which is the equivalent of setting properties for the contents 
of the file using the -J parameter. These parameters are not global however, as 
would be set by the -G parameter. The -G parameter can reference either a 
property in the format of `-Gprop=val` or a properties file, such as 
+  * The "-q" parameter defines an additional property file, which is the 
equivalent of setting properties for the contents of the file using the -J 
parameter. These parameters are not sent to remote servers; for that one can 
use the -G parameter. The -G parameter can reference either a property in the 
format of `-Gprop=val` or a properties file, such as `-G./`
+  * Properties can be referenced anywhere in the test plan using the `__P()` 
function - e.g. `${__P(propname)}`
+  * There is no way currently to predefine variables, however the User Defined 
Variables table on the Test Plan can be used to create variables from 
properties. For example:
+ || Name: || Value: ||
+ || HOST  || `${__P(host,localhost)}` ||
   * On all client machines, start up JMeter server, ensuring that firewall is 
not blocking connections (clients must all be on the same subnet).
   * On JMeter controller (the host initializing the test), run the test with 
the -R parameter (can be run using -r and specfiying hosts in jmeter properties 

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