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The "MysqlCollectorPlugin" page has been changed by brettcave.


New page:
JMeter currently supports file-based listeners. This is a patch that configures 
a Listener to log to MySQL.

The patch is thoroughly untested, most likely highly-buggy and not very 
efficient with resources, so take some time to go over and make changes where 
you see fit before using it (I am not a developer, just able to throw together 
a bit of code). Hope it helps though.

It was primarily designed to save HTTPSample responses to a database for 
reporting purposes.

Some areas that require attention: 
 * Database connection - expensive to create and break down connection after 
each sample is received. This should be configured as a persistent connection
 * Schema - unoptimized (no keys) and a very lazy way of loading. A lot of 
"text" or unvalidated varchar lengths.
 * Checking of data - if sampler returns null data, it may causing NPE's. No 
escaping of contents. the responseData has been commented, as theres a lot of 
work to be done with HTML responses.
 * GUI / Driver initialization - Can add a driver drop down list to use more 
than just mysql connector J, but JDBC is all there is for now.
 * Resources - no resources for mysql_collector means unfriendly names in 
context menu's (in gui)
 * Packaging - currently has to be patched into (2.3.4 RC3) JMeter. I built it 
off this tag from SVN. Would be nice if it could be packaged in a tarball 
consisting of 1 or 2 jars that can be extracted to JMeter/lib directory so no 
re-compiling is needed. I've seen this with other plugings, but not sure how to 
go about it.

Usage / Notes:
 1. Check out JMeter
 2. Apply patch
 3. Add mysql-connector-jdbc to project/lib directory
 4. Update classpath (if running from Eclipse) to include this library.
 5. Run GUI. The listener should be there and configurable.
 6. Make improvements and send patches / edit here ;)

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