[JOKES] Anthrax

2001-11-22 Прати разговор Stanislava Atanasova


This past weekend, I was doing some baking. It was getting late---I was
tired so I decided to leave the cleanup mess until morning. The next
morning, I was getting my coffee, and I noticed thousands of little tiny
footprints in the flour on the countertop. Needless to say, I wasted no
time calling the FBI. They confirmed that I did in fact have AntTracks. 
Damn terrorists! 

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[JOKES] cinema

2001-11-22 Прати разговор Boyan Konstantinov

Äâàìà ãåéìúðè îòèâàò íà êèíî. Ôèëìúò å "Ïðèøúëåöúò". Â 
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