[JOKES] Outlook Express

2003-03-05 Прати разговор Boyan Konstantinov


[JOKES] RE: Bulgarians: Our Newest Buddies

2003-03-05 Прати разговор Vladimir Alexiev
A na niakakyv sajt "world wines" se kazvashe che Bulgaria exportira
po-goliamata chast ot vinata si, zashtoto po-goliamata chast ot
naselenieto e miusulmansko i ne mozhe da gi konsumira.

Ha nazdrave bakalam!

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[JOKES] Bateto - biseri

2003-03-05 Прати разговор Stefan Dimov


[JOKES] Ikonomika li be, chudo li be!

2003-03-05 Прати разговор Boris Vidolov

Samo ne znaia zashto OON, a ne ES reshi, che sme 
gotovi da izpylnim finansovite uslovia za chlenstvo v 

[JOKES] Fw: Bulgarians: Our Newest Buddies

2003-03-05 Прати разговор ~
- Original Message -
From: "Valentin Vachkov"

> http://www.msnbc.com/news/880093.asp?cp1=1#BODY

вижте какъв образ ще има България пред света - вино, кисело мляко и "feta

особено ме изкефи "I have, indeed, never met a Bulgarian I didn't like" - е
то и аз никога не съм виждал папуас който да не ме кефи

и тъй като (макар с правописна грешка) се споменава Will Rogers  - ето и още
някои цитати от него:

* "I don't care how little your country is, you got a right to run it like
you want to. When the big nations quit meddling then the world will have

* "People talk peace. But men give their life's work to war. It won't stop
'til there is as much brains and scientific study put to aid peace as there
is to promote war."

* "Nowadays it is about as big a crime to be dumb as it is to be dishonest."
(нашите нови съюзници са яко тъпи, но за сметка на това нечестни)

* "We will never have true civilization until we have learned to recognize
the rights of others."

* send mails to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
* PLEASE do not post offensive jokes
* message size limit is 150 KB
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